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Specialty Builds, you got any?


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This thread is geared more towards more experienced players who have a full hangar (that's 5 slots) and can afford to keep a specialty build in their rotation. A ship that isn't your typical cookie-cutter and you'd pull out for just a specific situation. Aside from the obvious builds like - I only use Bloodmark at first of domination for tensor field or "I pull out the flashfire to hunt down that pesky GS with a dozen kills already" I'm talking something even more unusual and specialized. Something not in the guides perhaps you use a bomber with interdiction drive for certain situations, or you have a novadive on your bar in case a certain situation arises.


For example, for the past month or so I found myself missing using the Pike, I love it's playstyle and it's look but was bored with it nonetheless so I converted it to an "anti-bomber" by equipping EMP missiles & charged plating, allowing me to approach & harass sat-humping bombers. It's surprisingly effective at clearing out multiple bombers on a satellite. But it's now an inferior dog-fighter so it just sits on my bar waiting for bomber spam.


I'm also working on an "anti-bomber" Clarion with EMP missiles and remote slicing, first you'd launch the missile to disable the mines/drones then swoop in and target bomber with remote slicing to disable it then you'd switch to quads to finish it off. Again, not the best build for dog-fighting or support but one that could be effective at clearing satellites.


what's your specialty build(s)?


-J'exx (republic privateer) 55'slinger THE Ebon Hawk

-Stalker (imperial Intellegence) 44 ops THE Ebon Hawk

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Remote Slicing is useful for disabling engine (3) or shield (2) functions, but on a Clarion you are much better off shooting a thermite at the bomber. During the thermite debuff, which is LONG, the bomber has 0% damage reduction, which effectively disables charged plating and the base damage reduction- and unlike remote slicing, this is effective on a bomber with it active already.


It also increases shield bleedthrough by 20% for the duration.



Remote Slicing is much more useful for disabling engine component to land a proton or thermite.



An EMP will pretty much hit a bomber guaranteed- that an ion are pretty easy to land versus bombers- and if that's the direction you are going, I'd suggest repair probes.

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I have an all slows bomber (Concussion Missile, Interdiction Drone, Interdiction Drive, Servo Jammer), purely for trolling or running in tandem with a Mangler/Quarrel. Double torpedo gunship. Double missile gunship. RFL/BO/Sabotage Probe Flashfire for laughs. Tried Remote Slicing a while and just don't like it compared to Repair Probes, but it was fun! Edited by TrinityLyre
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Sports-'You'll never catch me'-bolt


Primary : LLC (Highest DPS... Gotta make up for the lack of burst somewhat)

Secondary : Pods (Without an offensive system they are the only viable option for a short range build)

System : Booster Recharge

Shield : StE Converter with +Shield

Engine : Snap Turn or Power Die depending on my mood (Power Die is strictly better on that build but the engine is so ugly on a Blackbolt)

Armor : Reinforced (Lightweight isn't worth it without Disto F)

Capacitor : Frequency (Awesome combo with LLC)

Thruster : Speed (For the trolling power)

Sensor : Dampening (Who cares????)



Blizz (He is awesome), Lt. Pierce (Max Pods and Pinpointing), Writch (No Evasion Stacking) and Quinn (Dampening and Wingman)

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Pacman build Blackbolt/Novadive


Laser Cannon

Rocket Pods

Booster Recharge

Distortion Field

Barrel Roll

Lightweight Armor

Range Capacitor

Speed Thrusters

Dampening Sensors


6% accuracy/25% ammo 5% evasion/10% shield max Dampening/whatever 13% engine effiency/13% weapon effiency copilot ability Wingman


The only time I play this build is in Teamdeathmatch, it's whole purpose is to hunt down power ups (mostly damage overcharge) and use them to the most power.

So the build has the highest accuracy you can put on a scout, minus targeting telemetry because you need booster recharge to have the engine power to get to and from each power up. This is the fastest ship in the game without counting buffs that anyone can get. This means you are always the first one to the Damage Overcharge and have the speed to get back into the fight and use it.


