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*** Attis Station


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I did this last night, i was the same level as the mobs. It`s piss easy.


I am a shadow, i used my 1 min CC, most packs only have 1 elite and 1 normal mob then...


Also for the ones that are sorcerers.... stun and intrerupt.


It`s doabile and if you are 2-3 levels above you will most likely roll them.(it should be the same for sages you have the same armor as me and a shield)


Just use all your tools... by the time they fix it you will be 50 anyway.

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Not sure what the issue is with this place, did it easily as Heal Sage with Qyzen (in about 5levels sub-par gear).


For each pull:


Make sure you have the buff from the clickable station before each pull.

Force Shield Companion, then Self - (important so you can reapply bubble to companion first)

after 5s set companion to attack weakest mob and force lift the Elite Mob/Caster if there is no elite.

Keep the Force Shield up at all times, and interrupt the lightning with your interrupt/stun/even knockback! if necessary.


Rinse, Repeat. Just the same as any pack with elites/strong mobs.


Pretty much what I did. I think I was 38 at the time. So far never used another companion other than Qyzen. I pulled them away from the CC'd elite so qyzen was free to do his aoe thang. I also like to use my aoe push back as an extra interrupt so distance from the cc'd mob is important.

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Attis Station is complete bullpoopie.


Who the did the play testing and balancing for this place? It's absolutely ridiculous.


Shadow Tank and get one of the three silver mob groups down to almost dying, and then poof, I die, they all are back to full health.


This place really needs to be fixed. It's completely broken in it's current state.


Don't tank for my groups.

As a Shadow Tank I waltzed through this quest.


This is not that hard of a quest, it just requires you to use every single skill you have...which is a GOOD thing. It forces people to learn their class instead of just mashing buttons like a monkey and getting through. The entire game was like this at one point, punishing to play post Alderaan. Just ask the other beta testers...a large portion of us wanted that "overtuned combat" to stay because it made the game so much fun.


Rough difficulty makes people better players, besides...the death penalty in this game is a joke. If it's too hard then grab a friend (it is an MMO...be sociable people) or level up some and come back, however some missions will get harder than this one.

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I don't quite get this complaint though. You apparently spent a lot of time on the mission, got close to giving up, felt incoming damage was too high and hit a huge respawn timer. Yet only much later, after tons of time spent, you ended up using Force Lift? When you had this high incoming damage, and things felt too hard, wouldn't it make sense to think about what was going wrong, and getting the idea "Hmm, this incoming damage is rather high, so I need to lower it. I have this ability called Force Lift which will control one of three targets for a minute, that should help a lot." instead of just rushing back in and expecting that things would suddenly end up different the next time you tried?


I put force lift on my left action bar and COMPLETELY forgot about it. It basically didn't exist in my mind until I read an earlier forum post here that said someone used it. Now if Bioware had just put a tooltip after I died for the 2nd, 3rd or 4th time saying "Hey idiot, you know you have this cool ability called Force Lift that can stop these dudes from killing you. And oh yeah, you might not want to use Qyzen Fess because he will immediately break the Force Lift effect on the enemies you just Force Lifted." then I might have been more successful. That is my complaint.


Well, that and it's a massive ramp up in difficulty, from ALL of my previous encounters. That is why I asked for a nerf. But maybe my tooltip idea is better. Who the hell knows, but they need to do something because I'm not the only "casual" player out there that is gonna get womped by these encounters.

Edited by BlueSkittles
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Did it last night at 37 with the Doc. I enjoyed his zazz comments while I Mind Mazed one of the guys in each mob... then killed one... then the other... then the stunned guy.


No issues a hybrid kinetic build.


While I was doing it, someone needed help, so I joined their instance and helped them finish. They got stuck on the larger group in the back... and were NOT using Mind Maze.

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While there are a a few saying Attis was "easy", I say BS.


Either they know the "trick" because they were in Beta and learn the "trick".


Simply put, NOTHING ingame should be able to 1 SHOT DEAD!


Force Lightning for every NPC ingame is the most over powered Special that exists ingame.


It just goes to show how badly this game was tested because of the changing "testers" in Beta and frequent Wipes.


Level 30-50 is still in an Alpha state in terms of balancing issues.

