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Everything posted by Anli

  1. I have a hypothesis about this friction I've discussed privately, but I might as well commit it to writing now. I feel that with the exceptions of Saberwing and Eclipse Squadron, TEH's GSF players primarily queued solo before the arrival Aimbot&co. Many of our best players played alone. Since the arrival of the Jung Ma players, grouping is more common but I still don't feel like our server culture has developed to the point where groups are regular, organized and coordinated quite like the Jung Ma and Bastion transfers, and I'm not sure it ever will. I also think there may be slightly different priorities: for instance, on some servers the goal might be to win GSF matches as ruthlessly and efficiently as possible. However, on TEH many of us enjoy playing non-ideal ships and builds simply for fun while doing just enough to win. We may also queue with friends and guildies even if they're not ideal teammates/aces because we enjoy their company. While we all enjoy winning, the low level of competitiveness on this server means our culture never evolved towards games dominated by premades, which has given many of us the ability to play ships that aren't ideal in the meta. We've never felt forced into feeling we can only run gunships, minelayers, and battlescouts because not doing so would put us at a disadvantage that would lose the game, or that we need to group with the best players instead of our good friends (sometimes they're the same people, sometimes they're not). Simply put, the sudden appearance of organized groups disrupted our server culture, and I think some of the hate towards the Bastion and Jung Ma crews stems from the fact that they're seen as outsiders--especially outsiders that don't acknowledge our existing server culture. (However, I don't think this justifies being rude to people who come to play on TEH from other servers. We definitely have some very vocal, home-grown a*holes, so I'm sorry about them.) I know several players who refuse to queue when the Bastion players are on, and I'll admit that I do the same as well. On my Imperial character, they're effective enough that they could probably mop up the enemy team with nothing but rookies for teammates, and it doesn't leave much for me to do--and I don't have much interest in being carried by them. On my Republic character, I know that being competitive against them is going to require a coordinated group, and only the Jung Ma guys and the <Division Six> players really exhibit that level of teamwork, I think--at least, these are the only two groups with whom I've beaten the Bastion players. Frankly, one of the reasons why I enjoy PVPing is I'm not beholden to a group or a schedule like I would be if I were doing, say, operations, so having that caliber of group to play with Republic-side is rare and I don't really want to put in the effort required to develop one. It leaves me with two likely scenarios: I can be carried on my Imperial character, or I can be crushed on my Republic character, and neither scenario is really going to result in an increase in my skill or feel very fun. I usually choose the third option, which is to do something else I enjoy in the meantime. I'm never going to tell people they can't play on our server, but I've decided the time and effort I'd have to put into GSF to compete on Drakolich's level isn't worth it to me.
  2. I use Shield to Engine on my Blackbolt and use it on CD when I'm heading to a satellite. It can get me to a satellite with 1/3 of my engine pool left even though I've been boosting the whole way. Some people also opt to use Barrel Roll as a traveling skill, which--let's say we're using a Rycer--might get them closer to a satellite on the same engine pool than a Rycer without. Also, make sure you transfer Power to Engines (F3) as soon as you spawn so your engine regen is faster.
  3. Getting spawn camped isn't fun, but I don't understand why creating a scenario where a losing team sits at their capital ships waiting for a match to end by timer is somehow supposed to be more fun.
  4. For Overall (Domination): Tracinyase - F-T6 Rycer - The Ebon Hawk - <Eclipse Squadron> - 18 kills Tracinyase - F-T6 Rycer - The Ebon Hawk - <Eclipse Squadron> - 27 kills/assists Tracinyase - F-T6 Rycer - The Ebon Hawk - <Eclipse Squadron> - 81109 damage Tracinyase - F-T6 Rycer - The Ebon Hawk - <Eclipse Squadron> - 17 Medals Tracinyase - F-T6 Rycer - The Ebon Hawk - <Eclipse Squadron> - 252 Objective Points For Strike Fighter (Domination): Tracinyase - F-T6 Rycer - The Ebon Hawk - <Eclipse Squadron> - 27 kills/assists Tracinyase - F-T6 Rycer - The Ebon Hawk - <Eclipse Squadron> - 81109 damage Tracinyase - F-T6 Rycer - The Ebon Hawk - <Eclipse Squadron> - 17 Medals Tracinyase - F-T6 Rycer - The Ebon Hawk - <Eclipse Squadron> - 252 Objective Points Scoreboard: http://i.imgur.com/Mivjmav.jpg Performance Tab: http://i.imgur.com/efqGqil.jpg I only had the Rycer on my bar because of Strike Monday (woo!). I forgot to click on the ship category in my excitement since it was a nailbiter at the end, but hopefully it's obvious I only had strike fighters on my bar? edit: fixed links
  5. Shh, don't ruin this for me. If Kvik gets good at gunship then maybe I can permanently take mine off my bar.
  6. For Deathmatch, Bombers: Sookat - Rampart Mark Four - Saberwing - Ebon Hawk - 37 Kills & Assists http://i.imgur.com/pwnZZGi.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/BItK5lj.jpg By the way, the second and fourth link for this category in Deathmatch respectively link to a screenshot of a gunship with zero deaths and a bomber in a Domination game, so I guess something got mixed up by accident.
  7. Eggs evolved long before chickens did.
  8. I agree wholeheartedly with this post. Now interdiction mine's only selling point will be its massive, disabling, worthless snare. I invested all this time into leveling my SIM bomber because I wanted to be able to rack up massive kill and damage numbers passively. After the patch, either the massive snare will allow my teammates to get kills on sitting ducks while I guard satellites or I'll have to wheel around and shoot people with my HLCs, and who ever heard of a bomber needing to aim and shoot people? And now I won't be able to solo guard satellites with extreme ease anymore, which is unfair. This state of affairs is simply unacceptable, and I deserve to be reimbursed for all the time and energy I put into leveling interdiction mine since snares are completely useless in GSF. On the same note, I leveled a Sith Marauder all the way to 55 just to PVP as a Smash build, and now that I can't do massive AOE damage in two button presses in PVP anymore after the nerf I also think Bioware should give me a free 55 to make up for all the time I put into leveling my Warrior. I have no choice but to unsubscribe otherwise. --Sookat
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