It also sacrifices 0 defensive power to obtain all this. So once you have the Damage Overcharge you can use it and stay in the fight for the duration. Afterwards you just go back to power up hunting. Especially useful if you call out where certain power ups are for your team while doing all this. For example giving your gunship coordinates for the nearest engine buff, or if another teammate needs a yellow to refill ammo.


I used to consider this build overpowered, but with the changes to Damage Overcharge last patch it definitely has a lot less punch. However still a very fun and different style.

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So the build has the highest accuracy you can put on a scout, minus targeting telemetry because you need booster recharge to have the engine power to get to and from each power up. This is the fastest ship in the game without counting buffs that anyone can get. This means you are always the first one to the Damage Overcharge and have the speed to get back into the fight and use it.

Why do not you just take S2E Converter AND Targeting Telemetry? ;)

Edited by Magira
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I'm also working on an "anti-bomber" Clarion with EMP missiles and remote slicing, first you'd launch the missile to disable the mines/drones then swoop in and target bomber with remote slicing to disable it then you'd switch to quads to finish it off. Again, not the best build for dog-fighting or support but one that could be effective at clearing satellites.


Yes, it works well. EMP on Engine and Remote slicing on shield. In addition, Rapid laser (Quads are suboptimal below the satellite), Charged Plating and Deflection Armor.

Counter minelayer very effectiv. Whether it is worth a place in the hangar, who knows. But what the heck. Due to the lousy matchmaking 80% of the games are already decided before they started. That leaves plenty of room for pure fun builds.

Edited by Magira
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Pacman build Blackbolt/Novadive


Laser Cannon

Rocket Pods

Booster Recharge

Distortion Field

Barrel Roll

Lightweight Armor

Range Capacitor

Speed Thrusters

Dampening Sensors


So the build has the highest accuracy you can put on a scout, minus targeting telemetry because you need booster recharge to have the engine power to get to and from each power up. This is the fastest ship in the game without counting buffs that anyone can get. This means you are always the first one to the Damage Overcharge and have the speed to get back into the fight and use it.


I disagree.... A StE Converter with PDie will outlast you in the long run. Probably not in a DO course that last less than 7km...Butgoing atfer a DO ar 20 or 25km of youthan coming into the fight orin a course to B from spawn in Denon.. Sure I take you anytime on my Sports-'You'll never catch me'-bolt. I could even 'sacrifice' Booster Recharge for something else ;)

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Why do not you just take S2E Converter AND Targeting Telemetry? ;)


Because I don't need Targeting Telemetry for Damage because the whole idea of the build is to be as tanky/fast as possible, and sacrificing distortion field/booster recharge for s2e converter/target telemetry is sacrifcing tankiness/engine recharge for engine recharge/damage. Sure target telemetry adds a little evasion but not even close to as much as distortion field, and sure s2e converter is more engine recharge then booster recharge, so this build wont ever be able to keep up with you in the long run, but keep in my mind I only want to fight with DO up the rest of time is downtime.

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I disagree.... A StE Converter with PDie will outlast you in the long run. Probably not in a DO course that last less than 7km...Butgoing atfer a DO ar 20 or 25km of youthan coming into the fight orin a course to B from spawn in Denon.. Sure I take you anytime on my Sports-'You'll never catch me'-bolt. I could even 'sacrifice' Booster Recharge for something else ;)


You're missing that on TDM, the booster recharge is more than adequate to scoop multiple powerups- some of which are normally engines.


S2E is a traditional part of that game, I agree, but in the world of mere double damage DOs you simply don't explode things as fast, and you are absolutely having to scout into gunship territory to get kills with this build. Distortion can let you live, S2E will not.



S2E has a purpose, for sure, but it isn't this build.

