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*** Attis Station


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Playing Healer Sage (37), died 4 times now. even with CCing Elite, interrupting etc., etc.

This quest is not challenging, its pure masochism.


And I thought Balmorra would be my low-point concerning fun in this game.

Edited by Arbaleste
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Tough one, kept getting spanked at 38 with Qyzen. Then I tried with Zenith, who seemed to tank better (probably cause my Qyzen's armor isn't really top notch). Qyzen tended to break Force Lift with his aoe, which Zenith doesn't. Plus Zenith kills them faster while you can focus more on healing him and interupting the AOEs. Once you get the hang of it, it's actually almost easy. CC, heals, kill melees first.
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Did this few weeks ago at I think 37, can't remember exactly. Used Tharan, had no trouble at all clearing everything. Remembered this thread and thought the boss spawns adds or something. Was quite surprised that the trouble should have been on those groups.


For those having trouble (this coming from a balance sage point-of-view):


- Always lift the caster, would do the most dmg to you.


- With snare/stun/aoe knockback/tele throw, the first of the 3 that you actually attack should be almost dead by the time it actually really reaches you. If not, you have the speed-up immediately followed by tele throw for couple more tele channelings before taking much dmg.


- Have Tharan use Holiday for the second mob that's not lifted. Either control yourself which one of the two remaining to use it for, or wait and see what Tharan picks. Then attack the other.


- For the pack of 3 upstairs (if i remember right): knockback is fun :) Just drop one/two to first floor.

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Can't remember what level I was when doing it, but 36-38 seems reasonable.


I had to look this quest up on torhead when seeing this thread, as I did not recall it being a problem. Then I recalled, that I didn't realizing there was those helping-stations before after clearing the room.


So what's the point of this [bragging]? Well, I get rediculed by my friends for keeping my gear up to date, especially the lightsaber hilt, which I make sure to have ready in purple quality when reaching the minimum required level for every second or so hilt upgrade, but this makes questing a whole lot easier and actually makes you feel like an (overpowered) hero.


My stategy on this quest, however, was pretty straight forward; make sure Qyzen has his aoe-dps abilites disabled (though reactiviation is no longer an issue), CC the (strongest) shooter/caster and dps down the mobs one by one, starting with the weakest and if you find yourself in the end versus two or more strong or elites mobs, pop cds and make sure to take atleast one of them down. Then use force cloak, dismiss and call the (dead) companion again, regen and take down the remaining mobs.


This holds for almost all situations as an infiltrator consular. I've yet to faced any really hard challenges and most of my deaths was due to Qyzen using EMP on cc'ed mobs, which should now be fixed, or him not realizing that when we force cloak out of combat, we should not charge and attack the same pack of mobs again when we should instead be resting.


I know this post was pretty specifict to infiltrators (with artifice), but as hilts can be bought on GTN and all shadows atleast get force cloak, one should be able to duplicate the strategy easily.

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First of all, everyone's spec is not necessarily the same... a lot of people think we're all running around with exactly the same specs... which is not the case. Poor choices in the talent trees provides diminished capacities on some levels.


Now, I will say that place has some interesting bugs... Fess ran all over the place aggroing mobs across the room for no apparent reason. Try taking on 4 Siths and 2 normals all at once... happened more than once. Never could figure out why he kept doing that but I was out of LOS on the mobs a lot because of it (they all kept running up the back ramp) which resulted in my not being able to DPS or interrupt.


So for all you saying it was easy as pie... trust me, the behavior of the companions and mobs varied depending on companion choice, skill choice, and plan damn bad luck. If my companion didn't run off all the time aggroing additional mobs, didn't go running up some ramp out of the blue, I suppose I could say it was easy.


Next time try aggroing two whole groups and see how successful you are.

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Did this last night at level 38, TK Sage. Certainly some hard fights, I died to the first group I saw (not even that hard of one, just two Siths and a normal, I didn't expect them to be as hard as they were), but then got them down one after another.


For the groups of 3 Siths, my biggest problem was, as TK, not being able to keep both myself and Qyzen up against them. I'd Force Lift the Sorcerer, send Qyzen at one and fight the other myself, both of us pre-shielded. I'd fight mine, and Qyzen his, I'd re-shield him when the timer allowed, but typically when my sith was at 20% Qyzen would somehow grab aggro on it and soon drop under two of them hitting him.


At that point both siths were at 10-15% health though, so I'd stun one, reshield myself, and drop them one at a time pretty quick. Healed myself up and then took down the sorcerer solo. I found my best bet was to let him cast Force Storm, and just run far away from its target area rather than bother interrupting it, and instead knock out his Force Lightnings. That pretty well nullified all his attacks so I had no issue solo. I never did finish one of those groups of 3 with Qyzen alive, but got them all without a death of my own.


