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Legacy Containers and the Housing Patch. How will this work Dev's??


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I've heard multiple stories of when the housing patch will come out. I have a few questions for the Dev's if they would be kind enough to answer!. I prefer to Live on Tatooine. Can I claim my housing there instead of on Nar Shadda? Also, more importantly, the "legacy" storage container. Will we be able to put anything into it? Is it only going to have 1 or 2 slots and we will have to pay 10k cartel coins to unlock more slots or bays? Any answers will be appreciated!
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just from reading the info they provided already anyone can answer the first part. The free housing they will be providing us is only on Nar Shaddaa, you will have to pay for the ones on other planets. However, I do kinda wish they would let us choose which planet our free housing is on instead of arbitrarily choosing it for us.
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just from reading the info they provided already anyone can answer the first part. The free housing they will be providing us is only on Nar Shaddaa, you will have to pay for the ones on other planets. However, I do kinda wish they would let us choose which planet our free housing is on instead of arbitrarily choosing it for us.


But that would counter act their plan to charge exponentially large cartel coin prices for the new houses on the choicer planets since they've completed their hilarious scheme to drain credits from the economy through an "event".


Mark my words, $30.00 worth of CC or more, OR 2 Mil+ Credits for the houses on Kaas or Coruscant. And the only other time you'll see that summer event EVER come back before the game shuts down is when they want to drain credits from the economy due to peoples stupidity. But, given Biofailures penchant for reskins and non-original work they probably will not drain as much the second time around.

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I've heard multiple stories of when the housing patch will come out. I have a few questions for the Dev's if they would be kind enough to answer!. I prefer to Live on Tatooine. Can I claim my housing there instead of on Nar Shadda? Also, more importantly, the "legacy" storage container. Will we be able to put anything into it? Is it only going to have 1 or 2 slots and we will have to pay 10k cartel coins to unlock more slots or bays? Any answers will be appreciated!


Wow, that sounded bitter...


First off, if you had bothered to read the information available on this very site, you'd know that you get the nar shaddaa stronghold. (with varying numbers of rooms depending on when you are subscribed)

Secondly, I doubt they'd have less slots in the legacy bank than there is in e-mails since that would defeat the purpose of a legacy bank. :rolleyes:

It will most likely be just like the ship bank is. One bay available and the rest will have to be unlocked (with cartel coins OR credits most likely, but nice of you to just assume it'd be 10k cartel coins, since NOTHING costs that much, not even a hypercrate).

As for whether or not it'll be a full bay, I wouldn't presume to guess, but having less than a full bay seems unlikely.

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But that would counter act their plan to charge exponentially large cartel coin prices for the new houses on the choicer planets since they've completed their hilarious scheme to drain credits from the economy through an "event".


Mark my words, $30.00 worth of CC or more, OR 2 Mil+ Credits for the houses on Kaas or Coruscant. And the only other time you'll see that summer event EVER come back before the game shuts down is when they want to drain credits from the economy due to peoples stupidity. But, given Biofailures penchant for reskins and non-original work they probably will not drain as much the second time around.


Right, because housing is normally so amazingly cheap in other games... Of course it's gonna be 2+ mil credits or 1000-2000 cc... That's the way it is in most other games, so why shouldn't it be like that in this one?

Oh, and I'm sure you'll come back here and admit you're wrong if they do make it an annual event, right? :rolleyes:


I mean, come on, we know you're upset with the cartel market in general, but go after stuff that is actually handled poorly compared to other games. Housing is never cheap in any game, so why should it be cheap here?

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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But that would counter act their plan to charge exponentially large cartel coin prices for the new houses on the choicer planets since they've completed their hilarious scheme to drain credits from the economy through an "event".


Mark my words, $30.00 worth of CC or more, OR 2 Mil+ Credits for the houses on Kaas or Coruscant. And the only other time you'll see that summer event EVER come back before the game shuts down is when they want to drain credits from the economy due to peoples stupidity. But, given Biofailures penchant for reskins and non-original work they probably will not drain as much the second time around.


Mad you didn't get a Rancor with the 5 complementary Smuggler's coins? I had fun winning mine and I still have plenty of credits left over. I have everything from the vendor, 5 speeders and 1 Rancor....all for around 2.5 mil. Pretty cheap IMO and I had fun doing it. Speak for yourself and don't let the sky hit you as it's falling down.

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well they've said the nar shadda house with all rooms is going to be about 4 million credits in total cost. so I figure 4 million for all rooms is about what I expect it to cost for each house. but I expect the BASIC starter house, for each house to cost about 200k-250k credits.


something that'll drain F2Ps dry but be affordable. with each additional room getting additionally more expensive

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Wow, that sounded bitter...


First off, if you had bothered to read the information available on this very site, you'd know that you get the nar shaddaa stronghold. (with varying numbers of rooms depending on when you are subscribed)

Secondly, I doubt they'd have less slots in the legacy bank than there is in e-mails since that would defeat the purpose of a legacy bank. :rolleyes:

It will most likely be just like the ship bank is. One bay available and the rest will have to be unlocked (with cartel coins OR credits most likely, but nice of you to just assume it'd be 10k cartel coins, since NOTHING costs that much, not even a hypercrate).

As for whether or not it'll be a full bay, I wouldn't presume to guess, but having less than a full bay seems unlikely.


Bitter? What?

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Bitter? What?


Are you joking?


