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A PvP a Day...


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I currently have an Op in the 40s, a Sage and a Guardian who are just over 20, a Slinger who is 15 and a Sin who is about 11. They're all for LvD and I'll PvP with any of them (although the poor Sin will take a beating!) If you're free and up for a round or two that'd be great :D


No PvP today so far, just getting my Slinger through Coruscant. Queue times have been horrendous. Might log back in later and try again.

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I'm beginning to sound like a broken record here, but if you're on Red Eclipse and want to group/queue with another late PvP adopter... :D

Unfortunately, I'm on Jedi Covenant with this new legacy. I'm discovering that melee is no more my thing in PvP than it is in PvE--I just can't track all that chaos from in the middle and I get panicky trying to target and be useful to the team. I'm much more comfortable staying back and picking people off!


Right now I'm leveling a JK and an agent. My agent is by far the more effective player. My absolute favorite on my other legacy, however, is my healer smug so when I get these two topped out I'm going to go for a new one on JC and see how healing in PvP goes. Even my off-heal numbers are pretty good with the agent. Apparently I just can't resist popping those little floaters around my team between shots.


I did have a stellar match two days ago. Usually I pipe-sit and guard the goal line on Huttball but I killed the ball carrier right outside the line and ended up with the ball. Mid was a massive pile of explosions and sabers so I just walked down the ramp...all of the way across with no one noticing...and up the other side, behind two people pouring fire into the middle, to score without a single shot fired at me. Then the enemy team turned around and ripped me into tiny pieces. :D It's crazy stuff like that that keeps me coming back for just one more zone.

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Eh, I've been off the game for about half a year or so. I returned to wheat some thirst I had for Star Wars and found an event running which I had not heard of, so I decided I'll stick around at least for a couple months. And have a look at KotFE in its entirety, while I'm at it. :p


That said, I'm fine, I guess. ;)


Yep. I took a break myself for a couple months. I'm not into the story stuff that bio is putting out at all, and I got tired of all the complainers... "woe is me, everyone ELSE is so bad". Sure. Right. It's all them. :rolleyes: There seems to be less of that now, or maybe it's because I'm still in lowbies and midbies?


Also I'm trying DPS this time around (usually a tank). I'm giving engin sniper a go. It's nice being able to kill things. And still I have enough fun toys to just mess with people. :D On the other hand, now I actually feel bad if my DPS isn't SUPER HIGH, OMG, DPS IS KING, IF YOU DO LESS THAN TOP DPS YOU MUST SUCK, HOW COULD YOU LOSERS POSSIBLY DO SO LOW DPS, DID YOU DROP YOUR KEYBOARD IN ACID RIGHT BEFORE THE MATCH STARTED, JUST UNINSTALL AND GO PLAY HELLO KITTY!!!!!!


Oops, sorry. I'm not sure what happened there. I just started pew-pewing someone and it was like my keyboard was possessed. :D

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LoL at myself. I had a new one just now. I was frantically mashing buttons in a NC, and my UI suddenly vanished in the middle of the match! The only thing I could activate were things I had keybinds for, and I couldn't remember how to toggle it back on (hint, ctrl-U :D ).


It really lets you know where you've been using buttons as a crutch still, like, for example, being able to heal up. Couldn't heal, couldn't call inc, etc. And I was node guarding! Luckily engin snipers rock, so we still won.


I had to alt-tab out and search google to figure out how to toggle the UI back on though, so that I could leave the match! :o

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Yep. I took a break myself for a couple months. I'm not into the story stuff that bio is putting out at all, and I got tired of all the complainers... "woe is me, everyone ELSE is so bad". Sure. Right. It's all them. :rolleyes: There seems to be less of that now, or maybe it's because I'm still in lowbies and midbies?


Also I'm trying DPS this time around (usually a tank). I'm giving engin sniper a go. It's nice being able to kill things. And still I have enough fun toys to just mess with people. :D On the other hand, now I actually feel bad if my DPS isn't SUPER HIGH, OMG, DPS IS KING, IF YOU DO LESS THAN TOP DPS YOU MUST SUCK, HOW COULD YOU LOSERS POSSIBLY DO SO LOW DPS, DID YOU DROP YOUR KEYBOARD IN ACID RIGHT BEFORE THE MATCH STARTED, JUST UNINSTALL AND GO PLAY HELLO KITTY!!!!!!


