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No reason not to create a Kotor 3 to go alongside swtor


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Last shot at this since you are not ever really reading what I wrote. The violence in the game part was referring to Fallout 1 using the GURPS system from Steve Jackson. He did not like the graphic nature they did and pulled the license.


As to the MMO:



Bethesda bought the IP and licensed back to Interplay the MMO rights and then cancelled the license when they felt Interplay had not lived up to the agreement.


Hopefully back to the subject of the thread.

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Bethesda bought the IP and licensed back to Interplay the MMO rights and then cancelled the license when they felt Interplay had not lived up to the agreement.

It was not because they felt Interplay had not lived up to the agreement.

It was because Interplay hadn't.

The agreement was very specific, there was no room for feelings and interpretations and other stuff.


Specific requirements were stated in the agreement that if not met, Interplay would immediately lose and surrender its license rights for Fallout. Development must have begun within 24 months of the date of the agreement (April 4, 2007), and Interplay must have secured $30 million within that time frame or forfeit its rights to license. Interplay would furthermore need to launch the MMOG within four years of the beginning of development, and pay Bethesda 12 percent of sales and subscription fees for the use of the IP.


If Interplay had $30 million and was developing the game, they would keep the license. If interplay didn't have $30 million or had $30 million but wasn't developing the game, they would lose the license.


That Steve Jackson had SJgames cut ties with Interplay was certainly an impediment to their ability to produce the game. But it never mattered. Steve Jackson wasn't a Bethesda employee, there was no contractual requirement for a Fallout MMO to use his system, and even if he was 100% aboard, Interplay would still have lost the license. They didn't have the money, they didn't have full-scale development to show, and they needed both to keep it.




Hopefully back to the subject of the thread.

Yes, back to the subject. Once a franchise has been licensed, the owner doesn't have the right to arbitrarily cancel the license because he doesn't like something. His opinion only matters if the agreement specifically includes an approval requirement. EA is a big company, KOTOR-SWTOR a major sub-franchise of its own, and their agreement with Lucas clearly doesn't have his people approve every robe and mount. So it doesn't matter what Mickey Mouse thinks of the game, the rights have been licensed, the contract's binding whoever collects the cash.

Edited by Heal-To-Full
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I highly doubt this whatever SW game will be for PS4. I am much more inclined to think it will be for PC.


No......I can almost guarantee that the new SW game will be released on all consoles (except maybe Wii U) and on PC. There's a LOT more console gamers than there are PC gamers. Except for MMO's.....pretty much EVERYTHING is created with consoles in mind.

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I agree K2 was far better than K1.Too short though. When I played K1 I rpged it. Revan got sucked down the toilet after a explosion. The KP on the ship(Dish washer for you civilian minded folks) took his place. Yeah it was a stretch but wth. Still K2 I think the VOs sold the story. Every time I hear the Kotor music I want to run back and play the game.


Heh, at times, I feel like loading KOTOR2 save to just have a friendly game of pazaak with Atton :)

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That depends on how tightly Disney wants to hold the reins for games with the Star Wars IP, and the degree of freedom which EA was entitled to from their previous contract regarding development of future Star Wars games.


If Disney really wants to push their new canon hard, they can simply keep developers from releasing new games related to old canon and publishers from publishing books related to the old canon.


Oh, you bet your bones they're already doing that. Hasbro has already been told to put the kibosh on all EU figures indefinitely. The story group has noted that all video games moving forward are canon - which, of course, they know to be true, because they're working with the video game creators.


Can't do that.

Well, legally they can go crazy and forbid anyone from using the trademarks and sue around, but it will break so many pre-existing agreements, including very profitable ones, for no real gain, and it will break what's been already established.


And what's established is that old canon will have "Legends" added after "Star Wars".

That's it. Add the magic word and you're legally in the clear.


As far as fans are concerned, I strongly suspect that "star wars legends" will be just Star Wars and whatever's added by Disney's treated as a separate spin-off.


Nope, that Legends title was made so that they could keep selling the books that are already written. ALL content moving forward is canon, and must pass muster with the story group. EA has exclusive rights to Star Wars video games for the next decade, and you can bet your bottom dollar one of the things they had to sign off on in that agreement was the new canon. Think they won't can games that were in development in favor of their new canon? Well, I hope you enjoy 1313 when it comes out this fall - oh wait...

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There's plenty of room for another Kotor story. Personally, I'd pick the story up with with the rebuilding of the order after the events of 1 and 2. There's 300 year of 'what happened?' between kotor 2 and swtor--and my personal hope is that this was the sw game pitch that obsidian had for disney, although I'm not sure that every happened.
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Whoa whoa whoa - hold the phone. What "open world SW RPG"? Where was that announced? Got a link? If BW is making that, I don't care what era it's in, you just made my day!


This is Battlefront, not a Kotor game. And it's being developed by EA Digital Illusions, not Bioware. Looks pretty good if you like action/combat games though. Me, I'm not into them so much. Edit: Hmm, I'm wrong about that. It's not Battlefront. It's also not Bioware or Obsidian. it's EA Canada, an entity I'm not familiar with.

