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dot smash in 2.8


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Is dot smash officially dead in 2.8 ? I still see parses for it in the 2.8 leaderboards. They have an asterick next to them referring to patch 2.7 so I just wanted to confirm that those really don't count anymore. Edited by undiess
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For me it's good riddance, Hybrids in this game need to die in a fire... the stupid Balance/TK Hybrid needs to die. but the only way to remove hybrids for classes without stances is to add stances to them...


dotsmash wasn't that crazy. I had my personal best parse with it at 4m30sec TTK, but now going with the buffed watchman I'm 4m33sec, and I am relatively new to watchman spec (always preferred Combat prior to dotsmash).


I have a love/hate relationship with hybrids. If I'm the one playing them, they are super fun and original. If I'm playing against one, it's OMG *** HAX. :rak_01:

Edited by undiess
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I have a love/hate relationship with hybrids. If I'm the one playing them, they are super fun and original. If I'm playing against one, it's OMG *** HAX. :rak_01:


That's the way most players behave - though except you noone's got the guts to admit it ;-)

(...says an Ex-Dotsmasher)

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For me it's good riddance, Hybrids in this game need to die in a fire... the stupid Balance/TK Hybrid needs to die. but the only way to remove hybrids for classes without stances is to add stances to them...


To be fair, Balance/TK Hybrid is significantly worse than both full TK and Full balance for single target situations in terms of sustained, and worse than full TK in terms of burst. Its use is for an AoE spec, and Bioware, when making the changes in patch 2.7, made them so hybrids would be fine, while the changes in 2.8 were tied to sever force to avoid buffing the hybrids.


Its this approach that I like - Allow the hybrids to remain, but make full trees superior to them. If dotsmash was a stronger version of smash with less AoE but without overtaking carnage or annihilation in damage, then the complaints wouldn't have popped up, and Dotsmash would still exist.


Similarly, if the HEGC was actually useful for AP and the 2.8 changes for pyro had gone through, then there would have been no need to tie PFT to HEGC as the full trees would be better in their respective roles (Pyro for sustained, AP for AoE)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Its dead.... BUT!


You can take the 2 points out of Malice and put them into Decimate, this lowers the cooldown of Smash to the same as Deadly saber.


Then in your rotation use Smash just after applying your second stack of Deadly saber.

It prolongs the second stack of Deadly saber and makes permanent up time on your bleed. This is actually doable now due to Annihilates rage cost being reduced to 4.


I do not use this for raids btw, just fun to mess about with.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Similarly, if the HEGC was actually useful for AP and the 2.8 changes for pyro had gone through, then there would have been no need to tie PFT to HEGC as the full trees would be better in their respective roles (Pyro for sustained, AP for AoE)


I figured the main reason PFT was tied to HEGC was AP in Ion Cell, not a DPS hybrid.

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i find them fun to play but not so effective as a trained player on the full build..respeccing really often( raids, dailies, pvp, casual changes) is something i do, but then when you have to be serious it's the old way the best one.


p.s. i'd like to see stances for sages also since any jedi or sith is always using one..

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If thats the case, why isn't duplicity tied to surging charge? Or Rampage?


Because dps sins in tank stance and dps juggs in tank stance weren't dominating PvP? AP in Ion was the #1 used tank in ranked when it existed in that fashion, and was dominating regs as well. That's not to say the jugg/sin examples don't warrant an adjustment possibly as well, but they're not nearly as devastating as the other was.


The problem with AP in Ion for PvP is the limiting factor on AP if you ran Ion cell was overheating, but in PvP you can afford to overheat since fights are so short, so there needed to be another limiting factor hence the stance nerf for PFT.

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  • 3 weeks later...
the only thing that sucked about dotsmash being destroyed is anni, even after the buffs, is still far behind it (at least in my experiences and from my parses). when the anni buff went live i lossed about 200-300 dps (maybe i was out of practice but i dont believe that was the case).
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the only thing that sucked about dotsmash being destroyed is anni, even after the buffs, is still far behind it (at least in my experiences and from my parses). when the anni buff went live i lossed about 200-300 dps (maybe i was out of practice but i dont believe that was the case).


Cant' confirm: I parsed 100 DPS higher in the same quality of gear with the new Anni than I could do in Dotsmash. You have to adapt your technique a little to make best use of cheaper Annihilate. Simply put: More Vicious Slashes to force Rupture if Annihilate didn't procc it. You will have less Twin Saber Throws, but Rupture (via Slash) is far superior dps wise...

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Its this approach that I like - Allow the hybrids to remain, but make full trees superior to them. If dotsmash was a stronger version of smash with less AoE but without overtaking carnage or annihilation in damage, then the complaints wouldn't have popped up, and Dotsmash would still exist.


Similarly, if the HEGC was actually useful for AP and the 2.8 changes for pyro had gone through, then there would have been no need to tie PFT to HEGC as the full trees would be better in their respective roles (Pyro for sustained, AP for AoE)


I'm with you 100% on this, and I do think the Devs have been unfairly harsh on hybrids.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the current state of hybrid specs is that Gunslinger has a viable one, Sage and Commando have semi-viable hybrids, Vanguard and Sentinel used to have viable specs but had them mechanistically removed, and Shadow, Guardian, and Scoundrel never had viable hybrids. (Viable in this case meaning "something you might bring to a hardmode flashpoint", not "something you could go out and level with" like the HoTs-n-DoTs Scoundrel spec.) I'm not saying we should bend the rules to try and make more hybrids spring up, but it would be nice if they were left alone occasionally, or if they need to be nerfed, nerf them into submission but not into oblivion.

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Cant' confirm: I parsed 100 DPS higher in the same quality of gear with the new Anni than I could do in Dotsmash. You have to adapt your technique a little to make best use of cheaper Annihilate. Simply put: More Vicious Slashes to force Rupture if Annihilate didn't procc it. You will have less Twin Saber Throws, but Rupture (via Slash) is far superior dps wise...


well last time i parsed was when that update was on the pts. ive had a lot more work with it and i think id be able to parse better. my raid group recently fell apart so i havent felt the need to parse as i dont feel the need to find a raid group anytime soon. im NiM ready but the only offers ive had was as a backup and i dont want to spend an hour preparing for the raid only for the other dps to show up 3 mins before start.

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