Seems a lot of those having problems were heal specced? Maybe the extra damage of TK helped me, though I wasn't able to use any of my instant-TKWaves out of fear of breaking Force Lift.

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Very satisfying. I play a healing Sage, and I was challenged. Kudos to Bioware for good solo content.


Strategy was:


1. Get Tharan for his heals and interrupts.

2. Forcelift one out of the way, especially the sorcerer.

3. Once sorcerer cpmes back, one mob should be down, focus on sorcerer and you have 3 interrupts to stop his aoe - stun, mind snap and holiday.


Have fun!

Edited by Zitori
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Did this a few days ago, i'm full Seer specced. I actually found this the most enjoyable Consular instance too date. Yes its challenging but quite straight forward with a little planning beforehand and proper use off cc and utility.


With the groups in each corner i cced the sorcerer each time placed a bubble around Qyzen and sent him in to tank the other Strong/Elite while i dispatched of the single trash mob then helped Qyzen out. When it came to the Sorcerer i just sent in Qyzen again while i healed/interupt/dpsed from the sidelines.


The three strong mobs on the top balcony were a bit tougher. First i bubbled me and Qyzen. I then ran in and force sweeped sending one down to the ground floor where i sent Qyzen to tank him. I then quickly cced the sorcerer and took on the third mob myself kiting him around. This was the most challenging part for me kiting and keeping me and Qyzen healed at the same time. Then it was just a case of taking out the last sorcerer.


Personally I found the last two jedi masters more challenging with theyr'e own unique mechanics rather than the standard ones used by the mobs in Attis and Vivicar was a joke once you knew too interupt his force cruch insta kill.

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Can't remember what level I was when doing it, but 36-38 seems reasonable.
But 36 or 38 is very important.

36 = not easy at all

38 = not easy, but very doable.

Those mobs are lvl 37. This makes a big difference :)


I don't like those "piece of cake" comments when people don't tell their level. Everybody can do green quests, even when they're hard. Go try doing this one with the wrong companion when it's orange - then brag. If you're lvl 40, just shut up and think about why you haven't left Quesh yet...

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I didn't have any problem with this as a Kinetic Shadow using Zenith. I don't even hardly remember doing it, just reading this thread and being scared before I started. Stark was also pretty easy: line of sight makes him run around doing no damage while letting Nadia wreck his face all day long. I don't remember exactly what level I was at, but I've been struggling to keep up with the level of quest mobs and 38 I remember being particularly annoying - I was probably 36 or 37.


I'd say there's definitely things that are harder to do as a Sage or a Shadow and vice versa. Perhaps Attis is for whatever reason much easier as a Shadow. But you Sagey types still have some pretty amazing tools. You guys can Force Lift for a minute *in combat* and heal!


Gotta CC the sorcerers and kite the warriors for all your worth. FWIW, Kinetic Shadows have to do the same thing. Quest/story mobs do entirely too much damage in this game.


Voss. A bonus mission that spawns two trooper mobs before you can stealth (and apparently force cloak doesn't work on them after several attempts, they keep re-aggroing the companion from 40 yards away o.O). You can't CC them at all since you're in combat, except for your short ones, and even one shot from these guys can end you really fast, even as a tank.


As a Shadow, you are really good at CCing *from stealth before combat* and interrupting/bursting down one target at a time before they get much damage in. Whenever you are prevented from entering stealth before starting (see: every story boss that starts combat right out of a cutscene and also comes with adds right out of the box), or prevented from CCing (Droids suck!), it can be really tough if your Force Cloak refuses to work.


Of course, the level 46 Cyberbeast at Voss just shows how bad tanking really can be in this game. Stand in front of him with Kinetic Ward/tank debuffs but without CDs and watch your health disappear!


Story mobs do entirely too much damage that's uninterruptable in this game.

Edited by Felade
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If you've been soloing Heroic 2+ quests, Attiss is kind of like that, except you use interrupts more.




I got to it yesterday at level 40, and then had a *** moment because apparently I got wiped there the day before after coming home from the pub. :o Explains why the rest of the room was empty when I went through it--really have no recollection of the boss so must not have really registered as anything other than normal. I mind mazed the sorcerer, burned down the two melee but stupidly broke my own cc with a reflexive force breach. So I force waved them off the platform, called off Tharen, stunned the sorcerer as she was running up the platform, finished off the other two with some help from Holiday, then took out the last. I had hit one of the consoles right before but didn't recall it buffing me or whatever, and I didn't drop so many HP that I needed another hit on a console.


ETA: well, I arrived at Quesh at 40 so that is why I was there. Do more quests/WZ/space combat!