I've heard multiple stories of when the housing patch will come out. I have a few questions for the Dev's if they would be kind enough to answer!. I prefer to Live on Tatooine. Can I claim my housing there instead of on Nar Shadda? Also, more importantly, the "legacy" storage container. Will we be able to put anything into it? Is it only going to have 1 or 2 slots and we will have to pay 10k cartel coins to unlock more slots or bays? Any answers will be appreciated!
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*snort* this constant parroting of the conspiracy theory that Bioware is looking to diminish players' credit resources and/or cartel coins has got to stop. It started out as a joke when Bioware announced the very first hourly flash sale. This was before housing was pushed back IIRC. The snide remark then was: Oh, I see what you're doing BW...tempting us with shinies so we will have no choice to buy more CC when housing drops. Clever.


It wasn't even true back then, but it was a fun little snark. But that was MONTHS ago. And seriously...the Nar Shaddaa event is no more a credit sink than buying a complete set of Tulak Hord armor or a Dathomir Rancor on the GTN. Heck, It's no more than buying any - ANY - piece of 180 gear off the GTN. If you're down seven mil and you still have no Kingpin Rancor you either have the worst luck in history or you're doing it WRONG, and if you had seven mil to blow anyways no ammount of credit sinking will vaporize your credits anyway, since there are LOTS of folks with 100 mil plus legacy wide.

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The free house for subs in the Nar Shaddaa Sky Palace, nothing else.

Legacy bank will probably function like a regular bank (with one full bay from start an more for credits/coins). The only limitation will be that you most likely will not be able to use it to store BoP items (only BoL and unbounded items)

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I prefer to Live on Tatooine. Can I claim my housing there instead of on Nar Shadda?

I prefer to live on Makeb. Nothing beats drinking jawa juice on the balcony with Vette, Mako, Risha, Akavai and Ashara (gawd I'm such a playa) while fires lick up from the braziers and another mesa collapses into the sunset.


So, can I please arrange to have my Nar Shaddaa Sky Palace towed to Makeb, please? My wife would like hers towed there, too. And of course, we are each willing to pay a reasonable towing fee. Would 5 million credits be enough? Or 5000 CC? Just let us know the price and when we should secure all the furniture for the move.


Thank you!

Edited by BuriDogshin
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I believe it was mentioned at some cantina tour event that the legacy bank will only allow "bind on legacy" or non-bound gear/items. Things that are bound to a character, with no current way to transfer them, will still be stuck on that character. No clue on the rest though. Edited by Kryand
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I believe it was mentioned at some cantina tour event that the legacy bank will only allow "bind on legacy" or non-bound gear/items. Things that are bound to a character, with no current way to transfer them, will still be stuck on that character. No clue on the rest though.


Same. Which is why we're all hoping for a big reveal next week.

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The lack of information is an indication that they do not believe we will be excited and hyped.


I have no idea what those house is going to cost and I don't care. For the legacy bank I am bracing myself for disappointment.

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For the legacy bank I am bracing myself for disappointment.



Disappointment occurs when your expectations are not met.

What you are saying is "I expect the legacy bank will not be what I expect," which is self-contradicting.


More likely you are already "disappointed" with the legacy bank, even though you do not know what it is.

That's not BW's fault, that's entirely on you.

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I guess.


I hope to be able to access crafting materials and BOL armors freely in the bank. Since that is what I tend to mail between my characters. I expect that the storage will be too limited to make this work in practice without a very large cartel coin investment.


i hope that is reasonably free of self contradictions.

Edited by KhamG
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I hope to be able to access crafting materials and BOL armors freely in the bank. Since that is what I tend to mail between my characters. I expect that the storage will be too limited to make this work in practice without a very large cartel coin investment.

So, the only difference between what you hope for and what I hope for seems to be the cost.

I expect to spend a lot of CC and/or creds to expand my Legacy storage, just as I already have for my ship's locker.

If it seems too pricey, I might wait for a flash sale ...

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Wow, a lot of you folks really need to step away from the computer and do something that makes you happy for awhile, because this game sure doesn't seem to. Perhaps some nice camping. Maybe take in a ball game. Or kick back and watch some TV. You just curdled my glass of milk right through the internet.
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I like Nar Shadda and don't care for Kaas, maybe Coruscant. But yeah I think I am content with Nar Shadda as my home. Too bad I can't live on Taris. Try and catch a Rakghoul to be my pet. Nothing like a barren poisonous waste land for a nice home. Or have a Jawa pet on Tatooine. I want to live on Kashyyyk dammit, Make it happen Bioware and I'll sub for the rest of this games existence.
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It was only a question, white knight. But as usual, one of you Defenders of All Things SWTOR rush in and start a flame war whenever someone says anything other than praise of the game.


loaded question =/= "only a question".


But I wouldn't expect you to understand that since you resorted to namecalling immediately...

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loaded question =/= "only a question".


But I wouldn't expect you to understand that since you resorted to namecalling immediately...


And yet you're the one who came in, guns blazing, over someone ASKING A QUESTION. Way to come off looking like a major douchebag. No, seriously, kudos to you. No wonder you're so beloved around here.

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The lack of information is an indication that they do not believe we will be excited and hyped.


No, it means they are not willing to say that something will happen when it is not yet 100% done, implemented and tested in one of their internal builds. Saying so would mean that many people here would take it as something that will happen for sure. And when it would be discovered that it simply does not work, and appropriate announcement was made, they would accuse BioWare of lying to them

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