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A PvP a Day...


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First time today I am tempted to ask: is it a hack? The Imperial team, I saw it in two zones, ran in a tight group and too fast. It also had two characters with almost the same name (change to the vowel) in the same class. Hmm.


Did this tight group have marauders? I used to run around with a marauder plus this other guy and do double carnie predation. Got so many speed hack accusations.

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Yes, predation was the first thing I thought about, that other spec that really speeds the run unlike my paltry Annihilation. From Anni, I remember we could get maybe to the mid before it wore off, but not from one side of Alderaan to another under the mid. I looked at the team composition for that after the match. Mostly, I just wanted to see that toon's duplicated name, because it was confusing, and I wanted to see if it was an exact match, or different by the accent on the vowel. I don't remember the tell-tale red cross. Doesn't matter, really, just very odd. I have been face-rolled before, don't get me wrong, but I haven't seen a play-style like that. Edited by DomiSotto
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The Knight's abilities are coming in a tight cluster, so I am trying to keep up as much as I can. It is not easy!


Got to level 35 so far, my eyes are about to start bleeding, so that's enough for today.


I did a few zones while trying to get to the class quest on Tattoine. Valor to 27, still lagging behind. I figure I should be able to catch up later. So far I only have 4 weapons, so it could be I don't need to trade into ranked comms all that urgently.


The midbies are the way the midbies should be, though I feel the Kinght is performing better than I have anticipated. I think it was mentioned in one of the threads that Guardians won't suffer that badly from the midbies ability imbalance. The interesting thing is that the worse the team does, the more likely I am to get MVPs.


Oh, and fun in Alderaan. I loaded with a team of core players in levels 50+, and I ended on grass, guarding. Seriously, i think I will end up guarding no matter what AC I run. Anyway, ended up with the Juggernaut who seemed to have a soft spot for my toon. There is no other explanation for him yoloing into me endlessly. We went through the same routine 3 or 4 times, I swear. He'd show up, I see him coming (was he playing an Assassin before?), call the team, wait for him to make his approach, push him back, the back-up would come, we kill him. Rinse, repeat. And I've heard the Sith Academy was cut-throat institution.... One of the guys told me not to say "thank you" every time. But hey, I was deeply grateful. It feels good when the calls are answered fast.

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One of the guys told me not to say "thank you" every time. But hey, I was deeply grateful. It feels good when the calls are answered fast.


Yep. I say "thx" also. As you say, getting help when you ask for it is nice. Sometimes I thank the specific person who keeps showing up, and then I see "you two should get a room" in chat. :D


I started a BH on the imp side (named Jetsons :) ). He just got guard (lvl 16). I feel so useless, especially in arenas, before that. "I know it says I"m a tank guys, but I can't guard, I can't taunt (before lvl 14) and on top of that I barely do any DPS - but I *can* focus whatever target you say." I like the heavy armor, but I'm missing the stealth of my shadow. :)

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Just scored my first ranked weekly! Hurray for me, but even more for my teammates who made me kinda redudant in those 8 season matches I managed to win so far (the 9th came preseason). Scored a flawless 5-0 to kick the season off, ranking 500-something, but then reality came knocking with a current rank of 1400-something and 6-3 in games played.


My figures are often absymal, barely doing more damage than the healers, and often less protection than the dps, but hey, I figure shutting down the healer is worth something as well :p


Curious how the rest of the season'll evolve, being the first time I do this. On the upside, getting into full DR is going much more smoothly than with endless regs :cool:

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This weekend I made myself a new Sorc, Healer this time, to give it a try. I ran the whole weekly for PvP, and managed to have a nice look at how Healers play at low levels. :D


I queued for a WZ, first one was an Arena. Boy, I sucked so much! Lvl 11, with gear on that lvl, but... I had nothing to defend myself! :eek:

I died in seconds, focused by the 4 DPS in the other team. The others in my team - all 10-14, against 28-29 :p - did try their best to keep me alive, though. We did lose however, and thanks to my performance, I bet. :(


Second one, Quesh Huttball. I managed not to die at all, got some nice heals - damn the Force management at 11-12, it's awful - and levelled moments within it. Nice. We lost 2-1, because a Jugg lept to a Sniper that didn't use cover in my team. Oh, well... :o


