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New Valor System


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As a subscriber who has religiously subscribed for SWTOR PvP for many years now, since update 1.4 I have not attempted to grind to top tier PvP gear... I perform very well with whatever the regular PvP gear is atm. On the PvP forums it seems PvPers don't want anymore tiers of PvP gear and I agree. So what do I propose as an alternative option? Bring back the importance of the Valor system. How? Combine it with the expertise system. I loved the fact that you had to buy PvP gear based off valor, now its just something that gets you titles. Here's an example:


Valor 90-100= 50-60% Damage Boost; 36-40% Damage Reduction; 20-25% Healing Bonus

Valor 80-89= 40-49% Damage Boost; 30-35% Damage Reduction; 16-19% Healing Bonus

Valor 70-79= 30-39% Damage Boost; 26-29% Damage Reduction; 10-15% Healing Bonus

Valor 60-69= 20-29% Damage Boost; 20-25% Damage Reduction; 6-9% Healing Bonus

Valor 50-59= 10-19% Damage Boost; 15-19% Damage Reduction; 1-5% Healing Bonus


How would this work? Anyone who is a PvP'er already has a character or 2 at max valor and for those who don't have much of it there are Valor Buffs. So what does this mean for PvP Gear and WZ comms? Conversion of WZ comms into Basic Comms and Ranked WZ comms into Elite Comms for PvE gear should be implemented. Won't need PvP gear with the new Valor system which gives the PvP bonus. This is also a time for a PvE comm conversion system. 30 Classic comms= 10 Basic comms; 30 Basic comms= 10 Elite comms; 30 Elite comms= 10 Ultimate comms.


Open World PvP

If you’re Queing from Tatooine PvP area you should get a buff that grants 5% WZ reward buff to Valor, Commendations, Experience, & Credits for Republic or Imperials depending if the area is controlled by the faction (like the old days of Ilum). Put a single capture point in the middle of the PvP area that states who has control of the area. Players should receive a Valor for each kill they get in PvP area whether or not you have killed that player already. PvPers will want that buff so there will be PvP conflict. The Outlaws Den PvP chest respawn rate should either be decreased to 5 mins or grant 20 Elite comms. As of right now, if you find the chest solo you receive 20 WZ comms, possibly a Recruit Gear Piece (Which should have been updated to Partisan Gear piece) but if you’re in a group of 2 you receive 1 comm, which makes no sense.

Also, since the Gree Event only returns once every 6 months or so; Ilum should have a similar 24/7 pvp area with a 5% buff that stacks with the Tatooine 5% and should have PvP chest spawns. A PvP area should be implemented on Makeb that also has 5% stackable WZ Rewards Buff and have PvP chest spawns. Makeb is an exspansion and should have open world PvP.


This is what I got... make changes, add to it, lets get this thing rolling so you can keep taking my money :D

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Thats a really terrible idea.So some fresh 55 with mediocre gear will have a 40% dmg loss,20% DR loss,20% healing loss vs a guy with max valor?:D

Also pve gear should have no place in pvp at all...

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That's worse than BiS Warhero > Recruit and we all remember the tears when players actually had to gear up.


I'd love to see bolster removed from 55 PvP and a recruit set added back into the game. Bolster doesn't belong in 55 PvP. You don't hit 55 and walk into NiM content PvE why should it be different in PvP? Hit 55 spend time to gear up to become


It's like its hard to gear up in this game with the amount of legacy gear available atm.


Remove bolster.


inb4carebears and inb4lolujustwannapwnfresh50s. Yes yes I do because I hit 50 with lvl 40 PvP gear and had to play against centurion/champion/battlemaster geared players. game is ezmode now /boring

Edited by eerinbastile
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Ha! Open world PvP has been more or less dead for a long time now and isn't coming back. Yea, it happens from time to time, but it is pretty rare (at least on BC which is where I play)


As for Valor, I've been playing since 2 months post launch, I have 16 alts (11 of which are lvl 55). I have over 10,000 kills in PvP Warzones, so I'm not new at it... Only 2 of my alts are above Valor 50 (one just hit Valor 53 this week). I'm probably a year away from Valor 100.


