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Why did I cancel my sub again...


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First - THIS happened:


Practically every people who joined were stuck like this. Requeing resulted in coming back to the same match.


Second - I went to the forums. Despite the fact that practically everyone on Rep side has the problem, no one was talking about it...

... guess why. Yes... of course. Forum posting turned off. No poeple writing about glitches means no problems? ...

Edited by Bolo_Yeung
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People are talking about it http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=746441, there's even a staff reply there.


In programming, bugs and problems happen (what happened with this patch is quite a bit of problems, but it happens) and quitting and cancelling your sub because of 1 game (or the fact that it hasn't been fixed in a whoooole 2 days) is... well, very much acting like a spoiled brat.

Edited by Asbetos
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I didn't quit (yet), just cancelled my sub - first, because game team is doing a major change to GSF then giving double reqs... (enjoy! if you can complete a match...), second because forum posting is disabled for a long time, to ensure the forums won't look bad in eyes of the visitors.,.. (you can surely notice a large gap in post time).

Will resub if the game will be fixed. For now I see minor changes for better - and adding more ships that are even more unbalanced (we really needed a dogfighter with railgun... :) ).

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I didn't quit (yet), just cancelled my sub - first, because game team is doing a major change to GSF then giving double reqs... (enjoy! if you can complete a match...), second because forum posting is disabled for a long time, to ensure the forums won't look bad in eyes of the visitors.,.. (you can surely notice a large gap in post time).

Will resub if the game will be fixed. For now I see minor changes for better - and adding more ships that are even more unbalanced (we really needed a dogfighter with railgun... :) ).


GSF is always undergoing changes (as is all PvP) so IMO this is no different than any other aspect of this or other games. Secondly I have not seen any attempt to censor the forums, I have been able to post whatever I want (except for 2 days ago when the login server was down and no one could log in)


The game bugs reported by others though are a tad serious, and I hope they address them quickly. Bastion as far as I know has been unaffected, otherwise I might be upset as well (if I had lost a week of double req)


Anyways, I guess I am not sure what you are upset about. This patch has been business as usual IMO care to elaborate?

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About forum blocking - if you see the thread that Asbetos mentioned, you can see a huge gap on 11th June betwen 3:18 AM and 4:38 PM. Guess why.


I understand that GSF is undergoing changes. Its OK. The changes, however, designed mostly to maximize financial gains (lets pop even more OP ship so people will spend CC for upgrading it quickly!... and after we milk it dry, we will ballance it, so people can be happy). are not OK - so I am 'voting with my wallet'.

Bombers are - finally - brought to reasonable levels (dont know about the new one yet... didnt play it since I couldn't get into match most of the time) - but we have a new gunship, with pretty good dogfight capabilities - AND long range slug railgun. Better yet, it has fast-locking missile that leave enemy ships quite defenseless... yeah! Prepare your wallet!

Edited by Bolo_Yeung
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For now I see minor changes for better - and adding more ships that are even more unbalanced (we really needed a dogfighter with railgun... :) ).

These are exactly my thoughts. Why for Sith sake GS need ability for dogfight? At the beginning had players still common sense and proposals for GS with ability to close fight were rejected because of balance. You have weapon with longest range (without any warning unlike guided missile) as an exchange for inability on close range. It is the essence of each class that it has advantages and disadvantages.

Now it is welcomed as great thing, the poor oppressed GS has finaly some chance to defend itself.

What about scout with bomber hull or Striker pooping mines? Or is this way how to create ultimate ballanced ship - fast and maneuvering as a scout (with its close range wweapons of course), durable as a bomber, long range weapons from GS and mines and probes of bomber. It is a little bit shame that it in fact need nothing from Strike, but it will be not forgotten (remain in the game name - GSF) :D

Seems like a lot of people drowned in their own feeling of how awesome they are and universal answering "Learn to play". This way is GSF going to fall into the "all new ships must be a much better than old" spiral. Race to master each new ship and dominate battlefield till new update. Althought I must admit that it bring unintended element of the real war technological progress.

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About forum blocking - if you see the thread that Asbetos mentioned, you can see a huge gap on 11th June betwen 3:18 AM and 4:38 PM. Guess why.


13 hours is far from a "huge gap", that's actually a very reasonable time to fix such a bug (believe me, I'm a developer in a business environment, 13h is nothing).


These are exactly my thoughts. Why for Sith sake GS need ability for dogfight? At the beginning had players still common sense and proposals for GS with ability to close fight were rejected because of balance. You have weapon with longest range (without any warning unlike guided missile) as an exchange for inability on close range. It is the essence of each class that it has advantages and disadvantages.

Now it is welcomed as great thing, the poor oppressed GS has finaly some chance to defend itself.