Edited by Kunra
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Did it last night at 37 with the Doc. I enjoyed his zazz comments while I Mind Mazed one of the guys in each mob... then killed one... then the other... then the stunned guy.


No issues a hybrid kinetic build.


While I was doing it, someone needed help, so I joined their instance and helped them finish. They got stuck on the larger group in the back... and were NOT using Mind Maze.


I like your style of Sarcasm. :)

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While there are a a few saying Attis was "easy", I say BS.


Either they know the "trick" because they were in Beta and learn the "trick".


Simply put, NOTHING ingame should be able to 1 SHOT DEAD!


Force Lightning for every NPC ingame is the most over powered Special that exists ingame.


It just goes to show how badly this game was tested because of the changing "testers" in Beta and frequent Wipes.


Level 30-50 is still in an Alpha state in terms of balancing issues.


Never played beta, didn't even read this thread (apart from title) before clearing the place to the boss. Then came here to read, thinking the boss would be hard. No problems really, but yes, you do have to use at least most of your toolset. Then again, I regularly solo HC2s and do as many of the HC4s (in teams, sometimes just in a team of two) as possible, so maybe that has teached a bit about the toolset.


Can only speak for (balance) sage myself, but as others pointed out, it's really not hard as long as you use your tools. The game would be pretty damn boring if everything was just button smashing. Why would we even be given these tools like Force Lift if there's no need for them :)


Edit: and lastly: death has, as stated earlier, very little consequences. If that's what teaches you what killed you/what to do next time, is it really so bad?

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While there are a a few saying Attis was "easy", I say BS.


Either they know the "trick" because they were in Beta and learn the "trick".


Using CC and interrupts to limit incoming damage and make pulls easier isn't exactly a novel concept. It's been used in most MMOs and contrary to the occasional MMO concepts which might be not particularly intuitive to grasp for new players, it should be pretty obvious to anybody that using a skill which prevents an enemy from taking any action will make a fight easier. Interrupting the right casts is maybe slightly less obvious, but it's not exactly a giant leap to reason that the longer casts are usually the most devastating.


So yeah, Attis station was easy. I zoned in, noticed I was up against a good number of strongs and elites. So I crowd controlled what looked to be the most dangerous mob (ie, elite casters), went after the most squishy and dangerous mob (ie, strong, if available a caster) first, and breezed through it. Don't think I dropped below 75% health at any point. All my beta experience came from playing in the last two beta weekends as an Inquisitor on Korriban and Bounty Hunter on Hutta. I didn't learn any sort of 'trick', I just used common sense to minimize the damage I took.


I put force lift on my left action bar and COMPLETELY forgot about it. It basically didn't exist in my mind until I read an earlier forum post here that said someone used it. Now if Bioware had just put a tooltip after I died for the 2nd, 3rd or 4th time saying "Hey idiot, you know you have this cool ability called Force Lift that can stop these dudes from killing you. And oh yeah, you might not want to use Qyzen Fess because he will immediately break the Force Lift effect on the enemies you just Force Lifted." then I might have been more successful. That is my complaint.


Well, that and it's a massive ramp up in difficulty, from ALL of my previous encounters. That is why I asked for a nerf. But maybe my tooltip idea is better. Who the hell knows, but they need to do something because I'm not the only "casual" player out there that is gonna get womped by these encounters.


I don't really think it should be necessary to include some sort of semi-intelligent tutorial which analyzes what you are doing wrong and tell you. It's also not really feasible given the development time that would cost. It's also not like Attis Station requires some specific 'trick' or gimmick to get through; it's been a mainstay of MMO's (and RPGs in general really) to limit incoming damage using crowd control.


I agree the mission seems to be a fairly sharp raise in difficulty compared to most of those previously, but I don't think it should be nerfed down to the level of the rest of the questing content. (Which is mind numbingly easy and provides next to no challenge or risk of even dying) The difficulty curve should be smoothed out though, but the only way I would support that is by actually buffing the remaining content. This way there is a smooth curve of content getting gradually more difficult, and as a result players will learn the value of things such as CC and interrupts sooner, rather than it suddenly becoming a big issue in Attis Station. (Even if I find it hard to understand how someone who is apparently a MMO veteran could just completely forget about a 1 minute CC, but if anything this shows the earlier content was simply too easy) With a proper preparation and understanding of the two core concepts which are central to succesfully completing Attis station, the mission is far from difficult.


