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Low population on certain servers. Consider locking out the bigger ones for a while.


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If you won't introduce x-server then please introduce some other solutions. Maybe even the following?


My server (ToFN) and I am sure not just mine, suffers from a very low population at the moment. Very long queues, gathering pugs takes ages and rarely concludes with a full party because of little variety of players. Have you thought about closing off character creation for the more populated servers? Temporarily, of course. It's a really bad situation right now - I keep fighting against same players over and over way too often in PvP games which really reminds me of my old server, Lord Calypho, shortly before forced migration. Also there is no wonder why so many top rated players are from ToFN. Good PvPers keep fighting against same waves of noobs everyday.


Concerns and solutions:

Character transfers: ok

Accounts with 2 month old subscription on record: ok to create characters on restricted servers.

People wanting to play with friends: Ok if referred by an account with characters on the restricted server.


This is aimed mostly at the new players joining the game, not people driven in here because of friends or someone wanting to change the server because of the players. Of course at least one PvE, PvP and RP option should be available. I'd say RP-PvP but I know it's not possible for EU anymore.


I'd really hate to see another server migration because I already was forcefully moved to the lowest-pop EU server with no other choice in terms of PvP server. And other solutions exist.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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I hear your concerns but in my opinion this solution might not work. This could just spread the population thin, populations on the bigger servers could start to thin out and slowly diminish over time, and, well, if you were a new person trying out the game, and you were made to have to go to one of the emptier servers, and go through some of the problem you have encountered, especially on a pvp server, how long would they stay honestly?
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They really need to introduce x-server pvp and flashpoint/op (including hard mode). The biggest problem new players may have would be partying up but wouldn't that be solved in a matter of weeks? And given the fact that every third player would join your server might even let people to early level flashpoints. They're impossible to do nowadays. Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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I don't think that's the solution, I'm on tofn and before the merger I was on LC so I feel your pain. The root problem is a lack of meaningful content. Until that gets addressed, continually addressed not a rehashed OP / FP to paper over the cracks then there will always be people quitting or un-subbing for large periods of time.


I understand that the Cartel market is a money spinner, but it's only a money spinner when there are people logging in regularly and being tempted to make a purchase.

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That's the dumbest idea I've heard in a long time.


So because your server is low on people, you are now going to dictate where I get to play with new characters?


How about the opposite?

How about they force you to play on another, more populated server instead?

That'd be great, wouldn't it?

You'll get to play with new people and get to experience a more populated server.

Of course, you'd have to do it without your legacy and all that, but still... great innit? :rolleyes:

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That's the dumbest idea I've heard in a long time.

For all that you seem to reside in a sheltered part of the Internet, ;) I agree with you that the idea is of preventing people creating toons on some servers in an attempt to force them to create toons on another server is a bad one.

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Also ToFN player here, and I would say this is mostly due to summer, when population mostly goes down everywhere. Add a bit of a content drought, and you have your results. I do not log in that much, because of other things to do/play (curse those Steam Summer sales). However, when I do log in for a quick GSF daily, I usually get it pretty quickly (depending on time)


However, I still think that this idea is stupid and counterproductive.

And remember, x-server is not the all solving messiah people think. For PvP, possibly, but not for PvE, because there are no mystical servers full of tanks and healers starved of DPS.

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Also ToFN player here, and I would say this is mostly due to summer, when population mostly goes down everywhere. Add a bit of a content drought, and you have your results. I do not log in that much, because of other things to do/play (curse those Steam Summer sales).


I was going to say.


It's summer, and PvE is lacking some, so people find other games for now.


Also, I play on TOFN myself and I can't say I have any issues at all with queues for either WZ, or finding PuGs for operations.


Obviously if you log in at 6-11 am on a weekday, you'll have low populations and problems with the queues, but that's because people are at work, school etc.

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We all know that in general (not everyone, just in general) PvPers are devoid of patience, persistence, or any semblance of just playing a game for what it offers. They demand, they whine, and they threaten, and they leave.


The same exact thing could be said about PvE'ers. :rolleyes:


History of MMOs proves you wrong. PvP servers always go down first.

Edited by demotivator
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No. You don't pay my sub period. Save your ccs and transfer. Why should everyone else have to cater to you.