Third one was a nice Alderaan. LOSed everyone in the opposing team while also throwing heals as needed, levelled to 13 during the WZ, which we won, even though we were on a tight margin due to the fact the opponents capped our side turred right as we got in the safe zone. I broke the wall of 1 million heals there. But I still throw too much DPS, it seems, Crushing Darkness on enemy healers got me to about 400k, for how weird it may seem... ;)


Fourth one, and last one, saw me enter at 14 and exit at 15. It was quite interesting, a Voidstar. Of course, you usually have one or two stay and guard one of the doors, while the others repel the attack on the other. Then swap as needed...

Not this once. I was forced to guard the not attacked door, alone, because nobody else could be bothered, apparently. And my team ran at me for heals when low. Lol. Express delivery, I guess I should call it. :D

Managed to get a whole lot of Objective points from guarding, healing and killing a lvl 20-something Assassin that charged at me with a single bladed lightsaber, no stance and out of stealth. Solo. As Healer. I did call the inc, but... Yeah. :confused:

Attack saw us open the door in a matter of seconds. :cool:

Total points: 600k healing, 375k dmg, no deaths. 15k Objectives.


What can I say, I was expecting Sorc Healer to be quite different from DPS...

But it's not that much, for now. You get focused the same, have to run the same...

Only difference is I'm used to lvl 60, so I still lack the tools. And I die in stupid ways. :D

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(Waves) Hi folks... I'm gonna catch up. I have finally got to level 41, and I am wiped out. Just a blur, basically it must be the leveling day, because the zones were really bad. Not that I shone particularly bright, heh.


Okay, the Knight is 41, in Shien, swapped focus for the shield, we have basically everything that counts, and we now gotta go learn to be a real DPS.


I ended up with Valor 29, so way to go yet till any respectable level. Also, equipping him with next to no accuracy, but lots of power, surge and one alacrity enh. In leveling he is scary. I actually laughed, when that NPC told me he doesn't have to go easy on my guy, and then my guy two-shot him.


He is far faster than my Annihilation Marauder, but I take it a burst spec would be more similar than my Anni. I still can't get used to the Master Strike channel stuck in between all those fast, aggressive attacks. It's throw sabre, leap, overhead slash... sit back and relax for the channel....


Need to take a day off after all the hard work, then it's the Smuggler's turn, since I want to have her to L60 in mostly Exhumed by the time the Gree comes.

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Not sure why you would bother with pvp? There is no world pvp worth gearing up for, even on pvp servers.


Warzones aren't fun. Just full of kids desperately scrambling to find the win buttons. I.E. Play an Op class, get in a premade and q for regs or q sync yolos and farm pugs.


Not really worth the time.

Edited by MotorCityMan
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Well after being flamed for stacking too much absorb in an arena, I tried to mix it up a bit with 4 fortitude augments. Now a nice 47k HP (instead of 44), let's see if I last longer.


Absurd today at TRE: out of 15+ arenas maybe 4 against imp, rest pub vs pub.

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I am a mother of a girl-child. Killing teenage males is going to be a life skill in a few short years.


@Jordhanus – hurray you! I am glad to see that it is not a waste of time comm-wise. :) I am augmented for Fortitude completely on the tank. He clocks in at 50 thou and a little. So, keep going, it does help! Why Absorb, anyway? I was told shield in PvE (on a VGT). Or are you a Shadow?


@Cox – yeah, that’s sounds like an interesting Voidstar. I am surprised your teammates had time to run back to you. Whatever works, I suppose! I am also wondering if your single-sabre Assassin was in the same class at the KA with my persistent Juggernaut.


You know what’s funny, guys?


I am basically about to repeat my very first experience, going back to the zones with Tishujen, the Gunslinger.

She was level 53 back then, in 112-140’s when 55 was the top level. Now, she is Level 57, in 156-158’s, and I haven’t played her since December. Let’s see if I’ve learned a thing or two! Off to try out her keybinds and work on the layout in the Blackhole before I commit her tomorrow morning.


Quoting my old post. 100 comms were the intro to the WZs, I bet.


