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A PvP a Day...


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Been playing lowbies and mids on TRE yesterday, both fractions. Logged in as a Scoundrel healer first, lost one and then won five in a row, facing mostly same imps, who were way better dpsing but loosing objectively.


Then feeling like I got bored of winning streak I re-loged as Hatred Sin and jumped into AHG. I usually press enemy’s pylon playing stealth at the beginning to draw part of enemy’s team away from mid or try to sap cap after 00:50. So I see 3 sents running to grab their pylon (all of them above lvl 30) and I’m thinking “That’s good”, cuz if one sent stays it’s a free sap cap. But it’s way easier. They cap and leave. I’ve scouted the area around and then took the pylon. Their whole team runs to take it back. I see a mara from our team rushing to help me keep the second pylon, then probably another two teammates, but we lose it like 4 seconds before detonation. Next round. I go to their pylon again, but now I’ve decided to wait, because I’m sure they have a stealth guarding. At the same time I see that reps are over-dpsing our team since their points increase without orbs and they are a bit ahead. At 00:50 I stealth out and start to cap. No interrupt and no one at their pylon. Now they rush back 1 by 1 (????) giving me free solo kills, and losing second round. The rest of the match was quiet predictable.:cool:


Then after a very “basic” NC win we had another AHG with pretty much the same scenario. I guess they had this new rule “you cap it- you leave it”. I had only 1 loss in the next 10 games and it was arena against reps, who didn’t have to play objectives and dps this time, god bless them.:rak_01:


So, maybe I was always playing with same people who logged in as reps and then switched as I did?:)

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We had the "trinity", with a tank a healer and one other DPS, and the enemy had the same (yes, both teams were even!).


You see, this just makes the story completely unbelievable :p


I wish the game would do something like put a "mark of shame" on anyone that quits a match, but then their side ends up winning. It should hover over them for everyone to see, and last until they back fill into a game, and then win it.


I like this idea. But to be honest the people who annoy me more are the quitters who stay in the WZ for XP, medals, completing dailies/weeklies. Like, I'd rather you left the WZ and gave us a chance of getting competent backfill than stayed in the WZ as a complete dead weight.


Been playing lowbies and mids on TRE yesterday


Oooooh, someone else from TRE!

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I've noticed some venom spread around in PvP too, lately. Well, more than before. ;)

I blame the easy mode game, myself. If you're used to winning everything by rolling your face on the keyboard, you hardly want to put some effort in, rather than blaming others.


It used to be different. I remember when I began PvPing, on my first character, a Guardian Tank, that many PvPers took some time to explain me how the WZs worked. This was well before the loading screen gave you some information on that regard, and I was the one that asked, naturally. Back when 50 was top lvl, far before any need for expansions, when to proceed with the game you had to learn how to play, and there was no overlevelling and so litttle overgearing it was not even a problem. Yeah, I'm an old, ancient player. :D

It took some time to fully understand, of course, but at least I was able to provide some help in every WZ. That's what counts, right? :p


Tbh, if we don't see a radical change in this gameplay, I foresee some of those "players" ask for an "I WIN" button. Soon. :eek:


Because, of course, learning how to play properly is too hard, and if you lose it's never your fault, it's others that cheat or the game that is too hard! Yeah, right. :rolleyes:

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Yeah, there are a lot of people who just try to Leeroy Jenkins into the middle of every WZ because that works in solo PvE and frankly in a lot of the flashpoints (I still say I could have beaten Revan in the Foundry by spamming one key).


Yeah, precisely. :cool:


Oh, you can do what you said in parenthesis, btw. Technically you can do that with only two clicks, no need to spam the basic attack as long as you don't have time issues. :eek:


You just need to take one companion to at least 10 Influence rank (the higher the faster it'll be), put it in Healing Stance, select Revan, and finally click on the only attack button in the companion's quickbar. It'll slowly but steadily defeat the boss for you, while keeping you up. In the mean time, enjoy the soundtrack and maybe read a book... :p


This works in Solo, but it used to be doable in Tactical too. Maybe it still is, with higher influence, I don't know. ;)


So yeah, a game that doesn't need to be played. That's what we have. :(

Edited by Cox_The_Beast
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Oh, you can do what you said in parenthesis, btw. Technically you can do that with only two clicks, no need to spam the basic attack as long as you don't have time issues.