Edited by Bilirubin
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I'm excited for this quest now. A few weeks ago I kept seeing threads about Vivicar and the Jedi before him being so hard, but they turned out to be an absolute snooze. I haven't found a challenge yet in the class story line, so I hope this is as advertised.


Sadly this turned out to not be difficult, too. I just think that Seer spec'd Sages must have it easy when it comes to PvP. Keep Qyzen's gear up-to-date, and everything's a breeze.

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Lol, the only parts that killed me out of the class quests (that I recalled), were the horrid bugs in the special class story zones with 50 mobs aggroing at once, and the final boss's one shot ability. Being a healing spec, it took me a while to learn what was killing me. Then I had to keep tabbing back and forth but was ready and it bugged. Came back later and finished it no problem.


Sorry you are having issues, but they can probably be fixed by the things stated above by others. 1) CC, CC, CC, and more CC. 2) What the heck, I have an interrupt? USE IT. 3) Get a companion that compliments your weaknesses and strengths.

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This quest was not that hard for me (sage balance spec) and leveling buddy (shadow), I think we did it around level 38, we did all the bonus missions on planets, but we both did it solo. I know it was harder for him using Zenith, but he switched to Theran for healing and extra cc. I did it with Zenith healing him and cc'ing when it was back up and of course healing. Took quite a while but its was fairly easy once you figure out what you need to do and of course a healthy knowledge of the class, spec, and abilities helps.
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Ok this is by far the worst quest I've played. I've literally stopped playing once my death requeue time reached 10 minutes. I get having stuff difficult but for ****s sake, this is not an optional quest. My sage and Qyzen got his *** kicked every single time.


You have not taught me a *********** thing Bioware on how to defeat such hard enemies. Yes, to all the haters, I suck at games and am a "casual" player who doesn't mind a decent challenge. But a class action/abilities puzzle that is just dumped on me by a sudden wall of difficulty. Not fun/interesting at all.


I even went forward to Hoth, who's quests were fun/easy-ish, leveled to 40, came back, and still got my *** kicked.


If I wasn't an active board poster and didn't find this post, it would have definitely made me stop playing my Consular and probably eventually unsubscribe. At this point, I'll trudge back, use my whirlywind CC thing to stop dudes, and just push through. But me=not even close to a happy customer.

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Ok this is by far the worst quest I've played. I've literally stopped playing once my death requeue time reached 10 minutes. I get having stuff difficult but for ****s sake, this is not an optional quest. My sage and Qyzen got his *** kicked every single time.


You have not taught me a *********** thing Bioware on how to defeat such hard enemies. Yes, to all the haters, I suck at games and am a "casual" player who doesn't mind a decent challenge. But a class action/abilities puzzle that is just dumped on me by a sudden wall of difficulty. Not fun/interesting at all.


I even went forward to Hoth, who's quests were fun/easy-ish, leveled to 40, came back, and still got my *** kicked.


If I wasn't an active board poster and didn't find this post, it would have definitely made me stop playing my Consular and probably eventually unsubscribe. At this point, I'll trudge back, use my whirlywind CC thing to stop dudes, and just push through. But me=not even close to a happy customer.


Wait, you didn't use whirlwind and are crying about it being too hard?


Do you even interrupt the NPC attacks when necessary? You aren't supposed to be able to faceroll everything and if you take the time to learn from Attis Station the experience there will make you a much better player.


I personally did not die once from that place... but that likely comes from being an MMO vet, where CCing the big bad in tough fights to clean up trash has always been a good idea

Edited by Eagle_Tarquinas
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Wait, you didn't use whirlwind and are crying about it being too hard?


Do you even interrupt the NPC attacks when necessary? You aren't supposed to be able to faceroll everything and if you take the time to learn from Attis Station the experience there will make you a much better player.


I personally did not die once from that place... but that likely comes from being an MMO vet, where CCing the big bad in tough fights to clean up trash has always been a good idea


I've never needed to use whirlwind before. Why would it suddenly come to mind that it's even something to use in Attis. Besides, Qyzen always breaks CC's because I accidentally turned on all of his abilities like a newb. Plus, I thought I could heal thru the damage, not knowing that Qyzen, who was unstoppable before, would become a paper doll. This is bad design, plain and simple.


I did interrupt occasionally before this, like that previous boss with the insta-death ability, but my focus was on Qyzen, not the enemy, I had no idea he was casting anything. Hmm, no target-of-target again causing problems.


And I've played MMO's since UO. WoW for 7 years. I would CC in Dungeons and Raids when it was needed. There was no lead up or any reason to think I needed to CC anything in Attiss. This was a wall in difficulty, plain and simple. Again, bad design.


Plus, I facerolled the boss, which seems weird. Why would the "trash" be so much harder. Please nerf, Bioware.


