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*** Attis Station


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This thread made me go in assuming I'll die a lot, but lol it wasn't even that hard. Those who had problems, do you guys pvp at all? How can pvp'ers not be familiar with CC/interrupts/burst dps? :confused:


I just CC the caster and went all out on the melee. Then just Mind Snap/Force Stun/Force Wave to interrupt the caster. I used the Hoko pvp spec and Qyzen, and except to refresh bubbles I only needed to heal Qyzen before breaking the caster's CC.


All you need are CC and interrupts for the caster, and a burst dps rotation to kill the others asap. I hope Bioware doesn't nerf these PVE contents.


As one of the people who wrote saying it was a hard mission, I'll say "No, I do not PvP". This is my first MMO ever, and I know I'm still climbing the learning curve. For example, I'm a level 40 Balance Sage and finally figured out today how to effectively use Presence of Mind to DPS more effectively. Yep, about bleeping time. No sense in getting smacked around in PvP until I have a fighting chance and can learn from a whooping.


I agree that Bioware shouldn't dumb down the missions. I just hope the even out the learning curve.

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Edit : also, are you putting 2 points on telek tree for extra 100 force? That helps a bunch... I never ran into force problems before :/ , at 42+ i can tell you will stop worrying about force alltogether.


What happens at level 42?

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Why did I find this thread? Because I agree this is a tough quest and I wanted to see what others were saying.


The boss is a joke, but those groups are really tough.


I did it today with my lvl36 Seer (18/9/0). And yes, I died 3 or 4 times and I ran out of the zone to reset the mobs at least another 4-5 times. But after repeatedly killing myself and eventually 3 groups with Qyzen Fess as tank, I gave it a try with Zenith instead.


New tactics: Just like with Qyzen lift one sith, burst the low hp guy but tank the other sith myself, slow him, stun him - and aggro ping-pong between Zenith and myself whenever possible (just reduce your own threat and he will run over to Zenith at some point).


Zenith deals a lot more damage, has some nice defensive abilities and the ping-pong thing actually made my life a lot easier because those sith deal a lot less damage while running. Also you got the buff from the device so it's actually not that bad when they eventually hit you. Break out of stuns/death grips whenever the cool down is ready, interrupt just about everything they cast, keep shield and hots up but move instead of healing and deal damage instead.


That way I managed to do the other 3 groups without dieing and no extensive healing either. And I'd like to point out that my Zenith has no fancy gear at all while Qyzen's gear is actually pretty good.


Was it fun? Yes and no. Yes, because I finally made it.

No, because it was a great waste of time for a simple intermediate quest. I think they should nerf this one. Or change the difficulty rating to not show up as yellow for a lvl 36 toon...

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I dont know what to tell you...


I did this quest 2 levels below the average lvl for it, using qyzen and being a seer... And i didnt had trouble with it.

Quzen tanked it fine, mobs didnt resist the cc.... Everything was smooth.


Yes, it was more challenging than others , but it was not by any means that monster you make it sound...



Also, on a MMO , there really isnt anything you can classify as solo content, you can do it , ofc, but like all quests ig, you can very easily bring someone else to help you.



Imho, this part of the chain was perfect as a wake up call to whats to come after it, as in, it forces you to be better, and even if you blaze through it, it makes you think about gearing up a bit your companion and yerself.



Edit : also, are you putting 2 points on telek tree for extra 100 force? That helps a bunch... I never ran into force problems before :/ , at 42+ i can tell you will stop worrying about force alltogether.



personally i think the quest is bugged. Not as bugged as one of the more notorious Jedi knight quests, but still bugged.


I've tried it with every single companion too no avail yet. I've had all cc spells consistently resisted or wear off early even when I haven't used aoe cc breaking spells. As far as getting help, that's not always possible. there were exactly 3 of us on the 'planet' when I last tried and 2 of them were afk after raging about it. And nobody in the guild with a charcter that could help.


