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[VIDEO] Enough with the LAG (switches)!


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What proof was offered? The video posted by the OP shows several things, that his computer is not capable of frapsing (or equivalent), and gaming at the same time. There was no smooth FPS there, I would say that some of the "exploits" happened when he was pulling 3-5 FPS in the war zone.


Since were generalizing now, you seem to be in the camp of "HACKS/EXPLOITS" before understanding game mechanics. When 3 maras chain predition (or whatever its called) boosting their team across the map in NC capping your closet node, the thing to do is rage quit, come to the pvp forum and complain about people cheating. Either way its a good thing people like you are not sitting on BW support team tossing out bans at everyone who is "cheating".


You make me laugh as you have just proven my point with your inflammatory post


Also I never rage quit, know most of, if not all the mechanics, I only pvp, I have one of every class and I play Ranked...


Be serious, we know "things" happen... We also know people don't always know the mechanics or why they are lagging due to outside influences... Most people can't spot a true exploit or hack... But some of us can

Be honest, even Bio have admitted it and there are also YouTube videos and screen shots of people bragging about it

If people put all the proof together in one thread it would be massive and we know Bio would just delete it

Bio can't keep up with the cheats, they will always be one step ahead and mostly undetectable because that is what real hack programmers do... Most people who cheat with outside downloads don't even know how they work, they just use them

Bio also don't have the resources or money to dedicate a team of security programmers to counter them... Not many game manufactures do... Which is why program hackers target games so they can hone their skills before they move onto bigger and better hacks outside of games

There are many underground hack and game sites to get these from. They are very secretive and you usually have to prove you can be trusted not the expose them... Before denying something, do your home work... Facts don't lie

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Ah k, I didn't realize that actually know how the server handles things makes me a "denier"


This is why people who don't understand how computers work shouldn't be allowed to post about such things.


But whatever continue being ignorant.


I wasn't aiming my post directly at you... I don't mean to offend people with a legit reason or people who actually do understand such things and how they work

I asked in my original post for a technical explanation on what a Lag Switch was... And got mixed responses, so I did some research too

I am not saying what is happening is a lag switch, what I am saying is that the hack/cheat deniers would hijack the thread as they always do

I wasn't targeting you... Sorry if you thought I was

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I found this Blzzard representative response to their recent hacking and exploit issues... Now if a large game developer with a lot more resources than Bio have these problems... You can expect that a smaller, less resourced company would have them too and may be unable to keep up or have a dedicated department to look after said problems.


It is also understandable why Bio don't give out much info about what they are doing to counter the problem.


But it would be good to get an explanation of the sort below so that we do actually know our concerns are being addressed. Too my knowledge Bio haven't responded publicly to anything for over 18 months


I know that sometimes we can be a bit uncommunicative about all of the actions that we take against cheating, that prolonged silence can lead players to think that we're being passive about it.


We are not.


Sometimes being too communicative can go against being effective, and while we want players to feel confident in our capacity, determination and willingness to deal with these issues, ultimately we want to be as effective as we possibly can.


I can tell you that we have recently taken action against a number of accounts that were in violation of the World of Warcraft Terms of Use.


We go to great lengths to keep WoW's environment as pristine as possible, and we can do it in many different ways, it's not just about applying ban waves.


WoW has a huge population, more than even some countries, and that means that there's probably always someone somewhere trying to find ways to «bend the rules». There's a positive side to this as well, because there are so many players, we get very early reports about potential bugs and we have a higher chance to fix them before ill–intentioned people can find them.


Also I would say due to our lower population, the lack of people reporting because they feel nothing is being done, it would make it difficult for a small team to stay onto of things

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I've seen enough shenanigans in this game to know that cheating happens here every day. This Vanguard in Huttball was crossing the fire trap towards our goal. 6 of us were attacking him. HE VANISHED.


1 - Vanguards do not have stealth.


2 - If you stealth with the ball, it resets.


