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Think GSF will be integrated into stronholds someday?


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One thing i was looking forward to with galactic strongholds expansion was the idea of having GSF used in it where our ships could fight for our guild flag ships in pvp with other guild flag ships. Unfortunately that's not happening since i read in the Q&A, but i'm hoping it will in future content be released so GSF can have more purpose in the game. Does that make sense because guild flagship pvp would go so well if GSF was a integral part of it.
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I asked that question 3-4 times during their GSH stream (because I care, too!). The reply regarding integration was something along the lines of "we're looking into it and haven't decided one way or the other." Disappointing, I'd really have liked to put a Bloodmark on my landing field.


Well... we can hope. What's Star Wars without starfighters?

Edited by TrinityLyre
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Having a placeable ship decoration as a reward for mastering said ship would be great, if for no other reason than I'd like to be able to compare the sizes of the GSF ships relative to each other.


It'd be especially great if the decoration mirrored the current component choices in your hangar.


That being said, I doubt it's going to happen, at least in the initial release. Many of the ship models aren't designed to be shown in a landed state. What would a Sledgehammer look like on the ground?


Of course, I am still generally mystified as to Strongholds. At first blush they seem neat ("I can make my own residence!") but as soon as it's built, what then? There's nothing to do in there. No one but RPers are going to go into another person's Stronghold, and even amongst RPers, they are all going to be competing for their stronghold to be the big group hangout. And I say this as an RPer.


It's basically a glorified achievements system. Sure, the completionist in me will want to collect all the things! XD But ... that impulse only lasts as long as it takes for me to think about what I'd do with all the things.


And as for spending real money on Cartel Market decorations... I just don't get that at all. I'll spend money on my character's outfit. But that's because I actually parade my character around for the world to see. And I am on a server where people give compliments on an appearance well made, and personal appearance is important for RP.


So getting back to the topic at hand... as far as GSF-related amenities in Strongholds ... sure they'd be neat. And if they can encourage GSF participation by a broader swath of players, great. But ultimately it won't affect me much either way, because as far as the appeal of Strongholds goes, "I just don't get it."

Edited by Nemarus
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Honestly if i can get throne a couple twi'lek slave girls and a some carbonite wall decorations gsh will be worth it for me.



but back to the main discussions. A landing pad were you can have either your pve ship which would board your pve ship or a gsf mastered ship which would load the gsf que menu i would be cool with that. It be a another nice reward for mastering a ship

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"we're looking into it and haven't decided one way or the other." Disappointing, I'd really have liked to put a Bloodmark on my landing field.

Yeah, I hope they get around to having something like that eventually. Complete with paintjobs and color schemes you own.

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but back to the main discussions. A landing pad were you can have either your pve ship which would board your pve ship or a gsf mastered ship which would load the gsf que menu i would be cool with that. It be a another nice reward for mastering a ship


They did show that class ships could be placed in certain spots, although they are decorative only.


I wonder if there's a technical issue with enabling / disabling the door by class (so Agent must board agent ship, hunter must board hunter ship, and Sith must board Sith ship) or if they thought it would be weird to effectively treat a class ship like a shuttle (Agent uses Sith ship to take him to his ship)? Or maybe it's just an issue with decorations as a whole that they can't give them functions like that?


Whatever the answer to that, it would be nice to be able to break the super large landing pad hook used by the class ships into smaller hooks for a few starfighters.


Having a placeable ship decoration as a reward for mastering said ship would be great, if for no other reason than I'd like to be able to compare the sizes of the GSF ships relative to each other.


They've got a few of the starfighters on display in the map with the door to the KDY flashpoint, don't they? It's nowhere near all of the ships of course but it should be enough to tell how big the ships are.

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They did show that class ships could be placed in certain spots, although they are decorative only.


I wonder if there's a technical issue with enabling / disabling the door by class (so Agent must board agent ship, hunter must board hunter ship, and Sith must board Sith ship) or if they thought it would be weird to effectively treat a class ship like a shuttle (Agent uses Sith ship to take him to his ship)? Or maybe it's just an issue with decorations as a whole that they can't give them functions like that?


Whatever the answer to that, it would be nice to be able to break the super large landing pad hook used by the class ships into smaller hooks for a few starfighters.




They've got a few of the starfighters on display in the map with the door to the KDY flashpoint, don't they? It's nowhere near all of the ships of course but it should be enough to tell how big the ships are.


Honestly, that starfighter deck was so slapdash that I don't really take it seriously. Have they even fixed the "solid" holograms yet?


The models sitting out in the various hangars that you could look down on were just sitting there, floating in mid-air, with nothing around them. I seriously doubt any attempt was made to make them the correct scale.


