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Kaggath Battlegrounds Heats - Chirikyat Ascendancy vs Republic Resistance

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I've always seen Yavin 4's terrain to be very much like Vietnam. As easy as it is to handwave the problem of trees, cover and line of sight, these issues are of huge importance to the CA and to the effectiveness of the RR. It doesn't matter if you have a hundred thousand sensors and 360 degree firing arcs, dense jungle is amazingly good at absorbing everything. So, what follows is an unbiased assessment of terrain on both armies.



Terrain is their saving grace. Dense jungle trees will catch rounds like living cover. Loud jungle creatures, such as the howler and the Runyip are going to set off sensor left and right, and providing aural cover for the much quieter, and native, Massassi. Sure, A UT-AT can bulldoze a few trees, but can it bulldoze a dozen? How many rounds will the Clones waste on charging runyip?


With this in mind, we have to include things like day and night in the assessment. At night the Massassi and Sun Guard won't have the cover of moving animals, but they do have the benefit of dense canopies, and practical knowledge of the terrain. They won't be moving based on what some map, acquired by some satellite or spy, says; they'll be moving on instinct and training. When the convoys hunker down at night, which is a likelihood, they become fodder for Massassi guided Sun Guard assaults and ambushes. The counter to this, is of course free use of night vision, but how many hours can a clone sniper stay on scope before they miss something, or they get a little sloppy?


Negatively, the basilisks and terentatek will be easily spotted pushing through the jungle, meaning they will be relegated to clean up and emergencies. Why clean up and emergencies? Clones with rocket launchers, tanks with about the same. The darkside nexus will strongly work in Kun's favor, especially if he is in fact capable of mass producing terentatek as has been claimed. However, if he is erstwhile distracted, how effective will his troops be? Also, as has been stated, the CA heavy armor is locked in place around Kun's temple, negating their immediate impact.



Alright, the terrain is astoundingly against the RR here. Their armor and troops are going to be tied up with moving through the jungles and hills. They do however have the purely technological advantage over the CA and the terrain. Sensor technology will allow the convoys to be more aware of what lies in front of and around them, night vision will remove some of the scariness of night raids, and the information advantage will likely steer them clear of traps. Armor advantage will likely protect them from most of the jungle worries, such as wet feet (never underestimate the power of trenchfoot) and gnarled flora. It is the sheer specialized technological prowess and versatility that will lead the Clones through the jungle. Because each squad is almost guaranteed to have at least one specialist in a given area, they can adapt and keep moving. Bombs for bigger trees, fire for hostile fauna, jump troops for perspective, and heavies for enemy armor.


The RI would also likely provide a list of natural creatures and their pertinent information. This is a blessing and a curse as the Clones will no doubt be aware of such things as the Piranha Beetle, meaning they're going to be more on edge, more likely to make mistakes. The Ri suggested paths will also likely be through some of the worst geography on Yavin 4, because no army leave the easy route untrapped. This complication would likely slow down the convoys further.


Final thoughts:

The jungle favors the natives. Technology negates much of the advantage, but also creates new ones. How many times do sensors need to ping before clones shut them off? How many trees can a clone rifle penetrate? How many rounds will each vehicle carry? Again, I can't shake the feeling of an impending Vietnam like scenario occurring, where bombing runs were the only thing that saved the technologically advanced force from the predations of the native ones.

Edited by tausra
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They are neccisary in my opinion for taking out key vehicles as the Basilisk droids are not numerous or tough enough to do so on their own


I'd like to direct attention to this

. Now the Basilisk War Droids have missiles as well, so one nicely placed shot as they peek out above the trees for a second is a major issue for the UT-ATs.


The Basilisks can rotate randomly between which one pops above the tree line to fire, then ducks back to ground level. After that another will randomly appear and fire, then duck. No predictability, safety from the fighters, and safety from the UT-AT's AA guns.


Now also remember that the UT-AT's are of equal number to the Basilisks to start. Also remember that some of the UT-ATs will be forced to remain on the defensive but the Basilisks can focus their numbers. This means the Basilisks can whittle down the UT-AT force if it moves into the forest. As long as they can get 1 or more UT-AT for every Basilisk the RR manages to take down, they're being cost-effective.

