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Do you still believe we will see 2 expansions this year?


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You apparently keep forgetting about this as well...




In other words, what you is not entirely true, since they've had to reassign both their priorities and their personnel at least once.


So who's the Chicken Little here then?


I would say that would be the one freaking out for no reason. And I'll repeat myself since it apparently didn't stick the first time:


Until and unless BW states that the end-year expansion is delayed, then it's not delayed. Presuming otherwise by ignoring plain reality and basing your opinion on gut instinct and unfounded fear is nothing less that laughable.


They're not going to let the year end without that expansion launching. There are many reasons for that, but I doubt you'd be interested in hearing them.

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Lest people forget....again....and again....They've said many times that they have multiple teams in TOR working on different things at the same time.


Yes, I mentioned that a page or two ago... No game this complex (or any software project this complex) can have only one team doing one thing at a time, it would take forever to do anything.


You have to break it up into smaller parts and let them develop along separate tracks.


So yes, we may well see it this year, it depends on if anything in GSH was holding up 3.0 or if they are disconnected enough to not affect each other.

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Oh, well... since YOU'RE telling me to let it go, then by all means, I better get RIGHT ON THAT. :)


You know what? I never played SWG beyond the free trial they offered, I didn't have the time back then and it didn't draw me in the way SWTOR has with stories.


And the point you linked? Totally fair and reasonable, I posted my opinion and that if you want to visit other people's strongholds, then more power to you, but that I wasn't interested.


Or are you telling me that I'm not allowed to "not be interested"?


What I said is that it is fairly nonsensical to claim that every household will look the same, when there'll be literally hundreds of different decorations(!!!) for players to play around with it.


That and the fact that either your math is terrible or that you were being deliberately misleading doesn't exactly earn you any points. I bet on the latter.

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I would say that would be the one freaking out for no reason. And I'll repeat myself since it apparently didn't stick the first time:


I would also say that you didn't exactly address what I mentioned earlier, namely that is is known by now that Bioware was forced to juggle around both their priorities and personnel.


In other words, the belief that they have multiple teams working in different stuff simultaneously doesn't exactly hold true.


Until and unless BW states that the end-year expansion is delayed, then it's not delayed. Presuming otherwise by ignoring plain reality and basing your opinion on gut instinct and unfounded fear is nothing less that laughable.


The plain reality is the one you chose to ignore, namely by...


- Ignoring the need they've shown in the past to reshuffle their priorities and manpower

- The fact that Strongholds was delayed for an additional two months

- The fact that new content for GSF was INDEFINITELY delayed


^^ All the above is factual. All has happened this year.


In other words, we have more than enough info and data to assume that a delay is a strong possibility, given that their original Road Map is NOWHERE reliable anymore. Hasn't been in ages now.


They're not going to let the year end without that expansion launching. There are many reasons for that, but I doubt you'd be interested in hearing them.


I'm not the one ignoring reality and facts.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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What I said is that it is fairly nonsensical to claim that every household will look the same, when there'll be literally hundreds of different decorations(!!!) for players to play around with it.


That and the fact that either your math is terrible or that you were being deliberately misleading doesn't exactly earn you any points. I bet on the latter.


And you continue to ignore the obvious point right in front of you...


You can go into 100 different homes, and while they'll all be "different", they really aren't. Most people's homes have a family room, a living room, a dining room, bedrooms, bathrooms, and more or less, they are all laid about about the same.


Oh sure, the painting or pictures on the walls are different, the couch will be a different color or slightly different shape.


But for the most part, they all look the same. These are "hooks", the bed goes "there", the couch goes "there", and there really isn't any room or even any desire to do it any other way.


Want to impress me? Put a pool in your living room. THAT would be different. How about putting a bed in the family room and 10 TVs in the bedroom with a double decker couch? Yea, no one does that in the real world because it would be too expensive, too hard to live in, and beyond the "cool in a weird sort of way", it serves no purpose.


But people would do that in a game, because... they can...

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And you continue to ignore the obvious point right in front of you...


I reserve the right to praise or criticize Strongholds accordingly, once it is released.


It hasn't been released.


You can go into 100 different homes, and while they'll all be "different", they really aren't. Most people's homes have a family room, a living room, a dining room, bedrooms, bathrooms, and more or less, they are all laid about about the same.


Oh sure, the painting or pictures on the walls are different, the couch will be a different color or slightly different shape.


But for the most part, they all look the same. These are "hooks", the bed goes "there", the couch goes "there", and there really isn't any room or even any desire to do it any other way.


In other words, your problem is... Fiction imitating real life? Seriously?


Want to impress me? Put a pool in your living room. THAT would be different. How about putting a bed in the family room and 10 TVs in the bedroom with a double decker couch? Yea, no one does that in the real world because it would be too expensive, too hard to live in, and beyond the "cool in a weird sort of way", it serves no purpose.


But people would do that in a game, because... they can...


Not sure what makes you think they can't in the game. Not a pool but some other stuff, like... A torture chamber. :D

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Will we see two expansions in the same year? Maybe we will maybe we wont.


The better question is do I really care if 3.0 is released in December of 2014 or Jan/Feb of 2015? The answer is so long as they release it then no I really couldn't care less if it's released in 4 months or 6.