Oops, sorry. I'm not sure what happened there. I just started pew-pewing someone and it was like my keyboard was possessed. :D


"Uninstall your life!" is still my favorite one of these.

Quality bantz.

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I'm sorry but I'm not sure I can do it, I'm on the verge of giving up.

Playing a sorc healer is no fun, so squishy always focused, never protected.

"Get gud " is a terrible advice when even capped at 2018 expertise you get 3 shot.

Probably if phase walk and bubble did not have so long cd's...


Give me strength to reach 60 valor, and then I can ****. 14 more ranks to go, the longest ones.

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If my mediocrity can stick it out, so can you! ;)


I started my baby 'slinger yesterday. I've decided to start keybinding, after realizing how much mouse turning really changed the way I play. It's...hard. Clicking is old hat by now and feels so much faster. I feel like I spend all my time looking at the bar watching cooldowns and remembering which key does what. Hopefully starting this guy on binds from day one will help me get used to the layout.


It was a far better day for PvP, even on my knight. What kind of fool was I to go in on the day weeklies reset?! We got a solid win on Queshball, with some Jugg powering through everyone to score all 6 to not one second of enemy bally carry. I followed him around at smacked people with my lightsaber when they bothered him, mostly.

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If my mediocrity can stick it out, so can you! ;)


I started my baby 'slinger yesterday. I've decided to start keybinding, after realizing how much mouse turning really changed the way I play. It's...hard. Clicking is old hat by now and feels so much faster. I feel like I spend all my time looking at the bar watching cooldowns and remembering which key does what. Hopefully starting this guy on binds from day one will help me get used to the layout.


It was a far better day for PvP, even on my knight. What kind of fool was I to go in on the day weeklies reset?! We got a solid win on Queshball, with some Jugg powering through everyone to score all 6 to not one second of enemy bally carry. I followed him around at smacked people with my lightsaber when they bothered him, mostly.


Test the bindings on a pvp dummy until you get used to them, and change what doesn't feel natural.

EG; I have pretty big hands so anything that makes me claw is slower for me to get to. It's one of the reasons I don't use MMO mice.

I've been using my bindings for about 2 years now, hell most of my playing and reactions are muscle memory at this point.

Edited by Ruhun
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I'm still not keybinding... xP


Didn't manage to meet up with Greezt last night, but did play a round of Hutball and a go of Novarre coast with my Vanguard. I don't think I like tanking.


We lost Huttball and won Novarre coast, but honestly most of the time I felt utterly useless. So thus far on Pub side I've definitely been happiest with my Sage.

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I'm still not keybinding... xP


Didn't manage to meet up with Greezt last night, but did play a round of Hutball and a go of Novarre coast with my Vanguard. I don't think I like tanking.


We lost Huttball and won Novarre coast, but honestly most of the time I felt utterly useless. So thus far on Pub side I've definitely been happiest with my Sage.


All classes are not for all people. I have made myself enough characters to have every advanced class and Discipline on a character I played at least through the first 50 levels, but I don't PvP on all of them. I never did. I do have a few selected ones I PvP on, but the others I never really bothered to PvP regularly as I never felt comfortable enough. :cool:


Maybe Vanguard Tanking is not for you, but perhaps Guardian Tanking is. Or perhaps Sniper is the class for you. You never know till you try. With all the tools you get. So, consider lvl 40+ as the proper test ground. Better if 50+. We all have a different feeling, so we may all be better at different classes and roles. :)


I myself can't PvP on a Shadow/Assassin, no matter what. I did have a nice feeling with Darkness/Kinetic Combat, the Tanking Discipline, once... But after a few "trims" they unleashed on it I never felt comfortable with it again. Same for Sentinel/Marauder. No matter what I do, I feel like a paper-thin fool swiping wet noodles at my opponents. But I did see some good Marauders outDPS my main Lightning Sorc on a regular basis. :o


As a result, the only classes I PvP on with a certain regularity are Lightning Sorc - my main, though I can't use the Sage equivalent, I just loathe the whole rock throwing feel :eek: - and Guardian/Juggernaut. These last two with little regard of Discipline, with a bit of practice I can go decently with all of them. :D


So, keep trying. You'll find the perfect class/Discipline combo eventually. ;)

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I myself can't PvP on a Shadow/Assassin, no matter what. I did have a nice feeling with Darkness/Kinetic Combat, the Tanking Discipline, once...