I'd also like to note that complaining this is too hard for 'casual' players is not a particularly valid complaint. Every player will have completed the same amount of content by the time they reach Attis Station, the only difference will be the real time since starting to play the game. Just like in "that other game", 'Casual' is a term which should have no impact on difficulty or playing ability. I could play 1-2 hours a night and I'd still breeze through Attis Station. If you are lacking the time to complete a flashpoint because you don't have enough time in one session to do one that's something you could complain about as 'casual', but please let's not get this whole discussion again where people claim content is too difficult because they are 'casual'.

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I've done this quest 2 times now and from what i see they've actually made it easier now. The first time around you had 1 champ (mostly sorc) and 2 elites (one assassin and one warrior) with the token weak mob thrown in one or two of the gangs... this last time around i only had 1 champ (mostly sorc) 1 elite (assassin or warrior) and a token weak mob to deal with most of the time... So i think they've "balanced" the encounter a bit since my first playthrough...
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Huh... I didn't realize this quest was even a problem until I read this post. I guess being a Kinetic Combat Shadow with Tharan made it EZ-mode. :confused:


That was my experience too. Did it at 35 or 36 didn't even use the damage reducing consoles until after the first couple of pulls. Not sure why this one is so easy for kinetic shadows, but I don't think I dropped below 50% didn't need heal pots or stims.

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Hmm. Now I don't feel so bad for dying a bunch and feeling like I was struggling to learn how to play balance when I did it while doing this quest.


My only thing to add to this discussion is that the medical stations didn't seem to have any visible effect. Whatever buff they were granting would wear off almost before I left the terminal. I just assumed the quest was a lesson in using resilience the way Lord Vivacar was a lesson in using interrupts. So now I feel silly... but resilience really does help!

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As a healer I used Qyzen. I turned off his AOE's after the 1st death. Force lift the caster and killed the other 2 or 3. Used my Dots on Qyzen's target and just kept him healed. When it was time to fight the caster I got close and used my interrupts. Made things pretty easy. As a completionist I am a few levels above the content but I imagine this could be done easily at equal levels. As stated previously you have to use everything in the arsenal and actually think. I appreciate the wake up call to be honest!!
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I completed this mission at level 37 with Qyzen as a Sage using a hybrid 11/11/5 build. I had no deaths or no difficulty with any of the groups. When I saw this thread I was really concerned about Attis Station. I did all quests in Quesh and reached level 37 before I attempted it.


I used the terminals before I engaged in each group although I saw that sometimes the buff disappeared in seconds and I was left without a damage reduction. On the groups with elites I used Force Lift CC on the elite and started DPS'ing the weakest mob then moved to strong then moved to elite. On the groups with three strong mobs, I CC'd the range mob and engaged the melee mobs one at a time burning the first one down as quick as I can. I used all my three interrupts to minimize damage to myself and Qyzen. Those are Mind Snap, Force Stun and Force Wave (when it would not break CC). I had to heal and top off Qyzen a couple of times before engaging the last mob while it was on CC. I used Force Armor on Qyzen on cooldown.


Overall, more challenging than most missions but it was not as bad as I feared. I'm not sure if it was softened a little bit since the first post in one of the patches or maybe my hybrid healer/dps build worked better than most. I hope this was helpful for Sages that may be having difficulty with this mission.

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This quest is driving me to quit the game right now. I am lvl 39 Shadow and cannot do this without wanting to pull my hair out. Quests like these are what make me feel like bioware has no clue what the heck they are doing.


Clearing the first floor and the Elite boss is simple enough, the first 5 mobs guarding the scientists go down easy, then I get to the last one with 3 "strong" enemies. These guys mop the floor with me every time. I try force lifting one, keeping one stunned/interupted, have all my cooldowns going, two relics going, Theran healing and one of the buffs from the stations and I still get curb stomped. I finally manage to beat this last mob by focusing on one at a time, dying twice to be able to kill all 3 of them.


