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WTH Embargoing the Star Cluster pack in 2.8.1???


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Not at all what I'm saying. If items are rare, then let them be rare. It's idiotic to have 28 pairs of tulak gloves to five helmets. If the suit is rare, then all the pieces should be rare, and have similar ratios...that's what truly defines rarity.




Tulak is a super rare set. yet the lower box and it's contents are dropping ~10X more often


The Nimble set is a rare set. Yet the upper box and supplementary box are clearly dropping at ~0.1x which would be super rare rates.


Honestly.... at first it looked to me like someone simply borked up a decimal point in the loot tables for the drop rates on some items. Frankly... I still think that is the actual behind the scenes reality of the issue. We will never know for sure because the party line from Eric is ----> working as intended, and yes we did mess with the drop rates.....allegedly as a marketing test by the CM team.

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Where is the proof that the item drop rate is jacked? I know the legacy unlock prices have changed but where is the proof that we have been wronged as far as RNG goes? Where? Prove it, until then you are all a bunch of pitchfork hillbillies on a which hunt.




Eric admitted it.... though saying it is "by design" and a "test".

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Look... stop pretending to not understand here. Beginning with this pack...... they introduced (allegedly on purpose) widely different drop rates for different armor boxes within a set. THIS IS NEW BEHAVIOR on their part and not in any way disclosed to players. Player though.. being smart looked at the obvious difference in drop rates within a set and asked if it was a bug or intended. They hummed and hawed for 4 days....before saying it would be corrected in 2.8.1, followed two days later with "working as intended.... and we are embargoing the pack on 2.8.1.


Even a gerbil can figure out here that they either messed something up, or made a really bad decision and then covered it up with an early embargo as their plan to fix it.


He's either a brain-dead EA fanboy or a very mediocre troll. Who both pretends to not understand that it's about drop rates for pieces of one same set and not about the rarity of a whole set, and that as for his favorite example, the revan's set, drop rates there pretty much standard, heads/chests some rarer than other parts but not 20x rarer...as the mask dropped separately at all, in a different pack, if i remember correctly.

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I understand you, but how many posts does Eric have to make stating that they were testing the waters with the packs in terms of drops and rarities. He's admitted to it in several places on the forum. Maybe the rates weren't previously carved in stone, but it's a pretty rude realization when you are used to things being a certain way, and then suddenly the carpet is ripped up from under you and everything is changed, and not for the better.


This many people don't get upset for no reason. You'll always get a handful about something, but when something is really wrong, thats when you see the turn out on the forum threads...they get long, and they coax those with the yellow font out of hiding to try and fix it with those who are upset. That doesn't happen if there is nothing wrong.



they never said squat about "testing the waters about drops and rarities" all they said was this pack was a test which you assumed meant the rarities and drops a sane person would take it to mean testing the waters about the idea of a limited edition event pack which contains expensive rare items on parr with the Gold Scalene Armour set...... but meh you get back to sharpening your pitchforks and burning your effigies of Eric....

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they never said squat about "testing the waters about drops and rarities" all they said was this pack was a test which you assumed meant the rarities and drops a sane person would take it to mean testing the waters about the idea of a limited edition event pack which contains expensive rare items on parr with the Gold Scalene Armour set...... but meh you get back to sharpening your pitchforks and burning your effigies of Eric....



Not burning anyone, or sharpening pitchforks. Just talking to other members. Stop being so dramatic. Save it for Guy Fawkes Day. :p

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Not burning anyone, or sharpening pitchforks. Just talking to other members. Stop being so dramatic. Save it for Guy Fawkes Day. :p


lol wasnt particularly dramatic its what i imagine a lot of people on this forum.. especially the PvP Dudes (after the "not at this time" debacle) are doing lol. seems to be the new thing Eric delivers a message we dont like everyone goes into angry mob mode grabs teh torches and pitchforks and starts burning pictures etc in the streets.

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they never said squat about "testing the waters about drops and rarities" all they said was this pack was a test which you assumed meant the rarities and drops a sane person would take it to mean testing the waters about the idea of a limited edition event pack which contains expensive rare items on parr with the Gold Scalene Armour set...... but meh you get back to sharpening your pitchforks and burning your effigies of Eric....