What about scout with bomber hull or Striker pooping mines? Or is this way how to create ultimate ballanced ship - fast and maneuvering as a scout (with its close range wweapons of course), durable as a bomber, long range weapons from GS and mines and probes of bomber. It is a little bit shame that it in fact need nothing from Strike, but it will be not forgotten (remain in the game name - GSF) :D

Seems like a lot of people drowned in their own feeling of how awesome they are and universal answering "Learn to play". This way is GSF going to fall into the "all new ships must be a much better than old" spiral. Race to master each new ship and dominate battlefield till new update. Althought I must admit that it bring unintended element of the real war technological progress.


This sounds like a cattlescout crying. The new gunship actually has some teeth to show to a scout, unlike the mangler who's only chance to survive a good scout was RUN (and have to be EXTREMELY skilled to even manage that) since the ridiculous evasion makes it pure luck to hit a scout with a railgun (I've had 4 dead-on slug misses in a row with Wingman up on scouts with no cooldowns up). Scouts actually have to use brains to kill the new gunship, can't just fly in, shoot, kill.

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unlike the mangler who's only chance to survive a good scout was RUN (and have to be EXTREMELY skilled to even manage that) since the ridiculous evasion makes it pure luck to hit a scout with a railgun (I've had 4 dead-on slug misses in a row with Wingman up on scouts with no cooldowns up)

This sounds like a GS pilot crying. And to use your own insulting attempt - GS actually have to use brains to kill the any ship, can't just snipe ships from distance without situation awareness.

Whats wrong with GS weaknes against Scouts at all? It´s rock, paper , scissor. Bombers are weak against GS so according your warped logic, next update should be a bomber with railgun? It is good to question sometimes yourself "Will this bring balance to the force...I mean GSF...or it is too much OP?"

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First - THIS happened:

Practically every people who joined were stuck like this. Requeing resulted in coming back to the same match.


Second - I went to the forums. Despite the fact that practically everyone on Rep side has the problem, no one was talking about it...

... guess why. Yes... of course. Forum posting turned off. No poeple writing about glitches means no problems? ...


I had a similar problem. Turned out to be a latency issue.


As for your second reason, not everyone uses the forums regardless of experiencing bugs, or what-not. And a 13 hour gap in one thread doesn't mean there's some conspiracy to keep you from posting.


If you want to submit a bug report, do it in-game. It sends more than just what you type into the box. Making a bug thread in the GSF forums may get the attention of a community rep, but it won't be the same as sending a report straight to the dev team through the in-game reporting system. After submitting your in-game bug, don't come to the forums ranting about it. Check the bugs forum and see if it's already been posted there. If not, start a thread/report.


And remember: acting like an asinine child is not going make anyone want to help you (making threats to cancel sub / canceling sub then posting about it). If you want to make a difference, then you need to learn how to make a difference. Most people don't respond well to threats.

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About forum blocking - if you see the thread that Asbetos mentioned, you can see a huge gap on 11th June betwen 3:18 AM and 4:38 PM. Guess why.


lol, absurd. There is no "forum blocking" - when I hit "submit reply" in a moment, this post will show up instantly. No one is looking at replies as you're posting them. After, sure...yes, there's moderation, and at times toxic posts are indeed removed. But simple criticism of the game is not. Hell, half of the posts in the General Discussion forum are bashing the game. If BW really had a problem with that, those posts would be gone.

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I disagree wholeheartedly with the notion that the recent additions were intended to sell more CC's. If that was the case then why the double req? If anything they are providing a free "catch up" for players that complain about gear gaps in GSF (for the betterment of the meta)


The GS at least is something people have talked about for a while, not directly, but the concept of a missile boat or a GS with some dog fighting potential has been discussed here by the community, IMO a welcome addition (havent had much of an issue with these 1 v 1)


The bomber however is new to my knowledge, but once again added to broaden the bomber class.... not for some ulterior motive.


If they had added all these shps + CM versions + no free req you might be able to say they wanted to sell cc's but all we have here is content injection and free double req. I think the appropriate response to the devs is "thank you" not "**** you" :rolleyes:

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I understand that GSF is undergoing changes. Its OK. The changes, however, designed mostly to maximize financial gains (lets pop even more OP ship so people will spend CC for upgrading it quickly!... and after we milk it dry, we will ballance it, so people can be happy).


The two new ships aren't "more OP" or anything, and I suspect it's a SMALL minority of players who drop the full CC needed to upgrade a ship. Fact of the matter is, if you are dropping CC to transfer fleet req to upgrade your ships faster, you'll do that for ANY ships, and you DEFINITELY don't need to do it to "keep up". The Type 3 Gunship and the Type 3 Bomber are great, but I haven't felt the need to drop dollars to master them or be left behind.




If the devs wanted to milk for credits, they would at least put more 480 CC cosmetic options on the CM, instead of having cosmetic options that are worth 100-100000 credits on the GTN.