Oh dear god. At least HK required me to pay a modicum of attention :eek:


I didn't do any PvP today. Rolled a new alt so I can try a Sniper. Got her to level 7 and now it's time for me to stop playing because I have to get up at stupid o'clock tomorrow morning so I can get a bus to the city where my SO currently resides.

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Yeah, precisely. :cool:


Oh, you can do what you said in parenthesis, btw. Technically you can do that with only two clicks, no need to spam the basic attack as long as you don't have time issues. :eek:


You just need to take one companion to at least 10 Influence rank (the higher the faster it'll be), put it in Healing Stance, select Revan, and finally click on the only attack button in the companion's quickbar. It'll slowly but steadily defeat the boss for you, while keeping you up. In the mean time, enjoy the soundtrack and maybe read a book... :p


This works in Solo, but it used to be doable in Tactical too. Maybe it still is, with higher influence, I don't know. ;)


So yeah, a game that doesn't need to be played. That's what we have. :(


You used to be able to walk away and let the companion finish off Revan for you in the Shadow of Revan storyline.

I would start the fight and tab out or make some tea. 30 mins later he was dead and I had my reward.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Been away for a while due to personal circumstances. Came back this evening, started doing some PvP with my sage.


Match 1: 4v4 deathmatch, I pop instantly (so backfill), there are five people on my team and everyone on the enemy team is teleporting. Load of nonsense. We win 2-1.


Match 2: Novarre Coast. Backfill again. We win comfortably. Pub v Pub. The first time I try to leave the spawn zone I get jumped and killed by two enemies camping there. This happens twice more before I get away thanks to Force Wave and Force Speed.


Match 3: Novarre again, Pub v Imp. So many of our people quit on spawn that the WZ enters its shutdown countdown. But then more people come in. We end up on like 6 people. Absolute massacre. No coordination, at one point we don't hold any turrets. I saw two Shadows and a Scoundrel simultaneously try to take down a single isolated Sin and all get killed. I get focused for being the only Pub trying to heal, so the match is absolute hell for me.


So yeah, that was a weird return to SWTOR PvP...

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Been away for a while due to personal circumstances. Came back this evening, started doing some PvP with my sage.

Welcome back! Every time I think this thread might have breathed its last, up it comes again. :D


Match 1: 4v4 deathmatch, I pop instantly (so backfill), there are five people on my team and everyone on the enemy team is teleporting. Load of nonsense. We win 2-1.

There should be some percentages calculated. What are the odds of a full match if you get an insta-pop when you queue. And how do those odds change if you see you are loading into an AHG match? :p


Were you in the mid or low bracket? If someone turns in a quest and advances to the next bracket by leveling after they zone in, the game will load someone to "replace" them. On the other hand, the game is full of other bugs too, so maybe you just had 5.


Match 2: Novarre Coast. Backfill again. We win comfortably. Pub v Pub. The first time I try to leave the spawn zone I get jumped and killed by two enemies camping there. This happens twice more before I get away thanks to Force Wave and Force Speed.


This is very sad to me. You were winning handily, but they were spawn camping? Not even trying to win? Lame.


Match 3: Novarre again, Pub v Imp. So many of our people quit on spawn that the WZ enters its shutdown countdown. But then more people come in. We end up on like 6 people. Absolute massacre. No coordination, at one point we don't hold any turrets. I saw two Shadows and a Scoundrel simultaneously try to take down a single isolated Sin and all get killed. I get focused for being the only Pub trying to heal, so the match is absolute hell for me.