Star Cluster pack is released.


After a day or two, people notice that both the price for unlocking stuff in one's Collections and the drop ratio for some pieces and / or lockboxes seems unnatural compared to previous packs.


Some people on the forum go into an uproar. There are those who assume that Bioware did it intentionally, in order to test the waters. Others - as expected - defend Bioware, obviously(!) assuming that this is nothing more than a bugged pack.


Tait does confirm that Rarity has no bearing in the CC cost for unlocking stuff. * giggles *


Still, main issue appears to be the one pertaining the drop ratio for some lockboxes and different body parts.


Eric confirms that the CM team was messing around... Errrrrr... "experimenting" and that both drop rates and Account wide Legacy unlocks for the coming CM pack will be more in line with previous packs.




Hey folks,


I want to add some clarity around what was wrong, what is intended, and what is being changed. First off, the what is wrong. There was a little confusion around things when we last talked about this issue. It appears that the current rarities in the pack are correct, however, the tooltips and rarity icons for those items are not. Just to reiterate, the rarity of the items that you have been seeing in the packs is correct and is not being changed. What is being changed are the tooltips and rarity icons to make sure that this is accurately represented. Our current target is to get those adjusted in Game Update 2.8.1, it should be noted that the Star Cluster pack also becomes embargoed in that same update.


Another thing that I know was questioned was the collections unlock prices. Those prices are intended. Collections prices are something that is not completely static from one pack to another and can shift. Similarly, many of you might notice that in the Star Cluster pack there are different amounts of items at different rarities than normal (more rares, less commons, etc). With the Star Cluster pack, we were trying out some new things. I can tell you that the team has heard your feedback around both the rarities and the collections pricing and will adjust accordingly in future packs.


I apologize for the confusion around this and I hope this clears things up!


TLDR – Rarities and collection costs are right. Item rarity icons and collections tooltip rarity are not and are targeted to be fixed in 2.8.1.




My understanding is that rarities and collections costs will be more in line with previous packs.




I checked in with the CM team and it sounds like in general you will see both rarities and collections costs be a bit more expected in the Club Vertica pack!




In other words, there are two choices: Either you're trolling or... Yeahhh, I guess you're trolling. Only one choice then.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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lol wasnt particularly dramatic its what i imagine a lot of people on this forum.. especially the PvP Dudes (after the "not at this time" debacle) are doing lol. seems to be the new thing Eric delivers a message we dont like everyone goes into angry mob mode grabs teh torches and pitchforks and starts burning pictures etc in the streets.


Yeah, the crowd can get pretty volatile at times lol. I hear ya lol. I've felt it, around me, and even within me to a degree. Not so much in this conversation, but others, for sure. I just had visions of V for Vendetta...except we're all wearing mando helms lol.

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Eric delivers a message we dont like everyone goes into angry mob mode ...

Not everyone. Some of us just enjoy the game as it is and as it evolves. It is easier to have a happy life when you do not need to get everything exactly the way you want it.

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Yeah, the crowd can get pretty volatile at times lol. I hear ya lol. I've felt it, around me, and even within me to a degree. Not so much in this conversation, but others, for sure. I just had visions of V for Vendetta...except we're all wearing mando helms lol.


Surely not all.

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In other words, there are two choices: Either you're trolling or... Yeahhh, I guess you're trolling. Only one choice then.


mmm well lets see Eric states the packs are "Special Shipment"




Hey Mureyu,


Good question, let me explain a bit about this shipment of packs and how it works. The first thing that many of you noticed is that this shipment does not have a reputation track, this is intentional. The Star Cluster pack and the Club Vertica pack are a smaller, special shipment which is intended to run during Nar Shaddaa Nightlife Event.


What you will see is that Star Cluster will become embargoed on the launch of 2.8.1, which will also mark the launch of Club Vertica. Similarly, Club Vertica will only be available up to, or before, the launch of 2.9. I don't have an exact date on when Club Vertica will be embargoed but I will let you know when I do. However, it should be noted that it will embargo during the Nightlife Event.