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13 hours is far from a "huge gap", that's actually a very reasonable time to fix such a bug (believe me, I'm a developer in a business environment, 13h is nothing).

I meant not the bug fixing (it took much longer than 13 hours; I understand that bug happens and - as stated before I wasn't angry about the bug alone) but the lack of new posts (indicating that something blocked posting... unless no one was writing about it (hardly possible since the bug was still active)


This sounds like a cattlescout crying.

Wrong. I play the new GS as well; scouts aren't as affected as strikes. Cattlescouts with retros and clusters combo will survive. Strikes with only one missile lock break are subject to interdiction missile and subsequent execution.


The new gunship actually has some teeth to show to a scout, unlike the mangler who's only chance to survive a good scout was RUN (and have to be EXTREMELY skilled to even manage that) since the ridiculous evasion makes it pure luck to hit a scout with a railgun (I've had 4 dead-on slug misses in a row with Wingman up on scouts with no cooldowns up).


Either lag or extremely bad luck - or maybe cooldowns didnt show? Never had this problem with good connection. When lagging you can miss a moving bomber ...


Scouts actually have to use brains to kill the new gunship, can't just fly in, shoot, kill.

That doesn't change the fact that new GS has:

- very good long range weapon


- a missile with fast lock and seriously crippling the enemy (only sabotage probe is better in that field, but has quite longer lock time)



Practically the only ships I am seriously afraid are other gunships (really skilled scout pilots - yes, also, but there aren't many of them...)

... and of course really superior numbers of the enemy ships :)


lol, absurd. There is no "forum blocking" - when I hit "submit reply" in a moment, this post will show up instantly.

...so if I am healthy there are no diseases in the world?.

In my case, I was able to log in, but when I clicked 'reply' or 'new post' I was logged out instantly. The fact that despite most severe bug no one was posting about it for 13 hours should be taken into account as well...


I disagree wholeheartedly with the notion that the recent additions were intended to sell more CC's. If that was the case then why the double req? If anything they are providing a free "catch up" for players that complain about gear gaps in GSF (for the betterment of the meta)


Even with double reqs, it takes much dedication to master a ship... and people will always searching for a faster way. Not everyone, but it is always an income increase...


And new players lured into GSF by the bonus (and there is much of them, especially Imperial side of Red Eclipse where I play...) will have even greater urge to level up their ships asap (no one likes being a moving target).

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Wrong. I play the new GS as well; scouts aren't as affected as strikes. Cattlescouts with retros and clusters combo will survive. Strikes with only one missile lock break are subject to interdiction missile and subsequent execution.


Wrong. I main a Rycer and I don't find the T3 gunship any harder to kill/survive against than a T1. Even easier maybe since he actually has to lock on and warn me before slowing me down unlike the T1 that only gives a blue cloud as a warning when charging a crippling ion shot.


Either lag or extremely bad luck - or maybe cooldowns didnt show? Never had this problem with good connection. When lagging you can miss a moving bomber ...


Really bad luck is when it happens once in 20 fights with scouts. This, however, is a regular occurrence against mastered scouts that build for evasion. Before you even mention it, my aim is fine or I would have the same problem with strikes and gunships.



That doesn't change the fact that new GS has:

- very good long range weapon


- a missile with fast lock and seriously crippling the enemy (only sabotage probe is better in that field, but has quite longer lock time)


That doesn't change the fact that the scout has:

- Targeting Telemetry/Blaster Overcharge + Concentrated Fire/Bypass/Wingman

- Distortion Field

- ludicrous evasion (as described above and in my previous post)

- amazing maneuvering and speed



Practically the only ships I am seriously afraid are other gunships (really skilled scout pilots - yes, also, but there aren't many of them...)

... and of course really superior numbers of the enemy ships :)


Theeere we go... You don't run into good pilots often enough :) The 2nd part goes without saying, of course.


And new players lured into GSF by the bonus (and there is much of them, especially Imperial side of Red Eclipse where I play...) will have even greater urge to level up their ships asap (no one likes being a moving target).


Ah cool, an EU server, might pop up once in a while :)

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Wrong. I main a Rycer and I don't find the T3 gunship any harder to kill/survive against than a T1. Even easier maybe since he actually has to lock on and warn me before slowing me down unlike the T1 that only gives a blue cloud as a warning when charging a crippling ion shot.

How many lock breakers do you have on strike then?...

... because after interdiction missile hit you are basically dead (unless someone else will scare away this GS. Works much better than ion rail hit



Really bad luck is when it happens once in 20 fights with scouts. This, however, is a regular occurrence against mastered scouts that build for evasion. Before you even mention it, my aim is fine or I would have the same problem with strikes and gunships.

How fast are the gunships moving when you're firing at them? Same question for strikes . Scout, especially one with booster recharger is - in battle - 80% times flying on an afterburner.

