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What Will Keep You Playing?


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- Larger Subscriber player base (need to be able to recruit talented players for end game when one leaves)

- Faster and more consistent release of end game, (as in operations) Desired Roadmap shown below

xx/xx/xxxx Date: New Operation (SM and HM)

+8 weeks from prior NiM Version of Operation is released

+8 Weeks from prior New Operation (Sm and HM)

Rinse and repeat, never leaving more than 8 weeks in between end game and never more than 4 months in between brand new operations


- Addition of new planets and story line 1x per year minimum. Not like Czerka where its simply an extra daily, I mean full on planets and extensions to actual character story


- More Frequent events and more often recurrence. Honestly what is point of doing bounty event anymore? If they don’t add new items, there is none. Rakghoul and gree should be every other month or 4 times per year at minimum, otherwise add a new event more frequently


- Skill based or benefit based side games. Give us side activity like Pod Racing, Pazaak, Fishing, something that offers either income or unique item reward that actually benefit players but aren’t necessary.

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I honestly wish that there was something I could think of that would keep me playing. Subscribed when the game came out and played my Jugg ever since but I just can't get into the social part of the game. All of my friends gave up on it a long time ago to go back to RIFT and WoW. Kind of sucks to think that the next 16 days are going to be the final sub days, but I am just out of things to do.


I can tell you that top three things that made me call it quits though.


1. The never-ending PVP grind

2. Never getting to see the top end PVE content

3. Crafting skills seem to be almost worthless


The PVP issue happens because I, like so many others, have a full time job and a home life that takes time away from video games. I never complete a full set before I have to go hard to keep up again or get crushed all the time.


PVE issues come in the form of 100 different guilds wanting people to join and then nobody wants to do anything or only the "top players" in the guilds get to do the content. I may be a great/average/poor tank but we don't know which.


Crafting skills serve no purpose that I have found which sucks because I enjoy them.

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2. Never getting to see the top end PVE content


Ill completely concede to you on the PVP and Craftnig Skills.


Crafting skills are certainly not useless, if you choose the right ones.


PVP is a grind, so if you dont enjoy killing/dominating for killing sake it gets old, and even then it gets old.


As for PVE, there are always guilds non stop looking for end game level tanks and healers.


NiM isnt for the average, or even slightly above average, its for the top 5%, so short of that you likely wont get used or get through it.


ive come across plenty of players in my day who want to do it, or think they can, and arent even close to capable skill or mentally.


HM PVE is a joke, and not challenging, yet so many players still struggle. If you were unable to get into a guild as a tank that was doing HM, either you werent looking, didnt try very hard, or had a reputation for being a bad.


It does not take very much excessive skill to succeed at HM level end game in swtor, that was a huge part of my draw to this game, is casuals can succeed and it requires far less time dedicated as compared to other mmo to be an end game guild

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- Real Content....means no annoying right-click money sink event

- Playable content...not only a house to stand around an do some decorations...

- PVE Content....no new ops or questhubs since 10 month...(nim is no new content, and only for a real small playerbase)

- content in what i can play my char...no spaceship, podracer


the last patches were really disappointing, gsf....and the new universe shaking storyline....2 boring tac fps and 2 times talking to ur questgiber is NO epic storyline....even nar shadaa bonus series got more storycontent than the start of that awesome questline....


oh and real crafting, with the chance to create wearable items (means self-use gear of higher lvl) would be nice, and recipes to make some money....and the chance to farm ur mats and not have to wait for ur comps...

ur forced to play hc ops fr good recipes....then u have to win the items and THEn u need luck ......


if 2.9 is disappointing like 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8 i dont think i have an active sub when 3.0 comes out. i gave swtor enuf chances

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I honestly wish that there was something I could think of that would keep me playing. Subscribed when the game came out and played my Jugg ever since but I just can't get into the social part of the game. All of my friends gave up on it a long time ago to go back to RIFT and WoW. Kind of sucks to think that the next 16 days are going to be the final sub days, but I am just out of things to do.


I can tell you that top three things that made me call it quits though.


1. The never-ending PVP grind

2. Never getting to see the top end PVE content

3. Crafting skills seem to be almost worthless


The PVP issue happens because I, like so many others, have a full time job and a home life that takes time away from video games. I never complete a full set before I have to go hard to keep up again or get crushed all the time.


PVE issues come in the form of 100 different guilds wanting people to join and then nobody wants to do anything or only the "top players" in the guilds get to do the content. I may be a great/average/poor tank but we don't know which.


Crafting skills serve no purpose that I have found which sucks because I enjoy them.


If you do not mind me commenting, I would like to see you try tacticals before you leave. I have found them very approachable and I am generally what I would consider a PVE Casual player that does not participate in end game content.


I absolutely agree that crafting is in a poor state, and have posted a suggestion as to how I feel they could improve the feature.

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What is a Tactical?


In group finder there is a new category of flashpoints called "tactical flashpoints". They bolster, so you can join Kuat Drive Yards from level 15 to 55 without any concern for your level or gear generally, and the level 55 ones also bolster to my knowledge, making them easier for those top level players that have lower quality gear and/or performance.


....those like me.


They also do not require the normal layout of "tank, healer, dpsX2" that you would expect from most flashpoints.


Give one of them a try. They reward end game comms, and they are quite enjoyable for a casual player IMO.