Again, these were two packs made specifically around the Nightlife event and they work a little differently then some of our others have. When messaging this we were treating it like we do a normal pack and messaging an embargo approximately 1-2 weeks out.


I hope that explains the embargo timing.




now i for one am fine with having slightly more dodgy drop rates on a Limited Edition Pack since it coincides with the event which places it and all items therein into the category of event items which places them on the same tier as the Gold Scalene Armour set (which costs 480 to unlock) now that is still 120 coins less than the unlocks for the Xoxaan armour set (only one i bought and only one i wanted from this pack)


now if you want to pick and choose what Eric said and immediately accentuate the negatives be my guest i can see the bad in this pack too i just dont see why everyone has to go into Rage Mode over it yes Bioware cocked up... it happens you dont need to keep repeating yourself.

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mmm well lets see Eric states the packs are "Special Shipment"




You're a fan of selective reading or you just prefer to ignore that which you find inconvenient?




Hey folks,


I want to add some clarity around what was wrong, what is intended, and what is being changed. First off, the what is wrong. There was a little confusion around things when we last talked about this issue. It appears that the current rarities in the pack are correct, however, the tooltips and rarity icons for those items are not. Just to reiterate, the rarity of the items that you have been seeing in the packs is correct and is not being changed. What is being changed are the tooltips and rarity icons to make sure that this is accurately represented. Our current target is to get those adjusted in Game Update 2.8.1, it should be noted that the Star Cluster pack also becomes embargoed in that same update.


Another thing that I know was questioned was the collections unlock prices. Those prices are intended. Collections prices are something that is not completely static from one pack to another and can shift. Similarly, many of you might notice that in the Star Cluster pack there are different amounts of items at different rarities than normal (more rares, less commons, etc). With the Star Cluster pack, we were trying out some new things. I can tell you that the team has heard your feedback around both the rarities and the collections pricing and will adjust accordingly in future packs.


I apologize for the confusion around this and I hope this clears things up!


TLDR – Rarities and collection costs are right. Item rarity icons and collections tooltip rarity are not and are targeted to be fixed in 2.8.1.




See the part in bold and italic? Earlier, you said this...


they never said squat about "testing the waters about drops and rarities" all they said was this pack was a test which you assumed meant the rarities and drops a sane person would take it to mean testing the waters about the idea of a limited edition event pack which contains expensive rare items on parr with the Gold Scalene Armour set...... but meh you get back to sharpening your pitchforks and burning your effigies of Eric....


That post by Eric pretty much proves that you are wrong, namely by confirming that they indeed messed around - or experimented - with the drop ratio and CC unlock price, which is why...


He went out of his way repeatedly(!) - as I pointed out here - to make sure people understood that the next pack would be more in line with those that preceded the Star Cluster one.


After all, God forbid people from buying hypercrates from the upcoming pack, lest they get shafted yet again like the guinea pigs they are.


now i for one am fine with having slightly more dodgy drop rates on a Limited Edition Pack since it coincides with the event which places it and all items therein into the category of event items which places them on the same tier as the Gold Scalene Armour set (which costs 480 to unlock) now that is still 120 coins less than the unlocks for the Xoxaan armour set (only one i bought and only one i wanted from this pack)


That's not what's being discussed.


What is being discussed is that they didn't inform people in advance that...


- Drop ratio was significantly different from previous packs.

- Account wide Unlock for some Rare-rated armor sets was five(!!!) times as much, compared to previous packs.

- NOWHERE they stated, before this debacle, that the packs were a LE kind of thing. Only after the Bantha poo hit the fan.


now if you want to pick and choose what Eric said and immediately accentuate the negatives be my guest i can see the bad in this pack too i just dont see why everyone has to go into Rage Mode over it yes Bioware cocked up... it happens you dont need to keep repeating yourself.


Pointing out what he said, which serves to clearly demonstrate that you are both wrong in your assessment and that some experimenting went around?


Strange definition of "negative". /shrugs


Regardless, I'm only repeating myself since you felt the need to mystify that which has been demystified already.

