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It’s Really Hard To Make the Inquisitor Sound… Nice.


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One thing that has surprised me playing a light-sided Inquisitor is that despite having a backstory that perhaps best puts them in a position to not align with the dark side (a slave could well be the most kind-hearted person ever, not part of the imperial, let alone sith machinery), even the ‘good’ choices in the dialogue often end up being snarky at best, and pretty horrible at worst; especially in the first act.


I know it’s obviously not possible to rewrite most or probably any of the existing dialogue, so I’m just voicing out my annoyance over the issue.


Has anyone else noticed the tone problem?

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I have three Inquisitors on the Red Eclipse. Neither is LS and only one of them is Neutral, leaning towards DS I.


Quite honestly, I believe it's that class where both the VA and the writing make pretty much impossible for me to go LS, let alone LS V. Tried more than once but I really don't think it works, at least for me.

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I found it went alright with the female inquisitor. Could sound a bit upitty and condescending at times but that didn't ruin the experience.


The male inquisitor though, sounds like he was made to be played along the darkest side road. It's incredibly satisfying to play the male inquisitor as a psychopath, thanks to the voice. But yeah, I dont see it working all that well with the light side choices.

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One thing that has surprised me playing a light-sided Inquisitor is that despite having a backstory that perhaps best puts them in a position to not align with the dark side (a slave could well be the most kind-hearted person ever, not part of the imperial, let alone sith machinery), even the ‘good’ choices in the dialogue often end up being snarky at best, and pretty horrible at worst; especially in the first act.


I know it’s obviously not possible to rewrite most or probably any of the existing dialogue, so I’m just voicing out my annoyance over the issue.


Has anyone else noticed the tone problem?


i always play LS, and i feel that the inquisitor is realistic in the fact that she (i have a female sorc) is still sith-like. she is convincing as being a good person with morals and empathy, yet she is still obsessed with power and follows her passion. she doesn't drone on and on about unreal concepts of peace and foolish self sacrifice like a jedi.


i do feel that she can be pretty snarky and full of it a lot of the times, of course she is a sith, whether played as reformed or not. obviously someone who killed a darth right after they become an apprentice would be a bit cocky to some extent, or at least extremely confident in their own capabilities, thus lacking fear.


she certainly doesn't seem to hold back in anyway with either LS or DS choices. the voice actor really felt natural with the choices and it adds to the realism.

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i always play LS, and i feel that the inquisitor is realistic in the fact that she (i have a female sorc) is still sith-like. she is convincing as being a good person with morals and empathy, yet she is still obsessed with power and follows her passion. she doesn't drone on and on about unreal concepts of peace and foolish self sacrifice like a jedi.


i do feel that she can be pretty snarky and full of it a lot of the times, of course she is a sith, whether played as reformed or not. obviously someone who killed a darth right after they become an apprentice would be a bit cocky to some extent, or at least extremely confident in their own capabilities, thus lacking fear.


she certainly doesn't seem to hold back in anyway with either LS or DS choices. the voice actor really felt natural with the choices and it adds to the realism.



This is pretty much how I feel about my SI. I've got 3 of them. 2male (One LS/one DS) & A LS female. Imo the LS versions come across as extremely cocky which pretty much describes me anyway LOL.

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I know what you mean, OP. When I first made a SI, I had in mind an honorable, reasonable Sith that, despite being on the "bad" side of the war, was not a bad person. But I found the tone and dialogue just didn't work for me, so I eventually rerolled him as a Warrior -- problem solved! :p


It seems pretty clear to me that the SI is meant to have at least a touch of insanity to their character, which I suppose results in potentially nice/polite dialogue options being colored by snark and eccentricities. Combine that with the voice acting and the fact that the Inquisitor story itself is not all that well suited to light side (IMHO), and you get a character that is rather hard to make seem "nice".


That said, I made another SI and play him lightside. But this time, I wanted an irritable, self-confident guy that is still a good person somewhere under all that snark, and that works pretty well.

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i always play LS, and i feel that the inquisitor is realistic in the fact that she (i have a female sorc) is still sith-like. she is convincing as being a good person with morals and empathy, yet she is still obsessed with power and follows her passion. she doesn't drone on and on about unreal concepts of peace and foolish self sacrifice like a jedi.


i do feel that she can be pretty snarky and full of it a lot of the times, of course she is a sith, […]


I’ll cut you off there :) ‘Sith’ is a label—especially in the case of the Inquisitor. She’s literally just out of the slave pens; there’s little that should be set in stone about her other than her obviously immense potential with the Force.


This isn’t to say your view is wrong, at all! It’s a perfectly valid interpretation of the character, and I’m glad you like it. My problem is that I can’t really play my interpretation right because of how the character is realized in the narrative.


This seems especially odd in contrast with the Sith Warrior, who, from the brief context we get, seems to be at least somewhat invested in the Empire, or a product thereof. In this sense, if one must choose only one, it would make far more sense for the Inquisitor to be the one with more malleability in alignment—and yet it is the Warrior who gets the very satisfying Light side storyline.



Among all other problems with the Inquisitor options, contrast the Warrior’s handling of Jaesa vs. Inquisitor’s of Ashara. The Inquisitor’s dialogue options make it seem that she is not genuinely interested in the ‘grey side’, and she’s only trying to manipulate and corrupt the jedi.



The influence of the Dark side could be what makes the Inquisitor insane, or tempt her? Sure, but why doesn’t it do so equally for the Warrior? Of course, the real solution would be not to have to choose… both classes should have as satisfying a Light path as the Warrior does…


This is actually my second playthrough as an Inquisitor, and this time around it’s really bothering me how autopiloted ‘my’ character seems to be for me. I love the playstyle, but I think I may have to just end her story and go with a Warrior instead.

Edited by Efvie
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Warrior is indeed more mailable in regards to DS-LS as oposed to inquisitor. But I just atribute it to their differing training:


The warrior was rushed through his training and thus had (or could have) a shorter brush with the DS. Making it easier to stay/be Light(er).


The inquisitor on the other hand had a 'fuller' education, was exposed longer to the corrupting influence of the DS. That would have an impact on anyone.


At least.... that's my head canon. :D

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Lol, yes, the inquisitor is a sarcastic bastard even lightside, proving that you can be good without being nice. I like that about him. It makes him very interesting to me. It also makes him realistic, imo. He's a former slave who suddenly has power and probably has all kinds of issues with just about everyone. I really enjoy the actor's work in that class. It's often lol funny. Edited by errant_knight
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Lol, yes, the inquisitor is a sarcastic bastard even lightside, proving that you can be good without being nice. I like that about him. It makes him very interesting to me. It also makes him realistic, imo. He's a former slave who suddenly has power and probably has all kinds of issues with just about everyone. I really enjoy the actor's work in that class. It's often lol funny.


Well, see, this is the point about RP again :) That’s an excellent interpretation of the character… but it shouldn’t restrict me to that! I should be able to play a kinder one, just like one can a Warrior.

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My interpretation of the voice of Inquisitor is that he is basically possessed. Such things want to happen when you dabble to deeply in dark side. And mine is on the path to pure, no less. The explanation of LS choices? It's his humane side showing even through all the layers of Darkness imposed upon him. A tiny, tiny sliver of Light that could yet Heal the Galaxy. Of course, my Inquisitor's story isn't his full story. There's, let's say, another half of it still waiting to be played after si story is done. A Hunter becomes a Protector. A perfect story of redemption :D


Of course, everything said here applies only and only to my Inq/Cons.

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