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(1) Load screen times are horrific.

(1a) initial loading of game.

(1b) traveling to Fleet.

(1c) traveling to any other planet.

(1d) getting on/off your space ship.

(1e) after (some) taxi rides.


(2) Black screen after log ins.


(3) Frame rate crashes.


I want so desperately to love this game, but it's like dating someone you're crazy about but he/she is always super-late to any date and they show up in ratty clothes, and slouch a lot, and have a flatulence "issue."


SWTOR: great for a date but not for marriage.



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(1) Load screen times are horrific.

(1a) initial loading of game.

(1b) traveling to Fleet.

(1c) traveling to any other planet.

(1d) getting on/off your space ship.

(1e) after (some) taxi rides.


(2) Black screen after log ins.


(3) Frame rate crashes.


I want so desperately to love this game, but it's like dating someone you're crazy about but he/she is always super-late to any date and they show up in ratty clothes, and slouch a lot, and have a flatulence "issue."


SWTOR: great for a date but not for marriage.




I wanna marry with this post. I want it to be a sticky one.

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Healing companions are simply more effective for leveling(measuring from the perspective of speed).
Disagree. I never use a healing companion except when soloing some heroics. I find playing DPS and having a DPS companion to be the most effective and the fastest.


While I agree stealth is easier for new players (new to MMO), but after you reach 55 the first time, stealth doesn't matter. Only imbalance I really see there since stealth is slower movement is unlocking rocket boots and being stealth using them. Other than that, just kill stuff in the way and/or unlock the cooldown on quick travel and you have it made.


My annoyance is the cooldown on /stuck. If I am stuck why should I have to wait to get out? :p

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I have never played MMO. I did not reach 55, but I am around 51-52, can't remember. And I find that the game is exceptionally hard on those levels. I can't manage without Treek in a healing stance. It's just unnecessary difficult for someone who just wants to see the ending of the game on Corellia to make it so darn hard and grindy. Maybe back when the game was new, and 100+ people ran through Corellia it made sense to have all the mobs, but right now, with super-empty planets starting around Hoth, it just doesn't.
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And I find that the game is exceptionally hard on those levels


Wow, not trying at all to be mean, I am being completely sincere, based on that statement alone, either MMO's arent for you, or you are doing something drastically wrong with your class/companion.


Have you trained your skills?

Upgraded your gear from crafting, AH, or missions?

Upgraded yuor companion gear?


You would be suprised at how often when leveling an alt I come across another player doing missions with no buffs on, no even his own native buff.


Having Played WoW, GW1, GW2 and this, I can say this is by far the easiest game to level in, and at no point did I find the class missions or planetary (non heroic quests) in anyway even remotely challenging.

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Wow, not trying at all to be mean, I am being completely sincere, based on that statement alone, either MMO's arent for you, or you are doing something drastically wrong with your class/companion.


Have you trained your skills?

Upgraded your gear from crafting, AH, or missions?

Upgraded yuor companion gear?


You would be suprised at how often when leveling an alt I come across another player doing missions with no buffs on, no even his own native buff.


Having Played WoW, GW1, GW2 and this, I can say this is by far the easiest game to level in, and at no point did I find the class missions or planetary (non heroic quests) in anyway even remotely challenging.



I have never played MMO. (...)



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1) Having to endure load times as I rotate through my toons to search for items and/or send companions out on missions. A light-weight character load option that allowed me to just do things like that would be nice.

Perhaps Strongholds will be quick enough to load that it won't be an issue.


2) No email auto-complete on alts in the other faction.

Load times, once again.


Mail like anything UI related in this game is half finished and as such too often a bit tedious.


Still missing 2.5 years after launch:

  • Auto-complete names from alts, recently mailed
  • Keep send panel open upon sending an email
  • Keep last sent email name and highlight it to replace upon key strokes
  • Remotely manage emails
  • UPS packages pickup and delivery (home, space ship, by companions)

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Have you trained your skills?

Upgraded your gear from crafting, AH, or missions?

Upgraded yuor companion gear?


Yes, skills are trained, copied trees from websites. Using the rotations as described in the guides.


Yes, gear is a mix of L49 blue and purple L50 as they come from Makeb comms (~ 4 on the character, 3 on Treek), Indestructible and Hawkeye crystals.