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You're a fan of selective reading or you just prefer to ignore that which you find inconvenient?






See the part in bold and italic? Earlier, you said this...




That post by Eric pretty much proves that you are wrong, namely by confirming that they indeed messed around - or experimented - with the drop ratio and CC unlock price, which is why...


He went out of his way - repeatedly(!) - as I pointed out here, to make sure that people understood that the next pack would be more in line with the ones that preceded the Star Cluster one.


After all, God forbid people from buying hypercrates from the upcoming pack, lest they get shafted yet again, like the guinea pigs they are.




That's not what's being discussed.


What is being discussed is that they didn't inform people in advance that...


- Drop ratio was significantly different from previous packs.

- Account wide Unlock for some Rare-rated armor sets was five(!!!) times as much, compared to previous packs.

- NOWHERE they stated, before this debacle, that the packs were a LE kind of thing. Only after the Bantha poo hit the fan.




Pointing out that which he said, which serves to clearly demonstrate that you are both wrong in your assessment and that some experiment went around?


Strange definition of "negative". /shrugs


Regardless, I'm only repeating myself since you felt the need to mystify that which has been demystified already.


meh tbh i took the fact that when he put a full stop then started a new sentence to mean he was going onto a different topic...... but ok the areas you highlighted can be taken in the context of what you are saying as for the no info about them being event packs i would have thought that much was obvious considering


1: they said there wasnt going to be any rep for them

2: they arent in a numbered shipment

3: they appear under "night life packs"


but meh the above is conjecture but it was some pretty large hints that they werent just run of the mill normal packs .


anyway i said what i wanted to say so im gonna go back to the vitriol on the PvP Forums where i been lurking for the last 2 years lol.

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meh tbh i took the fact that when he put a full stop then started a new sentence to mean he was going onto a different topic...... but ok the areas you highlighted can be taken in the context of what you are saying as for the no info about them being event packs i would have thought that much was obvious considering


1: they said there wasnt going to be any rep for them

2: they arent in a numbered shipment

3: they appear under "night life packs"


but meh the above is conjecture but it was some pretty large hints that they werent just run of the mill normal packs .


anyway i said what i wanted to say so im gonna go back to the vitriol on the PvP Forums where i been lurking for the last 2 years lol.


As as addendum, I'd like to point out that what was quoted to you from Eric--clear as it is, you seem to want to take it as you see fit, but that's on you--was not posted unti afgter multiple pages were written by players wondering about the item drop rate and the unlock cost. Zero notice was given to players that the drop rates would be skewed, unlock costs would be excessive, the packs would be very short-lived, or that they were "trying some things" until they were directly questioned about it because multiple paying customers saw something wrong.


It amazes me that some people just cannot understand the basic issue here. If you always payed for the sandwich of the month, and suddenly you get lasagna, I don't think you'd be too pleased if the owners said that they were just trying something new, they'd adjust accordingly in the future, and if you are unhappy about it, tough. I also don't think in that case that you'd have difficulty understanding the run around you're being given, but perhaps I'm wrong to assume so.


I'll post the dev response one more time:


Another thing that I know was questioned was the collections unlock prices. Those prices are intended. Collections prices are something that is not completely static from one pack to another and can shift. Similarly, many of you might notice that in the Star Cluster pack there are different amounts of items at different rarities than normal (more rares, less commons, etc). With the Star Cluster pack, we were trying out some new things. I can tell you that the team has heard your feedback around both the rarities and the collections pricing and will adjust accordingly in future packs.


I apologize for the confusion around this and I hope this clears things up!


They decided to milk players for what they could, got caught, got called on it, and will be adjusting accordingly in the future. It was shady and underhanded. I did not spend a dollar on this pack, nor will I on the next set, nor will I on any set until there is more transparency given to how they're going to handle the CM. I've survived for quite a while now since another issue came up that made me boycott the CM, and I've survived just fine using creds to buy what shows up. If CM items on the GTN go to zero, I will continue to survive, and EAWare will have to decide whether the backlash is worth the short-term revenue. I'm sure it won't get that extreme, but they have lost subscribers over this, as well as regular purchasers of Cartel Coins, so they're going to feel the repercussions.