I'll likely shelf the Consular and go play something else till I see the patch notes with this being adjusted.

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personally i think the quest is bugged. Not as bugged as one of the more notorious Jedi knight quests, but still bugged.


I've tried it with every single companion too no avail yet. I've had all cc spells consistently resisted or wear off early even when I haven't used aoe cc breaking spells. As far as getting help, that's not always possible. there were exactly 3 of us on the 'planet' when I last tried and 2 of them were afk after raging about it. And nobody in the guild with a charcter that could help.


I'll likely shelf the Consular and go play something else till I see the patch notes with this being adjusted.


Why is it bugged? Its just harder than previous missions.


What lvl are/were you when you tried? Whats your specc? Using stims/packs?



There are a lot of options for this mission, but ill say it again, it is harder than previous ones, but is by no means impossible / bugged if your at same lvl or above the npcs and your (+ companion) gear is up to date.


Im soeaking as a seer sage.

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The quest is defiantly a step up in difficulty from any storyline quest that came before. Having said that, it's not unreasonable once you find a tactic that works. As a balance shadow, I started off by trying the usual tank&spank with Qyzen I'd used for pretty much everything else in the game. I did alright with the first group, but failed miserably on the other groups.


Then I switched to Theran and started using my crowd control abilities. Mind mazing the sorcerer in the group while I tanked and burned down the 2 melees. Between Holiday and my own interrupts I managed without to much trouble. After I was done, I found that I actually became a better player on later bosses due to a better grasp of different tactics.

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did this last night on my 36 shadow as balance spec. The two 3 pulls were I think the most challenging encounter so far. Just used Tharan, used cc, interupted, and kited the last one to give time to get healed and regen force. I'm not seeing many people talking about kiting. You need to kite. Kiting and regening/getting healed up is key on any tough fight in pve or pvp for that matter.


Also to some of you infiltration spec'd shadows, try balance while you are leveling. Its great not having to worry about depending on shadow strike for the mass of your dmg and its nice to have more ranged power, not to mention dot power. I plan on going back to infiltration at 50 for pvp but leveling as balance has been much better for me.


Lastly you are going combat stance right. That makes a huge difference so I hope you guys are doing that vs elite 3 pulls.

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I don't even remember this mission. I might of died a few times, sometimes I get lazy or lose patience and try the fastest way through.


Stark was the most difficult consular story quest. Once I figured out what I was doing wrong, I destroyed him. My best advice to Sages is DPS is so important when you get higher level.


There is a side quest boss in a cave on Voss that did more Melee damage than I had ever seen. My usually strategy of DPS, Cloud Mind, Heal Nadia, DPS. Sometimes I rescue nadia and take some damage to even things out if I'm behind healing. None of that worked. He only had like 25khps though I knew I could burn him down, and that's what I did.


Force Speed is in the game for a reason. Use it and run out of the enemies range if things are going bad. The combat in this game is very rewarding for me. When I execute my tactics properly I crush stuff.

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If people are used to using zerg playstyles, I can see why people have trouble with this area, but with all the tools a Consular has by this point in the game, it's not really that hard.


I did it as Infiltration Shadow with Tharan (Holiday on) pretty easily with no deaths...I doubt my health ever reached 50%. Was pretty much on-level with the mobs. On difficult stuff, sometimes I need to go to Combat technique to allow Tharan to be able to keep up on healing, but didn't need that here...Shadow Technique the whole way.



The keys are:




Interrupts (include all stuns and incapacitates in a rotation)




Burn softest targets first - (A lot of people seriously underestimate how much damage "weak" mobs in this game do sometimes...they're weak because they die fast, not because they can't kill you.)



I'm used to playing like this all the time, even on weak/easy mobs...so I didn't need to make any adjustments to my play to get through it. It's overkill on easier stuff, but it forms good habits. I didn't roll this spec to just charge in and smash face in terms of playstyle.