Date: 09 July 2014

Server: Harbinger

Character: Tishujen, Gunslinger, Dirty Fighting Spec, Lvl 53, equipment an eclectic mix of L47 blues and L50 purples (worse than the Sage)

Placement: <5 min (That's at 4 am, WOW!)

Zone: Voidstar (but a different role)

Died: 11 times (wow, nearly got 15 deaths achievement), and it shows 7 kills, but I am pretty positive it is not solo

Won or Lost: Lost (0:6, lol)

Suckage: 5th from the bottom

Loot: 200 WZ Comms (100 from some sign-up or another) and... did not look

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Okay, tried her out a little. The first couple zones were awful since I had been trying to get used to my layout and abilities. Comfortable with it now, I don't die much, but the damages I am doing are really, really poor. I guess, if I want to play her past level 60, I should consider a Sharpshooter. Tried that 'expose stealth' spell at some point since the guard said there was stealth on a node, and it did not do anything. Kindda disappointing, since it is the biggest anti-stealth spell I have seen. I was expecting it like blow up centered on my character creating a big cool cloud or something. And tons of Sins suddenly becoming visible!


Overall though, I am still a pathetic Gunslinger or a DPS in general.

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Those "expose stealth" spells... see the way the work is like this. If I'm on my stealth they hit me every. single. friggin. time. If I'm trying to find a stealth using one, then they miss. Every. Time. It's the rule of using those stealth spells. :D




Or maybe I just suck at using them? Nah, that couldn't be it. :o



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I vaguely remember exposing someone once by throwing a stealth probe out. There was actually a thread relatively recently that was very, very, very good explanation as to how one should use the Stealth Probe for the Troopers.

I am trying to follow their advice, but by some reason I thought the Smuggler’s won’t be a targeted AoE. I’ll need to train myself to use it. The other one I need to pay attention to is my Surrender, to drop aggro.


Also, thinking of my inadequate DPS, I just remembered – next to no Augments on me, a couple of 156s Cunning on the Relics, and something lower on the implants. The rest is auto-fortitude, I suppose. My stats are also whatever Bio gave me, mostly power/surge with some crit. I am going to throw a critical/alacrity enhancement on the off gun, and see which mod I have in 148 flavor, to squeeze out a few more points of… probably not worth it.


Have 1,500 comms, and 2.5 levels to go. :)

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Okay, tried her out a little. The first couple zones were awful since I had been trying to get used to my layout and abilities. Comfortable with it now, I don't die much, but the damages I am doing are really, really poor. I guess, if I want to play her past level 60, I should consider a Sharpshooter. Tried that 'expose stealth' spell at some point since the guard said there was stealth on a node, and it did not do anything. Kindda disappointing, since it is the biggest anti-stealth spell I have seen. I was expecting it like blow up centered on my character creating a big cool cloud or something. And tons of Sins suddenly becoming visible!


Overall though, I am still a pathetic Gunslinger or a DPS in general.


Small tip, save diversion for when the melee are hitting you, or if you see one in the wz doing a lot of dmg, or use it on an enemy sniper. It lowers their accuracy by 45%. It's way more useful for that than to find stealth. If you are looking for stealth use your spammable sweeping gunfire aoe, but only use it for one tick and then pick a new spot. You won't lose your resource pool that way.

Edited by Kalarie
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TY, I will try that. Zones were a total farm today, not sure why. I guess the Empire all went ranked or something. I even scored in Huttball on a Gunslinger. Weird. Still, the more I think about it, the less I want to continue on as a DPS. I really want to try out a Healer. :)
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hurray you! I am glad to see that it is not a waste of time comm-wise. :) I am augmented for Fortitude completely on the tank. He clocks in at 50 thou and a little. So, keep going, it does help! Why Absorb, anyway? I was told shield in PvE (on a VGT). Or are you a Shadow?


Yeah well, as I understood the forum and other websites mitigation trumps meatbag (and shield), especially for Shadow tanks. At least, in the figures of KBN and others, but I'm not sure whether his PVE-research also applies for PVP, let alone ranked which is something different still.