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ZETA_SCORPII, Tannatra....(I guess there's more of them, I didn't run thru all pages)...how amusing, 1 low-quality troll runs dry and immediately another shows up who also doesn't see any issues, doesn't understand why the crowd is angry and, as a matter of fact, welcomes interesting, new and innovative decisions made by our precious EA regarding the star cluster pack.


Gotta ask: if you're not trolling and totally fine with this infamous star cluster pack what are you even doing here? If I had no issues with it, why would I go to this thread at all? I'd be in-game, buying cartel packs...but you're here, over and over...does EA pay you some CC a month for these awesomely lame attempts to justify whatever they do? I hope they cut off your special extra CC for June because you do really suck at both trolling and defending them

Edited by Preston_Violent
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ZETA_SCORPII, Tannatra....(I guess there's more of them, I didn't run thru all pages)...how amusing, 1 low-quality troll runs dry and immediately another shows up who also doesn't see any issues, doesn't understand why the crowd is angry and, as a matter of fact, welcomes interesting, new and innovative decisions made by our precious EA regarding the star cluster pack.


Gotta ask: if you're not trolling and totally fine with this infamous star cluster pack what are you even doing here? If I had no issues with it, why would I go to this thread at all? I'd be in-game, buying cartel packs...but you're here, over and over...does EA pay you some CC a month for these awesomely lame attempts to justify whatever they do? I hope they cut off your special extra CC for June because you do really suck at both trolling and defending them


Whole lotta butthurt concentrated into one post.


Next time, everyone needs to get Preston's permission before they post.

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They decided to milk players for what they could, got caught, got called on it, and will be adjusting accordingly in the future. It was shady and underhanded. I did not spend a dollar on this pack, nor will I on the next set, nor will I on any set until there is more transparency given to how they're going to handle the CM. I've survived for quite a while now since another issue came up that made me boycott the CM, and I've survived just fine using creds to buy what shows up. If CM items on the GTN go to zero, I will continue to survive, and EAWare will have to decide whether the backlash is worth the short-term revenue. I'm sure it won't get that extreme, but they have lost subscribers over this, as well as regular purchasers of Cartel Coins, so they're going to feel the repercussions.


Well-said. I'll just add that this decision was made not in conjunction with a super-awesome content patch where players, upon receiving tons of content that made them happy, might even not pay much attention to this lil' experiment. But they did it having released a patch which has nothing but its name to impress with (nim mode for the most hardcore pve-ers (3-5% of subs or how numerous are they?) + an armpit of an event for everyone else = ssssppppooooillllzzzz of waaaar, yay). It sucks, it's lazy, cheap and again lazy.

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I checked in with the CM team and it sounds like in general you will see both rarities and collections costs be a bit more expected in the Club Vertica pack!




Awesome, thank you Eric. People know what to expect now. I appreciate you asking and getting us the answer.

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Awesome, thank you Eric. People know what to expect now. I appreciate you asking and getting us the answer.


No they don't. The only thing apparent from his post is that he does not know exactly what the unlock prices and rarities will be like. "In general" can mean totally anything. I am getting to the opinion that it is possible the devs don't even know what to tell Eric to tell us, because they don't even understand their own product.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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No they don't. The only thing apparent from his post is that he does not know exactly what the unlock prices and rarities will be like. "In general" can mean totally anything. I am getting to the opinion that it is possible the devs don't even know what to tell Eric to tell us, because they don't even understand their own product.


YES THEY DO! It's different. It's not what people assumed it would be for this pack. You've been warned. Wait a day, buy a single pack, see what it costs...but don't be shocked when it's more than you were accustomed to paying.

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Look... stop pretending to not understand here. Beginning with this pack...... they introduced (allegedly on purpose) widely different drop rates for different armor boxes within a set. THIS IS NEW BEHAVIOR on their part and not in any way disclosed to players. Player though.. being smart looked at the obvious difference in drop rates within a set and asked if it was a bug or intended. They hummed and hawed for 4 days....before saying it would be corrected in 2.8.1, followed two days later with "working as intended.... and we are embargoing the pack on 2.8.1.