I've just been trying PvP on my Hatred Sin (Tandriane, which is why you couldn't find me, Greezt!) and loving it. Did AHG and won by a hilariously wide margin. Didn't node guard this time, another Sin did that so I got to deal damage and carry orbs. Great fun. Then got creamed in a 4v4, myself and the Ops Leader were trying to stop the other two from going upstairs (it's that arena that's one big room with a ground floor and walkways above) straight into the LOS of the opposing Slinger, and they were having none of it. I did my best but when you're down to 4v2 in both rounds within seconds...

Then Odessan, which we actually won comfortably and furthermore I feel like I did my bit, which is a first.


Played one round as my lvl 40 Op earlier, got put on a team for AHG which featured another Op (lvl 10 but a legendary player) who spent the whole time criticising the team in chat while capping and running, trying to cap the Pub pylon despite it having three guards... I just kept my head down and ended up healing a lot because we didn't have a dedicated healer. Not fun, even though I like healing in general. Left a sour taste in my mouth. There were two non-legendary lvl 12s in that group that definitely didn't need to be talked to like that, least of all by an overcompensating incompetent.

Edited by TheGhostOfSlade
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I've just been trying PvP on my Hatred Sin (Tandriane, which is why you couldn't find me, Greezt!) and loving it. Did AHG and won by a hilariously wide margin. Didn't node guard this time, another Sin did that so I got to deal damage and carry orbs. Great fun. Then got creamed in a 4v4, myself and the Ops Leader were trying to stop the other two from going upstairs (it's that arena that's one big room with a ground floor and walkways above) straight into the LOS of the opposing Slinger, and they were having none of it. I did my best but when you're down to 4v2 in both rounds within seconds...

Then Odessan, which we actually won comfortably and furthermore I feel like I did my bit, which is a first.


Played one round as my lvl 40 Op earlier, got put on a team for AHG which featured another Op (lvl 10 but a legendary player) who spent the whole time criticising the team in chat while capping and running, trying to cap the Pub pylon despite it having three guards... I just kept my head down and ended up healing a lot because we didn't have a dedicated healer. Not fun, even though I like healing in general. Left a sour taste in my mouth. There were two non-legendary lvl 12s in that group that definitely didn't need to be talked to like that, least of all by an overcompensating incompetent.


Well, that's why I don't consider the Legendary Player icon a meter of competence but a show of how long someone has played. :D


Criticizing can be useful, in the long run, as long as it's constructive. Stuff like "don't do that, you will whitebar the opponent and make it hard to contain it" is what I call constructive criticism. It explains what not to do, and why. However, stuff like "L2P Noob" I don't consider criticism. That's just being useless. :rolleyes:


Still, to anyone who feels bad because of others talking you down because of your DPS or kills: don't. Even if - and this is a big if - those guys at times manage to sum up a sky high damage in the WZ, chances are they completely ignored objectives. The end results and numbers are far from being an indication of how much one has been useful. :p


You have no idea how many times I've been called a N00b when I was levelling alts by those sort of guys, but in the end I managed to score some pretty good numbers for a levelling character. And of course, to be useful to the team, which is what really matters. Not stellar numbers, mind you, but the utility I brought to the team far outshined them most of the time. ;)


Let's make an example with Huttball. Scoring, healing the ball carrier (even as a DPS you can at times throw a heal, those count) or guarding it, intercepting the respawners that are trying to get to it, taunting them if you have taunts, protecting the center so the enemies have a tough time grabbing the ball after it returns there if you're mostly stationary or weak to interception (Snipers, as an example)... All of those things can buy the ball carrier a few dozen seconds each.

However, most of them don't entail that you have to kill your opponent. Actually, most of the times you don't want to do that. Nor you want to spend half a minute DPSing the opponents down. You just want them out of the way, in a position where they can't harm your team. Wether that means pushing them down a ledge so they can't damage your ball carrier, stunning them so the ball carrier can move away, taunting them so they can't damage their target as much as they could is not important. The fact you helped your team win is what really counts. If you lose and score top DPS, guess how much it counts? :cool:


It's a matter of strategy. DPS, kills, even HPS at times... Can be overrated. It's Objectives usually that show wether someone has been doing his job. Well, unless the guy who got most of them was guarding a node and lost it without calling the inc. It may happen. :o

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Criticizing can be useful, in the long run, as long as it's constructive. Stuff like "don't do that, you will whitebar the opponent and make it hard to contain it" is what I call constructive criticism. It explains what not to do, and why. However, stuff like "L2P Noob" I don't consider criticism. That's just being useless.