I talk to Nadia and get up the stairs, then find another 3 "strong" mob waiting for me. I am not dying 5-6 times just to get up the stairs to the computer terminal. I am using all my skills, interupting their big attacks, keeping one guy force lifted durign the fight etc. and I cannot beat this quest. I have all orange gear with lvl 40 blue mods/enhancements/armoring and Theran is fully geared as well. I really don't care how hard they want to make it, if you are +2/+3 to any mobs, you shuold be able to roll through relatively easily. I'm not understanding how I can have no trouble against an Elite and a Strong but 3 strongs can totally curb stomp me.

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This quest was monstrously hard.


I would pull a group, kill the weakest of it, let my companion die, then force speed myself out of the station and let the mobs reset, then pick off the next. The last two groups of three strong sith were nearly impossible as a 36. Used the protection terminal and everything.


Just know that they respawn if you wait too long. So do it quickly, one at a time, bam bam bam.

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This quest is driving me to quit the game right now. I am lvl 39 Shadow and cannot do this without wanting to pull my hair out. Quests like these are what make me feel like bioware has no clue what the heck they are doing.


Clearing the first floor and the Elite boss is simple enough, the first 5 mobs guarding the scientists go down easy, then I get to the last one with 3 "strong" enemies. These guys mop the floor with me every time. I try force lifting one, keeping one stunned/interupted, have all my cooldowns going, two relics going, Theran healing and one of the buffs from the stations and I still get curb stomped. I finally manage to beat this last mob by focusing on one at a time, dying twice to be able to kill all 3 of them.


I talk to Nadia and get up the stairs, then find another 3 "strong" mob waiting for me. I am not dying 5-6 times just to get up the stairs to the computer terminal. I am using all my skills, interupting their big attacks, keeping one guy force lifted durign the fight etc. and I cannot beat this quest. I have all orange gear with lvl 40 blue mods/enhancements/armoring and Theran is fully geared as well. I really don't care how hard they want to make it, if you are +2/+3 to any mobs, you shuold be able to roll through relatively easily. I'm not understanding how I can have no trouble against an Elite and a Strong but 3 strongs can totally curb stomp me.


As a Shadow with Tharan:


  • Mind maze one of the three mobs. Prioritize the casters as in general their lightning attacks if not interrupted (which is trickier with multiples up) are more devastating than other mobs. (Especially as a Kinetic shadow which mitigate a good deal of melee and ranged attacks)
  • You can decide to open up with Force Lift.
  • With Tharan out Holiday will be taking out one of the mobs for quite a while too.
  • As a result, most of the time, including the first 8 seconds guaranteed , you will be fighting a single mob. In this timespace you should be able to burn it down for a significant amount, so you will only briefly fight two strong mobs. (If you want to play it optimally, you can do Force Lift -> Holiday Deploy -> Force Stun -> Holiday Deploy for a total of 28 seconds of CC and 8 out of every next 10) Anything these throw at you should not be a problem between interrupts, Tharan heals, medpacs, Deflection, Resilience, Force Stun, etc. (From parts of your post I am getting the impression you are using AoE; this is a bad idea, you will want to burn down the mobs one by one.)
  • Once the first mob is down, the remaining two are just fought one on one. If this causes you any troubles, you are doing something really wrong, especially outlvling the content.
  • The big key here is to keep as many mobs as possible (As Shadow with Tharan, that's always one and for a very large portion of the time two) controlled while burning them down one by one. Trying to AoE is likely going to get you destroyed. (I didn't try, but trying to solo AoE anything above normal mobs down isn't particularly effective)

Edited by SWB-NL
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This thread made me go in thinking I'll die a lot, but lol it wasn't even that hard. Those who had problems, do you guys pvp at all? How can pvp'ers not be familiar with CC/interrupts/burst dps? :confused:


I just CC the caster and went all out on the melee. Then just Mind Snap/Force Stun/Force Wave to interrupt the caster. I used the Hoko pvp spec (presence of mind + instant telekinetic wave hits like a truck, and it's aoe) and Qyzen. Other than refreshing Qyzen's bubbles I only needed to heal him before breaking the caster's CC.


All you need are CC and interrupts for the caster, and a burst dps rotation to kill the others asap. I hope Bioware doesn't nerf these PVE contents.