3 - All 6 of us saw it. We all spun around, Mumble was full of "where is he?", then a few seconds later, Baron Deathmark informed us that the Frog-Dogs have scored. The Vanguard came out of stealth, he was across our goal line, and /laughed at us. At least 6 tickets were sent that night.


Just last night, two of us were hitting an Operative in Quesh Huttball. With two of us hitting her, and IN BETWEEN the first and second hits of Ravage, she clicked the grapple table, charged it to full, and grappled away to the second floor. That's supposed to be a 2 second channel. It was damn near instant.


And let's not forget Gingers.


Deny it all you want, everyone here knows this crap happens. As for the 190439018409342 ping, it is not some random team. It is the same people every time. And I have friends who experience it when playing against those same people. That's not a coincidence. And I will repeat, this ONLY happens in SWTOR. I can play half a dozen other games, newer games, at that, and it never happens at all.

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You make me laugh as you have just proven my point with your inflammatory post.


I don't know what point I just proved, but if you found my post inflammatory... Well you might want to look that word up or just not get so angry over small things. if anything the last line of my post may be seen that way, but don't over exaggerate, it wasn't the entire post. I am just returning shots to you since you posted this below.


LoL ... I was wondering how long it would be for the "hack" deniers / cheat deniers to turn up and try and hijacking this thread by trolling it.... lmao... Happens every time... Even with proof... You say black... We say white

We know how this all ends... Massive rage post / thread... Bio remove it... Hackers win... Bio does nothing as usual


Either way, some people like I, have offered some ideas on what to try to resolve the issue for the OP. But it doesn't look like he has tried anything and got back with us, just joined the witch hunt for hackers. That's why my stance changed since his video doesn't prove anything.


And let's not forget Gingers.


This name rings a bell, if I am correct its the only video I've seen posted that shown a guy exploiting via speed hack. Sorc or Assassin instant capping in hutt ball over and over?

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What proof was offered? The video posted by the OP shows several things, that his computer is not capable of frapsing (or equivalent), and gaming at the same time. There was no smooth FPS there, I would say that some of the "exploits" happened when he was pulling 3-5 FPS in the war zone.


Since were generalizing now, you seem to be in the camp of "HACKS/EXPLOITS" before understanding game mechanics. When 3 maras chain predition (or whatever its called) boosting their team across the map in NC capping your closet node, the thing to do is rage quit, come to the pvp forum and complain about people cheating. Either way its a good thing people like you are not sitting on BW support team tossing out bans at everyone who is "cheating".


i think that vid shows it quite well, its noticeable. its how the hack works and claiming its only due to a crap pc is ignorant.


did you read the description ?


hackers love to say l2p, they want to seem like pro players, back up a silly personality with stupid stats. first it makes them feel better than others, then its a defense: no its not hack, its being unfamiliar with game mechanics. you dont know the game so you cannot judge the amount of hackers..


i would like to clarify that being familiar with the game issue. at the end of the vid, the sorc gets pulled (because he no-clip lightened through the pillar i guess). you see the sorc being pulled through the air after that. while hes being pulled, he starts casting again. then he reappears where he was before he was pulled.


how did the sorc escape the pull ? can you pls explain the game mechanics behind that ?

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i think that vid shows it quite well, its noticeable. its how the hack works and claiming its only due to a crap pc is ignorant.

did you read the description ?

Your PC specs are only partially related to how well the game runs. There are dozens of factors that can play into how well the game runs. To claim otherwise is ... ignorant.



i would like to clarify that being familiar with the game issue. at the end of the vid, the sorc gets pulled (because he no-clip lightened through the pillar i guess). you see the sorc being pulled through the air after that. while hes being pulled, he starts casting again. then he reappears where he was before he was pulled.


how did the sorc escape the pull ? can you pls explain the game mechanics behind that ?