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I've always seen Yavin 4's terrain to be very much like Vietnam. As easy as it is to handwave the problem of trees, cover and line of sight, these issues are of huge importance to the CA and to the effectiveness of the RR. It doesn't matter if you have a hundred thousand sensors and 360 degree firing arcs, dense jungle is amazingly good at absorbing everything. So, what follows is an unbiased assessment of terrain on both armies.



Terrain is their saving grace. Dense jungle trees will catch rounds like living cover. Loud jungle creatures, such as the howler and the Runyip are going to set off sensor left and right, and providing aural cover for the much quieter, and native, Massassi. Sure, A UT-AT can bulldoze a few trees, but can it bulldoze a dozen? How many rounds will the Clones waste on charging runyip?


With this in mind, we have to include things like day and night in the assessment. At night the Massassi and Sun Guard won't have the cover of moving animals, but they do have the benefit of dense canopies, and practical knowledge of the terrain. They won't be moving based on what some map, acquired by some satellite or spy, says; they'll be moving on instinct and training. When the convoys hunker down at night, which is a likelihood, they become fodder for Massassi guided Sun Guard assaults and ambushes. The counter to this, is of course free use of night vision, but how many hours can a clone sniper stay on scope before they miss something, or they get a little sloppy?


Negatively, the basilisks and terentatek will be easily spotted pushing through the jungle, meaning they will be relegated to clean up and emergencies. Why clean up and emergencies? Clones with rocket launchers, tanks with about the same. The darkside nexus will strongly work in Kun's favor, especially if he is in fact capable of mass producing terentatek as has been claimed. However, if he is erstwhile distracted, how effective will his troops be? Also, as has been stated, the CA heavy armor is locked in place around Kun's temple, negating their immediate impact.



Alright, the terrain is astoundingly against the RR here. Their armor and troops are going to be tied up with moving through the jungles and hills. They do however have the purely technological advantage over the CA and the terrain. Sensor technology will allow the convoys to be more aware of what lies in front of and around them, night vision will remove some of the scariness of night raids, and the information advantage will likely steer them clear of traps. Armor advantage will likely protect them from most of the jungle worries, such as wet feet (never underestimate the power of trenchfoot) and gnarled flora. It is the sheer specialized technological prowess and versatility that will lead the Clones through the jungle. Because each squad is almost guaranteed to have at least one specialist in a given area, they can adapt and keep moving. Bombs for bigger trees, fire for hostile fauna, jump troops for perspective, and heavies for enemy armor.


The RI would also likely provide a list of natural creatures and their pertinent information. This is a blessing and a curse as the Clones will no doubt be aware of such things as the Piranha Beetle, meaning they're going to be more on edge, more likely to make mistakes. The Ri suggested paths will also likely be through some of the worst geography on Yavin 4, because no army leave the easy route untrapped. This complication would likely slow down the convoys further.


Final thoughts:

The jungle favors the natives. Technology negates much of the advantage, but also creates new ones. How many times do sensors need to ping before clones shut them off? How many trees can a clone rifle penetrate? How many rounds will each vehicle carry? Again, I can't shake the feeling of an impending Vietnam like scenario occurring, where bombing runs were the only thing that saved the technologically advanced force from the predations of the native ones.

As much as I'm reluctant to give the RR credit for their advanced tech, this is an awesome analysis.


I'd never really given native fauna a thought and the idea that the clones would be forced to take the harder path thanks to knowing about CA traps is great observation.


Also you articulately express the inherent advantages the Massassi gain that I feel have been severely underestimated so far.


Kudos! Keep it up, I enjoy your stuff even when it is against me.

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As much as I'm reluctant to give the RR credit for their advanced tech, this is an awesome analysis.


I'd never really given native fauna a thought and the idea that the clones would be forced to take the harder path thanks to knowing about CA traps is great observation.


Also you articulately express the inherent advantages the Massassi gain that I feel have been severely underestimated so far.


Kudos! Keep it up, I enjoy your stuff even when it is against me.


