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How to become better player? :(

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Hi. I have 55 Sage healer who is in full 180 expect 2 168 armor pieces, so I think I should be geared enough for SM Ops, and even a little over.


Still people on my group sometimes die :( and I do very stupid things. For example, on Toborro, I hitted prepared isotope with my AoE knockback heal (even if I think I turned away from it) and Ops leader made big announcement about it :( and on same fight I died to Orbital Bombardment or (whatever that blue circle ability is), it took me from full health because it had enraged, but if I had tought more I could have avoided it with Force Barrier :(

And a bit longer time ago I failed kiting Raptus and caused wipe :(

Once on Raptus fight DPS died from full heath, how can I avoid that?


Question on nutshell: how to avoid mistakes? Besides knowing fights is there some extra I can do to be better player? Like assigning healers to cleanse certain players to avoid cross-cleanese etc.?


Big thanks for everyone who bothers to help :)))

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Hi. I have 55 Sage healer who is in full 180 expect 2 168 armor pieces, so I think I should be geared enough for SM Ops, and even a little over.


Still people on my group sometimes die :( and I do very stupid things. For example, on Toborro, I hitted prepared isotope with my AoE knockback heal (even if I think I turned away from it) and Ops leader made big announcement about it :( and on same fight I died to Orbital Bombardment or (whatever that blue circle ability is), it took me from full health because it had enraged, but if I had tought more I could have avoided it with Force Barrier :(

And a bit longer time ago I failed kiting Raptus and caused wipe :(

Once on Raptus fight DPS died from full heath, how can I avoid that?


Question on nutshell: how to avoid mistakes? Besides knowing fights is there some extra I can do to be better player? Like assigning healers to cleanse certain players to avoid cross-cleanese etc.?


Big thanks for everyone who bothers to help :)))


1st off all you are human which mean you are prone to making mistakes. Also people dieing in opses isn't always a lack of healing issue. Especially in 16 man pugruns you will see a lot of people making bad calls. The funniest I saw was a group of 8 melee guys standing inside the same inferno (red circle at Tyrans). They all died at the same time since at least 1 of them didn't bother to run away with the inferno debuff and the rest was to much focusing on *****slapping the boss to notice that they stood in the inferno.

Now we got this out of the way.


As a sagehealer you can get better by reading or watching guides about the fight. For your personal healing skills the best way to learn is by reading what all your abilities are doing. This also goes for the skilltree. If you want to take an easier but less effective road than there are many guides about sagehealer. Dulfy.net for example offers a basic guide on every class ingame.


Gearwise you say you got 180 gear with 2 168 pieces. As a sage healer you should at least have the 2-set PvE bonus. The 4-set bonus is not that bad but its use is debatable.


Based on your examples in the OP:

- Killing Isotopes

Can happen, if not repeated mistakes are not a big issue. Provided you didn't wack multiple isotope barrels the tank should have enough to use.

- one-shotted by enraged satellite strike

For one, you were not at fault for the enrage. What your mistake was, was to not realize the already hard hitting satellite strike would be harder. Realizing this will come with more experience. You eventually learn to predict phases where the incoming damage will become harder. To take an example from the TC fight. If the tank losses his isotopeprotection you might want to increase your healing or make sure you can force armor him the moment he looses the protection

- Kiting Raptus

They made you kite as a healer? Healers shouldn't kite around. Anyways. Watch a video on how to kite him or practise it yourself some more. You will get it in time

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Sounds like you just need to pay more attention, why is ur dps kiting raptus unless ur doing HM? If you got up to raptus on HM, you must not be a terrible player!


Sounds like you just need to pay attention more, more coffee

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Sounds like you just need to pay more attention, why is ur dps kiting raptus unless ur doing HM? If you got up to raptus on HM, you must not be a terrible player!


Sounds like you just need to pay attention more, more coffee


He was not kiting him, it was on phase after challenges, I had target on him and bammo, he was dead :confused::( I should have bubbled him I think

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Practice practice practice. Everyone slips from time to time...