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I disagree.... A StE Converter with PDie will outlast you in the long run. Probably not in a DO course that last less than 7km...Butgoing atfer a DO ar 20 or 25km of youthan coming into the fight orin a course to B from spawn in Denon.. Sure I take you anytime on my Sports-'You'll never catch me'-bolt. I could even 'sacrifice' Booster Recharge for something else ;)


Alright I answered most of this in an above post, but I'm not looking to boost forever, the reason I take booster recharge instead of s2e converter is Distortion makes you tankier, and I can sacrifice my damage slot being targeting telemetry instead of my tanky shield slot for that engine power. I also don't need to keep up with you because this is a death match build if you run I just switch targets and kill someone else. You quoted denon for some reason but I put in my earlier post this is a DeathMatch ONLY build, this build doesn't the damage or proper weapons to peel anyone off of satelites.

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Because I don't need Targeting Telemetry for Damage because the whole idea of the build is to be as tanky/fast as possible, and sacrificing distortion field/booster recharge for s2e converter/target telemetry is sacrifcing tankiness/engine recharge for engine recharge/damage. Sure target telemetry adds a little evasion but not even close to as much as distortion field, and sure s2e converter is more engine recharge then booster recharge, so this build wont ever be able to keep up with you in the long run, but keep in my mind I only want to fight with DO up the rest of time is downtime.

You'll know what you're doing. I for one do not need on the fastest and most agile ship Evasion. For that I usually take EMP field that seems to me more useful than targeting Telemetry. Booster Recharge is a waste of the system with Blackbolt. This is rather allow for suboptimal ships such as Sting, as that would have no other option.:D

Edited by Magira
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You'll know what you're doing. I for one do not need on the fastest and most agile ship Evasion. For that I usually take EMP field that seems to me more useful than targeting Telemetry. Booster Recharge is a waste of the system with Blackbolt. This is rather allow for suboptimal ships such as Sting, as that would have no other option.:D


I'm having a bit of trouble understanding this post, but I think you're saying you don't need that much evasion and would rather have a very different build on your blackbolt then you're sting.


I really think everyone needs to realize that this build is not an all around kind of build. It's designed for a very specific purpose, and that is to obtain Damage Overcharge and use it as effectively as possible. I think the components everyone is suggesting would just water down the intent of the build. I realise that the build is only 2 components different from what a sting could do, and that 1 of them is probably inferior but I also don't like the playstyles of the other builds others have mentioned for it. By bringing this build it lets me get that little accuracy boost by using Laser Cannon instead of Quad Lasers (that would be on a Sting) and more importantly frees up my Sting to use Burst Laser/Cluster Missile/Targeting Telemetry which is my favorite build on the Sting.


I actually don't really even use this Blackbolt build that much anymore because of the Damage Overcharge change, I just wanted to put it out there since the OP asked for Specialty Builds.

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Alright I answered most of this in an above post, but I'm not looking to boost forever, the reason I take booster recharge instead of s2e converter is Distortion makes you tankier, and I can sacrifice my damage slot being targeting telemetry instead of my tanky shield slot for that engine power. I also don't need to keep up with you because this is a death match build if you run I just switch targets and kill someone else. You quoted denon for some reason but I put in my earlier post this is a DeathMatch ONLY build, this build doesn't the damage or proper weapons to peel anyone off of satelites.


Disto.. tanky?? Stacking evasion is far from making you 'tanky' With Reinforced and StE Converter +25% shield You are tanky.. with Disto F + Lightweight you miss 45% shield AND 15% hull for what 18% more evasion and a 35% active?? SO about 50%... It's far from worth it imo.

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While the S2E/TT build (which I've mained in TDM since 2.6) certainly does catch its fair share of DO's, I can see why Drakolich probably wouldn't need it.


For one, he is often flying with allies who will support him. If he gets targeted, he'll call it out and Verain or Gunsheep or Stasie will try to help him. And as for hunting DO's--since most of them spawn in the center of the map, Drakolich doesn't to do a ton of marathon boosting (and as Verain said, he'll likely be picking up Engine power ups too).


I find that I really only need the near-unlimited burst that S2E offers if I am 1) flying alone or my teammates aren't on voice AND 2) I'm getting dedicatedly hunted by 2-4+ aces on the other team. This happens to me a fair bit, especially if I queue during prime time and don't bother to get on TS.