Happy to help! I just want to make sure that all the factors get included.


My personal advice, based on terrain, to each side is this:

CA: Keep your commanders on the ground. Maul and a small squad of Massassi could probably cause more havoc on the ground than elsewhere. The potential to wipe out entire convoys and masses of troops can't be ignored. The terrain favors this play heavily.


RR: You need all the supplies you can get as fast as you can get them, in the off chance that your assault takes longer than a handful of days. Aggression is your ally, and I would suggest letting Windu and a strike team operate away from your armor. Keep him away from the main body of your troops, and thus the brunt of the enemy action, so that he can strike at Kun more directly.

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Decent write-up Tune, but I'd like to make 3 points that I think you didn't account for as much as you probably should have on the CA side.


1. The Massassi have heightened senses and the Terentateks and smell the Jedi. Now you referenced this, but just take into account what that means.


For one, the clones will never be able to ambush the Massassi. They're bred to be warriors and with those enhanced senses they'll know the RR is coming even if they didn't see the UT-AT's.


Also note that the Massassi's mobility means they can get to the flank and behind the clones. This doesn't have to happen before a battle, but rather during. At which point the RR vehicles will have been engaged up front. Unless they want to expose themselves or leave an opening in the front, they'll suffer greatly from the flank attacks.


And to clarify again, the density of the jungle foliage will severely restrict vision. The clones can "know" the Massassi are coming till they're blue in the face but they won't have a clear shot till they're within range of the Massassi weapons (which, as I pointed out so, so many times are ranged weapons as well.)


2. Resupply. You keep mentioning the RR's potential resupply about 1 week into the battle. Problem I see is twofold.


First, there may be no resupply since Maul could have his way with sabotage and such at Kuat, delaying if not entirely preventing the resupply for several more days or weeks if it can happen at all.


Second, and more importantly, remember what the CA is getting with each resupply. It gets perhaps 3 Canderous Assault Tanks, around 3-4 Basilisk War Droids, at least 1 Juggernaut (or alternatively a Mass Driver Cannon Equipped AT-TE), 3-4 UT-AT's of their own... and that would easily be available in the proposed week's time.


Just be sure you factor those into the equation.


3. The siege is back on considering the Canderous Assault Tanks can sit at a distance and pound the clone forces in the Temple with their Mass Driver Cannons that effectively ignore those pesky shields.


And as an added bonus, the UT-AT's (especially benefiting from better spotting thanks to Basilisks) would be effective artillery for the CA and serve as a nice AA emplacement to help deal with those 24 fighters that got left behind.


As a final note, the Terentatek has a hide as thick as a rancors which was said to be able to deflect blaster bolts.


I didnt take into account equipment that you get from suppliers other then the Resupply of more Basilisk droids.


I took into account at the end what would happen if you did the Maul thing you suggest. but again there is the same possibility and likely hood of your own troops getting cut off from supplies. If you move to protect them, then the fleet which will be at 1 of the supply stations and is potentially capable of either stopping maul or recovering after his absesnce. WILL have supplies.



The rest of it I took into account. I know the Massassi have good senses, but thats not going to help them ambush enemies any better, and I dont think the Suits the Clones were really smell to picked up that way any way.

I of course took into account the terentatek which is why Jedi just arent going to be sneaky.


HOWEVER this doesnt mean you can sneak up on them either and as the clones have the longer range the Massassi need to be able to sneak up on the clones more so then the clones need to sneak up on the Massassi. Also do not overestimate your Basilisk droids, as I already stated there are multiple means to take them down, and thats the issue. If they are flying over head there is the possibility of a scouting party with an Anti Air group can shoot a few down. There is also the Heavy troopers when they land and the XR-85 and Juggernaughts when they land. In the air they have to deal with Fighters Anti Air missile and anti air mortar shots of the UT-AT's. It doesnt matter where they are, they are destructable in the trees or out of them it doesnt matter. HOWEVER they are tough enough and need specific enough counters that they can and will damage enemy troops before going down. This is why the resuply is so crucial. You will lose the Basilisk (which are fewer in number then enemy vehicles) faster then the enemy, BUT your ability to resupply and the fact that they will begin to run out of rockets for the clones to use means its only a matter of time before you destroy them and resupply faster then they can take out their greatest threat, unless they can cut off your supplies as well (which wont happen immediately) at which point it may be any ones ball game.