The sorc was not pulled because Harpoon is buggy as hell. It always has been. Lord knows how many pulls I've used that don't properly pull the target.


I suppose you are going to claim that when a juggernaut's leap only takes him halfway to target, then that is a hack too?

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k look, you need to read what others write.


im not an expert but i did a little research..


Reading a wiki article does not make you a expert.


thats what i said, i just repeat what experts say without having backround knowledge..


a lot of data in this game is client-sided. that means its hackable. i read that they disguise trashdata as client-sided and slow down your pc with it.


this. it means that


A lot of the data is indeed client-side. However every single ability and such is checked against the server.


doesnt help. get it ?


Also with modern MMOs it is not possible to lag someone else out.


that actually made me laugh. noo, its impossible because.. yes because swtor is too technically advanced :cool:


Your PC specs are only partially related to how well the game runs. There are dozens of factors that can play into how well the game runs. To claim otherwise is ... ignorant.


theres a ton of info about that, what do you think about that thread with 10000+ views i told you about ? did you ignore that ? like you ignore multiple teleports that cover a lot of space while others move consistantly ? thats not suspicious at all right ?


The sorc was not pulled because Harpoon is buggy as hell. It always has been. Lord knows how many pulls I've used that don't properly pull the target.


I suppose you are going to claim that when a juggernaut's leap only takes him halfway to target, then that is a hack too?


and after that the pull reset was a bug, sure :rolleyes: no obstacles in between, no level difference, its always bugs and lags, noo doubt. especially since your calling the lord and claim it is :D

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I think you and I are watching the same thing but seeing two different things.


You see a sorc that is pulled, but then reappears at original position. The conclusion you drew from that was that the sorcs was successfully pulled but then did something to cause him to teleport back.


I don't see that.


When I watch it, I see the same thing you do, however I concluded that because the sorc post teleport is in the identical position with identical orientation, that the sorc never was pulled, and that if we had a video from the sorc or a 3rd viewer we wouldn't see the sorc being pulled and wouldn't even see the harpoon being fired.


You see you hit a ability, Your client then decides baised on the information available to the client at that instant whether you can actually use that ability. If your client thinks you can your client then activates the animation, and at the same time the client sends a message to the server saying you want to use that ability. The server then decides biased on its data as to if you can do that, if it decides you can it sends a "you're fine" message back to your client while at the same time sending a message to the other player's clients that you used that ability.


99% of the time the server and client agree. And in the rare occasions they do not agree the server corrects the client more or less instantly and all the affected player might get is the dreaded ability misfire. However under high lag there could be a humanly perceivable delay between the client starting the animation and the server correcting the client. This could presumably cause what we see in the video, where the animation was played but then the sorc was returned to where he was.


Now I'm not saying hacks don't exist, the exploits of the season 1 yoloqueue troll prove that, however you can only cry hack when every other possible explanation is exhausted. I have been playing since launch and in all my experience I have only had one case that couldn't be explained, and that was a year and a half ago. I don't see a hack here and I am absolutely certain that people are not lag-switching or whatnot as much as you and others in this thread seem to believe.

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I think you and I are watching the same thing but seeing two different things.


You see a sorc that is pulled, but then reappears at original position. The conclusion you drew from that was that the sorcs was successfully pulled but then did something to cause him to teleport back.


I don't see that.


When I watch it, I see the same thing you do, however I concluded that because the sorc post teleport is in the identical position with identical orientation, that the sorc never was pulled, and that if we had a video from the sorc or a 3rd viewer we wouldn't see the sorc being pulled and wouldn't even see the harpoon being fired.


You see you hit a ability, Your client then decides baised on the information available to the client at that instant whether you can actually use that ability. If your client thinks you can your client then activates the animation, and at the same time the client sends a message to the server saying you want to use that ability. The server then decides biased on its data as to if you can do that, if it decides you can it sends a "you're fine" message back to your client while at the same time sending a message to the other player's clients that you used that ability.