In that case, sometimes my only chance of survival is to outrun my pursuers until I clear their sensors (which is where the Blackbolt's Dampening Sensors help). The added benefit is that I'm essentially draining those pursuers of engine energy, leaving them vulnerable for my allies.


Whether they chase me until empty (dumb) or quickly realize they'll never catch me and give up (smart), once I am no longer their target, I'll turn around, glance at the map for any potential DO's, look for isolated or damaged targets, and then speed back in to score some kills using TT (ideally with DO). Then I flee again, since usually I've got 3-4 guys on me once more. True hit and fade. It's fun :)


But when I have good team support (like Drakolich often does), the "fade" part isn't so necessary. In that case I'm able to stick around the center furball for longer time. In that case I'm happy to have the huge shield capacity S2E provides, but I do miss the Evasion that DF would give me, especially vs. Gunships.

Edited by Nemarus
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I'm having a bit of trouble understanding this post, but I think you're saying you don't need that much evasion and would rather have a very different build on your blackbolt then you're sting.

Sorry, bad english and Google translate.:)


Anyway, your build is NOT Blackbolt build, because you not use any of its features. (neither EMP nor S2E). Your build may be better implemented on a Sting. Quads are still a little stronger than "normal" laser.

Edited by Magira
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Disto.. tanky?? Stacking evasion is far from making you 'tanky' With Reinforced and StE Converter +25% shield You are tanky.. with Disto F + Lightweight you miss 45% shield AND 15% hull for what 18% more evasion and a 35% active?? SO about 50%... It's far from worth it imo.


I suspect he is mainly referring to the extra missile break from DF, which he would need since he's using Barrel Roll (which he'd want to have on-hand to make sure he wins any races to DO's).


Personally I use Power Dive with my S2E, which generally gives me enough missile break. And I've become very good at using PD for a travel skill as well. It's still not as good at travel as Barrel Roll, but it's great for a sudden boost to grab a DO or manage distance to target (either closing or fleeing).


That being said, Power Dive is a much bigger liability on Lost Shipyards (where it's hard to keep track of asteroid locations) than on Kuat (where you're fairly safe if you just fly upside down).

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Disto.. tanky?? Stacking evasion is far from making you 'tanky' With Reinforced and StE Converter +25% shield You are tanky.. with Disto F + Lightweight you miss 45% shield AND 15% hull for what 18% more evasion and a 35% active?? SO about 50%... It's far from worth it imo.


A Scout with Distortion Field + Lightweight has 1170 shields per arc and 950 health. (1)

A Scout with S2E Converter and Reinforced Amor has 1755 shields per arc and 1140 health. (2)

A gunship does 1600 Damage per shot so Scout 1 has an effective health of 2130 on one side so it takes 2 shots to kill granted second shot is at low charge.

Scout 2 has 2895 on one side and takes 2 shots to kill, now both could turn around to take the brunt of the shots on the rear, even so they would take the same amount of gunship shots to die from.

Distortion and lightweight give a combined 18% evasion + 35% more during distortions active, making it very likely 1 of the 2 gunship shots will miss, thus yes making you more tanky vs gunships.


You are also more tanky vs anything using missiles because you now have practically unlimited missile breaks if used properly. The only missile hits you should take are clusters and the occasional interdiction missile, but if you stagger these hits you should be just fine.


On to lasers assuming Light lasers at 500m, the highest dps laser in the game 1259 damage per second, disregarding the last talent. That means it would take 2.3 seconds to kill Scout 2. Disregarding the extra evasion it would take 1.7 seconds to kill Scout 1. If you supposed that 18% of that damage was evaded, this isn't counting the fact that evasion stacks very well or even the distortions passive, it would take 2 seconds to kill Scout 1.

Now this is all very fast math, and I would love for Verain to proof check this for me cause this isn't usually my kind of post, but you can see that so far all you have gained in "tankiness" is a 13% increase in time vs lasers you shooting you.


