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Our defintions of words are wildly different. I mean, I have to wonder what your first language is.




Bioware concealed nothing. Conealing something is an action. You cannot conceal by inaction.


Deception via omission... concealing something is the LACK of action. Not telling you something that you would find important, like a price increase or that you should probably get tested for an STI, is a LACK of action. And deceptive.

Edited by DarthTHC
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Our defintions of words are wildly different. I mean, I have to wonder what your first language is.


Bioware concealed nothing. Conealing something is an action. You cannot conceal by inaction.


Yes you can.

What you are saying is basically the old "I wasn't lying, I just didn't tell you everything" line...


But since you want to get technical about wording, I could say that If I happened to be conveniently placed in front of a camera during a crime and I didn't move (thus inaction), I would still be concealing said crime.

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I didn't even see the above list. Not exactly able to follow this thread reply by reply. I thought you were talking about Valve or CD Projekt, examples other poeple gave. We are talking about video game companies here. Of course distributors as diversified as those are larger.


And no one was deceived, that's the bottom line; Bioware simply exercised their power to manipulate the prices of their products at will without notice, as laid out by the ToS. Contrary to popular belief, they are not beholden to us, do not have to have every business decision approved by us, and owe us nothing beyond the product given.


To think anything else is simply naive or willfully ignorant.


I agree with you there. They were well within their rights to do as they did as pointed out in the Terms of Service. Reminds of the earlier post about them experimenting with new pricing and telling us about it would skew the results. True as well.


Of course in both instances you are playing/experimenting with your paying customer base. Just as they should keep in mind when they do these things one other item in the Terms of Service:


"17. Cancellation of your Account.


You have the right to cancel your Account or a particular subscription to an TOR Service at any time. "


Making your customers angry leads to well........less customers.

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I agree with you there. They were well within their rights to do as they did as pointed out in the Terms of Service. Reminds of the earlier post about them experimenting with new pricing and telling us about it would skew the results. True as well.


Of course in both instances you are playing/experimenting with your paying customer base. Just as they should keep in mind when they do these things one other item in the Terms of Service:


"17. Cancellation of your Account.


You have the right to cancel your Account or a particular subscription to an TOR Service at any time. "


Making your customers angry leads to well........less customers.


Yep, cancel your account and play that other Star Wars MMO....oh wait....

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Someone uttered the word...
? :D


I would just like to take this opportunity to thank you for pointing my way to that TV-series.

I was not aware of its existance and now that I've watched the pilot, I'm hooked :)

Looking forward to 5 seasons of material to tie me over until the continuation of Sons of Anarchy, Walking Dead and Game of Thrones. :D

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Only someone who does not spend a dime or much on packs or hyper-crates would actually say what has happened is just or fair because if they were someone who actually buys packs and hyper-crates and actually spends that kind of money because one hyper-crate is not cheap never mind when you buy more then one and start to spend hundreds of dollars only to find out drop rates/odds are like gambling at a real casino all of the sudden with the night life packs and crates. Then they would be marching to a different tune and see that everyone has a right to be pissed about this. Bottom line they tried to pull a fast one but it backfired and they got caught and had no one said anything they would not have either so tell me how is that right.


Look it at from everyone's point of view and not just yours and you will easily see that people have a right to be complaining about this situation versus other times when they didn't. Also instead of at the very least fixing them since they obviously ain't gonna do anything else for the people who spent tons of money only to find this all out they instead are embargoing them so fast almost like they want for all this to disappear and hide the fact that it happened.

Edited by dragonez
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Wasn't expecting to see this thread pop up again but I will say this.


I was upset with them over what they did with the Star Cluster Pack but they said that they heard our feedback and would adjust accordingly in the future and that's what they did with the Club Vertica Pack.


I'm not upset anymore, what's done is done and hopefully they will continue to be better in the future like they've shown now.

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I just spent over 200 bucks on Vertica night life hyper crates and could not score most of the really rare stuff never mind the marsh raptor or walker mounts. So you sure it's fixed with Vertica night life packs as well? In the past I would almost complete if not complete a collection in 3 hyper crates with maybe a few extra packs if need be, which is around 200 to 300 bucks the most but with these night life hyper crates you get more repeats and crap then anything that's for sure.