99% of the time the server and client agree. And in the rare occasions they do not agree the server corrects the client more or less instantly and all the affected player might get is the dreaded ability misfire. However under high lag there could be a humanly perceivable delay between the client starting the animation and the server correcting the client. This could presumably cause what we see in the video, where the animation was played but then the sorc was returned to where he was.


Now I'm not saying hacks don't exist, the exploits of the season 1 yoloqueue troll prove that, however you can only cry hack when every other possible explanation is exhausted. I have been playing since launch and in all my experience I have only had one case that couldn't be explained, and that was a year and a half ago. I don't see a hack here and I am absolutely certain that people are not lag-switching or whatnot as much as you and others in this thread seem to believe.


short version:


sometimes the engine doesnt make sense, doesnt work. in that case its obviously a bug. doesnt matter if it happens always against the usual suspects. doesnt matter if tons of other fishy stuff happens then aswell. ignore all that, and when you see 1000 people complaining about it, theyre all liars.


so dont complain when your skills dont come out in a wz, your opponents are immune to ccs and run around with +30% speed all the time. when they use the same stun three times within 20 secs, its all due to a little misunderstanding between client and server, especially when fishy things happen over and over again. so i have seen a hack just once, but im not sure, because they dont exist, theyre impossible here :) oh sry i didnt say that, however just shut up because i play since launch and you may not call hacks when there is a possible excuse.. like bugs. client and server misunderstanding you see ?

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short version:

Doesnt matter if tons of other fishy stuff happens then aswell.

What other fishy stuff, beyond the OP having some serious lag issues.

1000 people complaining about it, theyre all liars.

The vast majority of the populance don't understand how servers work. Most people's understanding of MMOs doesn't go beyond "I need a good internet connection."


so dont complain when your skills dont come out in a wz, your opponents are immune to ccs and run around with +30% speed all the time. when they use the same stun three times within 20 secs, its all due to a little misunderstanding between client and server, especially when fishy things happen over and over again. so i have seen a hack just once, but im not sure, because they dont exist, theyre impossible here :) oh sry i didnt say that, however just shut up because i play since launch and you may not call hacks when there is a possible excuse.. like bugs. client and server misunderstanding you see ?

What was demonstrated in the video has nothing to do with ability effects, it has to do with how the client and server interact.

You see the server constantly sending your client information on what other players are doing, and you client renders that. In high latency situation the client isn't getting the constant updates. This is what causes the "rubberband" effect that you get during high lag.

In this situation the server decided the harpoon couldn't be fired, however the client was lagging behind and because of this went ahead and played the pull animation, when the server's correction belatedly came in, the OP's client put the sorc back to where he was. As far as the sorc and the server are concerned the OP never even fired the harpoon.


I've had Harpoon and other similar abilities occasionally fail even on PvE mobs, but I guess that means those PvE mobs are hacking right?

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What other fishy stuff, beyond the OP having some serious lag issues.


k look, you need to read what others write.


im too lazy to repeat what ive said. i think its clearly your problem that you dont get it. just read my posts again pls and understand what im trying to say.


doesnt matter if tons of other fishy stuff happens then aswell. ignore all that, and when you see 1000 people complaining about it, theyre all liars.


The vast majority of the populance don't understand how servers work. Most people's understanding of MMOs doesn't go beyond "I need a good internet connection.


really ? guess what ? someone even said hacks are impossible here because this mmo is too modern.


In this situation the server decided the harpoon couldn't be fired, however the client was lagging behind and because of this went ahead and played the pull animation, when the server's correction belatedly came in, the OP's client put the sorc back to where he was. As far as the sorc and the server are concerned the OP never even fired the harpoon.


I've had Harpoon and other similar abilities occasionally fail even on PvE mobs, but I guess that means those PvE mobs are hacking right?


is that why the pull interupted the cast and the cd triggered in the ui ? aah you mean it doesnt matter what we see since the server-client misunderstanding is responsible and st else happened. so evidence is basically impossible since everything we see could just be a server correction, right ?


no, really, it doesnt mean those mobs are hacking ..

