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Which is the best SW movie?


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So here is a thread where we can be more creative and instead of whining on bioware we can contribute on our opinion on the awesome SW movie, so folks, which is the best SW movie? Imo its the last SW movie (6) nothing bets watching bobba getting eated by a sand hole and the end of Darth Vader.
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Id probably have to say Ep 6. I found it so awesome when Luke first enters Jabba's palace and just radiates confidence that he has nothing to fear. Plus i think the lightsaber fight between Luke and Vader was probably my favorite overall. You could really feel the emotion in that fight.
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I did like Episode III but the best SW movie HAS to be Empire! I only wish I was around to see and hear fans reaction the very first time it was in cinemas when Vader revealed he was Luke's father! That must have been awesome!! I came along a little too late for that!
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Why is there so much hate on I-III? lol I don't think they where THAT bad. I thought anakin killing all them sandpeople was pretty bad ***.


I've wondered that myself, though I will say Phantom Menace was rather horrid compared to all the others.



Out of the other films, I'd go with Empire for the Original Trilogy, and Revenge of the Sith for the Prequels.

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Honestly, I really enjoyed the original trilogy movies about evenly. Each one had something I really liked about it, so it's hard for me to really pick a favorite.

Though the Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi I probably liked a little bit better than A New Hope-- though I still love that movie as well.

Ah, it's a tough choice...

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