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What Will Keep You Playing?


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I don't think it would be a death knell at all.


This is just my view, but even if they blatantly went P2W I doubt it would even put a dent in current subs. I feel most players simply dont care one way or another.


My basis for this? The amount of P2W games in the MMO market and their explosive popularity. I just think that any real concern over P2W has already passed.


That doesn't mean I would personally like to see it go P2W. A loss of ANY subscribers concerns me. But I just don't feel it would have the impact most expect.


I don't know. I play MMO's for enjoyment. For 12 bucks a month I get entertained. If I logged in one day and found out that you could pay 3 times that for gear others spend time in game earning, I'd be gone.


Play to win is the only model an MMO should follow. I have no problem with them selling fluff but beyond that you turn the game into something I wouldn't be associated with.


Most P2W games are FPS types, WoT and MWO being two examples but there you know exactly what you are getting into and their business model is built around players "buying up". Should MMO's go to a P2W model I'd quickly go back to single player RPG's for my entertainment.

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I've come to a point as to whether I'll even log in on a given day is a toss up.


I used to log in pretty much everyday, without fail. Since 2.8 i've re-evaluated my time with SWTOR, and realised that i'm craving new content in terms of FP / OPS or decent PVP options.


So two things, decent patching that has been through a QA process (i'm not a beta tester). As well as new content, not interested in strongholds either, that isn't what i'm looking for in a game.

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Regarding Pay to Win....with all due respect, that's insane, lol. Imagine the reaction of people playing endgame and pvp content who spend literally weeks and months of in-game hours gearing themselves to have a shot at nightmare content and ranked warzones if they find themselves fighting alongside someone who just bought the same equipment without any of the time, hard work or learned knowledge of the fights. That wouldn't be just irritating, it would be rage-inducing. Pure apoplexy. It would be a giant F.U. to people who actually play the game. Edited by errant_knight
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Regarding Pay to Win....with all due respect, that's insane, lol. Imagine the reaction of people playing endgame and pvp content who spend literally weeks and months of in-game hours gearing themselves to have a shot at nightmare content and ranked warzones if they find themselves fighting alongside someone who just bought the same equipment without any of the time, hard work or learned knowledge of the fights. That wouldn't be just irritating, it would be rage-inducing. Pure apoplexy. It would be a giant F.U. to people who actually play the game.


Yeah, that would really be outrageous, wouldn't it?


Many years ago I got involved in an MMO that completely captivated me -- great quests, more or less open world, good PvP, graphics that standup even by today's standards, terrific community -- spent a year and a half playing 12-18 hours every day, grinding for level and gear, and was highly sought after as a healer. Soon thereafter the developers began introducing premium armor, weapons, and power leveling items to the game which could only be acquired from the cash shop. Quality of squads in instances went to hell in a handcart because new players were leveling so quickly they never learned to play appropriately in squads; and, soon, anyone not equipped with premium armor and weapons couldn't get squadded -- it became common practice to request links to players' gear before they were allowed in most higher level squads.


But, hey, nothing like that could ever happen in SWTOR, could it?


Not for nothing, but this is my last post here -- I'm age quitting. My loss of fine motor skills and other more serious issues have finally conspired to make game playing unworthy of the effort. I hoped to make it to GSH launch, but not gonna happen. Be well all, and I do hope EA gets its collective head out and lets BW invest in this game. Be good to each other. Bye. :)

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Hrmmmmm.....I will keep playing due to the fact that I like the game, I do not come from this last generation of "gimme everything now, OCD, instant gratification" nonsense.

Plus, again, I like the game, I like dressing my toons differently every week or more. I have my 3 main toons cargo holds full of just outfits and crafting mats.

Since I am in a great guild, older folks, and we do every aspect of the game I am fully satisfied with the game, content, and extras.


To answer your ?..........As long as they keep adding new content and fluff I will be having a good time. And I mean content as in less often. Like new FP's and Ops once a year. Not every 4 month like some of the game hoppers want.

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Yeah, that would really be outrageous, wouldn't it?


Many years ago I got involved in an MMO that completely captivated me -- great quests, more or less open world, good PvP, graphics that standup even by today's standards, terrific community -- spent a year and a half playing 12-18 hours every day, grinding for level and gear, and was highly sought after as a healer. Soon thereafter the developers began introducing premium armor, weapons, and power leveling items to the game which could only be acquired from the cash shop. Quality of squads in instances went to hell in a handcart because new players were leveling so quickly they never learned to play appropriately in squads; and, soon, anyone not equipped with premium armor and weapons couldn't get squadded -- it became common practice to request links to players' gear before they were allowed in most higher level squads.


But, hey, nothing like that could ever happen in SWTOR, could it?


Not for nothing, but this is my last post here -- I'm age quitting. My loss of fine motor skills and other more serious issues have finally conspired to make game playing unworthy of the effort. I hoped to make it to GSH launch, but not gonna happen. Be well all, and I do hope EA gets its collective head out and lets BW invest in this game. Be good to each other. Bye. :)


Best of luck to you. I hope things improve.

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I'm on the back-burner at the moment. I would like to PvP but I find the current state unplayable, to the point that I usually spend 30 minutes dodging games I know will become incredibly boring before I just close the game, without actually have played. The times I play I'm mostly doing it to kill time and not because I'm particulary excited about it. On those occassions I'm usually leveling something, which is fairly boring too but still beats the horrible warzones we have nowdays, as an outcome of how seemingly 95 % of the people with an IQ above 60 left the game.


Hence, if it was up to me we'd get rid of Arenas completely and introduce 8 vs 8 ranked, for both solo and teams. Arenas didnt increase the population but 8 vs 8 migh be able to bring some of the old people back. I hear that some of them already are pretty fed up with WS so it would be conducive to introduce something before the WS crew has sorted out their bot problems and whatnot.


Oh and I would get rid of bolster in all shape and forms, it's still a mess, especially while leveling. A better alternative is to allow more stuff to be crafted in combination with higher PvP rewards. That way you'll atleast have to play and interact to get gear.

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