The legitimate gripe people have in this fight is if they are playing a Healing sage, the interface does not make it easy to stay on top of interrupts while healing. Other than that, they fight mainly just forces players to actually use all their buttons in an experienced manner.


Definitely enjoyed the area, personally.

Edited by Boarg
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I gotta say, the difficulty level of this one took me completely by surprise. I ran into this on lvl 37 with my new shiny twi'lek companion and got blowed up big time. After an initial 'wth' moment, I switched to Tharan, my usual 'slow n steady' tactic, and got past the first encounter. Once inside, I noticed the doodads on the wall that give you a defence buff. This buff has no visible timer and just disappears randomly (sometimes the buff is there for ages; other times for seconds) and does not work on your companion, so if he takes aggro, he's up the creek with no paddle, and then so are you.


I'm plenty used to using my CC/interrupts/heals etc but this place is nuts. It took me waaaay too long to do the 9 encounters in Attis Station. I'm all for difficult content and earning your stripes, but compared to previous quests in the class story line, this one comes right out of left field. Doable, but strikingly unusually difficult.

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righto, Yes the difficulty is a step up from normal. I noticed it in general on Quesh as a whole(usually being overleveled unless it was a bonus, when I arrived whole planet was that way) by the time I was doing Athiss station I was level 42. Since after the first mob I saw a huge increase in difficulty, as a TK sage i'd lift one and drag them away from him so that Qyzen and I can aoe to our hearts content. The only time i had trpuble was against the 3 sith on the upper level, and because Qyzen accidently released someone from CC. But Yes if there's a clear for complete change in difficulty(i haven't gotten further, i'm a completionist so doing the rest of the stuff on Quesh) for the Consular?
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It's hard, really, but manageable. With shadow.

I took out one of the sith (usually the sorcerer) with Mind Maze. Since my lift only works for 8 secs, I have to open with this.

Lift the other and nuke the third with all I got. It takes longer than my lift, but there's the Force Stun to get some more time. And using a medkit. Interrupt is a MUST, interrupt everything with a castingbar. Really.

After killing one, get the second. Usually the Mind Maze is still in effect (if the mob didn't get any damage. If it did, I'm dead anyways).

Have a little time to heal up a bit, and finish the job.

I usually left the sorcerers for last becouse they are a pain for me. I interrupt all I can but they still pushing me with the damn lightning.

I admit, those mobs were the hardest class quest yet. For me, maybe the Alderaan master was harder, but just maybe.

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I just went through this, it was tough, but not impossible. Definitely have to CC the main Sith, and burn the adds. Your companion will die a few times, and you might as well, but get up and kill what is left. Don't wait too long, or else the adds will come back while you're fighting.


Also, if you use the little flashing rejuvenation boxes along the walls, it will reduce the damage you take. I started to run over, even during fights and hitting it when the buff was gone. After that, it seemed to go ok with a sage, still a pain in the ***.

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This part of your quest line requires you to actually think. You just can't go in there and muscle the place.


I used Tharan. I wiped on my first attempt in there, changed my strategy and solo'd the place at level 35 without dying again. I never even had to use the buff that the objects gave.


1.) Put Tharan in healing mode.


2.) Stand next to Tharan.


3.) Bubble yourself and Tharan.


4.) Have Tharan attack one of the strong adds. Tharan will break out Holiday and CC his add.


5.) Force Lift the Elite or Caster and focus fire the other Strong add.


6.) When yours is down, heal Tharan and unload on his add. Make sure you stand in Tharan's green healing cloud he puts on the ground.


7.) Before you attack the 3rd add that is Force Lifted, heal up, bubble and then give him his dirt nap.


8.) Rinse and repeat for the rest of the room.

Edited by Alkiii
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I could not manage this with Qyzen, then changed to Zenith and was a lot easy to do. It is important as someone said to stun Force Lift one of the 3 Sith. After you this and free the prisoners, you get another 3 Sith on the top floor before you liberate the scientists I guess. But at first this was very much stressful.