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Oh man, of course PvE mobs hack! Dread master Brontes hacked us last night and I demand Bioware ban her from the game! I had a feeling she was hacking, stuff was fishy, i was lagging a bit, but when an orb spawned in the corner and just stayed there and wiped the raid, I KNEW! Brontes is a hacker and if I don't get my dread forged chest piece from cs then I am cancelling my sub post haste! Oh she had a lightning type laser that one shot us if we touched it as well, more evidence of hacks. The fact I had a great time with my friends is irrelevant because everything should go exactly how I want it to at all times, I should always win and if somehow I do not, well then we know what the issue is...


On the serious, I just felt like messing around, i don't know about hackers but if ya see something that smells, report it and move on man, this is a game we play for fun, not worth an ulcer. Besides, it's Canada day, I'm not sure what that is but i will be drinking because of it. Be well

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i think that vid shows it quite well, its noticeable. its how the hack works and claiming its only due to a crap pc is ignorant.


I never claimed the PC was crap I claimed that he cannot FRAPS (or equivalent) and provide smooth gameplay experience. If you want a more measurable amount of data lets throw this out here. I will use 30 FPS in a 5 second window. (General tv/video/movies are 29. something so rounded up to 30 is easy) now with no measure FPS from the OP this is at best hypothetical.


If its a constant 30 fps across 5 seconds that is 150 frames (Our baseline)

if its a constant 5 fps across 5 seconds that is 25 frames (Worse case scenario) total of 16% of visual information being received.

As a mixture 5 measurements of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 fps across 5 sends is 75 frames. total of 50% of visual information being received.


So during these periods of low FPS it is very possible to visually miss out on whats going on around you in SWTOR. Watching his video it was hard to tell if that was a teleport or sorc dying, since his body was still engulfed in flame and the OP was already on the move to his next target. Not all but other people that were killed in his video also only left a body on the ground for a second or less.


As for the grapple bug, its existed to me on my PT since the game started, and in worse cases when trying to pull people to me in hutt ball it would position them on the level above me. Or flat out not work and leave me with my grapple on cool down.


Now doing some "homework" i did go out and look for SWTOR exploits, bots, whatever. Without throwing a fake statistical number, I saw that BW really only handed out temporary bans to people that were caught cheating in game. From low as 8 hours to as high as 72 hours, some of them repeat offenders. Now that is based off their post and if this exploit still works, if that is true and the case, then I can agree with you and others, that BW is not being strict enough with people who cheat.


did you read the description ?


Actually I read the description, I also took time to read comments and his post to those comments. In general it doesn't seem the OP knows a lot or is quick to judge.


Mandalorian Mercy2 days ago

This is actually is normal lag, if you blame this stutter on teleports and lagswitches then you simply are very unexperienced with how poorly optimised Biowares platform is :/

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Syrales20 hours ago

sure, i watched some of your vids. you can deal like 20k dmg in 2gcds, receive hardly hits above 500 in general. how do you charge back to teammates without targeting them ? does your script autoselect them if theyre near enough ? most stuns last like 50% of the time they are supposed to according to tooltips. after a knockdown youre ready within 1 sec. your actions are never affected by lag, instead they chain like a script. which is very common these days.


thx for the lags ******


Mandalorian Mercy17 hours ago


Are you talking about my vengance vids? Charge back to team is called intercede and a quick click on your team rooster is enough to target your own people, you dont have to actually see them to target them. And the stun lenght is easy to explain ~ Slow combat is boring to watch so playtime is increased in most of my videos by 13-15% wich is difficult to notice but makes the combat seem a lot faster. And damage taken, well i dunno i cant affect my dmg taken anymore then anyone else can except by the use of cooldowns and positioning and helpful buffs from my team. Stop blaming cheats for your own shortcomings nubcake.