And also, kiting as a Sage healer? lolwut. Seer has to be standing in place pretty much 90% of the time; their only instant casts are Rejuvenate, Force Armor, Force Mend, and Noble Sacrifice, and they function best if they're avoiding taking any damage at all since Force Armor heals them over time to replenish health lost to NS. You usually want your Raptus kiter to be Assault Vanguard, Dirty Fighting Gunslinger, or possibly Balance Shadow.


He was not kiting him, it was on phase after challenges, I had target on him and bammo, he was dead :confused::( I should have bubbled him I think

Around the same time as the challenges, Raptus calls someone to "stand and face him". That person needs to get the hell out and keep as much distance between himself and the boss as possible or he'll get 1shotted. It's a lot like the final phase of the Dread Guards fight in TFB, where Kel'sara will mark someone for death and then chase them for a little while. That's not your fault; that's the DPS mucking up mechanics.

Edited by venomlash
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The mistakes you described seem to be a concentration problem not a low skill problem. Therefore work on your concentration ( focus on the fight, dont get distracted) and you'll soon improve. Furthermore not looking on your skill bar to see which skill to use next help a lot in avoiding mistakes. So learn your rotation perfectly so you dream about the order of keys you have to press for a perfect rotation. This can be easily trained by standing on the fleet target 1 random guy and just heal him with your rotation for 3-4 hours a day. After a couple of days you dont need to look on the action bar anymore. Its the same for a soccer player. If they have the ball but only have their eyes on the ball they do mistakes and play not very good ( the ball here is your action bar). The moment the soccer player does not need to watch the ball anymore because he trained his dribbling he will become far better and can avoid mistakes and even see other players, communicate with them and do awesome things.


Btw. During the fight against Raptus either a dps or a tank has to kite him. You see a message on screen who the kiter is. During the council fight best Raptus kiter is a sniper

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He was not kiting him, it was on phase after challenges, I had target on him and bammo, he was dead :confused::( I should have bubbled him I think


This is not your fault.

You said phase after challenges so ether the Dps ate a knockback or ate a driving thrust. Both fall into the domain of the tanks, post challenge phase they NEED to pick him up and face both the knockback (post challenge 1) and the Driving Thrust (post challenge 2) away, as both can kill multiple raid members. Especially thrust as it hits tanks hard as it is if they do not shield it, can only imagine it would one shot most Dps.

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You may also want to work on lower fight, such as fps, or hm fps. The fights are different, but the basics are the same. Learn those fights like the back of your hand, and you will learn other fights faster and know what to look for. You also want to understand why a fight is done like it is. For instance why do the isotopes need to be low? Also apply this to flashpoints. If you know why they are done a certain way, you can apply it to other fights. The more fights you learn, that faster you will learn other ones. You will start to see patterns.


You should also check out Dulfy, she does the guides on her website. Take a look at the fights because I believe they are done from a sorc healer's perspective.

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Thanks all for replies. Yeah, I certainly need to focus more I think, I should propably stop listening music on background (tough I never do it on harder content)

I have kept 2 168 armoring pieces for set bonus, I guess it's more valuable than a bit more Willpower from 180 pieces?

I always read Dulfy guides beforehand so I have some idea what's going on, and ofc I learn them all time better when I do them.

Sometimes things still go wrong and we wipe, even if I for my understanding do things exactly as guides say :(


And btw theory suggested above about DPS taking Driving Thrust sounds right, tank who had been challenged to face Raptus was on other side of area and maintank was still on his challenge, but DPS in case leaped to Raptus, think he got aggro when challenges ended.


Thanks for help!

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You can be perfect and still wipe. Couse it is teamwork.

Everybody does mistakes. Good player is who learns from mistakes and dont repeat them many times.


Enrage is DPS issue.

Kiting Raptus is not to be done by healers. Raid leader issue.

Boss one shot DPS is tank issue.


My suggestion is you to start playing with a team, not just in pug groups, this will help you know the fights better and when problems are in you and when not.

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In PVE, do not spec into overload healing. It creates more problems than good both in HM FPs and in OPS, spreading enemies etc.



It's free heal, very strong in 16-man especially. Just use it wisely. I disagree on speccing into it. Any free heal is awesome.