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I would say that would be the one freaking out for no reason. And I'll repeat myself since it apparently didn't stick the first time:


Until and unless BW states that the end-year expansion is delayed, then it's not delayed. Presuming otherwise by ignoring plain reality and basing your opinion on gut instinct and unfounded fear is nothing less that laughable.


They're not going to let the year end without that expansion launching. There are many reasons for that, but I doubt you'd be interested in hearing them.


There is no point in arguing about this point anymore. Obviously people will only be happy if on a weekly basis they say that the SECOND expansion is on track for release before the end of the year.


This has been argued over and over again on several threads by the exact same people and the point never gets through. At this point I have given up since my posts are all starting to look like the same thing over and over again.


You know because it is completely normal for a company to put out a press release for the sole purpose of saying something is on track with no other details.

Edited by ninjonxb
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In other words, your problem is... Fiction imitating real life? Seriously?


If I want to play real life, I'll go play real life. :)


Besides, I can go over to people's houses right now in real life and look at their stuff. And frankly, it looks just like my stuff. Because, you know, real life and boring and all that.


I have a TV in my living room, in the same place that most people have one. And the couch is in front of it, just like everyone else. And there is a bed and a dresser and a chest of drawers and two night stands in the bedroom, just like everyone else.


I don't want to go visit anyone else and see that crap, because it is all the same.


Now, if you tell me that you put a hot tub in your bedroom, I'll come see that. :) But few people do that.

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I doubt the expansion will be free like GSF or GSH were. You'll most likely have to pay for it and as such, that kind of scenario is rather unlikely.


You forget that Early Access to Makeb was also given to subs who pre-ordered it by a certain date. So I'd be more likely to believe the person whom you quoted at this point. :p

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I love the banter between Darth_Wicked and Infernixx. You both look at the exact same data, and come to completely opposite conclusions.


Personally, it's Darth_Wicked's conclusion that I tend to agree with, although I honestly hope that Infernixx is correct.


In this post, I was attempting to gauge how far the community is leaning one direction over another.


It's probably not a loud enough sample to get BW to comment directly, but hopefully someone on the community team will whisper in the ear of the Producer and we will get an updated roadmap to put the debate to rest once and for all.

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I have a few concerns about 2.9 but I am generally happy with what's coming there. At the same time, the elder game players have been waiting for a loooooong time for new content. I am not sure if 3.0 will still hit this year but I think it would be better for the game if it did so I am still hoping it will come out this year still.
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You forget that Early Access to Makeb was also given to subs who pre-ordered it by a certain date. So I'd be more likely to believe the person whom you quoted at this point. :p


I haven't forgotten.


If you had read my post with attention, you'd have noticed that I'm comparing the "Early Access" thing to what they're doing nowadays, namely with GSF and GSH.




Subs get Early Access.


Close is fine. This is a gaming forum. Calm down lol.


I'm calm. Just being accurate, instead of being misleading.

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I love the banter between Darth_Wicked and Infernixx. You both look at the exact same data, and come to completely opposite conclusions.


Personally, it's Darth_Wicked's conclusion that I tend to agree with, although I honestly hope that Infernixx is correct.


In this post, I was attempting to gauge how far the community is leaning one direction over another.


It's probably not a loud enough sample to get BW to comment directly, but hopefully someone on the community team will whisper in the ear of the Producer and we will get an updated roadmap to put the debate to rest once and for all.


Better viewing...

Eric, does this mean the RotHC style expansion is pushed back, or is this something that won't be covered until the next roadmap?


I will make sure we get it noted in the roadmap!




That was in late-April.

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It depends on how the development is setup, and how much each part touches each other.


If they have one team working on strongholds and one team working on 3.0, and they are more or less separate depts, then one may not effect the other much, if at all.


The development of housing that is instanced may have little to do with the development of lvl 60 content and a new set of gear progression.


So we may well see 3.0 this year, if so, some time in December is most likely. It may well move a month or so to January, putting it 2 years after RotHC, which is a bit long in my opinion, but they did have a lot of changes in the past two years (new development team, new F2P system, etc).


My hope is that we move to a once per year major level expansion, I don't want to wait 2 more years for lvl 65, I wouldn't wait that long. But if they now have a plan and can keep it to 5 levels per year, I'd be happy with that.


I think its entirely possible that SWTOR pulls a DCUO and keeps the level cap at 55 with the 3.0 expansion.

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I think its entirely possible that SWTOR pulls a DCUO and keeps the level cap at 55 with the 3.0 expansion.


I wager it's 10 levels. 5 is too small for an xpack that is a long time coming and which will likely need to last a long time before 4.0 is out. Leaving it at 55 would piss off more players than the work it saves.

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I wager it's 10 levels. 5 is too small for an xpack that is a long time coming and which will likely need to last a long time before 4.0 is out. Leaving it at 55 would piss off more players than the work it saves.


Someone, somewhere talked about the possibility of Bioware reusing...


Up to three planets that were worked upon, before the game's release supposedly.

Even without class stories, sounds beefy enough for an increase in ten(!) levels.

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I wager it's 10 levels. 5 is too small for an xpack that is a long time coming and which will likely need to last a long time before 4.0 is out. Leaving it at 55 would piss off more players than the work it saves.


That is an interesting idea, one that I hadn't thought of...


10 levels would be welcomed and it would allow for a more interesting experience than just 5 more.

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