Ugh. :( What server are you on? I seem to recall the "not one I play on" server. Otherwise I'd offer to tank for you. But the, healing might still be hell for you even then. :D

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Welcome back! Every time I think this thread might have breathed its last, up it comes again.


I love this thread, even though I've only been here a short time. I'd hate to see it die.


Were you in the mid or low bracket? If someone turns in a quest and advances to the next bracket by leveling after they zone in, the game will load someone to "replace" them. On the other hand, the game is full of other bugs too, so maybe you just had 5.


I was level 27 going into that match.


It was weird. I assume the teleporters were hacking or something. Unless you can make phase walk a legacy power?


This is very sad to me. You were winning handily, but they were spawn camping? Not even trying to win? Lame.


They were the two highest-level players on the other team. I guess they were spamming medals.


What server are you on? I seem to recall the "not one I play on" server. Otherwise I'd offer to tank for you. But the, healing might still be hell for you even then.


I appreciate the offer but yeah, I'm on Red Eclipse.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did a few matches because of a) D-L Event b) Conquest.


Notable experiences :


- Death Squads are apparingly now there on imp side Vangervalis Chain as well. They were death matching everything, getting highest numbers - but never won AHG. They tried to cap ? But even that was vague, as they just battled everyone. We won with a very high number, meanwhile they were quite unorganized - apart from their usual Death Squads. With my Sage, I endured so much longer than ... I think I would have with my Gunslinger. I think I should try out a tank class, too. Especially Juggs seem to still be unstoppable - but that could be due to connected Healers as well, I don't know (Huttball).

It was funny to see those Death Squads getting killed in numbery by the Explosions from the nodes. I haven't seen that with these numbers before.

Notable chat entry from AHG :

Player 1 says : "How many tanks do you have ?"

Player 1 says : "5 tanks in full DPS gear ?"

Player 2 says : "2 1/2"

I could not make out who of both players was from which side, because I left the match soon after its official end, but my guess is that because I survived that long with my Sage, they must have assumed that a tank was connetcted with me. And I don't remember that. I merely took every survival thing I had during their attacks.


- Why play Huttball if you have no chance at all ? I mean, now we had no chance. My team was mostly deathmatching, but they had a formidable ball chain as well. Operative + Sorc protected a Jugg which got almost all of their goals. That was the least fun match. Apart from the 2 Arenas I had to play as well (didn't want to get out because I just wanted to know how much the performance of a Sage is there).


- Conclusion : The amount of matches which are really fun is rare on VC.

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Did a few matches because of a) D-L Event b) Conquest.


Woot! :p


Especially Juggs seem to still be unstoppable - but that could be due to connected Healers as well, I don't know (Huttball).


Yes, I find juggs very strong against people who don't know how they work (I've switched to main-ing a jugg/guardian tank - depending on imp/pub side). We have 2 "big hitter" defenses, and a lot of little ones. There's our "saber reflect" which is awesome against snipers who have you in their sites. It reflects their damage right back at them. I've seen an inexperience sniper knock himself down about 40% as he targetted me while I rushed an AHG node he was defending. To get around this people cc us, or use internal/elemental dmg, which (I'm pretty sure?) is not reflected.


Then there's "Enraged Defense", which is when we pray you've DOT'd us. It heals some damage for every "hit" we take. So it works great when DOT'd because those are lots of little "hits" and so that's effectively what people term our "heal to full" ability. Getting around this is easy... don't use DOTs.


We have a nice 40% (I think, don't have my toon up now) blanket defense called "invincible" that is also good. And a few other defenses.


What we don't have is much in the way of speed (well, we have leaps I guess). And as a "tank geared" tank, I don't do squat for damage. As was discussed in an operative vs. jugg thread a bit ago, I can survive forever, but I'll never kill a 1/2 way decent operative (or really anything else :) ) by myself.


All, IMHO, of course.


Player 1 says : "5 tanks in full DPS gear ?"