Yeah. It was a lot of "this group is stupid" and "this feels like a Pub group". Idiocy.


Let's make an example with Huttball. Scoring, healing the ball carrier (even as a DPS you can at times throw a heal, those count) or guarding it, intercepting the respawners that are trying to get to it, taunting them if you have taunts, protecting the center so the enemies have a tough time grabbing the ball after it returns there if you're mostly stationary or weak to interception (Snipers, as an example)... All of those things can buy the ball carrier a few dozen seconds each.

However, most of them don't entail that you have to kill your opponent. Actually, most of the times you don't want to do that. Nor you want to spend half a minute DPSing the opponents down. You just want them out of the way, in a position where they can't harm your team. Wether that means pushing them down a ledge so they can't damage your ball carrier, stunning them so the ball carrier can move away, taunting them so they can't damage their target as much as they could is not important. The fact you helped your team win is what really counts. If you lose and score top DPS, guess how much it counts?


Yeah, this is it exactly. I've felt like I've made a huge contribution to winning Huttball games while not killing anyone, especially with my Sage. Heal, use AOEs to create bottlenecks, push people off ledges with force powers... If you kill everyone they just respawn in the perfect position to defend the goal :p

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Test the bindings on a pvp dummy until you get used to them, and change what doesn't feel natural.

EG; I have pretty big hands so anything that makes me claw is slower for me to get to. It's one of the reasons I don't use MMO mice.

I've been using my bindings for about 2 years now, hell most of my playing and reactions are muscle memory at this point.

Do you have to buy one for your ship or is there one somewhere else you can beat up for free? This is a baby legacy so I don't have a ton of credits and most of those go to crafting ATM. I have small hands and a great big ergonomic keyboard so it's only stuff on the left side I can bind. Thank heavens I've been touch typing for a couple of decades by now.


I finally got my healer to fleet and he went into his first PvP at level 13. It was a beautiful day on Alderaan and we ended up taking and holding all three turrets. I put up shockingly good number for heals and objective points (since I capped both our off node and the middle) and another healer and I hung out at mid keeping our team in good form for fending off the others who apparently forgot there were two other nodes. :p By the time I turned in the Intro to Warzones and the Daily on him he jumped to Level 17 and got a whole host of new stuff to bind!

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Do you have to buy one for your ship or is there one somewhere else you can beat up for free? This is a baby legacy so I don't have a ton of credits and most of those go to crafting ATM. I have small hands and a great big ergonomic keyboard so it's only stuff on the left side I can bind. Thank heavens I've been touch typing for a couple of decades by now.


I finally got my healer to fleet and he went into his first PvP at level 13. It was a beautiful day on Alderaan and we ended up taking and holding all three turrets. I put up shockingly good number for heals and objective points (since I capped both our off node and the middle) and another healer and I hung out at mid keeping our team in good form for fending off the others who apparently forgot there were two other nodes. :p By the time I turned in the Intro to Warzones and the Daily on him he jumped to Level 17 and got a whole host of new stuff to bind!


There are dummies in DK I think, they should be close to the cantina. The PVP one you have to buy for your ship, I'm not sure if there is a free PVP one somewhere.


The main thing is to get used to the key bindings until it becomes second nature.

Edited by Ruhun
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I'm still not keybinding... xP


Didn't manage to meet up with Greezt last night, but did play a round of Hutball and a go of Novarre coast with my Vanguard. I don't think I like tanking.


We lost Huttball and won Novarre coast, but honestly most of the time I felt utterly useless. So thus far on Pub side I've definitely been happiest with my Sage.


You don't need to keybind to be a good player. Some people are highly skilled with a mouse. It's usually the much older players who don't keybind as much.

I've only got 4 keys bound, 2 to my mouse and 2 to the keyboard. I've zero issues against key binders.

Do what feels natural for you.


Tanking can be a bit boring, especially if you don't have a dedicated healer to team up with. Most people playing tanks aren't that fantastic because they never learn to tank a healer in PVP, then it's random if you even get a healer. Which means guarding DPS who don't care or take you into consideration when they kamakazi into 5 guys.

Tanks can be good solo in some cases, but let's face it, if you are just pounding DPS or Healers and can't do anything meaning full to them, it gets a bit boring.


Sages are the easiest class to play, but can take a fair bit of skill to be played well. Keep persevering on your sage and discover new and wonderful ways to play it.

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