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I was thinking more on the lines of Carnor Jax, Aurra Sing, Sly Moore etc.


i.e. those who one wouldn't really consider to be trained Force sensitives and therefore it would be only an inconvenience to have them subtract a number from your Force User allowance. Though I'm not entirely sure.


I'm pretty sure Jax and Sing would be considered trained Force Sensitives.

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If there is a third, or fourth, Force User added to the mix, and we are going to use decreasing power levels, I think there needs to be an agreed upon example of what each power level means. This way there is a benchmark for comparison and argument.
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If there is a third, or fourth, Force User added to the mix, and we are going to use decreasing power levels, I think there needs to be an agreed upon example of what each power level means. This way there is a benchmark for comparison and argument.


Like some sort of tiered structure that defines where each Force User would fit in the power spectrum. Sounds like a lot of extra work to me.

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Like some sort of tiered structure that defines where each Force User would fit in the power spectrum. Sounds like a lot of extra work to me.


Leader: Darth Krayte

Second-In-Command: Exar Kun

Ally: Darth Sion

Ally: Inquistor Jerec




Explanation: Exar Kun, Krayte, and Sion are all extremely hard to kill, whereas Jerec would be good for providing information and tracking opponents. Granted if Darth Krayte dies it is over, new body or not. Exar Kun though it is possible since he isn't the leader, to come back as a sith spirit when he dies. Good luck actually killing Darth Sion unless they are masters of Dun Moch or able to disintegrate him.


Side Note: This is merely a hastily thrown together list, never intended to try to use it, just demonstrating how OP it could get.

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Leader: Darth Krayte

Second-In-Command: Exar Kun

Ally: Darth Sion

Ally: Inquistor Jerec




Explanation: Exar Kun, Krayte, and Sion are all extremely hard to kill, whereas Jerec would be good for providing information and tracking opponents. Granted if Darth Krayte dies it is over, new body or not. Exar Kun though it is possible since he isn't the leader, to come back as a sith spirit when he dies. Good luck actually killing Darth Sion unless they are masters of Dun Moch or able to disintegrate him.


Side Note: This is merely a hastily thrown together list, never intended to try to use it, just demonstrating how OP it could get.


Just dismember/behead Sion, he's never shown to have that level of regeneration.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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He's also never been shown not to survive it. We have anecdotal evidence that suggests every bone in his body has been broken beyond counting, which includes the vertebrae. So long as he hates hard enough, nothing stops him.
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He's also never been shown not to survive it. We have anecdotal evidence that suggests every bone in his body has been broken beyond counting, which includes the vertebrae. So long as he hates hard enough, nothing stops him.


Broken, not dismembered. He very well could be dismembered and not being able to revive from it. Sure it isn't shown, but I really doubt his regeneration capabilities would go as far as losing limbs.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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I'm still not entirely sure, case in point to be both of those combinations seem pretty OP. In the last for example you get three skilled tacticians who are also powerful Force Users and strong leaders, then battle meditation to boot.


Swapping them out for a non-Force sensitive tactician, or a non-Force sensitive leader, would be an illogical move. In general choosing non-Force sensitive leaders and tacticians would be superfluous when you can have the Force to boot.


And to be quite honest, I disagree with the notion that getting a full package is rare. Practically every prominent member of the Jedi Order was a skilled tactician, many where master tacticians. For the Sith it is much the same, either they are skilled tacticians or they are master manipulators, or both! Few Force Users are just mindless brutes.


And for the record, most trained Force Users are expert pilots too, so they could definitely run blockades.


Finally as a closing point, assassination would be nigh impossible unless you had a martial force of equal strength. Whereas a strike team led by Revan, the Exile, Alek and Bastila, or Anakin, Jacen, Jaina and Ben would obliterate.


I might be inclined to allow minor Force sensitives, but this method is tried and tested, and it works just fine.


Actually in the first example we know the following:


"Revan's amnesic personality lacked the brilliance of strategy that he did as the conqueror of Malachor and Kuat."


"Alek was a brash and straight forward general, he cost the Republic much and gained little in exchange. Revan had to hold him back, but even so his arrogance nearly led to his death at the hands of Mandalore himself."


"Shan's ego cost her much, whilst her abilities were powerful, she was far from infallible and this lack of realization nearly led to her capture by Darth Revan himself several times."


It would not be nearly as strong as you think.


Take into account the Solo/Skywalker team and you realize that without a more adult figure guiding them they can and could get themselves into trouble, this is counter-balanced by their Battle-Meld and little more.


Also I do not believe those strategists are on nearly the level of the major strategists like Daala, Pallaeon, Tarkin, Bwua'tu, etc.... they are far superior in many ways. Kenobi one of the best Jedi strategists ever, admits that the Jedi themselves could not win a war of strategy, they needed those fleet admirals.


Like I stated, there are certainly boundaries here, a team of Talzin, Traya, Tyranus and Maul would be way beyond those limits.


With the right limits in place, this could definitely work.

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You could always talk about it anyway, it may give people ideas for future factions.


As a Ground Force? Given the rules here, they would be ok(moreso if they are allowed to use their specforces). They have some pretty hardcore training, though not to the extent of Stormtroopers but still they would be pretty good.


As a Supplier? You're gonna have a dumpload of various vehicles/tech.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Lets assume we use the three force users thing, would we say someone like Aurra Sing could be third slot, or would it have to be based on power level?


Which Era?


TCW Sing: Useless in terms of power levels.

Post-Vader: On the level of Ventress/Luminara Unduli/Sion, and seems OK to me I guess.

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I agree with the above, three would at least allow for some of the trios, such as Kenobi/Skywalker/Tano.


I don't think it should be restricted to those like Sing because frankly she'd be utterly useless.

Somewhere around the level of Malak/Raskta/Zash/Unduli would be a good limitation and is likely balanced enough to allow for non-Forcers to be a good choice.

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I agree with the above, three would at least allow for some of the trios, such as Kenobi/Skywalker/Tano.


I don't think it should be restricted to those like Sing because frankly she'd be utterly useless.

Somewhere around the level of Malak/Raskta/Zash/Unduli would be a good limitation and is likely balanced enough to allow for non-Forcers to be a good choice.

Any one of those would still be far to powerful.


Again I feel those who opt for non-Force sensitives are in a precarious position enough without this ruling.

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