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Missiles dont shoot.


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Why in the name of warpaintedfacerebelswookies, do I have to wait for the red cross hair to shrink to the size of a pea for my stupid missile to shoot, if I have the enemy on the crosshair let me shoot the missile when I want to shoot it. I am tired of having enemies on my crosshairs and see them slip away before I can even shoot 1 missile, what kind of crock is this, I want to shoot hit button shoot, miss well well my freaking problem.
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Rocket pods? Wow didnt know they were effective, can I upgrade them? Will they be more accurate or effective if I upgrade them?


And thanks for the repplies.


They are insame as burst weapon (and it's the last component I upgrade on my ships). If you can hit with them, you're just using them wrong. If you target isn't perfectly dead center, your pods will miss.


And just for info, I can fire torpedoes at people. If you can't, just learn to pilot.

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So, I think OP is kinda new here and needs a bit of slack.



First: why do the missiles do this? If you play most other games, you can dumb fire these missiles. It certainly seems within the capability of the missile, and by lore our ships can do it. So why the restrictions?


> This game isn't built to actually calculate stuff like this. The game doesn't collision detect two objects by default, and the devs have tried very hard to not have that happen. The engine is an MMO, which works with targeting and stuff. The reticule isn't actually calculating each laser blast as it flies through the air- it knows if it is a good shot when you fire, and then rolls dice. Likewise, it can't let you point blank a slow object like a missile or torpedo so easily.


> The game balance would be off. Even if they let it blindfire at below a certain range, which COULD be done (it could use the same system as a railgun below 1/8th the max range of the missle, or something, allowing you to release if you are within that range but still allowing you to miss if you weren't on the reticule), you face another problem- the point blank parts aren't really based on this. In other games, the ships can properly collide, here they go through each other. This means that ships joust without having any intention of a pass-through mattering. Being able to point blank a missile could be too good in that situation.


> The missiles aren't really meant for blind fire in this example. They would need to be tweaked. For instance, if you could fire blindly on live, a popular trick would definitely be to set up a point blank proton or thermite, as these make a lot of bang. These aren't the best missiles on live so this could just work out, but things like reload time would matter even more.



Second, what can we do to get this? The answer is probably to ask for a few more options similar to rocket pods. Rocket pods are found on two of the three scouts and that is all, despite logically being a rather lightweight system that a lot of ships could make use of. It is particularly absent on the Type 1 and Type 2 Strike fighters (Starguard/Rycer, Pike/Quell). The devs might not want any more of these weapons- the rocket pods are a bit bursty, and many players dismiss them as difficult at first, but they are very strong- but different options could be different. Some could have a multisecond reload time and a really high accuracy, rewarding the action type you are referring to. Long term, it would be nice if something was tricked up for limited collision detection- that could trigger a few cascading changes over time, but it would also represent a lot of devel time to change a physics engine.



Third, what can you do? You've been told to play rocket pods, and that's by no means a bad call. But the big thing is to stop being frustrated by this- just assume that dumb firing a concussion in this era might mess up its ability to detonate properly. These aren't just big bombs like on Earth, these have to detonate through space, warp and deform impossibly hard substances and energy shields, etc. They could still need precise targeting information to work properly.



Tips for landing the slow-lock missiles:


1)- Understand every time you right click you make a tone. An experienced enemy will know what the tone means to within speed type- a thermite and a proton sound the same, and both sound very different from a cluster. Use this tone, it is also a weapon. You can put a tone on an enemy you have no way to launch a torp versus to make them dodge. You can hold a locked tone on an enemy while firing at him.


2)- Swap fast- being aware of your situation is the biggest part of missiles. If an enemy uses an engine break, it can be worth your time to stop shooting at the guy you are shooting at, switch to the new guy, and begin boosting and locking your own missile, that he can't break. He will have to flee or tank it.


3)- Consider unorthodox missile launches. With a proton locked on, boost towards your enemy, and release at 1500m or less. This is even more effective with the speed upgrade to the torpedo.