Shield and Absorb rely more on RNG than endurance, so in arenas that might be a good or a bad thing depending on how lucky you're feeling. On the other hand, with all those crits that pierce Shield (and Absorb), it might make sense to not overly rely on Shield+Absorb in ranked.


Anyone any advice?

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Yeah well, as I understood the forum and other websites mitigation trumps meatbag (and shield), especially for Shadow tanks. At least, in the figures of KBN and others, but I'm not sure whether his PVE-research also applies for PVP, let alone ranked which is something different still.


Shield and Absorb rely more on RNG than endurance, so in arenas that might be a good or a bad thing depending on how lucky you're feeling. On the other hand, with all those crits that pierce Shield (and Absorb), it might make sense to not overly rely on Shield+Absorb in ranked.


Anyone any advice?


Yeah, go Endurance (fortitude) in Pvp.


Since PVP is all about the (auto)crits and the internal/elemental damage (sins/sorcs), most of the incoming damage will bypass shield (and thus dont get absorbed). So a big HP pool is the way to go imo.

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Yeah, go Endurance (fortitude) in Pvp.


Since PVP is all about the (auto)crits and the internal/elemental damage (sins/sorcs), most of the incoming damage will bypass shield (and thus dont get absorbed). So a big HP pool is the way to go imo.


Thanks for the advice - and no Defense I take it?

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Only what defence you can't get rid off :)

I really like high Fortitude. It might be a single intuitive thing about the whole game.


You know, the more I think about it, the less I want to spend time on my Slings. It’s not the zones. The zones are fine, the folks I am playing with are great and kind, and I see wins, and I see losses, what have you.

It’s my DPSability.


Anyway, that aside, I’ve pugged the weirdest reg-Arena this morning.


We loaded a Makeb Arena Pub vs Pub, three of us vs 4 of them. Ye friendly Gunslinger was flanked by two Guardians DPS in their 40’ies, and the opposing team fielded 4 DPS, VG, Sage, Mando and a Scoundrel (I think, did not look past Mando, thinking if I get my one shot out, it would be at him).


I apologized in advance. One of the Guardians laughed, said s/he knows how it feels to load a Slinger in 4x4. I’ve corrected, it’s 3x4… Anyway, in our Team Fatalistic went, and…


…and by reasons unknown the Sage separated itself from their team (the rest decided to take a strong position on the bridge, can’t blame them). We caught the sage at the foot of the bridge. I kneed the Sage, and my two Jedi cut their Jedi to shreds before the Master Strike part of the rotation. We won the round.


A Shadow loaded in while we were fighting in the Universe of Suspended Disbelief.


Me: Seriously?!

Guardian #1: It’s just happened.

Guardian #2: (hopefully) One more time.


Needless to say, with the third Jedi on it, we’ve facerolled.


It’s the Force. I am a believer!

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You were in lowbies or midbies, right? I see a ton of disparity in those ranks, I guess like everyone does, but sometimes with the same group of people.


I had a couple NC in a row with basically the same group. The first one we were doing pretty well, a close game, but mostly winning, and we did win. Everyone was congrats-ing and good-gaming everyone at the end. Second game we were a bit over matched, and then the bickering started. "You suck". "You don't call inc quick enough". "You ignoring inc and keep trying to rambo cap". All that type of stuff. We lost by 10, pretty much because of a last minute cap by the other team. Everyone was doing pretty much the same stuff (assuming inc calls were "too late" and so just going to the other node and trying to cap). It worked first game. Not the second. So I like a modified version of a line I saw in that other "I just tried PvP" post that someone linked above... "There's a fine line between being a Rambo and being a Dumbo." :D

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Luckily, not much blame game goes when I play, win or lose. Yep, that’s the midbies (Slinger level 57). I won’t have anyone in lowbies until I finish the Knight (level 41) and start the Mercenary.


I did not have much time yesterday, so I just stayed on the Slinger in the midbies. Gonna go to Rishi right now though. Will PvP while I am working through the story, hopefully ding 60 by the time the class quest is done, and will buy what gear I can... and that's it for now.


Yesterday, I got Huttball, Pipeball, and a couple of arenas. I quit the second arena in the end of round 2, because our Shadow was playing Hide and Seek after we’ve clearly lost 2:0, and I neither wanted to tell the guys his location, nor felt inclined on waiting it out for 50 comms.


