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EXP Restrictions. READ PLEASE!


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Ok... im sure millions of players will agree with me when I say you guys need to do away with the F2P/Pref Player EXP Restrictions, I myself am a Sub, but I cant get NONE of my friends to play this game after level 20 because of that stupid EXP Restriction crap, being a sub and getting EXP is NOT a reward, nor should those who are not a Sub be penalized for not being able to buy sub... if you feel that you just can't do away with this awful restriction then at least modify it so that the Pref Players don't have to deal with it, that would at least encourage the players to spend $5... I have NEVER in my entire life, played a game which allowed F2P with a decreased EXP rate.... and I have played almost every MMORPG there is including those produced by Korean companies, NONE of them had that stupid restriction. You wanna make some money? LISTEN TO THE PLAYERS! I have come across several post's were players are asking for a DEBUFF for the EXP Rate, why not listen to them rather then forcing them to drop the sub status simply to get what they want... THAT is why the servers are dieing, people are sick of you guys not listening to us, WE the players are the ONLY I repeat the ONLY reason this game is still running, without us, the servers would die and you would lose money, so pull your thumbs out of your butts, clean the wax from yours ears and listen.... that's all I have to say <.<
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Wait wait wait a second. Correct me if I'm wrong, and I may be, my kid was up all night, but if I remember, f2p and preferred players get regular experience points, it's subs that get EXTRA, such as: rested experience, 5-10% guild xp and rep bonus and legacy stuff. So if I am correct, your point is moot, as non-subs get the regular amount of xp they just don't get the extra sub perks, which is as it should be. Free to play is a way to try the game, IMO, they never should have given away as much as they did to free players. Now, pref players are a different story, they have at least shown a interest in the game by helping it financially, I mean it takes 5 fkn dollars. Feel free to flame away at the elitist pig, but it is just one guy's opinion.
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well, since you told me to correct you if your wrong, your wrong, the F2P and Pref players get decreased EXP after level 20, SUBs dont get this decrease, read the restrictions list... The SWTOR F2P model does reduce XP gained by 20%. Essentially this means you’ll have to level about 20% longer. For example, if it takes 100 hours to get to 55, it will take F2P players 120. This is just an example with made up numbers, but it should give you an idea of what you can expect. Edited by Lt_Draken
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This "NOT a working business model" made 139 million last year.


If I remember right that 139 mil was all CM sales and didn't include sub fees.


I played as a f2p when I came back to the game after a year away and started on a new server I made it to 47 before I could resub but that entire time was hell mainly because of the xp restrictions placed on me. I was forced to do as much as i could including FPs and heroics which I'll tell you once you reach a certain point in the story it is damn near IMPOSSIBLE to get a group for Heroics.


I am not saying the restriction NEEDs removed for f2p but I would say that prefs should not be help to practically the same restrictions as a f2p member.

Edited by Anaesha
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exactly, if they don't want to remove it completely, at least remove it from those who are Pref players, and also add a "Debuff" for those who wish to level at a slower rate, without being forced to over level for a planet simply because they wish to do all the quests. the Debuff could be a legacy purchase thing only obtainable once a player reaches lvl 55 with a character as well as a purchasable item on the Cartel Market. for example, the player can not unlock the Debuff legacy option without ether buying it using cartel coins, or reaching 55 on another toon to unlock it for free, extra debuffers can also be bought from the cartel market that can be used the same way the EXP Buffs are used, this way a person can use them to slow the leveling down even if they have not reached 55 on another toon, this feature should also have an option to turn it on or off in the legacy panel.
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yes, I do, I own my own franchise for Signal 88 Security, I know a long working business model when I see one, and this is NOT a working business model.


BioWare's data doesn't agree with your assessment, or they would likely have changed this restriction like they have changed some others over time.


If Free players want more XP they can buy boosts in the store or on the GTN, unlock legacy perks, or they can sub. If subs want less XP they are free to cancel their subs.