Oh yeah, and with no proper LFD, I wasn't constantly playing Flashpoints (or playing Flashpoints at all), which might have taught me that I needed to be using CC's or even got me in the habit of using them. Bad, bad, bad design...no cookie.

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I've never needed to use whirlwind before. Why would it suddenly come to mind that it's even something to use in Attis. Besides, Qyzen always breaks CC's because I accidentally turned on all of his abilities like a newb.


There was no lead up or any reason to think I needed to CC anything in Attiss. This was a wall in difficulty, plain and simple. Again, bad design.


Plus, I facerolled the boss, which seems weird. Why would the "trash" be so much harder. Please nerf, Bioware.


I mean no offence, but why would BW design (or nerf the existing already way too easy) content where all you have to do is mash same button or two all the time? Sure some might enjoy that, but I dare to say majority of players do want at least some kind of challenge/need to use your toolset.


What I can agree with is that if you never do any FPs or solo heroics, the difficulty might jump a bit at certain places. What they should do is make the difficulty ramp-up steady, boosting some of the previous "smash the button and win" encounters so people can learn in smaller steps. If they really need/want to allow easy way, make that an option for those wanting it that way, but let others enjoy content where some thinking/using what tools you have is required :)


And yes the boss was too easy compared to the packs you cleaned first. Strange design, altho I'm very happy the packs at least proved some challenge.

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I mean no offence, but why would BW design (or nerf the existing already way too easy) content where all you have to do is mash same button or two all the time? Sure some might enjoy that, but I dare to say majority of players do want at least some kind of challenge/need to use your toolset.


What I can agree with is that if you never do any FPs or solo heroics, the difficulty might jump a bit at certain places. What they should do is make the difficulty ramp-up steady, boosting some of the previous "smash the button and win" encounters so people can learn in smaller steps. If they really need/want to allow easy way, make that an option for those wanting it that way, but let others enjoy content where some thinking/using what tools you have is required :)


And yes the boss was too easy compared to the packs you cleaned first. Strange design, altho I'm very happy the packs at least proved some challenge.


No offense taken. I would love to be able to have both hard encounters for people who desire that and easy encounters for people who need that.


It's the neverending story of trying to please the two extremes. I NEED encounters to be relatively easy, otherwise I'll give up and stop playing. You NEED encounters to be occasionally challenging in order for the experience to feel worthy.


It's why the MMO genre is still in its infancy. No one has yet come up with a solution for all of our problems. But at least I can ***** about it being too hard on the forums. ;)

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No offense taken. I would love to be able to have both hard encounters for people who desire that and easy encounters for people who need that.


It's the neverending story of trying to please the two extremes. I NEED encounters to be relatively easy, otherwise I'll give up and stop playing. You NEED encounters to be occasionally challenging in order for the experience to feel worthy.


It's why the MMO genre is still in its infancy. No one has yet come up with a solution for all of our problems. But at least I can ***** about it being too hard on the forums. ;)


Very true. I actually made a suggestion along these lines for allowing people some sort of option for storyline boss difficulty. That way they'd be fun for both extremes, with very little extra work. One can alwas hope... :p

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I've never needed to use whirlwind before. Why would it suddenly come to mind that it's even something to use in Attis. Besides, Qyzen always breaks CC's because I accidentally turned on all of his abilities like a newb. Plus, I thought I could heal thru the damage, not knowing that Qyzen, who was unstoppable before, would become a paper doll. This is bad design, plain and simple.


I don't quite get this complaint though. You apparently spent a lot of time on the mission, got close to giving up, felt incoming damage was too high and hit a huge respawn timer. Yet only much later, after tons of time spent, you ended up using Force Lift? When you had this high incoming damage, and things felt too hard, wouldn't it make sense to think about what was going wrong, and getting the idea "Hmm, this incoming damage is rather high, so I need to lower it. I have this ability called Force Lift which will control one of three targets for a minute, that should help a lot." instead of just rushing back in and expecting that things would suddenly end up different the next time you tried?


While I haven't had any issues with the story quests aside from the bugged Vivicar Awaits (hello there, 5 groups of mobs at once), I can agree that the difficulty curve isn't overly smooth, and could use a bit of work. However the difficulty mostly varries between 'faceroll easy and impossible to die' and 'somewhat challenging but quite easy when using the tools you were given'. (If anything, I'd advocate equalizing out the difficulty curve to smoothly increase the difficulty over the levels, not to nerf the few parts which offer a bit of a challenge) We're not exactly talking about missions which only a small percentage of the playerbase is even capable of doing. If you've played MMO's for that long, you've undoubtedly figured out by now what the value of crowd control is. I don't really think Bioware would need to announce the need to use skill X with big neon signs everywhere.

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