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EA CEO Says Company Is Changing to Become "Player-First"


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The EA hate is very, very strong and in some people's eyes regardless of how they change, they will always be hated for some reason. That being said, give the new CEO a chance to turn the company around and make better decisions. If it follows through, very great for the company!


Actions speak louder than words. Especially when coming from an organization with a history like EA's.


Let's see some actions that correlate to his words before we go giving this guy any semblance of benefit of the doubt.

Edited by DarthTHC
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In this age of f2p, I'd actually be surprised if he had "mmo" in mind when he said this. Everybody knows how fast mmo players burn thru content. Imo he's probably thinking about massive single player games. Games along the lines of kotor, skyrim, Dragon Age, GTA 5, M.E., etc. Games like that which have 150+ hours of content. Add in several different stories and choices and you have a game that will require several Play throughs to see everything. Then on top of that you add som multiplayer options, sell DLC content, and you have that game ppl will play for months. Hell I'm STILL finding new stuff in skyrim lol.
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I would only question as to whether or not they are aware what invests the average player in a game world. I would guess they have little insight in this respect, so the new direction, if that is the case is more showboating than it is substantive IMO.


Naturally I would be happy if I was wrong.

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The EA hate is very, very strong and in some people's eyes regardless of how they change, they will always be hated for some reason. That being said, give the new CEO a chance to turn the company around and make better decisions. If it follows through, very great for the company!


Actions speak louder than words. Especially when coming from an organization with a history like EA's.


Let's see some actions that correlate to his words before we go giving this guy any semblance of benefit of the doubt.

First of all, the hate is strong because of what EA has done to very good and reputable development studios in the past. Maxis and Bioware being the two most notable. While they are not 100% to blame, and some of the blames rests with the development studio itself, a downward trend in quality is very noticable for every studio that has been consumed by EA.


And let's not forget that Andy is not a new kid on the block. He has been with EA for many years and has been part of the decision making regime in the past. Delve a bit into the history of the upper echelon of EA and you will find that a healthy dose of skepticism is very much needed in regards to anything that comes out of Andy's mouth.

Edited by TravelersWay
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OK lets come up with the best acronym for CEO


Calls Every One?


Curses Every One?


I cant think anything else? :D


They were always "Can't Even Organize" in my book of experience. They are figure heads for the most part, over paid for what they actually do.... unable to influence any sort of radical shift in a company. In fact, most do more harm then good. But this is to be expected as the entire CEO system in the US is a complete fabrication, designed to maintain the status quo and balance of power in board rooms.

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First of all, the hate is strong because of what EA has done to very good and reputable development studios in the past. Maxis and Bioware being the two most notable. While they are not 100% to blame, and some of the blames rests with the development studio itself, a downward trend in quality is very noticable for every studio that has been consumed by EA.


This could be said of any major holding company in the business. Why is EA singled out as more evil then NCsoft or Blizzard?


To speculate and answer to my own question: because the IP produced by EA has more draw and passion then other companies (not speaking just of MMOs here) ... and hence it receives more passion based flaming and prosecution on the internet.

Edited by Andryah
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Well this is PR speak so we need to take this with a grain of salt. Look how heavily microtransactioned SWTOR is. Again I will believe it when I see it but they go back on their word I won't be surprised at all. This is EA we're talking about, a company that was voted WORST company in America 2 years in a row.


Yes because a video game company is worse than anything else that goes on in businesses in the united states :rolleyes:

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To be honest EA have had some good stuff going on over the last year or so but as usual all the good news is ignored and anything bad is shouted about from the roof tops. I'm not saying Battlefield 4 was fine when it launched, it wasn't, but this kind of thing is what the press and we as a community focus on rather than any improvements or good changes.


The only thing you hear about a company on the internet is the bad news, Coca Cola could cure a disease and if someone found a mouse in a can that would get more attention.

Edited by Niaymh
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They want a game a lot of people will play and play for a long time. I said earlier they need to either drop more money and human resources into TOR or make a new MMO.


