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When am I supposed to go to Makeb? Is this normal?


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I am playing as a Sith Assasin. I am level 47 on Voss. I went to the Imperial Fleet for some upgrades and when I returned back to my ship, some Sith Lord appeared on the holocom and asked me to go to Makeb? He was also saying something about the defeater of Darth Thanathon, but I did not defeat him yet?

At what time in the game am I supposed to go to Makeb? I see that the mission, which I got is for level 51?

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I am playing as a Sith Assasin. I am level 47 on Voss. I went to the Imperial Fleet for some upgrades and when I returned back to my ship, some Sith Lord appeared on the holocom and asked me to go to Makeb? He was also saying something about the defeater of Darth Thanathon, but I did not defeat him yet?

At what time in the game am I supposed to go to Makeb? I see that the mission, which I got is for level 51?


If you are leveling solo, don't go before you hit 50 unless you enjoy a hard challenge and/or are geared in purple modes. Being really good a playing your class helps too.

If you are leveling with a friend, it is more doable below 50, but still tough.


My preference has been to finish the class story, use Black Hole and Section X dailies and FPs to get to 50 if needed, and then do Makeb. In one case I just ground the Kuat FP to get to 55 and then went back and facerolled first Oricon and then Makeb, but that was an exceptional circumstance. YMMV.

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And this is why the Makeb starter mission should have begun by saying "You're eligible to go but what you're about to see has spoilers if you haven't finished your class story. Continue? Yes/No"


For future reference, once you hit level 47 and click the holoterminal, if the cut scene starts with your ship flying through space abort it unless you've finished your class story.


Fortunately, your class quests have precedence over the Makeb cinematic, so they will always show first even if the Makeb starter is active.

Edited by Rankyn
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OP, this it's what's called a mistake. The designers made a mistake in implementing the Makeb feeder mission this way. Unfortunately what happened to you IS normal, even though it totally messes up the flow of the storyline (unless you finished chapter 3 before hitting level 47 and going to your ship, because surely loads of players do that).
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I find the best way to handle this is to start the quest on your ship, mash spacebar so you don't hear the spoiler parts of the convo, then go to makeb get the weapon it gives you which is better than anything you will have at this point, then un track the quest and go back to what i was doing.


That way you get a sweet damage bonus until you hit 50 and get the purple comm mods, and there are no spoilers cuz you skipped em.

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OP, this it's what's called a mistake. The designers made a mistake in implementing the Makeb feeder mission this way. Unfortunately what happened to you IS normal, even though it totally messes up the flow of the storyline (unless you finished chapter 3 before hitting level 47 and going to your ship, because surely loads of players do that).


I also find strange that now when I am logging to the game I see - chapter Rise of the Hutt Kartel.

But I thought that I need to first defeat Darth Tanathon before ending chapter 3...

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Yeah this is really silly.


I think Makeb is crap anyways but the story line + dailies aren't enough to bring you from 50-55 as it is. I personally level up to level 51-52 before going to Makeb and my new characters will be level 55 without going to Makeb because it gets boring really fast in my opinion.

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You should go there at 47, but only for the quest that gives you a level 50 main hand weapon that will be better than anything else available because you can equip it at level 47. You can do that without even leaving the orbital station.
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Here's the INTENDED order of things. Most people blow off half this stuff. Class story, then Ilum, then the Malgus and Rakghoul flashpoint missions. After that it's intended for you to do Eternity Vault (for lols) Karagga's palace (sets up Makeb story) Explosive conflict (sets up dread master's story) then the Black Hole and Sec X daily areas. The Belsavis bonus series can be done at any point in conjunction with these. I also like to do seeker droid/binocular missions in conjunction with the daily areas to save time. THEN you should go to makeb, followed by CZ-198 the TFB then S&V, take down the Oricon quests followed by DF and DP and finish things off with forged alliances. That's the INTENDED order of things but people tend to ignore most of this stuff.
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