Edit: Yes the Basilisk can destroy things I made a point of that, BUT they are just as vulnerable to being destroyed, and thats the point there are more things that can destroy them and that they need to destroy then there are of them in the initial group. MUCH MUCH more. So they will be destroyed faster then they destroy at the start.

Edited by tunewalker
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My research missed something very nasty. Apparently, battle hydras are a thing and that is terrifying. Even if Kun can't create more, it is noted that they did return to the wild. If Kun can leverage these things into service, I would drop the terentatek for them. Edited by tausra
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Apparently my research missed something very nasty. Apparently, battle hydras are a thing and that is terrifying. Even if Kun can't create more, it is noted that they did return to the wild. If Kun can leverage these things into service, I would drop the terentatek for them.


"I had to persuade Jacen not to take one as a pet."


Clearly harmless lol.


"Uncle Luke.... can I keep it"


"No Jacen its dangerous stay away from it"


"FINE!!" Turns Dark side.


"Now I can keep it HUH"

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Apparently my research missed something very nasty. Apparently, battle hydras are a thing and that is terrifying. Even if Kun can't create more, it is noted that they did return to the wild. If Kun can leverage these things into service, I would drop the terentatek for them.


May whoever shall face the Battle Hydras...have my troops which would be able to at least survive an encounter. :eek::eek::eek:

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May whoever shall face the Battle Hydras...have my troops which would be able to at least survive an encounter. :eek::eek::eek:


Honestly looking at them I dont they are they bad. I few blaster bolts or a skilled guy with a saber can take one down with out much problems unless they attack in force.


The Teren are much more dangerous for Jedi. Though I could be mistaken as to what those creatures are, but I am pretty sure Jacen held them off as a small boy with guidance from his uncle's "Spirit" during the academy arc, so they arent that bad.

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Honestly looking at them I dont they are they bad. I few blaster bolts or a skilled guy with a saber can take one down with out much problems unless they attack in force.


The Teren are much more dangerous for Jedi. Though I could be mistaken as to what those creatures are, but I am pretty sure Jacen held them off as a small boy with guidance from his uncle's "Spirit" during the academy arc, so they arent that bad.


Fine, no IDD troops for you! :p:p (You know which ones I mean ;))


Also, its Terentatek. type it with me, Terentatek. GET IT RIGHT! :D

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Fine, no IDD troops for you! :p:p (You know which ones I mean ;))


Also, its Terentatek. type it with me, Terentatek. GET IT RIGHT! :D


I HATE I HATE I HATE..... That name Terentatek.... screw you..... why cant I just call you Dark Rancor.


Its like Rakghouls..... I call them Zombies... they are zombies why does it have to be complicated.

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I HATE I HATE I HATE..... That name Terentatek.... screw you..... why cant I just call you Dark Rancor.


Kus Sith are Name Nazi's for hard to spell things. If I have to remember how to spell it, so do you! :p


Its complicated because Sith always have to name special snow flake creation #205306 something new and unique...

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I call them Black Metal, or Death Metal if you prefer, Rancors. I just can't imagine them running into battle without that genre as a sound track.


Aaaaand now they are even more terrifying...:(


Anyways, I am going to go sleep some so I can finish some college projects before I leave tomorrow. Hopefully will be able to reply to the threads I am involved in before they gain 5+ pages!

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There is also the Heavy troopers when they land and the XR-85 and Juggernaughts when they land. In the air they have to deal with Fighters Anti Air missile and anti air mortar shots of the UT-AT's. It doesnt matter where they are, they are destructable in the trees or out of them it doesnt matter. HOWEVER they are tough enough and need specific enough counters that they can and will damage enemy troops before going down. This is why the resuply is so crucial. You will lose the Basilisk (which are fewer in number then enemy vehicles) faster then the enemy


You missed something Tune


The tactic I described is to keep the Basilisks in the air and exposed for the shortest time possible by having them break the canopy just long enough to fire missiles then duck back down.