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In case you have not noticed, they are constantly changing, did you forget they thought they would be successful being strictly Pay To Play? they failed because they was not able to balance everything, now they are doing it again and the servers are suffering greatly for it, for example, Pref players are pretty much limited 100% to the same restrictions as those who are F2P, which is just stupid, people who actually do decide to play, as soon as they reach lvl 20 they read the message saying "You will now gain exp 20% less now" end up leaving, this is a PROVEN fact as seen on polls from reddit, 90% of the people who voted on the poll put that they quit the game due to the extremely harsh restrictions put on the F2P Model, there are some people who enjoy a good MMORPG but dont have the money to keep shelling out in order to buy the things needed to make the game enjoyable, I myself work full time running my own franchise so I make enough to splurge but what about those who cant? bioware is being Biased in this situation, they are pretty much saying "Welcome to starwars the old republic! When you reach 20 we are going to make you want to stop playing OR be forced to buy our products!" this is a FAIL business model regardless of what people think, if you have been playing since release you would be up to date on the current changes to the business model, but the changes they made was only made because bioware them selves thought it was to harsh, there is a statement that has been around for ages, I believe it goes like "The customer is always right." but in this case Bioware thinks the customer is only semi right, they only listen to the ideas that can net them more money and not the ones that can net them a larger player base, thus creating issues for the current players because its getting difficult to que up for heroics, pvp and GSF due to the lack of players, the game is slowly dieing and bioware is doing nothing about it but trying to find more ways to get people to pay... look at Guild Wars 2's model, its 100% free to play with a VERY large Micro Market selection, if Anet can do it, so can bioware, but they would rather bow down before the almighty dollar and cause players discomfort as opposed to appeasing the player base.
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I hope there are never restrictions on experience points games anything I would love to see more opportunities




I hope there are never restrictions I'm getting experience points stop.


saw saw this and told me about it in capital letter and told me about it in capital letter format so I was able to go back and fix this. Stop


Also I would just like to make it clear that I'm only barely able to read the subject title of topics but I asked for reading basi but as for reading basic text / in anybody's post it's just not possible for me to do

Edited by JJTEAMA
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you realize you've gotten off-topic yourself, right?


As to the post itself.... well... as far as i understand, the XP-restrictions are there to encourage people to sub =)

sure, in my opinion we could have say preferred players get about 10% of it instead of the 20% that F2P get.


well, it's already been stated more then one - THIS IS BUSINESS lol. They need to get people to subscribe for the game to continue developing and existing in general. XP restriction is not too bad. For example in some other games you can only do like 15 or 20 levels of the games. so from my point of view XP restriction is better then such a low level cap

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well, since you told me to correct you if your wrong, your wrong, the F2P and Pref players get decreased EXP after level 20, SUBs dont get this decrease, read the restrictions list... The SWTOR F2P model does reduce XP gained by 20%. Essentially this means you’ll have to level about 20% longer. For example, if it takes 100 hours to get to 55, it will take F2P players 120. This is just an example with made up numbers, but it should give you an idea of what you can expect.


So first... I really don't feel sorry for any limitations they put on someone who either doesn't pay or has only put in a little money into the game ($5 for preferred).


That said,

I am 95% positive that you are wrong.

The EXP that F2P and Preferred get is the same amount of experience that everyone got when the game launched.

The change is that they are now giving an EXTRA amount of experience to subscribers.


Obviously I could be wrong but I remember seeing this explained somewhere.

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It is nearly unbearable to level in this game after reaching level 20 playing as preferred. You do get penalized after level 20. And, you do not get rested experience. I have been there. The grind is too much. Many people will have a tendency to fade away rather than sub. I think the op has a valid point. He is just "passionate" about it.
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Since I got a warning, after telling the person who told me to stop commenting to pay my subscription fee, I want to say, the OP is a unique and wonderful snowflake and his idea is the bestest ever!


ALL things in game should be FREE! Yes! Just point and click and get what you want! NO CHARGE! Revan's Mask? FREE! Walker Mount? FREE! Level 55 in full 186's? FREE!


No charge for ANYTHING!


Because we are all wonderful human beings and everyone and everybody is ENTITLED to everything. FREE.


Best idea EVAR!



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I subscribe on and off due to a busy schedule, so I occasionally have to level an alt with preferred status. And honestly, between leveling P2P and F2P, I don't notice much of a difference.


