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whats new in 2.9?


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Yep. The use of an algorithm with high-order time or space complexity that was designed for 8 man, not 16.

GF is pretty complex, what with pre-mades, ignore lists, and people entering with two roles selected.

A brute-force algorithm with Order(N!) complexity might have been a good choice for 8 man, but a disaster for 16.

Since you seem to know what you're talking about - how difficult would it have been to avoid this type of situation? Is there any good reason GF needs to be so complex that a 16-person queue would bring the server to a crawl?

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You haven't ever worked with any computer programming of any serious complexity have you? You would be amazed at how spectacularly good random tiny bugs are at screwing everything up.


There's a difference between one tiny digit screwing up something completely seemingly unattached and what happened here.

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i don't believe stongholds will be in 2.9 it will get delayed yet again, The only thing 2.9 will contain is an old fp being converted in to a tactical fp. bioware is milking this game dry.


Strongholds will be in 2.9 lol. It wont be the official release though, just the subscriber pre-release.

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And this thread proves once again that there are people who have nothing better to do than sit around and be negative.


Why they're even still here boggles my mind.


I suspect that 2.9 will be fairly substantial, and those interested in housing or the associated changes (crafting, for instance) will be pleasantly surprised. Those who don't care about housing will promptly take to the forums and complain about the poor quantity, pacing, quality, and type of content Bioware delivers, moan that "EAWare" is milking the game for money with minimum investment of money and effort, declare the game dead, complain about long PvP queue times, disparage class balance, bemoan itemization that forces people to go through a bit of effort to min/max, complain that all Bioware cares about is the Cartel Market, pronounce doom on the game unless it stops catering to casuals, and compare it unfavorably to WoW, Wildstar, ESO, Star Citizen, SWG, Guild Wars 2, and Zork.


Those who like housing but who want a simulator in which to do anything and everything they can possibly imagine will complain that GS has no depth, that it is wrong from its very foundational concepts, that things are too limited, that things are too expensive, that there aren't enough options, that they don't want Legacy-wide housing, that they want houses on different planets... the usual tripe.


Meanwhile, the rest of us will be either enjoying or ignoring the update and continuing to have fun while we look forward to the next major expansion.

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Since you seem to know what you're talking about - how difficult would it have been to avoid this type of situation? Is there any good reason GF needs to be so complex that a 16-person queue would bring the server to a crawl?

The easiest way would have been to design GF for 16 man groups from the start. Algorithmic complexity is more completely expressed as K*f(N), where N is the number of inputs, f is the complexity order function (N, N^2, e^N, N!, and so on), and K is a linear factor. If N is small you may be better off with high order complexity algorithm with a low K, if N is large you may wish to use an algorithm with large K but lower order complexity.


For example: if you expect to be sorting 4 numbers, you may want to a simple but high-order complexity algorithm (such as bubble sort) because it doesn't require much setup, and therefore has a low K. But if you expect to be sorting 100 million numbers, you probably want to spend a lot of time setting things up so you can use a lower order complexity algorithm (like a hash sort and/or sort-merge).


Is there a low order complexity algorithm for GF? My intuition is that there is, but I haven't analyzed the problem. However, intuitition might also lead one to think the knapsack problem, "Given a set of items, each with a mass and a value, determine the number of each item to include in a collection so that the total weight is less than or equal to a given limit and the total value is as large as possible," had simple algorithm to solve it, but no one know of one.


The good news, though, is that you do not need to find an optimal combination for a group, just one that works That may mean you assign a few people queued as tanks/DPS or Heal/DPS to a DPS role and lose potentially rare tank/heal candidates that way, thereby lengthening queue times, but that might be acceptable.


TL;DR: Yes, there probably is a way to do 16m GF without bringing the servers to a crawl, but it may require re-coding the GF algorithm from scratch. Without knowing more about the existing GF code, it is hard to say much more than that.

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That's not really a judgement. It's a statement of fact. Bioware/EA are trying to get as much money out of this game as possible, and right now it seems to be their main objective above others. They are a business after all.




Edited by Undying-Rage
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That's not really a judgement. It's a statement of fact. Bioware/EA are trying to get as much money out of this game as possible, and right now it seems to be their main objective above others. They are a business after all.


Well yes... and so are Blizzard, Carbine studios and Zenimax online.

What's your point?

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It's Manaan and if you wanna know more, all you have to do is look.




Posted originally on Reddit...




I think we both know what we are talking about (hint reddit), but I think that little spoiler might indicate that Manaan will be a new Daily area like Oricon but with FPs instead of OPs entrances (errr so more like CZ planet).

Edited by znihilist
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