The fighters will have no chance of stopping them because by the time they see the Basilisks it is too late to come around for an attack run on them.


The ground forces can't stop them because the random sequence of Basilisks appearing all across their front and perhaps even their sides means they can't anticipate which Basilisks will appear next, and since they will only be visible to the RR forces for a few seconds, the time looking and then aiming will be enough to avoid even clone rocket launchers.


Jet troopers would just be plain exposed to a Basilisk's pulse-cannons and lasers out in the open sky.


This way the Basilisks can stay behind the CA line, and still destroy RR vehicles with minimal exposure to the biggest threats against them. They wouldn't have to go very high out of the canopy to get a missile off, perhaps a few meters. Also, they can just cut repulsors and grab onto a tree as they fell to avoid clone shoulder-launched rockets. The rockets would lose their target or crash and explode into the trees doing no damage to the War Droid.


And why exactly would the Basilisks suffer more casualties? They are more mobile (therefore able to always present all 22 at any given time) so they can't really be picked off.

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My research missed something very nasty. Apparently, battle hydras are a thing and that is terrifying. Even if Kun can't create more, it is noted that they did return to the wild. If Kun can leverage these things into service, I would drop the terentatek for them.


Nice, if Kun makes a few of those the Basilisks would have some support and the RR's AA capabilities would be severely tested.


Also note, the Battle Hydras had claws that could rip through the metal on a Z-95 Headhunter and sith alchemy reinforced scales that could resists blaster shots and lightsaber strikes.

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This way the Basilisks can stay behind the CA line, and still destroy RR vehicles with minimal exposure to the biggest threats against them. They wouldn't have to go very high out of the canopy to get a missile off, perhaps a few meters. Also, they can just cut repulsors and grab onto a tree as they fell to avoid clone shoulder-launched rockets. The rockets would lose their target or crash and explode into the trees doing no damage to the War Droid.


And why exactly would the Basilisks suffer more casualties? They are more mobile (therefore able to always present all 22 at any given time) so they can't really be picked off.


The XR-85 tank droids may not be mobile skyscrapers any more, but they do have the height advantage. They'd be the ones I would watch out for more than anything. I'm not 100% on their armaments, but from what the RR have been saying they have some seriously heavy firepower as well. Only when the Basilisk gets in close will it have to be immediately concerned about the heavy ordinance ground troops. However, I can't stress enough how much sheer firepower that the RR can belch at the basilisks, lucky shots, clusters of grenades, and highly mobile ground troops will contribute to the basilisk death toll. The terentatek have to worry about the rockets and armor more frequently, because they are big, unwieldy and make excellent targets.

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You missed something Tune


The tactic I described is to keep the Basilisks in the air and exposed for the shortest time possible by having them break the canopy just long enough to fire missiles then duck back down.


The fighters will have no chance of stopping them because by the time they see the Basilisks it is too late to come around for an attack run on them.


The ground forces can't stop them because the random sequence of Basilisks appearing all across their front and perhaps even their sides means they can't anticipate which Basilisks will appear next, and since they will only be visible to the RR forces for a few seconds, the time looking and then aiming will be enough to avoid even clone rocket launchers.


Jet troopers would just be plain exposed to a Basilisk's pulse-cannons and lasers out in the open sky.


This way the Basilisks can stay behind the CA line, and still destroy RR vehicles with minimal exposure to the biggest threats against them. They wouldn't have to go very high out of the canopy to get a missile off, perhaps a few meters. Also, they can just cut repulsors and grab onto a tree as they fell to avoid clone shoulder-launched rockets. The rockets would lose their target or crash and explode into the trees doing no damage to the War Droid.


And why exactly would the Basilisks suffer more casualties? They are more mobile (therefore able to always present all 22 at any given time) so they can't really be picked off.


They cant avoid the clones as easily as you think. Heavy trooper clones are trained to shoot at exactly what you are talking about, You are also missing juggernaughts and Tank Droids which wont have a problem hitting what you are talking about.