Level 55 is a grind, regardless. It just depends on how much time you are willing to commit to the game, which is probably a larger amount of time for subscribers since they may feel they have an obligation to play since they are paying for it, whereas F2P whom do not feel as if they have any obligation to the game will quit when the feel that the gameplay is no longer fun.


If you think that the F2P/Pref Status exp restrictions make such a big difference, continue to argue in favor of its removal, but honestly, I just don't think that the issue is large enough to put up such a fuss about.

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I am not saying 100% do away with the restriction, I am saying to ether do away with it 100% OR do away with it for pref players, what is the reason to even buy anything to obtain pref status if the change is nominal? there is only a few MINOR perks for being a Pref player, if they wish to try to get people to sub they need to give better incentives rather then put restrictions on those who do not sub, look at Habbohotel's model, they don't limit what a free player can do, instead they give those who sub, SUB Exclusive items, BUT these items can be traded to non-subs as well, but the fact that they give everyone the SAME service but a little extra service to those who pay makes a huge difference, that is how they need to focus on the model, right now as it stands, as soon as people get that message after reaching level 20, they quit, I have got about 15 of my old clan mates from PWI to come to swtor, and as soon as they got to 20, they quit... there are some people who would prefer to play a game at least once to the end before buying into it, its like a torrent, you torrent the program cause (If your wanting to remain on the right side of the law that is <.<) you want to try it before you buy it, and you want to try ALL that is has to offer before sinking your money into it, I know alot of people who played WoW on a private server simply to see what the end game content was like and afterwards they went and bought all of the expansions as well as subbed to the game, so again, why impose harsh restrictions on F2P and Pref players as opposed to giving those who sub a much greater incentive? Edited by Lt_Draken
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I just got an idea to add, since alot of people like to try before they buy, why not give Pref Players ONE character that has ALL of the same perks a sub character has, but only allow it on ONE character? Edited by Lt_Draken
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So first... I really don't feel sorry for any limitations they put on someone who either doesn't pay or has only put in a little money into the game ($5 for preferred).


That said,

I am 95% positive that you are wrong.

The EXP that F2P and Preferred get is the same amount of experience that everyone got when the game launched.

The change is that they are now giving an EXTRA amount of experience to subscribers.


Obviously I could be wrong but I remember seeing this explained somewhere.


well, put bluntly, your wrong. I explained this earlier, SUB's get experience at a normal rate while the Pref players and F2P player's get EXP at a decreased rate of 20%. Make a completely new account and play to level 20, you will see what I mean lol it literally gives you a message telling you that you will now get EXP at a decreased rate of 20%.

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The reason preferred status players are restricted is to encourage them to resubscribe, just like the reason that free to play players are restricted is to encourage them to subscribe.


If preferred status players were fully content being preferred status, then most people would drop their subscriptions and become preferred status. The preferred status players must feel restricted to a certain degree in order to make them want to resubscribe.

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thats just the point tho man, the current incentives for being a SUB is not good enough at the moment to entice them, if they really wanna get people to sub, give better incentives and give the Pref players ONE character slot that is free from restrictions, give them a full taste of what its like being a sub :p I know that kinda sounds cruel but hey... they get to try a character without restriction for an unlimited time but its only for one character, and ONLY one lol Edited by Lt_Draken
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What other benefits do you propose subscribers should get over other players? I mean, we already have full access, $5 worth of store currency per month, and early access to most game updates.


I know you mean that you think people would be more motivated to subscribe, knowing that when their subscription ends, their preferred status account would have a few more benefits. But by that logic, you are encouraging players to get a subscription once to enjoy the benefits of preferred status when their subscription ends.

Edited by Tyranaeus
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monthly items man.... items XD one free SUB Exclusive Legacy bound item per month. having something like that would be a much larger incentive, take Habbohotel for example, they give Habbo credits as well as one free Habbo Club exclusive item every month, and the item changes depending on how long you remain subbed but if you ever lose your sub you start back to square one and you have to work your way up to the better prizes, that would be a GREAT incentive :D
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