So what you're saying is since you've spent your time playing 16 characters (Being a Jack of al trades, Master of nothing) The game should accomodate you and give you a fair battleground on the PvP playing field; when you failed put in the playtime to acquire what all the other worthy PvPers acquired to actually be the top of the food chain? I have 6 characters on BC (Where I play) but unlike you, I don't make excuses or complain like the common man.



I sure don't see many of them... even when I do, it is a group of very well geared players in full PvP gear camping a base such as on Sec X. Fun for them, but for people who came to do the dailies, not fun at all since players in non-PvP gear aren't going to be able to do anything in open world against a group of PvP geared players.


Once I got stuck in just that situation, couldn't res because the res spot was where the PvPers were camping. After being killed three times in a row, I decided to close the game and do something else. Yea, THAT is the solution Bioware should hope for.


Last I checked this was Star Wars, keyword "Wars" I'm not one for going to bases and spawn ganking but it makes all the sense for it to happen. And it should be a way to get rewarded Valor. This game extremely lacks Republic vs Empire conflicts. So far the end game has been Star Wars: The Dread Wars... I didn't sign up to fight the dread masters, give 0 cares about the "Dread War" I signed up for Republic Vs Empire. BC is an RP server and this has RP and Story written all over it.



Ha! You must be joking... Valor rank 100 takes a very, very long time to get.

Yeah, if I spread my playtime amongst 16 characters, I'd have a hard time getting Valor too...:rolleyes:



Ahh, so anything that doesn't serve YOU shouldn't be brought up? How nice.


No, like I said before, I don't give excuse, or complaints unlike you... and are you not trying to get things that serve you by wanting all classes to be able to one v one eachother?:p




It would be nice to have all classes worth playing in PvP. It has gotten to the point where I can tell how it is going to go, just based on the classes everyone is playing. Get too many of the "right" classes on one side and if they know what they are doing, the outcome is never really in doubt.


If a Commando can't fight an Assassin one-on-one, then 8 Commandos have no chance against 8 Assassins. Or is that somehow too complex for you to understand? Each class needs to have its upside and downside, but as it stands, that is not the case. There is no way to counter a triple stun when playing as a Commando.

I play a commando (that has valor 70) and Assassins & Operatives solo me all the time, but every stealth is not the same... As a Assault Commando Player... while on Guard duty I have successfully solo'd my fair share of Assassins and Operatives. Some poorly geared and some geared better than me. In Warzones you shouldn't be trying to 1v1 anyway but you sound like you try to based off your want to be able to solo every class. Tanks should be on guard duty anyway because Tanks can hold off long enough for reinforcements. Play the game and play the ball where it lies, stop trying to re-invent the game. Perfection lies with you playing you class role as it should be played.



Without rookies you'll never have pros... without new players you'll end up playing with just an ever smaller number of people until the game is dead...


The single biggest mistake the original devs made was Expertise. A set of stats for gear useful only in PvP, but that hurts you in PvE. What it did was kill open world PvP because either you're geared for PvP or you're geared for PvE, but never both. If Expertise were removed from this time, I might be inclined to actually turn my PvP flag on. But since I'd just get killed by someone in a full set of PvP gear while I'm wearing my PvE gear, what's the point?

When I was a rookie, I was a rookie when it was ok to be, which is in lowbie PvP. We can agree that a mistake was made when PvE & PvP gear was divided, The damage has already been done... PvP can't get any worse than it already is. You may think it can if this Valor system is implemented but it really can't. Those who have made it in PvP had to endure the bad, they endured the uneven faction Qs, th ebeat downs, but now they are hardened players that make things happen in Warzones, the rest complain and lose (I take it thats you) Difficulty is the greatest thing that can happen to a man because it evolves him, upgrades him. You want things handed to you and that's why your the common man amongst the masses. If you had saved your sarcastic "Ha!" and kept this civil I wouldn't have reposted to you like this.

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When I was a rookie, I was a rookie when it was ok to be, which is in lowbie PvP. We can agree that a mistake was made when PvE & PvP gear was divided, The damage has already been done... PvP can't get any worse than it already is. You may think it can if this Valor system is implemented but it really can't. Those who have made it in PvP had to endure the bad, they endured the uneven faction Qs, th ebeat downs, but now they are hardened players that make things happen in Warzones, the rest complain and lose (I take it thats you) Difficulty is the greatest thing that can happen to a man because it evolves him, upgrades him. You want things handed to you and that's why your the common man amongst the masses. If you had saved your sarcastic "Ha!" and kept this civil I wouldn't have reposted to you like this.