Companion (Riggs) had L47 blues on at the time of arrival on Corellia. Wiped twice on a champion battle one has to pass to finish planetary quest (a guy with a big cannon, 2 adds, huge blinding flash from blowing up turret). Ended up beating him by dyeing together 11 thou credits repair bill yakes!). Switched gear on Treek from Riggs, and Treek still wiped me by breaking CC on a couple of elite droids we could have taken if she just focused on one at a time. Another champion tacked away in a corner wiped Riggs and main char before we put a scratch on it. Never tried again, since he is optional.


So, barely managed to finish the first map (I must have gained a frigging level on that map with the endless elites), and it is going to be uphill from there, and comms are not coming fast enough to upgrade gear. Crafting does not allow to craft higher level gear atm, because it is far too expensive to get mats to RE. So, I guess, back to doing old heroics to get more comms.


I have every respect for people who find the game easy, all power to them. I find the game far too hard ever since the last map on Belsavis. I honestly don't even want to load the character, it feels so frustrating and not enjoyable to play on, when I think that there are three more maps to go till the end of the game. And I can't play with Riggs which makes every kind of sense story-wise. :(


And that Stark battle was just horrible.

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1) Having to endure load times as I rotate through my toons to search for items and/or send companions out on missions. A light-weight character load option that allowed me to just do things like that would be nice.

Perhaps Strongholds will be quick enough to load that it won't be an issue.


Oh gods, yes, 4 min to just load an alt is crazy, and then if s/he is on the Fleet that's a few more minutes of black-screening and lags.


I wish there was a shared hold, everyone could drew crafting supplies from! I am tired of keeping cheat-sheets of who needs what!

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CC'ed mobs and companions just are a bad mix. I usually set companion to passive, cc a mob and los pulls the rest of the pack back to get them grouped up nicely. When the mobs are grouped up i send companion to attack (lowest level mobs first ofc)


Either that or simply turn off all aoe attacks of your companion.

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Yes, skills are trained, copied trees from websites. Using the rotations as described in the guides.


Yes, gear is a mix of L49 blue and purple L50 as they come from Makeb comms (~ 4 on the character, 3 on Treek), Indestructible and Hawkeye crystals.




and there is your problem


Yes, skills are trained, copied trees from websites. Using the rotations as described in the guides.


STOP reading other opinions on what to do like its official must be done sources.


Every player has their own tweaks and mannerisms.


Start a character at level 1 and play that character, learn that character, understand that character

So when you reach 55 only THEN should you look at websites with suggestions to tweak your builds and rotations.


THINK for yourself


SW:TOR is probably one of the EASIEST MMORPGS going today next to WOW

Not bragging but long before I ever got into a discussion about Gear and builds and what not (and I still dont read websites on the matter because you learn nothing from them, if you want others opinions talk to others that can explain why you should do something and how it will change your set up) I was soloing Heroic 2 and 4 s (not all but mass majority).


When I eventually did join a guild I only needed a few tweaks to maximize output because I understood my character, my skills, my classes, and had messed around with them to explore myself in whats best.


Stop looking for others to do your homework for you and think for yourself and learn your class and boundaries.


Crafted gear is better then Makeb coms (though honestly you should have zero issues on Makeb/Oricon/cz if your using gear bought with Makeb coms, its more then strong enough for that content).


Honestly sounds like you just do not understand your skills, your abilities, your rotations.

You read about them from some website but you dont understand them.


Only you can fix that issue.


Im interested though, Did you play your character to max level or was it someone elses character that you took over?

Because I can not understand how anyone could play from 0-55 and not understand their character class, unless you avoided combat and content and tried to speed to 55.


Just wondering

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Yeah, I set her on passive, tried to sneak past, but she triggered agro anyway, and before I could do anything we got dead, even after I ran my character in a tiny space between columns I thought would break the LoS for sure. But oh, no, no, it followed me there. All and all, I prefer a chance of winning the battle with having a companion on passive, because activating him/her is not a simple action. Chat window tends to get above that companion bar top two options, and it takes literally milliseconds of not being on your toes to die in this game (while you trying to reactivate your companion, the toon just parries....) . And I keep forgetting to deactivate the window because I normally can't have sound on, so I have it to read the dialogue. Edited by DomiSotto
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Im interested though, Did you play your character to max level or was it someone elses character that you took over?