Also, check the tracking penalty, becayse if you are firing at targets close to targetting cone border, you won't land a hit on evasion build.



That doesn't change the fact that the scout has:

- Targeting Telemetry/Blaster Overcharge + Concentrated Fire/Bypass/Wingman

you have long range rail capable of one-shooting the "dreaded" scout with DF (that shield nas capacity penalty)


- Distortion Field


... Doesn't GS have those components as well?

- ludicrous evasion (as described above and in my previous post)

Never found it 'ludicrous', unless scout has CD on (you can have the same CD on as well, except maybe Telemetry...)

- amazing maneuvering and speed

T1/T3 GS has better turning rate that scout built for speed, comparable to hybrid one.

Speed... well, scout that is running at you will in most cases won't have much engine power (unless with Booster Rechargem but that means he won't have any damage boosters). GS has something more; also you are pretty prepared for circular fight.

Theeere we go... You don't run into good pilots often enough :) The 2nd part goes without saying, of course.

Well, I know some really good scout pilots :)


Ah cool, an EU server, might pop up once in a while :)

looking forward to it... BTW how good are que pop on Progenitor?

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How many lock breakers do you have on strike then?...

... because after interdiction missile hit you are basically dead (unless someone else will scare away this GS. Works much better than ion rail hit


As many as I need (in this case): 1


How fast are the gunships moving when you're firing at them? Same question for strikes . Scout, especially one with booster recharger is - in battle - 80% times flying on an afterburner.

Also, check the tracking penalty, becayse if you are firing at targets close to targetting cone border, you won't land a hit on evasion build.


His speed doesn't matter, he's flying straight at me and, as I mentioned earlier, dead on or really close to it so no tracking penalty.


you have long range rail capable of one-shooting the "dreaded" scout with DF (that shield nas capacity penalty)


... if you hit it (refer to the previous point).


... Doesn't GS have those components as well?


Never found it 'ludicrous', unless scout has CD on (you can have the same CD on as well, except maybe Telemetry...)


TT, BO and CF are what makes those components EXTREMELY powerful and GS can have only 1 of those which is really pointless on it ;)


T1/T3 GS has better turning rate that scout built for speed, comparable to hybrid one.

Speed... well, scout that is running at you will in most cases won't have much engine power (unless with Booster Rechargem but that means he won't have any damage boosters). GS has something more; also you are pretty prepared for circular fight.


What? You're saying that a gunship can turn as fast as a scout and that it can boost longer than the scout? Wait, WHAT?


looking forward to it... BTW how good are que pop on Progenitor?


The queue pops are pretty good, at least during the time I play (between 7 and 11-12 CET), but what I've been getting sick of lately is that I've had maybe 3-4 games where the Reps didn't have at least 4 gunships right from the start. As much as I'm having fun shooting semi-competent gunship pilots, it tends to get tedious.

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As many as I need (in this case): 1

So you won't be able to avoid all interdiction missiles. Maybe with Power Dive (that isn't as useful as other options), but then you're severely underhanded against a dogfighter with retros.


His speed doesn't matter, he's flying straight at me and, as I mentioned earlier, dead on or really close to it so no tracking penalty.

And you had 4 misses in a row against a scout that was flying straight at you? ... that had to be really slow scout ... even if you fired at minimum charge ;)

Seriously, I'd be grateful for any ingame movie showing situation like this - I never had 3 misses in a row on scout without DF popped up and flying at relatively slow angular velocity.


... if you hit it (refer to the previous point).

No problems with that unless the scout uses cooldowns or dodging really good At least for me


TT, BO and CF are what makes those components EXTREMELY powerful and GS can have only 1 of those which is really pointless on it ;)

Still in any case you're able to survive if you react fast enough...

Now for instance try to survive ion rail crit in that scout :)


What? You're saying that a gunship can turn as fast as a scout and that it can boost longer than the scout? Wait, WHAT?

Where did I say 'can boost longet than a scout'?... GS doesn't need it as much - when the enemy breaks from the fight it simply press 1 and begins to charge the railgun.

According to the ship statistics, GS with turning thrusters and turning on T3 engines upgrade have turning speed about the same as unupgraded scout. However, from my observations it looks that in circular fight I can do comparable to the scouts (so unless all of them have a 'max speed' build, it isn't the case).

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The queue pops are pretty good, at least during the time I play (between 7 and 11-12 CET), but what I've been getting sick of lately is that I've had maybe 3-4 games where the Reps didn't have at least 4 gunships right from the start. As much as I'm having fun shooting semi-competent gunship pilots, it tends to get tedious.

Thats sounds very funny from someone who is flying almost exclusively GS.

Stop blaming Reps, I believe that both sides have a lot of dedicated GS/Bomber pilots. From Rep point of view it seems that Imps are using much more GS/Bomber combo. But people tend to check more opposing side than their own, so it is probably a draw.

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