We've seen ships in other hangars that are very close to the GSF ships. Ships in Interfleet Transport hangars include lookalikes for Bloodmarks, Razorwires, Pikes, and NovaDrives. But we haven't ever gotten to walk around anything in the Imperial or Republic Gunship lines, nor the Republic Bomber line.


Makeb is the best place to find examples of all of the Cartel ships.

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I asked that question 3-4 times during their GSH stream (because I care, too!). The reply regarding integration was something along the lines of "we're looking into it and haven't decided one way or the other." Disappointing, I'd really have liked to put a Bloodmark on my landing field.


Well... we can hope. What's Star Wars without starfighters?


I was asking this question too. I think their question is secret code for "we don't know if management has decided yet."


My buddy and I have a small fleet of star fighters and star ships between us. I would love to have a few parked at my stronghold and an entire hangar of them at the guild ship... maybe even several huge hangars... then some day if we ever get in battles our guild ship would literally have 20-30 star fighters and 20-30 star ships in the hangars to unleash... it would be very formidable...

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Honestly, that starfighter deck was so slapdash that I don't really take it seriously. Have they even fixed the "solid" holograms yet?


The models sitting out in the various hangars that you could look down on were just sitting there, floating in mid-air, with nothing around them. I seriously doubt any attempt was made to make them the correct scale.


We've seen ships in other hangars that are very close to the GSF ships. Ships in Interfleet Transport hangars include lookalikes for Bloodmarks, Razorwires, Pikes, and NovaDrives. But we haven't ever gotten to walk around anything in the Imperial or Republic Gunship lines, nor the Republic Bomber line.


Makeb is the best place to find examples of all of the Cartel ships.


I just went in to look around again. You're right. The displays I was thinking of are holograms. (Were they solid before? I can walk through them. I don't remember if I ever got that close to them before though.) However, you can go around the edge of the room and look out the three windows to see three small hangars with a starfighter in each of them. (It looks like a Comet Breaker (missing the enclosures around the engine trails though), a Rampart, and a Clarion.) They're definitely a lot bigger than the floating displays but I'd say they're somewhere in the range of 1/3 to 1/2 the size of the class ships (same as I had been thinking when I thought of the floating displays).


Taking a look around in Interfleet Transport though.... Okay, the Pikes and Flashfire in there look more than a bit smaller than what I just described... The Flashfire is barely any larger than that tiny little taxi shuttle that's used when you go to the other ships in fleet. (edit: Are those Spearpoints in the Telos and Gav Daragon transport hangars?)


So, yeah... Either there's some weird trick of the perspective when looking out those windows that makes the ships appear bigger than they should, or they just simply got the scale a bit off when designing the models to place in there.


Going by the size of the ships in interfleet transport, maybe a landing pad big enough for the class ships has enough room to fit 4 or 5 fighters.

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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(It looks like a Comet Breaker (missing the enclosures around the engine trails though), a Rampart, and a Clarion.)


The enclosures around the engine trails on the gunships are for Barrel Roll engine components. When I roll out with Rotational Thrusters the rear of the engine changes to a Gaussian cone with the tip cut off, and only extends about a quarter of the distance that the enclosures of barrerl roll do. Pretty sure those ships you can see outside are the basic body model minus equipment that would show on the exterior. Comet Breaker doesn't have a railgun, Rampart doesn't have minelayers, Clarion doesn't have cannons from what I remember seeing the other day (was only a quick glance but those are things that popped right away in my mind).


For size considerations, I did see a nearly complete, though crashed Nova Dive in Korriban or Tython flashpoint (can't remember which it was since I run them back to back). From the size of it, I'd say that the cockpit is a tandem arrangement, if you consider that the co-pilot is actually in the snubfighter with you. The canopy is about as wide as a single seat modern jet fighter, though telling the length was difficult since they cut the model to break it in half right at the cockpit.

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The enclosures around the engine trails on the gunships are for Barrel Roll engine components. When I roll out with Rotational Thrusters the rear of the engine changes to a Gaussian cone with the tip cut off, and only extends about a quarter of the distance that the enclosures of barrerl roll do.


Ah, that makes sense. I haven't yet tried to play with the rotational thrusters on any of my characters' gunships (though they do sound useful for when someone tries to ambush you). I've tried other engine components on other ships but ultimately I tend to prefer using barrel roll on as many ships as possible.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Was looking at the new Galactic Strongholds data which had been mined yesterday and there's an element to the guild/faction pvp called "Clash in Hyperspace" which involves GSF, not sure what it's all about but it's part of the strongholds update.
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I'm not on the test server but I know dulfy has a big list posted:



Scroll down to the starfighter and pvp decoration vendors. They have a few warzone related items for warzone comms and a few starfighter themed items for fleet comms. That's also the vendor where you'll get class ships as decorations (for the hefty price of 5 dark project mk1 and 5 universal prefab mk3, both of which will take a considerable amount of time and materials to craft just one of them).

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