One more to boot.


well the teleports are obvious, but theres also a lot going on you barely see, maybe when i use aoe like death from above, the visual feedback stutters, inputs get ignored.. my point is, its not normal lag at all. these are pussylags. you cant do anything unless you keep spamming until st comes out, maybe twice although you didnt want that. you cant play on reaction, instead you have to anticipate constantly, because your inputs will matter 5 secs later.. its a dull experience. thats intended so little ******* can have their fun.


Stuff like this, isn't a L2p issue to me, it seems more on the users end that he is experiencing latency issues or something else. But blames hackers for his problems.

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I never claimed the PC was crap I claimed that he cannot FRAPS (or equivalent) and provide smooth gameplay experience. If you want a more measurable amount of data lets throw this out here. I will use 30 FPS in a 5 second window. (General tv/video/movies are 29. something so rounded up to 30 is easy) now with no measure FPS from the OP this is at best hypothetical.


If its a constant 30 fps across 5 seconds that is 150 frames (Our baseline)

if its a constant 5 fps across 5 seconds that is 25 frames (Worse case scenario) total of 16% of visual information being received.

As a mixture 5 measurements of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 fps across 5 sends is 75 frames. total of 50% of visual information being received.


So during these periods of low FPS it is very possible to visually miss out on whats going on around you in SWTOR. Watching his video it was hard to tell if that was a teleport or sorc dying, since his body was still engulfed in flame and the OP was already on the move to his next target. Not all but other people that were killed in his video also only left a body on the ground for a second or less.


short version:


fps are too low, so you cannot judge whats going on. that means nothing is going on of course. those teleports happened too fast for me, so they probably didnt happen at all.



the ops connection is fine. also hes recording, which drops fps. and laggers will drop your fps too. to expect a solid framerate with nasty hackers around isnt realistic. you dont seem to understand what that vid is about. and you can pause the vid btw, in case you fail to grasp whats going on.


why didnt you reply when i adressed you ? instead that zoom guy took over. now you take over again when its uncomfortable for him.


Actually I read the description, I also took time to read comments and his post to those comments. In general it doesn't seem the OP knows a lot or is quick to judge.


i took time to watch boring jugg vids .-( i know theyre fotm now, but i dont think stuns are supposed to last only half their duration. standing up without animation right after a knockdown is st i saw other hackers do aswell.


also, when this game launched, wzs froze at the end. you couldnt move or do anything then. sometimes scripts or macros were triggered right before the end, and while others froze, those were still being executed. now sometimes you can move after a wz ends and do a few things, that changed for some reason :rolleyes: however, if you remember those incidents, thats how scripts look like. or watch those boring jugg vids.


why does that jugg keep his opponent as target when he intercedes ? a click on the team rooster should change that and give him his teammate as target. when he just uses it and the skill autoselects, the target should automatically change aswell. why doesnt that happen ?


its easy explainable with scripts though. in fact, thats how it generally happens in mmos that allow macros. and thats not even all ..


Stuff like this, isn't a L2p issue to me, it seems more on the users end that he is experiencing latency issues or something else. But blames hackers for his problems.


pvpers feel that, even if its well disguised. which isnt the case here. lags and fishy stuff are often related to certain people. they also time that. they do it over and over again. their behaviour is stereotypical. they are no mystery at all.


Well here is the conversation that followed the match. While not a lag-switch centric conversation, it does show you the mentality of players who use such methods. Even when I am on the same team with them, it makes me feel like throwing up.




Incidentally, purely as luck would have it, the image is 666 pixels high :rak_01:


im surprised this thread hasnt been deleted yet, because thats a scandal. of course you might argue some dudes want to ruin their names for hackusations and its all fake. but i dont think so, i play this game.


thats the real problem btw, hacking premades. one hacker here and there is just silly. but cheating premades ruin this game.