No amount of hardened players who actually know how to play the objectives are going to be a match when there is such a huge disparity in that valor suggestion of yours. Hate to say this, but even bolster is a better system than that. As much as I hate bolster, it does allow a newer player who is still gearing up be able to compete vs players in full pvp gear.


Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying that BioWare couldn't do something more worthwhile with the valor system. As it stands, it's a glorified title hunt for pvp players. I've mained a merc dps through some terrible balance patches for over a year and a half and know my class pretty well in a pvp environment, however even i'm not at 100 valor. I'd hate to see this system implemented, it really would put the nail in the coffin for me playing pvp.


As for a fresh player on a new character? I wouldn't even venture into pvp with that valor system being in place. So how would it actually help pvp, and not completely finish it off?

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To be honest Recruit gear was one of the best ideas BioWare had for PvP. Bolster is just boring as I can literally solo people in full regular pvp gear with no trouble on my commando who doesnt even have the gear from the Oricon quests. I would like to see getting gear actually being a challenge like it was at launch, despite the poorly designed luck system it relied upon
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A valor 90 player has so much more experience than a player without. This not needed. The valor 90 player will cut the newbie anyways like butter. Why boost this additionally?


So I was on PoT5 last night. I was Premade-ing :p with my good friend Tughazi. I wanted to get some of this good double Warzone Rewards so I logged on to my guardian who is at 56 Valor. She is full Black Hole gear no augments, Has 2 conqueror tank relics. outside of Bolster I have 22k hp, I switched to Vigilance popped a might stim and tried to not be a burden to the pubs. Bolster gave me 26k hp & 1300-1500k min max damage. I was on guard duty in Novare and solo'd a operative in full 162s (he had about 33k hp) and i didnt have to even pop enure and saber ward. I was able to withstand an onslaught of 2 imps and hold west until reinforcements arrived. Skill or not... based on my gear and valor I shouldn't have been about to be as dominate as I was, and that's a fair & just assessment. I wouldn't want some newbie PvPer to just run through me like what I was doing with the gear and valor I had. I can only work with what the Devs gave me, and I honestly say, they gave to much... Love or hate this valor system idea... I'm still beating *** in full black hole unaugmented gear in 55 bracket :rolleyes:

Edited by RayGonJinn
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So I was on PoT5 last night. I was Premade-ing :p with my good friend Tughazi. I wanted to get some of this good double Warzone Rewards so I logged on to my guardian who is at 56 Valor. She is full Black Hole gear no augments, Has 2 conqueror tank relics. outside of Bolster I have 22k hp, I switched to Vigilance popped a might stim and tried to not be a burden to pubs. Bolster gave me 26k hp & 1300-1500k min max damage. I was on guard duty in Novare and solo'd a operative in full 162s (he had about 33k hp) and i didnt have to even pop enure and saber ward. I was able to withstand an onslaught of 2 imps and hold west until reinforcements arrived. Skill or not... based on my gear and valor I shouldn't have been about to be as dominate as I was, and that's a fair & just assessment. I wouldn't want some newbie PvPer to just run through me like what I was doing with the gear and valor I had. I can only work with what the Devs gave me, and I honestly say, they gave to much... Love or hate this valor system idea... I'm still beating *** in full black hole unaugmented gear in 55 bracket :rolleyes:


I know what you're saying man, week or so ago I was playing Civil War on my then 37 operative who was 32 valor defending grass, I was jumped by a valor 52 marauder and valor 47 medicine operative. Did the usual spam for help hoping someone would read it, operative opened up on his heals after I'd started damaging the marauder so I re-stealthed, popped behind the operative and blew him up in a matter of hits, popped a shield up and drained the marauder to nothing before the group managed to catch up.

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No amount of hardened players who actually know how to play the objectives are going to be a match when there is such a huge disparity in that valor suggestion of yours.

#1 You're wrong about this...