Player 2 says : "2 1/2"



- Why play Huttball if you have no chance at all ? I mean, now we had no chance. My team was mostly deathmatching, but they had a formidable ball chain as well.


Yep, those are torture. I won't quit, because I figure why doom someone else to the game, and especially as a backfill. But I'll admit I might set my toon on auto-run and just tour the map sometimes. I'll only bother fighting if someone attacks me, and then I'll usually just try to cc them for as long as possible. Which is trollish, I guess, so I should stop doing that. :( But ruining a HB match, which seems to be rare anyway these days, by having a deathmatch team... that's about the suckiest thing I can think of in this game.


On a better note... had an interesting experience today on EH. I got into an ops group that was all just people queuing up for solo ranked. They advertised as "all skill levels welcome" so I figured, what the heck, I'd give it a try. It was actually pretty fun, although I only got 1 pop before it kinda fell apart. :( Still, lots of good discussion about the matches afterward, and no (in my game at least) rage quitting. Bio's algorithm is just messed up though. We had about 12 people in the group and we were all (supposedly) queued up for solo ranked, but it still took about 10 minutes to pop. I'm going to watch for the group again tonight. :D

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  • 1 month later...

Bump! The thread need more stories.


With nothing better to do in game while waiting for 5.0, did PvP on my chars. Notable matches:

1) Most unexpected comeback at Novare Coast. So here I am, stuck at guarding west, as per usual fo me (because I am the only one ever going there) Enemy has east and center for quite some time, so I am ready to write this match as a loss. People are leaving in droves and getting replaced. Pretty sure we lost half of the original team.


We are down to 4%, and I am finally attacked by 1 player. I dutefully call incoming, even though dont see any point.

Then east is taken, we manage to keep west and somehow take mid! And then we take enemy all the way from 100 to 0, while holding all 3 guns and having only 4% left. That was awesome.


2) Apparently 2 operatives who know what they are doing is all it takes to win queshball. Correction - make it 1 operative, cause I suck at playing as one. Anyway, we won 6:1 because I always was the first person to get the ball, then went 1 level up and passed it to another operative who delivered it to the goal line. Rinse and repeat.


Ironically, later I got a queshball where each side had 3 operatives and we lost that one completely, so I guess its not that simple:D


3)My operative got backfilled into VS that seemed pretty hopeless - we were defenders in 1 round, and they broke through everything except last door. So in 2 round I decided to see. just for fun, how far a stealth approach can take me. Seeing as 1 round was a disaster (at least I think it was - I arrived shortly before the timer run out), I didnt expect anything. You can imagine my surprise, when I managed to hack 1st door, 1 of bridges, and next door and no one was there to stop me. After 2 door my luck left me, but we won the WZ nevertheless. Sadly I received 0 votes for my trouble, while some other guy got 3, but it was fun nevertheless.


P.S. Ironically while on my operative, while trying to cap a pylon in AHS, got attacked by Snave;) I greeted him and run off, because my low PvP skills would lead to extremely one-sided fight with pretty much anyone and that WZ was pretty much lost already;)

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Bump! The thread need more stories.

Woot! The return of PvP a day! :p

1) Most unexpected comeback at Novare Coast.


Had almost the opposite. We had them at 4% and us at 100 when they took a turret from us. At first it was like, "meh, no big deal". They had us down to I think about 15% when we finally took one back. I much preferred that to the easy win... even if we had lost.


So in 2 round I decided to see. just for fun, how far a stealth approach can take me.