Since then I have learned then Zenith is easyier at my side then Mr.Crocodile Qyzen call me Herald please. :D

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I found this quest difficult as well. I was sure that this was supposed to be a Heroic 2+ and checked a few times to make sure i wasn't missing it. I was a 36 balance sage and had Theran out. I like the trick someone posted about knocking 1-2 of the 3 off of the walkway and them pathing back up. I took advantage of that as well, with a few dots thrown on before the fall. I'm glad to read I wasn't the only one who experienced some difficulty at Attis Station. :o
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Each AC and build has different stengths and weaknesses. An encounter that is easy for one build may not be so easy for another. That said, I did not find this encounter particularly hard as a Kenetic Shadow.


Using Tharan, I stealthed then mezzed the hardest mob (usually the Reaver (sp?)). I then moved back out of aggro range to the max distance of my Force Lift/Force Pull. I targeted the second strongest mob and started Force Lift. While that was casting, I targeted the third mob and as soon as Force Lift cast and the proverbial scat hit the fan, I force pulled the third to me and proceeded to beat the living crap out of him.


As the Force Lift expires, the first mob is generally dead or nearly so. I then kill the second mob. Once the second mob is down, I can then deal with the mezzed one. If it is the lightning monkey, the key is to keep his lightning attacks interrupted and don't stand in the blue circle.


Following that stategy with each group, I did not die once. CC'ing the hardest mob with the longest CC is obvious as is using Force Lift on a second. It keeps the mobs out of the fight until the excess DPS against you is dispatched. Getting out to max distance and Force Pulling the third mob to you gets that mob to you quickly while making the other mobs have to run to you once their CC ends. This gives you extra seconds to work with. It also allows you to use Force Breach, which is an AoE when using Combat Technique, or other AoE if needed without waking up the mezzed mob.


Clearly, a Sage is not going to be able to stealth and force pull. Likewise, Tharan may not be your choice. However, you can make things easier by using Force Lift or any other CC you have. If your CC is being broken, bear in mind you don't have to CC them near where your companion is fighting. CC one, and let them come to you before you sic Lizard boy on them. But, especially with the Reaver, you have to pay attention to interrupts and, if it is you, you have to keep out of his area effect.


These encounters are designed to take you out of your comfort zone. And that is a good thing. Either way, I am big on doing hard things by myself just for the challenge. However, this is an MMO after all. There is nothing wrong with asking for help. In fact, that is what the genre is designed to encourage.

Edited by Sotaudi
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I attempted this quest last night, lvl 37 heal sage. Gave up after the 3rd wipe.

I managed do down one group even using CC, Quezen just folds like wet paper.


Came on here to see if I was missing something. Perhaps the buff stations and CCing the caster will be enough to get me through it. Or I'll just get a lvl50 guildy to help

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I attempted this quest last night, lvl 37 heal sage. Gave up after the 3rd wipe.

I managed do down one group even using CC, Quezen just folds like wet paper.


Came on here to see if I was missing something. Perhaps the buff stations and CCing the caster will be enough to get me through it. Or I'll just get a lvl50 guildy to help


If you arent CCing the caster or elite, that is why your having a difficult time.

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I've been able to overcome the difficulty of this class quest using some of the strategies already mention in this thread.


My HUGE problem right now is, I've saved 4/6 scientists, but there are no more around.


All imperial forces (and Sith) have been defeated. Nothing else has spawned (or is spawning).


Attis Station is completely empty—there are just dead bodies scattered everywhere.


I've tried resetting the phase (the only thing it resets are the coolant tanks you can blow up), I've tried logging out and logging back in, etc. Nothing seems to work.


I submitted a ticket, but haven't heard anything back for two days.


Any advice and/or suggestions would be much appreciated.



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