Also the cost to account wide unlock is still high with Vertica night life packs as it was with night clusters so I don't know for sure but I think all night life packs and crates are still same since they said in the future the drop rates would go back to normal not with the Vertica night life pack from what I recall.

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I just spent over 200 bucks on Vertica night life hyper crates and could not score most of the really rare stuff never mind the marsh raptor or walker mounts. So you sure it's fixed with Vertica night life packs as well? In the past I would almost complete if not complete a collection in 3 hyper crates with maybe a few extra packs if need be, which is around 200 to 300 bucks the most but with these night life hyper crates you get more repeats and crap then anything that's for sure.


Also the cost to account wide unlock is still high with Vertica night life packs as it was with night clusters so I don't know for sure but I think all night life packs and crates are still same since they said in the future the drop rates would go back to normal not with the Vertica night life pack from what I recall.


I haven't noticed an increased rarity in the Club Vertica pack except for the walker and the crystals.

The raptor mount seems to be on-par with the super-rare animal mounts in most packs. The crystals and the walker are exceedingly rare tho.

But as for the other items, they seem to drop at the "normal" rates (judging by the amount of them on the GTN).


The unlock costs are back to "normal" too it would seem. The outrage over the unlock costs in the previous pack was that the "rare" (ie. common) sets were costing 480 cc to unlock compared to the previously established cost of 90cc. And that has now been "fixed" so the "common" sets in this pack are just 90cc to unlock, not 480cc.

The lore sets have almost always cost 600cc, so that's not changed.


So I really don't understand what you are upset about in this last pack. I'm guessing it's that you didn't get the walker mount and that you are just dragging everything else that you possibly can into it to add validity to your argument, but so far, the only things that are exceedingly rare in the pack is the walker mount and the crystals (which I really don't understand their reasoning for).

But from opening just 12 crates (not hypercrates, just 12 regular ones) I got most of the temple guardian set, a few bits of the rohlan dyre set and some stuff from the other lore sets. I also got more than one complete set of the "common" sets as well. Enough to be able to pretty much trade what I needed to complete all the non-lore sets without any cost to me.

Only got one weapon tho, but considering how common (and cheap) they are on the GTN, I'd just chalk that up to luck of the draw.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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I just spent over 200 bucks on Vertica night life hyper crates and could not score most of the really rare stuff never mind the marsh raptor or walker mounts. So you sure it's fixed with Vertica night life packs as well? In the past I would almost complete if not complete a collection in 3 hyper crates with maybe a few extra packs if need be, which is around 200 to 300 bucks the most but with these night life hyper crates you get more repeats and crap then anything that's for sure.


Also the cost to account wide unlock is still high with Vertica night life packs as it was with night clusters so I don't know for sure but I think all night life packs and crates are still same since they said in the future the drop rates would go back to normal not with the Vertica night life pack from what I recall.


The Class sets are 90 CC instead of 480 CC, Lore Sets are the same but those are ultra rare items and Lore sets in past like Revan's set was 600 CC. Armor Boxes are equally given unlike last time when it was a bunch of lower boxes to 1 or 2 upper and supp boxes.


The Walker mount I admit is really rare but seeing how it's the first of it's kind I don't see it as a big deal. I'm shure a new variant will be released. The only thing that seems off in rarity are the crystals everything else feels normal to me.

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I just spent over 200 bucks on Vertica night life hyper crates and could not score most of the really rare stuff never mind the marsh raptor or walker mounts. So you sure it's fixed with Vertica night life packs as well? In the past I would almost complete if not complete a collection in 3 hyper crates with maybe a few extra packs if need be, which is around 200 to 300 bucks the most but with these night life hyper crates you get more repeats and crap then anything that's for sure.


Also the cost to account wide unlock is still high with Vertica night life packs as it was with night clusters so I don't know for sure but I think all night life packs and crates are still same since they said in the future the drop rates would go back to normal not with the Vertica night life pack from what I recall.


This is what's known as more money then brains spending $200 or more on a freaking CS item(s) is insane to me. :eek:

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