Mass Effect Online would probably be a big hit IF they did it right i.e not like the MP in ME3 a REAL MMO and added in the right races/classes. Always wanted to play a Turian sniper or a mask less Quarian Soldier. :D

Edited by Anaesha
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Yes because a video game company is worse than anything else that goes on in businesses in the united states :rolleyes:

Agreed. To ever think that EA, maker of bad games, is anywhere near the level of evil that truly exists in corporate America is pure stupidity.


GM is recalling millions of vehicles that have faulty ignitions - the issue has been known about for like 8 years and people have DIED from the problem...how many people died from the crappy ending of ME3?

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Agreed. To ever think that EA, maker of bad games, is anywhere near the level of evil that truly exists in corporate America is pure stupidity.


GM is recalling millions of vehicles that have faulty ignitions - the issue has been known about for like 8 years and people have DIED from the problem...how many people died from the crappy ending of ME3?


I died....



From the mob of rabid fanboys who killed me for not liking the ME series.


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We got Pokket didn't we? Isn't that a good sign?


Except her job has nothing to do with development of the game so yes it's nice we got her but it doesn't show that BW/EA is really trying to make TOR into what it should be.

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Except her job has nothing to do with development of the game so yes it's nice we got her but it doesn't show that BW/EA is really trying to make TOR into what it should be.


I like SWTOR. What should it be? My only gripe is that new content is taking too long but the game as such I like. That's why I am subbed. Why are you subbed if it's so bad?


EA are changing their general approach being more player focussed. That doesn't mean they will be more Anaesha focussed. There are more players than yourself.


I think that hiring someone who is an long time player herself is a great thing. It can improve communication and it can improve the understanding of the player point of view...which can then have an effect on development.


So I kindly disagree with you.

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They want a game a lot of people will play and play for a long time. I said earlier they need to either drop more money and human resources into TOR or make a new MMO.


Mass Effect Online would probably be a big hit IF they did it right i.e not like the MP in ME3 a REAL MMO and added in the right races/classes. Always wanted to play a Turian sniper or a mask less Quarian Soldier. :D


Won't happen, especially not an MMO. ME won't have the Star Wars fans behind it. They managed to fail a franchise like StarWars. There is no way they will be successful with another.

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They want a game a lot of people will play and play for a long time. I said earlier they need to either drop more money and human resources into TOR or make a new MMO.


Mass Effect Online would probably be a big hit IF they did it right i.e not like the MP in ME3 a REAL MMO and added in the right races/classes. Always wanted to play a Turian sniper or a mask less Quarian Soldier. :D

You...............can't. Quarians don't really have immune systems, and even when they did they wern't very good. Going onto alien soil, much less into combat, whthout a air tight and pressure sealed suit is basically suicide. They explain that. Several times.
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Won't happen, especially not an MMO. ME won't have the Star Wars fans behind it. They managed to fail a franchise like StarWars. There is no way they will be successful with another.


SW:TOR hasn't failed. If it had we wouldn't be here talking about it now would we?

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You...............can't. Quarians don't really have immune systems, and even when they did they wern't very good. Going onto alien soil, much less into combat, whthout a air tight and pressure sealed suit is basically suicide. They explain that. Several times.


I'm guessing you haven't played ME3 or at the very least havent got past the fight on the quarian homeworld yet?

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SW:TOR hasn't failed. If it had we wouldn't be here talking about it now would we?


It still exits but as a shadow of what EA hoped it would be. Do you disagree? It did not fail as a business investment but it did not bring the income they hoped for (probably missed their forecast and some guys lost their jobs or bonus over it)

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It still exits but as a shadow of what EA hoped it would be. Do you disagree? It did not fail as a business investment but it did not bring the income they hoped for (probably missed their forecast and some guys lost their jobs or bonus over it)


True it wasn't the hit that they expected it to be but I don't judge an MMO as having failed until it is shutdown. Example SWG was a failure as it is no longer up and running.

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