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what would deffantely keep me playing???


pazzak or sabbac or both to make the cantinas lively and like how they should be in a star wars universe. Swoop racing on planets like there was in KOTOR. Maybe even a dueling arena to go with the gambling for ingame credits (yes i know gambling is illegal but it isnt if its being used for in game credits duh.) Something to make crafting meaningful and important again and cross server pvp/pve.

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Apparently sandbox mmos can't keep people in the game either (see the dismal failure that was SWG), so there's no hope.


Still EVE slowly gains subs while games like WoW can lose millions of subs. :rolleyes:

Edited by Halinalle
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Still EVE slowly gains subs while games like WoW can lose millions of subs. :rolleyes:


Which is completely irrelevant because even though I am sure that there may be people who play EVE and SWTOR (if they have time for SWTOR), you can hardly argue that these two games cater to a similar audience.


This is the whole point. If SWTOR added some sandbox features I wouldn't be against it but you can be sure that the sandbox lovers will get on the bandwagon and complain how it isn't exactly how they want it or that it's not enough. I am sure that BW who have made SWTOR a non sandbox game are not likely to want to go that way.


What this comes down to is that SWG players want SWTOR to be SWG 2, which it isn't and never will be.


As for WoW...that is a much more similar game but WoW is that lucky game that was at the right place at the right time. Let's be honest, not a single MMORPG got near what they accomplished. So if we take WoW out of the comparison since it's unique in its success and compare SWTOR to to rest of all the MMORPGs out there, I think it's fair to say that SWTOR, although it could've done better, is doing just fine.


What I will say is that new content, as in PvE content like new ops etc, is overdue. I am looking forward very much to strongholds but I am also looking forward to new endgame content and if the powers that be are ok with it, more story content. But also new races, even some new classes or whatever that makes leveling a new toon interesting again for more people could be good things to go with. I'll see what BW come up with but it's fair to say that we still need a good content update this year and the year is halfway done already.

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Which is completely irrelevant because even though I am sure that there may be people who play EVE and SWTOR (if they have time for SWTOR), you can hardly argue that these two games cater to a similar audience.


I play both. Or let's say I try to get back to EVE after ~10 month break. It's not easy though because I don't have enough time. Grinding dailies to get starter gear (still below "acceptable" :rolleyes:) for my tanks takes a lot of time.

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I doubt they will go P2W. Players have spoken that they wouldn't stand for it.


Even if they put a +51 hawkeye crystal in the cartel market ONLY it would still not be pure pay to win under the current model because of the 'free' cartel coins and the fact that those crystals would inadvertently end up on the GTN. So we're safe.


But the day that a +51 hawkeye crystal is put on the cartel market and on the cartel market alone, even if it's not purely P2W, will be perceived as such and will cause such massive outcry that I'm positive it will never happen in this game.

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Even if they put a +51 hawkeye crystal in the cartel market ONLY it would still not be pure pay to win under the current model because of the 'free' cartel coins and the fact that those crystals would inadvertently end up on the GTN. So we're safe.


But the day that a +51 hawkeye crystal is put on the cartel market and on the cartel market alone, even if it's not purely P2W, will be perceived as such and will cause such massive outcry that I'm positive it will never happen in this game.


I think even the appearance of P2W would be a death knell. Look at how explosive the CM pack datacube thing got when people thought content was going to be CM'd.

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I don't plan on going anywhere. I love the lore, I love the combat and I really enjoy the fps and ops. Still, it must be said that I need them to keep their eye on the prize--story content with dialogue and choices. The tactical fps don't cut it for me. Nothing wrong with having them, they add another tool to the levelling box and allow friends at different levels to play together, but when you compare Black Talon or The Foundry to newer fps.... They need to stop skimping on story content. In terms of new story and daily areas, how about our companions stop being mute observers? How about fewer terminal missions and more interaction with npcs? How about more (and more difficult) choices?


Also...pazaak. I spent a surprising amount of time playing in Kotor 1 and 2, lol.

Edited by errant_knight
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Mini-games of skill, such as Sabaac, Dejarik, or Pazak. The racing game idea would work if it was highly complex, but a simple straight ahead race like KOTOR1 would simply be memorized and on farm in a few days. The idea is a complex mini-game that can be played solo while waiting around on que's or guild activities.


This^ I want Pazaak, Sabaac, in various cantinas, maybe even tournaments. Pod Racing, Swoop Racing, on several planets with tracks of varying difficulty.


Also, bring back armor sets for people who complete their toon(s), like they did during the 1st year. More End Game content and Class Content. More Species - and not just the ones seen in the game. I would like to visit their home worlds also and not as flash points and such, but full content. StarFighter PVE.

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I think even the appearance of P2W would be a death knell. Look at how explosive the CM pack datacube thing got when people thought content was going to be CM'd.


I don't think it would be a death knell at all.


This is just my view, but even if they blatantly went P2W I doubt it would even put a dent in current subs. I feel most players simply dont care one way or another.


My basis for this? The amount of P2W games in the MMO market and their explosive popularity. I just think that any real concern over P2W has already passed.


That doesn't mean I would personally like to see it go P2W. A loss of ANY subscribers concerns me. But I just don't feel it would have the impact most expect.

Edited by LordArtemis
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