4)- You don't need to fire! If an enemy has an engine break you know, and you don't want to trade a missile for it, it can be helpful to hold the lock until he runs around a corner, and not fire even though you can.


5)- Learn when your enemies will press their buttons. You can get some self destructs this way, as they boost into walls or whatever.

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Oh, Thanks Verain that makes a lot of sense now, one quick question if I can bother you one more time, when I take off in the missions where there are 3 objectives A, B and C, my ship full thrust dies before I am there and I have to wait few second to recharge before I can approach, but I see players passing by me all the way to the objective without stopping, is there some kind of improvement I can do to my engines so they last longer?
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Oh, Thanks Verain that makes a lot of sense now, one quick question if I can bother you one more time, when I take off in the missions where there are 3 objectives A, B and C, my ship full thrust dies before I am there and I have to wait few second to recharge before I can approach, but I see players passing by me all the way to the objective without stopping, is there some kind of improvement I can do to my engines so they last longer?


There is... but each class of ship have their own consumption rate.... Try a scout you'll understand (stock scout have booster recharge)

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Oh, Thanks Verain that makes a lot of sense now, one quick question if I can bother you one more time, when I take off in the missions where there are 3 objectives A, B and C, my ship full thrust dies before I am there and I have to wait few second to recharge before I can approach, but I see players passing by me all the way to the objective without stopping, is there some kind of improvement I can do to my engines so they last longer?


I use Shield to Engine on my Blackbolt and use it on CD when I'm heading to a satellite. It can get me to a satellite with 1/3 of my engine pool left even though I've been boosting the whole way. Some people also opt to use Barrel Roll as a traveling skill, which--let's say we're using a Rycer--might get them closer to a satellite on the same engine pool than a Rycer without. Also, make sure you transfer Power to Engines (F3) as soon as you spawn so your engine regen is faster.

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There's several ways to get around faster:


1)- The biggest thing is to make sure you have a -13% engine cost companion selected. The best here are Yuun (Republic) / CVR8 (Empire), the "double efficient" companion, or C2N2 (Republic) / Blizz (Empire), the "double engine" companion. You should honestly never really have any other engineering companion than these. If you are lacking 13% engine cost reduction, you are basically paying 15% more for engines than everyone else, and this makes a huge difference.

2)- With F3 (engine power) selected, you get boost back faster, and you actually MOVE faster.

3)- You can use barrel roll or power dive ("travel powers") to move around the map faster. Barrel roll is the best for this.

4)- Speed Thrusters or Regeneration Thrusters both help a lot. Turning thrusters is a good choice, but doesn't help you get around the map faster. Power Thrusters should never be chosen.

5)- If you are flying a strike or a scout, "Quick Charge Shields" increase your regeneration while thrusting and shortly thereafter. This means that you'll longer with these shields than the more defensive directional or the armor boosting charged plating, or even the defensively superior distortion field.

6)- The type 1 scout has shield to engine, as has been mentioned. This scout is the most mobile for this reason.

7)- Some scouts have "booster recharge", which gives you an absolute ton of booster energy.

8)- Sometimes a tensor field will be used. Coordinate this so you get the tensor, which can increase your speed and give you engine power.

9)- Don't boost in spurts, because turning boost on has an initial cost. For instance, if you won't have the energy needed to get all the way to the satellite, stop boosting and use "max throttle" (if you press nothing you'll be at 3/4 throttle, which is not correct for moving fast). Once your engine power again nears the amount you estimate will get you to your goal, boost straight towards it.

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Also take a look at Stasie's guide post. It's a bit technical for a true beginner, but it has links to sources appropriate for true beginners. You should also quickly learn enough so that the main body of the guide provide tons of useful information.



Edit: I have to admit, when I first say the thread title my though was, "Of, course they don't. That's because there aren't any guns on the missiles. Waaait, missiles with guns on them. That would make a great nonsense trolling thread, 'GSF broken without BLC's mounted on all missiles'."

Edited by Ramalina
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