The trees are not big enough to block shots like these from htting the target as soon as they pop there head out and come back down.


This isnt a game of wack-a-mole where the Bassilisk droids become immune to all fire when they are down and are completely invisible except when they pop their head out. They can be flanked they can be hit in the air on the ground as they are elevating or as they are descending. There are more then enough things that can shoot at them to take them down.


Hyperbole is not a good thing, Basilisk droids are no where near the invicible, unhittable Speed demons you are making them out to be and trees do not provide any where near the protection you are talking about. As some one else said this is not Kashyyyk, these trees are not Ship Hull strength.


Clones are smaller then these things their ability to get a shot would be all to easy. The Basilisk droids will actually take more time to take the shot in these cases then the Clones who will already have the rocket ready and up (multiple rockets mind you all pointing in a different direction) the moment it pops up its gone.


Also they arent immune in transit. There is distance they need to cover and the only way to do that with any kind of speed is to fly. This leaves them open to Ground forces hidden in the trees and to fighters. The Ground forces fire they get destroyed.


They are just as vulnerable as every other vehicle in this Kaggath.



Edit: I really cant get the image of Wack-a-Mole out of my head with this one. I just seeing playful droid beasts jumping up sticking out their tounges and going back down over and over. Doesnt work that way, but its hilarious to imagine.



Edit 2: I also find it kind of funny because I felt I left you mostly on top, you could replenish enemy could not. Both sides were taking casualties, yours start out faster but as heavy ordanance and rockets start to run out and vehicles get slowly depleted by your Basilisk droids and yours continually get replenished the speed at which they kill the droids gets slower and slower until they just cant hack it any more with out some serious supplies that if they dont get could spell D-O-O-M for them. I am trying to stay very neutral in this and I dont mean to fight against any one, it just happens with my analysis of what is a threat to what. I really like Tausra's analysis as well since it makes some very good points as well. there is a reason I have not responded to it. To me it was well made and I dont see anything wrong with it.


My analysis may have weak points, but I do not feel the ability for Basilisk droids to be killed is one of them.

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I think at this point, and I apologize if i missed it, a ruling on Battle Meditation needs to be made. If it can both harm the CA and bolster RR troops, then the Basilisks are in for a very bad day. Meditation influenced mistimed jump plus meditation aided rocket will mean swaths of dead basilisk. even if it is only one sided it will mean more crippled basilisks, more frequently.
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I think at this point, and I apologize if i missed it, a ruling on Battle Meditation needs to be made. If it can both harm the CA and bolster RR troops, then the Basilisks are in for a very bad day. Meditation influenced mistimed jump plus meditation aided rocket will mean swaths of dead basilisk. even if it is only one sided it will mean more crippled basilisks, more frequently.


I am almost certain the bolstering of 1 side is a definate go. I would argue that some detriment to the other side would also happen BUT I am hesitant to believe it would have any MAJOR affect on the leadership.


I would believe coordination for the RR would be up CA down by a bit, and yes that kind of a difference is what its likely to make. Also small potential mistakes for the Sun Gaurd. Maybe I was taking these things into account when I did the analysis.


BUT I have never nor will ever believe its the end all be all of everything Battle Meditation does not nor will it ever be an auto win, it doesnt give you more rockets or more vehicles. They will still be lost, troop moral will still begin to dip as supplies become more and more desperate. Nomi will get tired and her Meditation will begin to wane as time goes just as the supplies wane as well.


While they may be golden at the start THEY WILL wane they will fade. They need supplies, i dont know if i can stress that enough.

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Something I had forgotten to include in my planet analysis is the negative aspect of the roads that the RR are so proud of. Roads don't discriminate, they make everyone's travel faster and easier. assuming they are able to stall the onslaught of the RR's armor, the CA could potentially use these shiny new roads to move their big heavy objects around. Knowing the arrogance of most Sith, I could see someone like Kun letting one convoy reach the gates just so they could have a usable road with which to bring their juggernauts in to play.
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They cant avoid the clones as easily as you think. Heavy trooper clones are trained to shoot at exactly what you are talking about, You are also missing juggernaughts and Tank Droids which wont have a problem hitting what you are talking about.