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wat :rolleyes:


you think click"]that conversation[/url] is fake. of course, why wouldnt you :rolleyes: calling the lord ..


Lord knows how many pulls I've used that don't properly pull the target.


is st people often do when they dont have arguments. they throw in their authority and basically say "trust me, its right because i say so .." they call the lord to give some additional weight to nothing.

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This discussion is over. You still have not be able to give any form of a rebuttal to my explanion of the cause of what was shown in the original post. Until you do so there is nothing more to be said.


Oh and for the record "Lord knows how mnay times X, Y, or Z happens" is a common phrase. I'm not really calling on the Lord, I am using a phrase that expresses how much X, Y, or Z has happened to me. But whatever continue cherry picking quotes, since you don't have any other argument to stand on.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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you think click"]that conversation[/url] is fake. of course, why wouldnt you :rolleyes: calling the lord ..




is st people often do when they dont have arguments. they throw in their authority and basically say "trust me, its right because i say so .." they call the lord to give some additional weight to nothing.


I'm not sure if you live in america, but, here we have a thing called "americanism's" which are commonly used phrases that are completly ingrained in the way we talk and express ourselves. For example: "Lord knows" is just a common phrase used to add emphisis on a comment. Example: "Lord knows why you have devolved your argument into something so petty as making fun of someones choice of a phrase." Did you see what I did there? While not actually having anything to do with the lord, or the calling upon him thereof, I used a common phrase to add a small bit of emphisis to my statement. Now I know that you see hackers under the bed (another common phrase having nothing to do with beds) but two people in this thread have presented alternate theroy's to your argument. They were reasoned and informed. When I red them, their technical knowledge convinced me to look into this matter as well, and I called a friend. This friend is a computer genius, to me at least. (Since I'm not making any significant points I'm not going to bother with trying to give his bona fides, since I really could care less if I'm believed or not)


My friend is really good at, well we will call them workarounds. Not in gaming, but in other things, but I asked him to read this thread. He did some looking into it for me and concluded that while it may be possible to make a lag switch, he agreed with the point that it would probably hurt the user more then it would help in a game of this type. Now, do I expect you to change your outlook just because of what I said, no. I'm saying your argument of rampant hacks and now especially by whole teams full of these bad men, and then ending you argument by making fun of someones use of a phrase and game experience makes you look petty and on some kind of Macarthy (may be spelled wrong sorry if it is) style hunt. On the other hand, these two guys have shown facts, anyalisis and a good argument. If you want folks to side with you, you should t

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you think click"]that conversation[/url] is fake. of course, why wouldnt you :rolleyes: calling the lord ..




is st people often do when they dont have arguments. they throw in their authority and basically say "trust me, its right because i say so .." they call the lord to give some additional weight to nothing.


I'm not sure if you live in america, but, here we have a thing called "americanism's" which are commonly used phrases that are completly ingrained in the way we talk and express ourselves. For example: "Lord knows" is just a common phrase used to add emphisis on a comment. Example: "Lord knows why you have devolved your argument into something so petty as making fun of someones choice of a phrase." Did you see what I did there? While not actually having anything to do with the lord, or the calling upon him thereof, I used a common phrase to add a small bit of emphisis to my statement. Now I know that you see hackers under the bed (another common phrase having nothing to do with beds) but two people in this thread have presented alternate theroy's to your argument. They were reasoned and informed. When I red them, their technical knowledge convinced me to look into this matter as well, and I called a friend. This friend is a computer genius, to me at least. (Since I'm not making any significant points I'm not going to bother with trying to give his bona fides, since I really could care less if I'm believed or not)