Well, no. I don't PVP (not much anyway). There's a reason: I don't like pvp. I chose not to pvp and thus picked a non-pvp server. So I wouldn't have to pvp. Having to pvp is a design error in a game where you're supposed to have the choice not to pvp.


That being said. Yes it's hard, I haven't made it through yet, but no I don't think it's to hard. I think the rest is just to easy. CC and interrupts have so far been an extra (for seers anyway, don't know about others). I can't do it because I can't use my skills properly. I can't use my skills because I've never needed them. I heal well, and basically that has gotten me through everything that came before, including the rest of this planet (except capten jesh). Ppl should indeed learn to play. But there's nothing in the game to teach you how to use cc and interrupts. You never need them, and then suddenly you are expected to know how to use them. You don't teach kids how to read by giving them tolstoj. You give them easy books, and gradually make them harder...


Don't make things easier. Just make the learning curve better. Or don't put it in a class quest where ppl can't skip it if they are fed up. This is a game, and should be fun, for everyone. Alot of the things I've read in this thread don't sound like they come from ppl having fun.


Just my 2 cents.

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Huh... maybe it's because I was level 41 or 42 when I did this but I didn't have THAT much of a problem. It did make me come to the conclusion that Zenith is very VERY squishy though.


I did find myself force lifting more than usual, and it took a few minutes to get through this.


My only advice to any one having trouble with this quest is MAKE SURE TO CC! I usually CC the Inquisitors because they have so many high damage attacks, theyre a lot easier to manage when youre not stressing over the other guys. ;)

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I think I was slightly underleveled when I tackled this - mainly from being too lazy and skipping any mobs whenever.


I remember having discovered that mobs take fall damage only few days prior to tackling Attis Station, so it was something I would try out with any of my fights.


So, on the part with 3 Siths, I mind mazed one, pulled the other two, and used my knockback to drop one of the Siths to the first floor. I remember feeilng disappointed to see that the Sith didn't die (it definitely took some damage) as it took its sweet time running back upstairs. Once I started fighting both of them again, I just knocked both of them down and ended up chasing them downstairs to finish the fight. Maybe doing this could help out others having issues.


Didn't really have much trouble (Also Kinetic Combat + Theran) overall, though.


TLDR: Knock back + fall damage

Edited by poasiodss
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i have done it as inf shadow like this , get the dmg reducing buff, mind maze one , stun other quickly kill 3rd if i had luck on crits i killed 2nd if not i used force cloack healed myself waited for some CDs and from the beggining just with one less enemy and it can be its just long this way but its possible to do it , but dont try it without that buff what you get from stations.
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Wait, that was supposed to be hard? Huh, being tank specced with a healing companion really does make things easier then, because it felt just like a normal quest to me. Just CC the caster, Deflection on with the two glow-batters and burst one down and then leisurely take your time with single killing the last two...
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I did this quest with a friend a few weeks after launch. The very first combat we both almost died as we had become complacent about the difficulty of class quests up until that point.


The stations around the place that give buffs aren't obvious what they do, or why you need that buff. That is awful game design. As a healer the UI is awful for me to be healing my companion/friend and also using CC and interupts on dangerous enemy abilities. That is awful game design. The whole quest basically shows up loads of poor game design decisions, that Bioware seem to be trying to deal with but that should of been sorted out before launch.


There are a few other Class quests that have the same problem, The Lightspring, etc... and the fact that most of the game is face rolling easy doesn't prepare you for them or allow you to learn about using all your various abilities.

Edited by CedrionKatar
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I did this last night on my 36 shadow (Kinetic) and let me tell you it was no where near the difficulty (or rather insanity) of Lightspring. I think if you hit this on level on your first toon it would be a lot harder as you would have had little exposure to quite a few mechanics really. Perhaps Kinetic Shadow has it easier? or possibly as this is a a second toon Ive over geared a bit (though mostly my mods are not on level)
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Finallly figured it out and it ended up being not that bad. Have to mind maze the sorc and then kite the other two away from him. Between AOEs and interupts was able to beat those two down while Theran kept me healed. Then it was cake to finish off the last guy.


When you get to the group up the stairs just force push them off the balcony, it's not hard to knock two of them off then you can kill one while the other two have to find their way back up the steps.

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