Because I can not understand how anyone could play from 0-55 and not understand their character class, unless you avoided combat and content and tried to speed to 55.


Tishujen is my very first character, from Ord Mantell to Corellia, and I always played her solo (most of my other characters are paired). All her XP came from leveling because I can barely do that, so FPs on solo chars and PvP is out of the question. I started looking at rotations and tree builds when I was hitting problems on Alderaan. It actually helped quite a bit after I re-built her, and I had no troubles after that till the end of Belsavis, in fact she was easy to play. I had a very hard time in the beginning of Corellia till I realized I need to use Hanker Down, to avoid being thrown back and not having access to the close range abilities. Even with all that I found it hard to keep Riggs alive, even if I put him on sniper mode so he splits damage with my character who at least has a medpack. And I hate it when Riggs dies, besides having to pay 3 thou for his gear repair.

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Tishujen is my very first character, from Ord Mantell to Corellia. I started looking at rotations and tree builds when I was hitting problems on Alderaan. It actually helped quite a bit after I re-built her, and I had no troubles after that till the end of Belsavis, in fact she was easy to play. I had a very hard time in the beginning of Corellia till I realized I need to use Hanker Down, to avoid being thrown back and not having access to the close range abilities. Even with all that I found it hard to keep Riggs alive.


My first toons were quite hard at times, even though I ran with a similar-level toon of my wife's in a group, so it was probably easier for me than for you I think. Over time, I developed non-class specific abilities that made it easier: reflexively getting out of AoE attacks, interrupting the mobs, using CC's, burning mobs in the right order, using cooldowns. These things come with time -- especially the "situational awareness." I also tuned my UI and keybindings so that I could see what I needed to without excess eye movement, and do the rotations I needed to do with a minimum amount of hand repositioning. Again, this all takes time, but once learned they benefit each new toon you roll up.


In addition, once you are on your 4th or 5th toon, if the others have finished Chapter 2 of their class stories you get Legacy buffs that help a lot. So, my point is, the game will become easier for you over time.

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I have the second buff from the Consular. I was actually wondering if it is worthwhile to finish Hoth on the Marauder to get the third buff on her before proceeding with Corellia. Yes, I cc, I learned that red and purple circles are not for standing in, I unlocked a human to give myself a presence bonus, I religiously keep gear within 4 levels and my interface I try to organize the same way on everyone, so interrupt is on the same spot, cc is on the same spot etc.


I am not sure what I am doing wrong, quite possibly it's simply because I am actually playing on the level instead of being a couple of levels overlevelled. I know that I am below average, but since most people seem to be playing with a healer companion, I am wondering if I am that much below average. Which brings me to the conclusion that the game is a bit too hard and limits healing too much. I am actually thinking of taking BioChem on my remaining solo character so I can use reuseable/companion packs.


EDIT: I dunno, I might manage Corellia, but I am certainly not playing beyond that solo.

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and there is your problem




STOP reading other opinions on what to do like its official must be done sources.


Every player has their own tweaks and mannerisms.


Start a character at level 1 and play that character, learn that character, understand that character

So when you reach 55 only THEN should you look at websites with suggestions to tweak your builds and rotations.


THINK for yourself


One can do both. Read tips, take advices from other players, etc. Experiment a bit and then draw your own conclusion, but tbh, someone who is reading and informing themselves on their class is commendable. People who don't read anything are most likely to have the wrong mainstat than the ones that do.

IMO, reading, researching, getting opinions from other players is best done earlier than later

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EDIT: I dunno, I might manage Corellia, but I am certainly not playing beyond that solo.


After Corellia, where you finish your class story line, comes Makeb, which if you finish it, will get you to 55.

Certainly there things will tougher than Corellia. Since there is only a planet story, then maybe it's best if you ran it with another player. Makeb has some areas with a rather annoying high mob density and the constant fighting gets old fast if you are by yourself.

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My list of annoyances that should be fixed is much longer than the ones that I believe they should've fixed by now, but here's the latter.


1. Bugged achievements.

2. More guild rewards(granted they are doing stuff for that in August)

3. The crafting UI

4. The imbalanced leveling experience between stealth and non-stealth classes(being able to turn-off aggro while going from point A to B would be lovely)

5. The bias towards healing companions

Achievements :not sure what you are talking about as I personally don't care at all about this. Could you please be more specific so I can better parse your entry?