Even a gerbil can figure out here that they either messed something up, or made a really bad decision and then covered it up with an early embargo as their plan to fix it.


I don't have a problem with it because it's been one of the best opportunities to cash in. You know this and why you aren't buying the rare items up to resell later (or maybe you are) and capitalizing on this "mistake" or "devious plan to suck more money from players" is beyond me. You play the GTN and you've put others in check in the past when they've complained about RNG. Why does it bother you now? The GTN needs rare items, you know this.

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I don't have a problem with it because it's been one of the best opportunities to cash in. You know this and why you aren't buying the rare items up to resell later (or maybe you are) and capitalizing on this "mistake" or "devious plan to suck more money from players" is beyond me. You play the GTN and you've put others in check in the past when they've complained about RNG. Why does it bother you now? The GTN needs rare items, you know this.


1) I'm not at all complaining about RNG.. so please stop derailing with that nonsense. They fractured the loot tables for sets with this pack. Used to be items in sets were roughly equal drop rate FOR THAT SET. Not in this case. The chance for something to drop is not just RNG. It's RNG + loot table value. RNG is fine. Loot table values are actually OK too..... IF they had just said it in the patch notes... so that people do not go chasing after packs for the super-super rare chest to go with the not so rare boots and legs without knowing the loot rules have been changed. I'm sure that caused a fair number of players to spend more CCs then history would have suggested they plan for.


2) I have been taking advantage of the circumstances... by buying the sets I personally want off the GTN .... AND extra copies of the really rare pieces early for later resale. So... yes, I am adapting to the change, just like I always encourage everyone to do. That is what I do when I play MMOs....adapt to changes. But that in no way precludes me from being critical about the extremely poor communications by Bioware on these two issues.


3) It's not that they made the change I object to.. it's that they made it, BUT....did not communicate it in the patch notes (being a material change to how packs work), and when we asked if it was a bug... they waffled around in their responses and settled on "working as intended.. but oh by the way.. we will embargo that pack on patch 2.8.1 (the same patch they earlier said they would fix it).


4) I am completely in favor of super rare sets, or individual items not part of a set. So please stop accusing myself and others of not wanting super rare items. Super rare is not the issue. Methodology is the issue here.

Edited by Andryah
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It's not that they made the change I object to.. it's that they made it, did not communicate it in the patch notes
They probably didn't realize they needed your permission. I'm sure they'll consult with you more in the future.


I'm curious...where have you found these "normal" drop rates published? I can't seem to find them anywhere.

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1) I'm not at all complaining about RNG.. so please stop derailing with that nonsense. They fractured the loot tables for sets with this pack. Used to be items in sets were roughly equal drop rate FOR THAT SET. Not in this case. The chance for something to drop is not just RNG. It's RNG + loot table value. RNG is fine. Loot table values are actually OK too..... IF they had just said it in the patch notes... so that people do not go chasing after packs for the super-super rare chest to go with the not so rare boots and legs without knowing the loot rules have been changed. I'm sure that cost a lot of players to spend more CCs then history would have suggested they plan for.


2) I have been taking advantage of the circumstances... by buying the sets I personally want off the GTN .... AND extra copies of the really rare pieces early for later resale. So... yes, I am adapting to the change, just like I always encourage everyone to do. That is what I do when I play MMOs....adapt to changes. But that in no way precludes me from being critical about the extremely poor communications by Bioware on these two issues.


3) It's not that they made the change I object to.. it's that they made it, did not communicate it in the patch notes (being a material change to how packs work), and when we asked if it was a bug... they waffled around in their responses and settled on "working as intended.. but oh by the way.. we will embargo that pack on patch 2.8.1 (the same patch they earlier said they would fix it).


4) I am completely in favor of super rare sets, or individual items not part of a set. So please stop accusing myself and others of not wanting super rare items. Super rare is not the issue. Methodology is the issue here.


Where is this loot table information? I'm just curious.

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