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....which circles back to the awareness issue.


And at the risk of starting a war here, raid awareness and adaptability, the issues that people lack commonly as new PvErs, can easily be developed in the PvP WZs.


Especially as a healer. Hit the WZ queue sometime, see if you can play against an enemy that is actually attempting to make your job impossible. It'll make you more diverse in your range of abilities, such as using your pull in "oh ****" moments for dumb DPS, how to utilize the overload heal more effectively, and prioritizing who gets heals based on what the enemy DPS is doing to your team of players.

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You are actually heavy over geared for SM Ops even with commendation 180.

Sage healing depends on pseudo "rotation" to keep force points in check, see sage class forums for exact details.

Awareness ... one of most important skills here, I have screwed enough FPs and OPs as tank to understand it first hand... it cannot be advised, you have to learn to keep check of your surrounding, team and so on.


You cannot heal over big mistakes or team with no avareness, game is not designed to allow it... simply understand when you can and when you cannot so you don't blame yourself over team mistakes.

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In PVE, do not spec into overload healing. It creates more problems than good both in HM FPs and in OPS, spreading enemies etc.


Overload on enemies is a conal attack at the front. Overload healing allies is a 360 degree heal. Just face away from enemies.

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Overload on enemies is a conal attack at the front. Overload healing allies is a 360 degree heal. Just face away from enemies.


On top of that, the time you will be needing that free heal is really on boss fights and they all have KB immunity. No need to use it on trash fights.

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Hi. I have 55 Sage healer who is in full 180 expect 2 168 armor pieces, so I think I should be geared enough for SM Ops, and even a little over.


Still people on my group sometimes die :( and I do very stupid things. For example, on Toborro, I hitted prepared isotope with my AoE knockback heal (even if I think I turned away from it) and Ops leader made big announcement about it :( [/Quote]Spamming Force Wave is very tempting, I know. It's been on your skillbar since the earliest levels of Tython where everything is so pristine and peaceful. All Consulars, no matter their advanced class or role, must learn self-control and use FW with great care and thought. Mindless, on-cooldown, use of FW leads to the Dark Side as it causes more problems than it solves, as you witnessed first-hand from your own mistake.


Learn from that mistake and resist the temptation to heal with it. Do not use FW when its heal will cause a pack of mobs to be thrown away from your tank and melee deeps. Use it at cutscene points. Use it as a quick on-the-move heal while your team is running toward a new group of mobs. Use it to quickly heal up balled-up group of ranged deeps. Don't use it when its pushback will force your tank and mdps to reposition needlessly.


Question on nutshell: how to avoid mistakes? Besides knowing fights is there some extra I can do to be better player? Like assigning healers to cleanse certain players to avoid cross-cleanese etc.?


Big thanks for everyone who bothers to help :)))

Assigning healers to cleanse is the best way to go, yes. In a game where you have only one cleanse skill available, losing it to a cross-cleanse is very bad and can sometimes mean the difference between life and death. Dedicating healers to particular ops frame groups is also a good strategy. It results in less wasted resources due to overheals and cross-healing.

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My biggest pet peeve in operations is the lack of awareness. All the post-2.0 operations bosses are more about knowing where to be and where not to be. And so those who treat those fights like a DPS race get on my bad side REALLY quick.


That being said, bad stuff happens. Just because a teammate dies do not instantly blame yourself. You are a healer and your job is to keep your team alive, but you are only human.


Lastly, there is a saying: Tanking is a job, DPS is a science, Healing is art.


Focus on the last part "healing is art." The point is there is no "rotation;" healing is about instinct, anticipation, and reaction. Those things can be learned but they do take time.

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Thanks for all replies!


I almost hope I could get rid of knockback on Force Wave and use only heal. If all goes fine (not tons of ads on me) I can't imagine situation besides NiM Styrak I would need knockback :o

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Lastly, there is a saying: Tanking is a job, DPS is a science, Healing is art.


In SWTOR's case: Taking is a job, DPS is mashing half-dozen abilities, healing is mashing three abilities. :D

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