I'd hate to see this system implemented, it really would put the nail in the coffin for me playing pvp.?

#2 I don't really care anymore... it was an idea, at the end of my first post creating this thread I said, make changes or add to it. All people did was bash it and didn't even consider the other ideas I had in my post about comms. I'm very happy atm because I'm doing this > http://youtu.be/mLignnR8_oA and I don't even have to work to be equal to you in WZs :D

Edited by RayGonJinn
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Seriously, your biggest crit on third tick of master strike is 6k against an unguarded sin.. you realize my guardian would hit for 8-10k on the last tick crit of master strike, depending on relic proc. You use tank relics on a DPS spec, you don't augment your gear, and you don't use pvp gear. You would be destroyed in a heartbeat. I hate to tell you but comparing yourself playing baddies and thinking you are great does not equate to you being great.


This is what I see when I see a guardian with 26k hp in a warzone.. CANNON FODDER.. That right, cause I can literally blow you up on two of the worst classes to pvp on right now, Assault Spec Commando and Scrapper Scoundrel. How do I know I could do this? Because I do it every single day...


SHOTS FIRED! The actual purpose for the vid post (if your comprehension was any good) was to verify what Bolster was giving me. Yea I did use Tank relics while dps spec, yea I did use unaugmented gear, DAMN RIGHT! I had no pvp gear. I played that character as she was with what she had after I leveled her to 55 and haven't logged on to her since. I played the ball where it lied. I didn't have the comms for PvP gear or Relics, I didn't have the creds for augments, so damn right I went into pvp like that. I didn't have a choice, I didn't have the luxury to those oh so nice things, but at no point in this thread did I (unlike you) insult the PvPers ability to PvP. That's not my goal and never will be but you my friend, you're scum. Your bias, egotistical, judgmental character is about to get you destroyed. If you had the ability to comprehend anything you read (should have applied yourself a little more in school) no where was I comparing my self and skill to any player in any warzone. I showed that I was against what bolster was giving me because it spit in the face of the PvPers who put in the hours to get where they are, and for me to be able to perform the way I was able to was wrong. I concidered my self lucky to even be able to crit for 6k on my last tick of master strike but you saw it as I was bragging like "Oh, I'm so damn good." :rolleyes: and about your extreme confidence in your ability to PvP as a guardian and how you'd destroy my sweet pea of a guardian with 26k hp, all I have is your word and so far it hasn't been worth anything.


Valor Rank 100 is over 2000 hours without a valor boost, and over 1600 hours with one. Now do the math, if you spend 4 hours per day in a warzone (that's 4 hours actually inside the warzone, not sitting in queue waiting), that's 500 days to reach valor 100 without a boost, and 400 days to reach valor 100 with one.


"I'M SORRY DRAQSKO!.. WHAT WERE YOU LIEING?" http://imgur.com/eQLPf8x and the best part about the link provided is it isn't even an accurate representation of when Valor Rank 100 was achieved but it disproves all the statistics you tried to shove down me throat. This character started PvPing at level 45, and spent time in PvE ventures at end game so about 1/4 of the time played wasn't in Warzones at all (and that's being generous) The up to date image was taken today... this http://imgur.com/jXC2o2I was taken 12/20/2012. So based on these 2 images, Valor Rank 100 was achieved way before 86 days and way way waaayyy sooner than the 500 days of your statistics. Someone needs to check their math :rolleyes:


Even if your proposal increased valor gain by 50% overall, it would still take almost 1 year to reach valor 100, with by far the vast majority of it coming after level 50 when you are no longer capped in valor by your level. So explain to me how you could even compete against a long term player as a newcomer? You expect people to grind for almost a full year before they can compete against those at the top?

again... "What were you lieing?" > http://imgur.com/bjxV3rp Is a snapshot captured today of a Character that has PvP'd since hitting level 10, has finished class story and completed PvE raids Like TFB & S&V. About 1/5 of her play time has been in PvE. She w/o valor boost is already at Valor 84, again burying your proposed statistics you tried to use to insult my intelligence and make your self look like a reasoning scholar.


Do us real PvP'ers a favor and stay out of the way... you are the "Bads" that they refer to. You are in that group of players that complain so the Devs alter PvP to accommodate you and ruin it for those who have put in the hours to become worthy of having any type PvP boost adavntage against those who **** around on 20 characters across 3 servers.