We could talk about how the extra health could be useful vs mines, how ever in a TeamDeathmatch scenario mine damage doesn't actually come up a lot. And even then you still die to 2 siesmic mines.

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I think some people missed the point of this thread which is "specialty builds". A ship designed to specifically grab DO as Drak's "pacman" scout fits the bill perfectly. Again, this is not a thread about optimal builds, look for those in guide threads, this is more fun, circumstantial builds. A ship designed to grab the overcharge balls to increase your own power while denying the enemy any chance of buffing is both very specialized and effective thanks for sharing the build Drak.


-J'exx (republic privateer) 55'slinger THE Ebon Hawk

-Stalker (imperial Intellegence) 4 ops THE Ebon Hawk

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Here's another one pure Gunship Support Legion/Warcarrier


Light Laser Cannon (accuracy/hull damage)

Seeker Mine (Speed/Extra mine)

Interdiction Drone (Extra slow/Extra drone)

Repair Drone (Additional Shield recharge)

Interdiction Drive (Additional slow)

Communication Sensor

Large Reactor

Reinforced Armor

Regeneration Extender

Crew: Offensive: 6% accuracy/2 degrees more arc Defensive: 5% evasion/10% shield max Tactical: 5000 communication/3000m range Engineering 13% engine efficiency/10% engine pool Copilot ability: Wingman


Alright so the whole idea for this build is to literally sit right on top of your gunship partner, so much so you strafe in front of him to absorb enemy gunship shots for him if possible. Place all mines and drones in front or on top of the gunship as much as possible and place the repair drone behind him. (so it doesn't die)


You will be constantly healing and absorbing shots for him making him less likely to have to move. If your gunship partner also has wingman just alternate with him giving him more uptime on it. If anything does get within 5k range that's when you start going into guard mode and shooting and slowing them so your gunship can kite and kill it to return to that spot. With 2 drones and 3 mines anything that comes into said range will have a hard time attacking anyways.


So grab a partner head to a spot and make a nightmare for anyone to try to kill ^^.

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Here's another one pure Gunship Support Legion/Warcarrier


Light Laser Cannon (accuracy/hull damage)

Seeker Mine (Speed/Extra mine)

Interdiction Drone (Extra slow/Extra drone)

Repair Drone (Additional Shield recharge)

Interdiction Drive (Additional slow)

Communication Sensor

Large Reactor

Reinforced Armor

Regeneration Extender

Crew: Offensive: 6% accuracy/2 degrees more arc Defensive: 5% evasion/10% shield max Tactical: 5000 communication/3000m range Engineering 13% engine efficiency/10% engine pool Copilot ability: Wingman


Alright so the whole idea for this build is to literally sit right on top of your gunship partner, so much so you strafe in front of him to absorb enemy gunship shots for him if possible. Place all mines and drones in front or on top of the gunship as much as possible and place the repair drone behind him. (so it doesn't die)


You will be constantly healing and absorbing shots for him making him less likely to have to move. If your gunship partner also has wingman just alternate with him giving him more uptime on it. If anything does get within 5k range that's when you start going into guard mode and shooting and slowing them so your gunship can kite and kill it to return to that spot. With 2 drones and 3 mines anything that comes into said range will have a hard time attacking anyways.


So grab a partner head to a spot and make a nightmare for anyone to try to kill ^^.


Partner additionally gets Fortress shields and rotational thrusters for extra lawls.

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Partner additionally gets Fortress shields and rotational thrusters for extra lawls.


Since you braught this up we came up with a sister Mangler/Quarrel build for just this.


Burst Laser Cannon (armor pen/hull damage)

Slug Railgun (Accuracy/Crit chance)

Ion Railgun (Aoe/Slowing)

Fortress Shield (Weapon Recharge)

Weapon Power Converter (15% extra blaster pool)

Reinforced Armor

Large Reactor

Regeneration Extender

Range Sensors


This ships job would be to sit where the Support Legion/Warcarrier is and shoot things, forever, cause it will take so long to run out of weapon power that everything should be dead by then.

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