My friend is really good at, well we will call them workarounds. Not in gaming, but in other things, but I asked him to read this thread. He did some looking into it for me and concluded that while it may be possible to make a lag switch, he agreed with the point that it would probably hurt the user more then it would help in a game of this type. Now, do I expect you to change your outlook just because of what I said, no. I'm saying your argument of rampant hacks and now especially by whole teams full of these bad men, and then ending you argument by making fun of someones use of a phrase and game experience makes you look petty and on some kind of Macarthy (may be spelled wrong sorry if it is) style hunt. On the other hand, these two guys have shown facts, anyalisis and a good argument. Just to put this out there, I believe people do hinky stuff in this game, cause some stuff has been shown but lag switching I have decided through my own research and other peoples, is not something that is happening, or if it has happened or been tried, then someone is going through a whole lot of trouble to win a reg match, pity them, for they are losers, report them because they are cheaters and /ignore them if you want, because that is the recourse we have: report and ignore.


TL : DR: Sorry for the wall of text so early in the morning.


P.S.: I'm still waiting for that ban on dread master Brontes, she clearly hacked the game, cause she beat me. I will unsub if she isn't perma banned from the game post haste.

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I'm not sure if you live in america, but, here we have a thing called "americanism's" which are commonly used phrases that are completly ingrained in the way we talk and express ourselves. For example: "Lord knows" is just a common phrase used to add emphisis on a comment. Example: "Lord knows why you have devolved your argument into something so petty as making fun of someones choice of a phrase." Did you see what I did there? While not actually having anything to do with the lord, or the calling upon him thereof, I used a common phrase to add a small bit of emphisis to my statement. Now I know that you see hackers under the bed (another common phrase having nothing to do with beds) but two people in this thread have presented alternate theroy's to your argument.


thats actually exactly what i meant. weird that you still dont get it. yes, two people, youre the third. but a premade consists of 4 usually. or are you just spirit mates ? i really dont care.


and then ending you argument by making fun of someones use of a phrase and game experience makes you look petty and on some kind of Macarthy (may be spelled wrong sorry if it is) style hunt.


you mean me making fun of someone trying to make fun of me ? :D i was making fun of his ignorance. i wrote a lot of stuff and he ignores basically everything. i doubt he reads my posts. but i read his posts and those of epism, i really doubt they even watched the vid. even though epism posted some comments from there.


his phrase, like all his other posts, have nothing to do with the source material we are discussing here. nothing but the usual excuses, l2p, bugs, crap pc. i did some effort and research aswell, answered them, but they dont answer me. instead, others show up and start the whole stupid discussion over again.


This friend is a computer genius, to me at least. (Since I'm not making any significant points I'm not going to bother with trying to give his bona fides, since I really could care less if I'm believed or not)


My friend is really good at, well we will call them workarounds.

while it may be possible to make a lag switch, he agreed with the point that it would probably hurt the user more then it would help in a game of this type.


ostensively your friend doesnt even know "limitater", let alone more sophisticated stuff :rolleyes:


its really simple. whats the deal with someone who says hacks are impossible here ? you gotta be a genius to figure that out.


thats what hackers said since the invention of multiplayer. noo, its not possible, its not happening, l2p .. its really the same story over and over again. everything they denied turned out to be possible, even more. and like i said, theres a ton of information around in the web.


I have decided through my own research and other peoples, is not something that is happening, or if it has happened or been tried, then someone is going through a whole lot of trouble to win a reg match, pity them, for they are losers, report them because they are cheaters and /ignore them if you want, because that is the recourse we have: report and ignore.


TL : DR: Sorry for the wall of text so early in the morning.


P.S.: I'm still waiting for that ban on dread master Brontes, she clearly hacked the game, cause she beat me. I will unsub if she isn't perma banned from the game post haste.


remember that thread recently about a bot on pot5 ? someone said he would keep reporting it, although it didnt help. that thread also lasted for months, the bot got full support from our great community, claiming its not a bot at all and what not. finally someone made a vid about that bot. bw ignored dozens of reports, still does. thats why hackers arent afraid of being reported. its a joke for them. yeah just report me, whatever ..

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