I think we're done here.



Edited by RayGonJinn
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I actually think this isn't too bad an idea I just think your numbers are too big....


at valor 100 you get 60/37.5/20.38%...with expertise 2018..


but at 0 valor you have 54/ 32.5/15.38%....with 2018 expertise...


you gain a small percentage with each rank...and maybe make the jumps from 90 - 100 valor a little bigger % than the rest so people go for it.

Edited by masih_ad_dajjal
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I actually think this isn't too bad an idea I just think your numbers are too big....


at valor 100 you get 60/37.5/20.38%...with expertise 2018..


but at 0 valor you have 54/ 32.5/15.38%....with 2018 expertise...


you gain a small percentage with each rank...and maybe make the jumps from 90 - 100 valor a little bigger % than the rest so people go for it.


THANK YOU! finally someone that I can work with and actually negotiates instead of straight bashing...

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  • 2 years later...
As a subscriber who has religiously subscribed for SWTOR PvP for many years now, since update 1.4 I have not attempted to grind to top tier PvP gear... I perform very well with whatever the regular PvP gear is atm. On the PvP forums it seems PvPers don't want anymore tiers of PvP gear and I agree. So what do I propose as an alternative option? Bring back the importance of the Valor system. How? Combine it with the expertise system. I loved the fact that you had to buy PvP gear based off valor, now its just something that gets you titles. Here's an example:


Valor 90-100= 50-60% Damage Boost; 36-40% Damage Reduction; 20-25% Healing Bonus

Valor 80-89= 40-49% Damage Boost; 30-35% Damage Reduction; 16-19% Healing Bonus

Valor 70-79= 30-39% Damage Boost; 26-29% Damage Reduction; 10-15% Healing Bonus

Valor 60-69= 20-29% Damage Boost; 20-25% Damage Reduction; 6-9% Healing Bonus

Valor 50-59= 10-19% Damage Boost; 15-19% Damage Reduction; 1-5% Healing Bonus


How would this work? Anyone who is a PvP'er already has a character or 2 at max valor and for those who don't have much of it there are Valor Buffs. So what does this mean for PvP Gear and WZ comms? Conversion of WZ comms into Basic Comms and Ranked WZ comms into Elite Comms for PvE gear should be implemented. Won't need PvP gear with the new Valor system which gives the PvP bonus. This is also a time for a PvE comm conversion system. 30 Classic comms= 10 Basic comms; 30 Basic comms= 10 Elite comms; 30 Elite comms= 10 Ultimate comms.


Open World PvP

If you’re Queing from Tatooine PvP area you should get a buff that grants 5% WZ reward buff to Valor, Commendations, Experience, & Credits for Republic or Imperials depending if the area is controlled by the faction (like the old days of Ilum). Put a single capture point in the middle of the PvP area that states who has control of the area. Players should receive a Valor for each kill they get in PvP area whether or not you have killed that player already. PvPers will want that buff so there will be PvP conflict. The Outlaws Den PvP chest respawn rate should either be decreased to 5 mins or grant 20 Elite comms. As of right now, if you find the chest solo you receive 20 WZ comms, possibly a Recruit Gear Piece (Which should have been updated to Partisan Gear piece) but if you’re in a group of 2 you receive 1 comm, which makes no sense.

Also, since the Gree Event only returns once every 6 months or so; Ilum should have a similar 24/7 pvp area with a 5% buff that stacks with the Tatooine 5% and should have PvP chest spawns. A PvP area should be implemented on Makeb that also has 5% stackable WZ Rewards Buff and have PvP chest spawns. Makeb is an exspansion and should have open world PvP.


This is what I got... make changes, add to it, lets get this thing rolling so you can keep taking my money :D


It's funny how they bashed this and Bioware actually managed to implement a worse system :p I'd prefer this over the currently awful Galactic Command and CXP system. Shame Valor is useless.

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It's funny how they bashed this and Bioware actually managed to implement a worse system :p I'd prefer this over the currently awful Galactic Command and CXP system. Shame Valor is useless.
you had to go back 3 years to find a worse idea... that's how you know this new system is bad.
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