Pretty dumb. You think I can afford to xfer 12 characters? Lose my names AGAIN because of Bioware's fail (forcing me to move to yet another low pop server)?


did you read? 2 months old subs would not have a restriction. This would be aimed at new players.


That's the dumbest idea I've heard in a long time.


So because your server is low on people, you are now going to dictate where I get to play with new characters?


How about the opposite?

How about they force you to play on another, more populated server instead?

That'd be great, wouldn't it?

You'll get to play with new people and get to experience a more populated server.

Of course, you'd have to do it without your legacy and all that, but still... great innit? :rolleyes:


You do have a history of harassing me in every thread I make. That's obvious. You didn't even bother to read this one either. Every NEW player would have a choice of at least a PvP, PvE and RP server. If you're subbed already for some period of time you wouldn't have any restrictions. And I was already forced to play on the server I didn't want to go to.


It takes approximately 3 weeks to a month for a new player to reach level 55. No point considering transfers earlier. Once they reach level 55 and see how players and end-game are on their own server (you need a sub for end-game anyway) they'll know that they need to move / transfer but by that time their restriction would be lifted. It really makes no difference to a new player which server he joins.


AT least I am trying to come up with some solution since they are not interested in making something as normal in nowadays' MMO as cross-server instances.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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Pretty dumb. You think I can afford to xfer 12 characters? Lose my names AGAIN because of Bioware's fail (forcing me to move to yet another low pop server)?


did you read? 2 months old subs would not have a restriction. This would be aimed at new players.




You do have a history of harassing me in every thread I make. That's obvious. You didn't even bother to read this one either. Every NEW player would have a choice of at least a PvP, PvE and RP server. If you're subbed already for some period of time you wouldn't have any restrictions. And I was already forced to play on the server I didn't want to go to.


It takes approximately 3 weeks to a month for a new player to reach level 55. No point considering transfers earlier. Once they reach level 55 and see how players and end-game are on their own server (you need a sub for end-game anyway) they'll know that they need to move / transfer but by that time their restriction would be lifted. It really makes no difference to a new player which server he joins.


AT least I am trying to come up with some solution since they are not interested in making something as normal in nowadays' MMO as cross-server instances.


You don't want to transfer your chrs then start new ones on a different server. See how easy that is.

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Terrible idea. If a new player comes in and has to have the experience of a low-population server, they are more likely to leave the game.


Simple solution: If you're unhappy, just transfer servers.


***edit*** not to mention that if you want to setup a character to play with your friends, you might not get to! Boo.

Edited by AlienEyeTX
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(WRT a suggestion he trasnfer chars to a more populated server...)


Pretty dumb. You think I can afford to xfer 12 characters?

Why would you have to transfer all 12? Do you really play all of them a lot?

If so, I'm happy you have that much free time. Few people do, once they join the adult world.

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(WRT a suggestion he trasnfer chars to a more populated server...)


Why would you have to transfer all 12? Do you really play all of them a lot?

If so, I'm happy you have that much free time. Few people do, once they join the adult world.


ok not that I support the op's idea at all but when I spend time leveling my characters I would like to be able to have them all in one place because I loved leveling them and I usually spend time on them regardless, and 12 characters in particular must have taken a lot of time and effort, so why would he want that to go to waste on a dying server?



and no I am not an adult just FYI.

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We all know that in general (not everyone, just in general) PvPers are devoid of patience, persistence, or any semblance of just playing a game for what it offers. They demand, they whine, and they threaten, and they leave. Need I bring out the history of The Fatman to illustrate the transient and self-destructive nature of the broader PvP player base?

L O L! This post is YOUR opinion. It's fine that you're trying to express your closed minded and shallow opinion of PvPers as fact, but it's not. The reality is, those of us who also enjoy PvP, are just as good as any other players...often better imo, because we will run to the aid of someone who needs our help.

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ok not that I support the op's idea at all but when I spend time leveling my characters I would like to be able to have them all in one place because I loved leveling them and I usually spend time on them regardless, and 12 characters in particular must have taken a lot of time and effort, so why would he want that to go to waste on a dying server?



and no I am not an adult just FYI.



I have 21 55s. I have 16 on JC and 5 on EH. When I want to play one on another server I simply logged out and go to the bottom left and the fourth one down is switch server. It isn't really that difficult. You can only play one at a time.