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This is Battlefront, not a Kotor game. And it's being developed by EA Digital Illusions, not Bioware. Looks pretty good if you like action/combat games though. Me, I'm not into them so much.

Incorrect, the Star Wars "Open world game" (I don't think it's been called an RPG - I expect it will be a more action/adventure game) is being developed by Visceral Games, and it is separate from the DICE-developed Battlefront that has also been announced.

Link to Gamespot Article

And personally, I am abso-freaking-lutely thrilled that Amy Hennig will be heading it - she was lead writer on one of my favorite game series: Legacy of Kain (hence my sig. quote), and she's better known as the creative director on the Uncharted series.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Incorrect, the Star Wars "Open world game" (I don't think it's been called an RPG - I expect it will be a more action/adventure game) is being developed by Visceral Games, and it is separate from the DICE-developed Battlefront that has also been announced.

Link to Gamespot Article

And personally, I am abso-freaking-lutely thrilled that Amy Hennig will be heading it - she was lead writer on one of my favorite game series: Legacy of Kain (hence my sig. quote), and she's better known as the creative director on the Uncharted series.


Simon Templeman for life. Made the character for me. :cool:

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There's plenty of room for another Kotor story. Personally, I'd pick the story up with with the rebuilding of the order after the events of 1 and 2. There's 300 year of 'what happened?' between kotor 2 and swtor--and my personal hope is that this was the sw game pitch that obsidian had for disney, although I'm not sure that every happened.


Yeah, but I am now spoiled by playing non-Jedi characters, plus, it has the same defeatist and 'who cares' note the Clone Wars cartoons do. Very good, Anakin, but everyone is gonna be wiped out anyway. I am not forming any attachments, no, no!. One of the draws of the SWTOR universe for me is that both Sith and Jedi Orders are strong and powerful.

Edited by DomiSotto
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This applies when there is 1, 2 or a whole 3 books/games/movies/toys related to the IP.


When there's 100,000 things to license, policies are put in place and mass licensing for whole lines of products is sold.

The IP holder doesn't check out every Lego toy and read out every story, he releases a set of policies and licensing options. The money's paid first, the work is produced second, contracts are binding and the original IP holder doesn't go reviewing a work after it's been paid for, unless the contract explicitly provide something to that extent. Star Wars has a very extensive framework of licensing policies and agreements.


Bioware doesn't run everything they do by Lucasfilms. Unless EA's agreement forbids them from doing so, they could put in a Darth Vader mount along with a Palpatine pet. They probably don't have a license for movie material, though, in which case they can't use it. But they can certainly make a Darth Revan mount and miniature Jedi pets and no one can do a thing about it. The original IP holder can't turn back on a licensing contract and say "no, I don't like it, it's disrespectful, don't publish", unless their contract explicitly includes review; they give up that right when they take the money.



Practice shows the exact opposite: the more garbage, the more profit.

Even Jar Jar Binks has its fans and people who don't like that garbage just skip it.


When I played STO a loong time ago, I remember one of the devs explaining why the new ships took so long to release and apparently they had to pass every piece of art to Paramount to be reviewed and approved. Paramount didn't want anything to be added that didn't seem to belong in their IP. Don't be surprised if EA and Bioware are subject to similar terms.

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Incorrect, the Star Wars "Open world game" (I don't think it's been called an RPG - I expect it will be a more action/adventure game) is being developed by Visceral Games, and it is separate from the DICE-developed Battlefront that has also been announced.

Link to Gamespot Article

And personally, I am abso-freaking-lutely thrilled that Amy Hennig will be heading it - she was lead writer on one of my favorite game series: Legacy of Kain (hence my sig. quote), and she's better known as the creative director on the Uncharted series.


Lol yea I forget sometimes they've only said "open world" the "RPG" part is just my attempt to "speak it into existence" :D Lol. But I'm thinking.....take kotor, skyrim, Dragon Age origins, mass effect, and GTA5.....take em all....mix thoroughly & bake at 350° for 45min, let it cool and garnish with the entire soul reaver series. ;):D

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Kotor 3 is not going to happen. It is now certain as never. Kotor games belong to Legends and every SW media are promoting the new storyline. EA, Disney, Lucasfilm, anything related to SW - has no interest in continuing the old storyline. Kotor 3 is impossible. It is more likely to see a reboot of this series.
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Bioware communicates with LucasArts very frequently, and content IS reviewed, at least some of it. It has been mentioned countless times over the years. Not all IPs are handled the same.


Not to mention Disney is well known as one of (if not THE) most tight fisted and controlling of IP holders. You mess with any of their properties and the lawyers descend like flies on poop.


Expect the Star Wars IP to be more locked down than when Lucas held it.

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One major difference...

ESO is not the next game right after Skyrim as far as the storyline goes.


KOTOR 3 would fall right after KOTOR 2 (most likely at least).


Also, as they have said before SWTOR is KOTOR 3-10.


If that is the case i would like to see 8 games worth of solo content then....so far all i have seen is a mere 2 games worth of content...not 8, when it comes to PR crap, they should stick to what they say instead of just changing it to suit EA's Financial greed, but thats just my opinion.

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