Never under estimate how much the other team might be deathmatching and ignoring the doors. :p


I had an interesting arena today. I'm not a big fan of arenas, but it's sometimes fun watching other players who are good, and what they can do. :p It was an all dps match. We started with 3 v their 4. Lost the first match big time. Then we got our fourth, and switched it up to target their biggest hitter from the first round, and took them out without a loss! Thought we had it made with that performance, but they adjusted. They took out 3 of us at the point where we'd only taken out 2. So it was 1 of us left vs. 2 of them. Our 1 was less than 1/2 health, while 1 of them was full, the other about 1/3. But our side was a sorc. :D


This was mids, and she didn't have everything yet (no phase walk I think, or maybe she already used it). She used her bubble to buy some time, and managed to take out the one on their side with low health. Then she used dot-n-run-n-heal tactics and kept the other guy at bay and got it down to where they were each at a sliver. It was anyone's game! But I think she made a mistake at that point, and tried to go toe-to-toe and finish 'em off with lightning. She fell first, and they won. Still, fun game.

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Arena can indeed be quite interesting sometimes. I've soooooo often seen it this way :


1. First round : One side loses

2. Second round : Team that lost the first round wins

3. Third round : Either the team that won the second round wins again, or both teams are *both* very good.


I call the first round the "adapting phase". It's not really proper play, it's rather some kind of "Hello. I'd like to get to know you a bit better." At least if the teams really don't know each other.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok. This one got me literally rolling all over the floor.


I finally got to lvl 70 yesterday on my Sin and was doing a mixture of regs and ranked. AH, Imp vs Imp, both teams are being good at dps and being terrible at objectives at the same time. I didn’t go to guard as I usually do because I wanted to warm up with death matching before ranked and got a bit carried away at mid chasing low HP targets to reset Phantom Stride :D I did not check the map to see whether our guard (sorc, I recall) was doing ok and woke up only when we lost our P at 25 seconds to go- there was no guard at all actually. He capped and left after some time.


So, we are down by 160 or something points, second round we out-dps them and get close at the beginning of the third, but this time they are at our pylon preventing cap. They’ve managed to do it and got some points with kills to get even bigger advantage. So, round four starts, they go our P again and somehow we lose it fast while having 1 man advantage. I was theirs at that moment trying to prevent them from capping, got involved into 1 vs 3 bang gang and died. At the same time we get ours back, but the game is lost anyway. So let’s go troll their side! And you know what? When I arrived to their P 15 seconds before a sure loss they all started to leave, one by one. 8 secs, I open to cap and no one is even looking back! I jumped out of my chair and ran a full circle around the room laughing and then just collapsed, because (no offence to the enemy team) it looked so dumb you could make a movie about it.


We won.

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  • 4 weeks later...
i'm baaaaaaaaaaack... And i don't like what they've done to ops. Getting rid of my ability to take cover when i'm squishy af? No thanks.


Having said that, i haven't tried pvping yet. Might give it a go this evening or tomorrow


#buff operatives

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Still haven't tried PvP. I was so caught up in PvPing before my hiatus that I was level 40 and only halfway through Alderaan in Chapter One of the class campaign, so I decided to at least polish that off first


True PvPrs are level 70 and don't even have their ship yet. :p They only need to get their ship on their first toon, so they can visit all the planets and get all the datacrons for their legacy boosts.


For my PvP a day, I had a run of huttball games. 3 that were friggin AMAZING. Two wins and a loss, all really close, with lots of last second saves, and people passing and pulling and healing, and both sides actually trying to win.


Then a fourth where my team spent pretty much the entire game deathmatching in our own endzone while the other side scored over and over and over (6 times in fact :D). Hate games like that. "Hey! If you want to deathmatch GO DO RANKED." :mad:

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True PvPrs are level 70 and don't even have their ship yet. :p They only need to get their ship on their first toon, so they can visit all the planets and get all the datacrons for their legacy boosts.


For my PvP a day, I had a run of huttball games. 3 that were friggin AMAZING. Two wins and a loss, all really close, with lots of last second saves, and people passing and pulling and healing, and both sides actually trying to win.


Then a fourth where my team spent pretty much the entire game deathmatching in our own endzone while the other side scored over and over and over (6 times in fact :D). Hate games like that. "Hey! If you want to deathmatch GO DO RANKED." :mad:


What's a ship ;)


Happy New Years babe 😘

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