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Sorry to read that about your server, but PvP servers in this game, generally, are going to continue to go downhill unless a new emphasis is placed on PvP updates.


SWTOR simply isn't focused on PvP in design to begin with, and updates for PvP have been generally poor, unless you are okay with a WZ every 1.5 years.


IMO this was a mistake on EA's part, gutting the PvP team and not consistently putting out WZ maps (as seemed to be planned originally with post launch updates). Folks clearly enjoyed SWTOR PvP, and it arguably kept the sub base going in summer 2012 at endgame.


That said, it is what it is. Either transfer one or more of your characters, or stick it out on your server. Putting up restrictions as you've suggested isn't in the best interest of the game.

Edited by arunav
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L O L! This post is YOUR opinion. It's fine that you're trying to express your closed minded and shallow opinion of PvPers as fact, but it's not. The reality is, those of us who also enjoy PvP, are just as good as any other players...often better imo, because we will run to the aid of someone who needs our help.


Might be Andryah's opinion but I can't help but agree with the generalized statement. And yes, I understand there's always two sides of the same coin. Nonetheless the reality is also the reverse of what you think.

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We all know that in general (not everyone, just in general) PvPers are devoid of patience, persistence, or any semblance of just playing a game for what it offers. They demand, they whine, and they threaten, and they leave.

The same exact thing could be said about PvE'ers.

L O L! This post is YOUR opinion. It's fine that you're trying to express your closed minded and shallow opinion of PvPers as fact, but it's not. The reality is, those of us who also enjoy PvP, are just as good as any other players...often better imo, because we will run to the aid of someone who needs our help.

History of MMOs proves you wrong. PvP servers always go down first.

Might be Andryah's opinion but I can't help but agree with the generalized statement. And yes, I understand there's always two sides of the same coin. Nonetheless the reality is also the reverse of what you think.

Indeed Dem and Vale. To Tux's point, yes there are PvPers that are good and friendly and what not, but as Andryah indicated, generally speaking, the community as a whole is demanding and transient in nature. Balance is the end all and be all of the competitive PvPer. If they feel that a game is not meeting their sense of balance, we see the exact thing we see here and in every single other competitive game on the market.

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This thread brings a tear in my eye. The memories of the good old Lord Calypho where peak time population was 40 towards the end. When BW refused to allow us a transfer, only took 100+ pages to change their minds to see that we did not care RP-PVP was unique, we moved to TOFN. Server was booming, 4 fleets at 5 am, and it was summertime ;).


Why do I bring Lord Calypho into play here? When we stated our server is dying, many from the Fatman said 'that is your problem, we don't care, it will never affect us'. Where is 'The Fatman' now? I think it died half a year later from the moment we transferred to TOFN. Anyhow, the same attitude is shown here. While I do not agree with the first post, I do not agree with 'your issue, not ours, make a toon here, problem solved'.



TOFN does not suffer from summertime madness or the world cup, it has been slowly dying since the removal of 8 man ranked warzones. To try to improve things, I have created this initiative. So far it has been a success with the same low population getting together at the same time to improve ranked and PVE grouping. Compare Red Clipse population with TOFN for the same period and you will see that 'summertime and Brazil 2014' does not keep both 'light'.


Fear not, your bubble will burst too and then BW will merge servers. All of a sudden X-Server queues will be implemented and some of us who had nothing to do in the game on our dying server, will not give you blind defenders a second thought when we stop playing the game.



On a final note, to quote everyone's favorite show, if you are not on TOFN, you know nothing about the server and you are only gilding the lily to increase your post count.

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(WRT a suggestion he trasnfer chars to a more populated server...)


Why would you have to transfer all 12? Do you really play all of them a lot?

If so, I'm happy you have that much free time. Few people do, once they join the adult world.


Okay, you're obviously not making any credits in the game. Each and every of my alts is a crucial credit-making machine even though I log onto them 2-5 times a day for just a couple of minutes each.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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Okay, you're obviously not making any credits in the game. Each and every of my alts is a crucial credit-making machine even though I log onto them 2-5 times a day for just a couple of minutes each.

OK, that is a fair point. No way to move creds or mats server-to-server ... hmm, maybe there should be.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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