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Beserk and Carnage


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Hey, so I'm a level 27 Marauder with a quick question:


How many of you working up the carnage tree feel that the fury build-up is relatively useless?

I never really use Beserk because making my rage spender coast 1 less rage and reduce cooldown by 0.5 seconds doesn't really make that big of a difference. I basically use it when I can activate it, max out my rage, then just spam my vicious slash 6 times. Its efficient against single target dps, but... I find it doesn't fit well into my rotation for either pve or pvp 90% of the time.


Predation is sick for PVP, which is basically the only time I find fury build-up really useful.. making everyone fun fast and getting to the objective quickly is a huge bonus. It's almost OP here. Doesn't last very long though mind you.


I dunno, the fury system just seems weak, and i wouldn't miss it much if it was taken out. Perhaps at level 44 or whatever once I get the +15% dmg buff I'll have my opinion changed. Just hope that it lasts longer than 6 seconds..


Let me know what you think, what you like to do, and when you like to use your fury.

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I feel the same way, mostly i forget about berserk until i misclick and i start glowing. The fury seems odd, it kinda builds slow, nice it seems to last long, but the things you can do with it dont seem worth the trouble. Yes extra dmg but for a short time, no like regen with it, no extra rage when abils are used, you just hit hard for a brief second and glow then poof done.
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Berserk doesn't begin to make sense for Carnage until the ability Enrage Slash is learned.


Fixed. I use it quite often while leveling. It's great against elite mobs in particular. But there's definitely certain points while leveling that can feel rage strapped.

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Fixed. I use it quite often while leveling. It's great against elite mobs in particular. But there's definitely certain points while leveling that can feel rage strapped.


This. If you aren't using Berserk, you are doing it wrong. The burst dps you can attain from Berserk can make your normal burst dps seem laughable. I can burn down a silver elite in the blink of an eye with it, a bit longer for gold elites and standard and weak mobs are just saber fodder.


Having Massacre does make using Berserk more attractive and effective but you are hamstringing your dps by not using it and you should be getting in the habit of prioritizing it in your dps rotation.

Edited by Temeluchus
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I hardly ever use Berserk at level 35. I usually use the other fury ability, forget what it's called... because it increases my defense and makes me harder to hit, which seems like a more useful effect than reducing the rage on an ability that I rarely ever use anyway.
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I hardly ever use Berserk at level 35. I usually use the other fury ability, forget what it's called... because it increases my defense and makes me harder to hit, which seems like a more useful effect than reducing the rage on an ability that I rarely ever use anyway.



Hell, I use that most of the time as Anni spec. I only ever use Berserk when I feel I'll need the extra healing.

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Hell, I use that most of the time as Anni spec. I only ever use Berserk when I feel I'll need the extra healing.


It makes your next 6 DoT ticks auto crit, I highly recommend using berserk over predation 100% of the time as Anni especially. You should definitely be using it as Carnage also; if you are having an issue with not being able to spend rage faster than you get it, you're doing it wrong.

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It makes your next 6 DoT ticks auto crit, I highly recommend using berserk over predation 100% of the time as Anni especially. You should definitely be using it as Carnage also; if you are having an issue with not being able to spend rage faster than you get it, you're doing it wrong.


Nobody's suggesting that it doesn't increase our dps. I'm sure it does. The question is, when you're just questing, who really cares?

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Berserk for Carnage is relatively weak until you get the Enraged Slash talent in Annihilation.


With that Massacre only costs one Rage during Berserk and it's VERY easy to get all of them off in quick succession.


Before Enraged Slash and Massacre Berserk is something that, even when used, doesn't make Vicious Slash spam a priority in the least.

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