Guild rewards: I can see how WoW and a few other games here have more or better incentives to be a guild but the social part.


Crafting UI, mentioned again.


Stealth advantages. I'd say all MMO had this issue, still supposedly each class has its own advantages.


Healing companion or said otherwise lack of companions roles.


That being said what would be your true top 3 annoyances?

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It's not exactly a fix but there are customizations available for both characters where such issue does not occur.


My main has Lord Scourge here using that customization, seeing his default appearance has an issue with the Naga Sadow set.

A bit late here, but thanks for the tip! I'm set on using Vector's default, but had completely forgotten about some skins not having that issue. It will certainly be good to remember when I get Scourge, as I was planning to use a customization on him. :) I may have to reconsider giving him the Exposed Extrovert set (it looks so awesome on him "bugged", lol).


II am not sure what I am doing wrong, quite possibly it's simply because I am actually playing on the level instead of being a couple of levels overlevelled. I know that I am below average, but since most people seem to be playing with a healer companion, I am wondering if I am that much below average. Which brings me to the conclusion that the game is a bit too hard and limits healing too much. I am actually thinking of taking BioChem on my remaining solo character so I can use reuseable/companion packs.


I found the game quite hard when I started playing too. I started the game at launch with friends, and as DPS they both ran into some rough spots before getting their healing Companions. And for a healer using a tank (Corso), I sure died a lot! I think a lot of folks forget what it can be like for a new player, especially an inexperienced one -- it gets easier, promise. :) One thing I have found that makes leveling far easier is to be a little overleveled. It won't make everything a cakewalk, but combined with good gear, it can take the difficulty from "very challenging" to "pay attention and don't do anything stupid".


More on-topic, I must say that load screens are a great time to get a cup of tea. Or play fetch with my hyper dog. Or get soem reading done. Okay, I exaggerate some. :p But they are pretty annoying when I just want to log in really quick to start crew skills missions or something. Not one of my top three irritants, though.

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* PVP class balance. Madness sorc is so op, and it seems now Madness sins too, lol (death field: tooltip says it hits for 2k, but hits usually for 5k or more, up to 5 enemies!!! And when do enemies in pvp do not stack?!?! lol)

* Game's engine: Wii games look so much better than this game and doesn't have graphics issues (most of the time I guess).

* Art director for gear and all related to graphic design either is MIA, never existed, or plainly is not good enough for this game (just look at all those FF games alone, there's lots of work involved to make a fantasy world be really something special).

* Sound director not up par this age. Intro music is great, but besides that, is lame and boring most of the time.


Fix that and then maybe lots of issues would be instantly fixed, and then we can talk about more this. TVM


(Love the game still).

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After Corellia, where you finish your class story line, comes Makeb, which if you finish it, will get you to 55.

Certainly there things will tougher than Corellia. Since there is only a planet story, then maybe it's best if you ran it with another player. Makeb has some areas with a rather annoying high mob density and the constant fighting gets old fast if you are by yourself.


I thought it was Ilum? Yes, I have 6 characters paired with my husband's characters, and we are basically trying to run them 'right', in other words, all heroics, all FPs, all blue gear at least. So, I feel like letting all my 3 solos finish Corellia and be put on the heroic/FP milk runs and crafting back up, rather than try to solo end-game content.


I do try to select the skills on the skill trees that seem to work with the current abilities for my newer characters. Plus, with the unlocks of the companions, other companions & the characters become tougher.


I guess, back on topic, I still feel that there is just not enough documentation in the game that allows you to study how the character is built and what's what.


For example, the skill says 'reduces push-back' or something like that, and neither of us could find info on what exactly pushback is.


There are 4 tabs with stats, that show how things add up, but it is not explained in words. Would be nice to have some sort of color code that tells you that you maxed out the stat and you adding extras do not contribute to performance...


I dunno, on one hand it feels like asking for babysitting, on another - the difficulty of the game & the almost universal 'solo with the Healer' recommendation is annoying.