The Basilisks are heavy (weight wise) monsters so they'll drop pretty darn fast, plus those clone rockets are freakin

. And I don't think you appreciate the versatility of the Basilisk's missiles or the range this will be happening from. They won't expose themselves long enough for the clones to aim at anything much less hit them.


This isnt a game of wack-a-mole where the Bassilisk droids become immune to all fire when they are down and are completely invisible except when they pop their head out. They can be flanked they can be hit in the air on the ground as they are elevating or as they are descending. There are more then enough things that can shoot at them to take them down.
First, I never said immune, just that they're able to deal proportionally far more severe damage than they'd take. Plus, yes it would be a game of whack-a-mole. At least you understand it now.


And no, they can't be flanked considering two things. One, they're more mobile than the RR forces could ever dream of being. Second, you can't shoot a rocket through a thick jungle, that's just silly so only when they're above the trees is there a clear shot.


And the only AA the RR has that can shoot at the Basilisks are the UT-ATs and clones with rocket launchers. The Tank droids have no AA guns and the Juggernauts don't either. Taking that into consideration, the jungle is too thick to fire at the Basilisks with any effect once they're below the tree-line. You keep forgetting they're in a very dense jungle Tune...


Hyperbole is not a good thing, Basilisk droids are no where near the invicible, unhittable Speed demons you are making them out to be and trees do not provide any where near the protection you are talking about. As some one else said this is not Kashyyyk, these trees are not Ship Hull strength.

Well that's fine, the RR can't put out ship strength firepower... These are some thick-*** trees though (even if they aren't on Kashyyyk) and this is an extremely dense jungle (hence the Juggernaut's difficulty moving). The trees are thick enough that once the Basilisks are below they can't be hit. Plus, how close do you think they're getting?


They're easily behind the CA lines doing this, those UT-AT's are immovable objects compared to the Basilisks so it is easy for them to pop up and fire a missile or two as opposed to the clones trying to aim and hit a target 100+ meters out. Think Tune, why would they expose themselves like you seem to assume, no it isn't what you think at all.


Clones are smaller then these things their ability to get a shot would be all to easy. The Basilisk droids will actually take more time to take the shot in these cases then the Clones who will already have the rocket ready and up (multiple rockets mind you all pointing in a different direction) the moment it pops up its gone.


Also they aren't immune in transit. There is distance they need to cover and the only way to do that with any kind of speed is to fly. This leaves them open to Ground forces hidden in the trees and to fighters. The Ground forces fire they get destroyed.

Fighters again? No they'd be ineffective considering they'd have to be up and flying around continuously for several days, and each time they see a Basilisk they have to move in to fire and by that time it is gone. That's part of the strategy.


As for the clones, if they tried to get closer to the Basilisks for a good shot they'd be ripped apart by Sun Guard snipers.

Edit: I really cant get the image of Wack-a-Mole out of my head with this one. I just seeing playful droid beasts jumping up sticking out their tounges and going back down over and over. Doesnt work that way, but its hilarious to imagine.



Edit 2: I also find it kind of funny because I felt I left you mostly on top, you could replenish enemy could not. Both sides were taking casualties, yours start out faster but as heavy ordanance and rockets start to run out and vehicles get slowly depleted by your Basilisk droids and yours continually get replenished the speed at which they kill the droids gets slower and slower until they just cant hack it any more with out some serious supplies that if they dont get could spell D-O-O-M for them. I am trying to stay very neutral in this and I dont mean to fight against any one, it just happens with my analysis of what is a threat to what. I really like Tausra's analysis as well since it makes some very good points as well. there is a reason I have not responded to it. To me it was well made and I dont see anything wrong with it.