In one of the ball games, I just figured, I’d be “that guy” and try to see what happens if I shoot and don’t worry. 378 thou damage, and as pathetic as it was, I got a Hotshot achievement for the zone, meaning I have never done even that much during my Slinging carrier in a ball game. Yeah…. DPSability.


The Pipeball, we basically were set to win, because we had over half team of sages zipping around like mad. I went back to being the gal with cc’s/roots to keep the opposition engaged into not chasing the sages.


Finally, the arena I did not quit, was another done deal from the get go. We loaded 3 Gunslingers and a Sage, to their comp of two sorc (one heals, one DPS), sin and a Mara. A Battle for Stalingrad issued in the appropriate setting of the Corellia arena (but I am no Vasily Zaitzev). That poor Mara! Our Sage was a pro at being focused, we, of course, were not lacking cc’s, so we won with all man standing.


Seriously, it feels like most cats are playing ranked atm, so we, the mice, are out to play. :)

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Yay! I've finally pushed someone into the acid trap! I have been wanting to it forever! Still on the Slinger, went to Rishi, quickly get to level 58 and a half, but now having second thoughts, because, well, guilty pleasures of playing mids with a high level char and I only have 4 weapons out of 15 I need for a full set. I am also getting better with throwing up my defenses on time and less annoyed by my own lack of usefulness.


Did not play yesterday, 'cause my kiddo wanted to watch Mulan in the honor of the Lunar New Year, and I could never resist that movie :)


Today I got a great mix of a voidtstar, arena (were I got 2 MVPs by no apparent reason) and a couple of ball games - that's where I managed to push a baby-Jugg into the Acid trap in the Pipeball. Little joys of PvP, eh?

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Ugh, well you had much better luck than I've had today. Backfilled into two disastrous matches on my midbies Shadow. The first an AGH, the second a NC. In the AHG I don't know if I was "the easy kill" or I did something useful against some of the opposing team in the past, or what, but no matter where I went they were chasing me down seemingly at the expense of all other joys in the match. But I suppose, since we were losing so badly, probably everyone on my team felt like that. :D


Then switched over the my lowbies PT tank, and had an arena. They had a sage healer. Easy to focus, right? Can't stealth at least. But we didn't focus at all. I managed to pull her out of the group and separate her from her protection, but it didn't help, since everyone was attacking their own private nemesis anyway. :( Then a pipeball where it started out a good match. Lots of back-n-forth, each of us coming close to scoring. Then they finally scored, and I guess my team decided that that ONE point difference was just insurmountable, and changed to DM mode. Yeah, when you are the only person on your team anywhere near the enemy ball carrier for 2 or 3 carries straight, you know you are in trouble. :)


Still, I can fondly remember yesterday's quesh huttball match. Got to fight against a guy that's normally on my team. We both play objectives, and I knew he was good. I find it fun "testing my mettle", so to speak, against people I know and admire. It was a tough game. He's a good offensive ball carrier (I'm usually right there being his tank, when we are on the same side), and I like to at least amuse myself that I was a good thorn in his side. I know I stopped him several times. We lost that game, but it came down to the tie-break possession as the clock ran out, so it was a good game.


And, yeah about the knocking into the acid... I just got the grapple on my PT, and I've been trying to get into position to pull into the fire or acid in one of the HB since then. It's the simple things. :D But I usually forget I have that power for the first 1/2 the match, and then I suck at trying to use it. Or when I get the perfect setup, the other player is white-barred. Grr.

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OMG, when I am on my VG, I obsess, completely obsess about the grapple, mostly to get the ball carriers back to square one though. I have never yet made a successful intentional drag through a trap. And I really dislike the non-pullables. Those pesky SIns....


Anyways, gotta decide what I want more - a set on the Slinger, or a desperate attempt to get my VG his MH and try out the ranked. 'Cause, you know, the little girl in me says: "But, mooooom, everyone else plays ranked...." and the mom in me says: "That'll only end in tears, dear."


I also need to find someone to do the Gree next week with. I really want to do the OWP, but a tank on his own ain't exactly awesome.

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