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OP: you don't need to rearrange the companion quickbar. The AI doesn't need that convenience and they have so few abilities, changing stance is fairly trivial. The player CAN rearrange the quickbar. Just click the lock on the left to open it and move stuff around, then lock it again. You can also rearrange the location of your quickbars in the interface editor. I find it most efficient to have 2 on the sides and 2 at the bottom.

Pretty much aware of the UI possibilities but thanks for others who might not be aware of that.

Note: I personally use a tweaked version of Gio-Cefalu general UI


Now speaking of companions, you can't change the stance without having the companion full bar displayed.

Then depending on the situation you might want to disable AoE effects or high threat attacks.


With the current system you can't do that conveniently plus it uses lots of screen space for nothing.


And I dare saying it's a shame the multiple producers we had did not grant the required time to the devs to fix this.

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I only have one actual annoyance: The inability to turn off or minimize informational combat effects outside ops or pvp and the ridiculous overkill on those effects when they are needed. ie. trooper aoes could be marked with a more realistic 'target' effect. A sorcerer could mark target area with something that bears a passing resemblance to the ability in question, rather than a lurid green faction symbol. If I want to turn off selection circles on enemies and my companion outside fps, heroics, ops and pvp, I should be able to.


I can see why having some kind of information marking is necessary in group play, particularly in pvp, but if I want to be able to turn it off for more immersive story content or dallies, I should be able to. This isn't that hard. All I'm asking here is that gameplay outside group content look more like it did at launch.


Also, less inexplicable ability effects, in general. I'm looking at you, sniper volley. I'm also looking at you, 'unstoppable' shield symbol on the vengeance Jugg, made worse by the fact that the knight equivalent has no such ridiculous marking.

Guess many would find your request trivial but immersion in game is kind of a tricky thing.

Still added your entry as well it's your top #1 ;)


Speaking of UI and its impact on immersion I'd point at the name plates.

  • First we would need a name plate hot key toggle.
  • Then pets should have a separate check box from NPCs.
  • There should be 2 categories for NPC nameplates toggles: one for the NPC we can interact with like vendors and another for all the other.
  • Then we should be able to only display icons on top of characters instead of names from players enemies in PvP all the way down to interactive NPC

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We all play the same game and have different expectation, as such was wondering what was your list of:


  • [...] should have been fixed long time ago?


(edit: parsing the posted entries)


Mentioned as top 3

    • Loading times and as such take off and orbital stations as most of the time useless
    • FPS frame rate versus what can be achieved in other games with even more characters around



  • Lack of a way to reshuffle crew missions offered
  • Very low crit rates for RE, no way to boost them substantially
  • Difficulty in farming level 9 mats, compared to level 6 mats
  • Manage crew skills for alts without needing to waste time logging on



  • Birthright and Inheritance gear being next to worthless, yet dropping all the time



  • Lack of mouse steer toggle
  • No way to set the order of your characters on the log in screen
  • Impossibility to arrange companions skills both in their quickslot bar and the character's ones.
  • Lack of map notes
  • Mail : auto-complete names from alts, recently mailed
  • Inventory: browse or even manage alts inventory without needing to load alts.
  • Inability to turn off or minimize informational combat effects outside ops or pvp (ie area tags)



  • No ability to write a bio




  • Lack of multi-specs
  • Lack of companions roles
  • Lack of gear tabs




  • Impossible to choose which WZ to queue
  • 3 days only GTN without even repost feature
  • No bid options on GTN
  • Half working search function on the GTN
  • No alts shared friend lists
  • Lack of hide any gear slot option
  • Lack of more customization options during character creation
  • No way to alter companion appearance except through kits
  • Lack of save/load key bindings
  • Remote in game email and GTN access
  • Lack of chat bubbles
  • No name plate hotkey toggle
  • Very difficult to tell heroics from regular quests (same color icon)
  • Hunting for dailies on planets
  • Speed of personal speeders (too slow IMO)
  • Limitations on healing pots in PVE
  • No workstation for personal starships
  • No field comm or field crew skill trainer to unlock
  • Double XP as an event instead of a buff that can be dispelled if desired
  • Still too many holes/gaps/bugs in environment
  • Keep the mail send panel open upon sending an email
  • Keep last sent email name and highlight it to replace upon key strokes
  • Remotely manage emails
  • UPS packages pickup and delivery (home, space ship, by companions)


Fantastic idea to add member lists to your OP. Kudos.

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