Well thats cool. And yes, Whack-a-mole is kinda the whole idea except instead of tongues they are firing missiles lol


Regardless, the CA has to measure its firepower expenditure as well, I'm not assuming this tactic would be a continuous stream of fire, more like every half hour or so a Basilisk tries its hand at blasting apart a UT-AT

Edited by StarSquirrel
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The Basilisks are heavy (weight wise) monsters so they'll drop pretty darn fast, plus those clone rockets are freakin
. And I don't think you appreciate the versatility of the Basilisk's missiles or the range this will be happening from. They won't expose themselves long enough for the clones to aim at anything much less hit them.


First, I never said immune, just that they're able to deal proportionally far more severe damage than they'd take. Plus, yes it would be a game of whack-a-mole. At least you understand it now.


And no, they can't be flanked considering two things. One, they're more mobile than the RR forces could ever dream of being. Second, you can't shoot a rocket through a thick jungle, that's just silly so only when they're above the trees is there a clear shot.


And the only AA the RR has that can shoot at the Basilisks are the UT-ATs and clones with rocket launchers. The Tank droids have no AA guns and the Juggernauts don't either. Taking that into consideration, the jungle is too thick to fire at the Basilisks with any effect once they're below the tree-line. You keep forgetting they're in a very dense jungle Tune...



Well that's fine, the RR can't put out ship strength firepower... These are some thick-*** trees though (even if they aren't on Kashyyyk) and this is an extremely dense jungle (hence the Juggernaut's difficulty moving). The trees are thick enough that once the Basilisks are below they can't be hit. Plus, how close do you think they're getting?


They're easily behind the CA lines doing this, those UT-AT's are immovable objects compared to the Basilisks so it is easy for them to pop up and fire a missile or two as opposed to the clones trying to aim and hit a target 100+ meters out. Think Tune, why would they expose themselves like you seem to assume, no it isn't what you think at all.


Fighters again? No they'd be ineffective considering they'd have to be up and flying around continuously for several days, and each time they see a Basilisk they have to move in to fire and by that time it is gone. That's part of the strategy.


As for the clones, if they tried to get closer to the Basilisks for a good shot they'd be ripped apart by Sun Guard snipers.

Well thats cool. And yes, Whack-a-mole is kinda the whole idea except instead of tongues they are firing missiles lol


Regardless, the CA has to measure its firepower expenditure as well, I'm not assuming this tactic would be a continuous stream of fire, more like every half hour or so a Basilisk tries its hand at blasting apart a UT-AT


They would have to get close enough that going above the trees would allow them enough time to aim and fire AND HIT their target. to do this they couldnt have that many trees between them


Clones can move stealthily as well, its called flanking it happens all the time regardless if the enemy is more "mobile" a squad of troops can flank and get a rocket off easy enough


Also again in transit Basilisk are in the Air, Clones arent retarded if out on a scouting mission or preping to take down a Known Basilisk troop in coming they will use the trees as cover of sight and rocket down quite a few droids before snipers even know they are there.


Juggernauts and Tank droids have enough firepower to destroy heavy vehicles and Star fighters, both of which are tougher then these trees. Yes if your deep in the forest you will be difficult nearly impossible to hit, but if you are playing wack-a-mole you need to be close enough for clean shots else the shot at distance could become to inaccurate.


Even deep in the Forest again a Clone trooper is smaller and stealthier then these droids they can and will flank. The trees will provide them just as much coverage and in the proper position you will be covered by percisely Jack squat, thats the point of flanking.


At the start they have more ordanance and heavy firepower to take out the Basilisk droids then the droids have to wipe out the enemies they need to.



Just to give an idea



This is modern weaponry, actually its kind of old at this point. In a similarly thick jungle, WITH OUT tanks and heavy weapons these Juggs and tank droids will bring. You pop your head out and you better run either they flank you or they get a lucky shot off thanks to battle meditation or they just levy so much fire power on you that you die, as far as that running goes "On the ground, Basilisk droids were typically slow and lumbering" the only way you are getting any where is through the air, which leaves you vulnerable to Anti-air equipment. If you go through the ground. See video above, but this time the enemy isnt gone before that forest is leveled and this time they can see you.


Yes they will begin to run out of ammo such as Rockets and the like, but I have never heard of some one running out of Blaster power in just a few weeks even if they are constantly firing at one another. They have enough clips.

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