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*** Attis Station


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Yeah, it's a bit overkill. It was perhaps written back before companion tanks had their defenses cut by like 600%.


I had to zerg some of the packs by focus-firing and then running out of the instance. I also force waved someone off the second floor a couple of times.

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finnished yesterday as level 36, but shadow infiltrator, using Qyzen...2 deaths but ok in the end...


mind maze one (the elite), pop up..kill asap a strong one, force cloak, heal, go mind maze the elite, kill them. Use interrupts to minimize their damage. Have force cloak ready for the next group. Rinse and repeat for each group. Deactivate the AOE abilities on companion...

had 2 deaths until I learned this rotation. takes time.


I provided here an example for the most powerful group met there, an elite and 2 strongs. also upstairs on the 3 strongs, I suggest to mindmaze the strong DBLS and kill the other 2 sbls first, using the same strategy...he has insane dps and you need to focus interrupts on him...


Sorry I can't help ya with a tactic for sages..:(

Edited by LanceGabriell
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As balance spec shadow using tharan, cc one mob, had tharan do the pull on another, nuke down the 3rd(or 2nd), force cloak..heal up, cc one of 2 remaining(or not if theres only 1)


And voila, easymode killing the last mobs..and force cloak cd is ready before next pull/using buff station.

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Not sure what the issue is with this place, did it easily as Heal Sage with Qyzen (in about 5levels sub-par gear).


For each pull:


Make sure you have the buff from the clickable station before each pull.

Force Shield Companion, then Self - (important so you can reapply bubble to companion first)

after 5s set companion to attack weakest mob and force lift the Elite Mob/Caster if there is no elite.

Keep the Force Shield up at all times, and interrupt the lightning with your interrupt/stun/even knockback! if necessary.


Rinse, Repeat. Just the same as any pack with elites/strong mobs.

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Ummmmmmmmm quest is yellow and my companion tank gets two shot and then i get two shot and dead...any advice help something lol way to squishy for this quest i guess


This quest was a pain in the butt for me too OP. As a sage, I had to use evey trick in my bag, the aid station, Biochem stims, Force Lift. Force Lift is necessary for this area, which should be a 2+ quest if it wasn't a class quest.

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Who play tested this level? Only people who are expert WOW-like MMO'ers? This is ludicrous. I have no problem with very hard missions, but they could at least builld up to this, as a way of training people to get ready for the tougher fights.


And the ridiculously easy "boss" in the middle?!?


I'm really hoping there are no more unbalanced missions liek this one.

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I had trouble with the mission at first... Untill i used the stations before -every- pull.


Cc one, nuke the normal, pet tanks the third.


Imho, the atations made it a lot easier, but given, was one of the hardest i encountered.


Also, please note, you dont have to solo everything regarding your class quests... Duoing these missions is often the best choice.

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Beat this last night as a lvl 38 infiltration shadow. It wasn't easy. I'd say use Tharan for his healing and CC abilities (unless you are a healing sage) and make sure you get the buffs from the station.


Have all your buffs ready and definitely a medpac if you aren't a healer.


My strategy was to CC the castor elites first before the warriors. Once I took down the other elites, then make sure to cast a lot of interrupts on the castor (especially force storm).


If possible bring a friend.

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Who play tested this level? Only people who are expert WOW-like MMO'ers? This is ludicrous. I have no problem with very hard missions, but they could at least builld up to this, as a way of training people to get ready for the tougher fights.


And the ridiculously easy "boss" in the middle?!?


I'm really hoping there are no more unbalanced missions liek this one.

And I am hoping there are.


Let's face it - it is a class mission and class quests don't block for other missions on a planet, so anybody who has trouble with it can outlevel it with minor effort.


Letting the few hard missions in the game or those requiring the player to actually plan his actions and use CC abilities be class missions makes excellent sense, so long as there are ways to get around the difficulty for those that get fed up.


It is entirely possible to play consular until Attis station without using CC and interrupts in more than a sporadic fashion, but Attis station really encourages the player to use his class abilities. (With the option of leveling up and stomping it if he is, for whatever reason, incapable of completing it at the levels Quesh is intended for).

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And I am hoping there are.


Let's face it - it is a class mission and class quests don't block for other missions on a planet, so anybody who has trouble with it can outlevel it with minor effort.


Letting the few hard missions in the game or those requiring the player to actually plan his actions and use CC abilities be class missions makes excellent sense, so long as there are ways to get around the difficulty for those that get fed up.


It is entirely possible to play consular until Attis station without using CC and interrupts in more than a sporadic fashion, but Attis station really encourages the player to use his class abilities. (With the option of leveling up and stomping it if he is, for whatever reason, incapable of completing it at the levels Quesh is intended for).


I'm agreeing with you. I like having to use my class unique abilities in class missions. But as someone who played the KOTOR games but never an MMO, I'd like to be gradually brought into the abilities rather than hitting a wall. I'm playing a Sage and went thru the rest of the game fairly easily using Fess to tank, and only rarely having to force lift and interupts. Suddenly having to use a different companion and a very precise combo of moves repeatedly in the same room around a tomato of a "boss" doesn't make sense to me. Bioware could have put dealing with 2 and 3 Siths in a group first, then put 2 of those groups in the same area. And have soem missions where you really need the unique characterisitics of the differne tcompanions. I liked that aspect of the KOTOR games.

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It was certainly one of the harder quests but I don't understand why some people are having so much trouble.


Force lift a gold mob.

Set Qyzen at other gold mob.

Interrupt the gold with force stun/silence spell/jumping knockback spell every time he tries to use a spell.


Solo kill silver, heal Qyzen, finish off his gold, and then regen and finally kill the force lifted guy.


The only real trick is to use your CC/interrupts for once. Just because they haven't been required for any fight prior to this, doesn't mean they shouldn't be used.

Edited by rzebiak
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It was certainly one of the harder quests but I don't understand why some people are having so much trouble.


Force lift a gold mob.

Set Qyzen at other gold mob.

Interrupt the gold with force stun/silence spell/jumping knockback spell every time he tries to use a spell.


Solo kill silver, heal Qyzen, finish off his gold, and then regen and finally kill the force lifted guy.


The only real trick is to use your CC/interrupts for once. Just because they haven't been required for any fight prior to this, doesn't mean they shouldn't be used.





And like i said before, if youre having too much trouble, just bring a friend.

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How was this place hard? Sure you need to use some CC and interrupts, but that isn't exactly rocket surgery. Then again, I'm probably biased after doing the Jedi Knight quests, try doing those and come back complaining how hard this is.
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I think it was easier on my seer spec'd sage. It may be more difficult than your regular encounters, but it is doable. It requires more focus and attention to what mobs you are encountering, and how you react. If you take this area as an "lol charge in and dps" zone, you are in for a surprise. I personally loved this instance because it was trickier and provided a decent challenge. It's also a good way to train Consular's on utilizing all of their abilities and utilities at their disposal.


In my opinion, it was great having to think about what to do and how to respond to the different situations. If people are complaining about the challenge of the zone, I don't know what to tell you. :(

Edited by nokstar
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If people are complaining about the challenge of the zone, I don't know what to tell you. :(


I don't feel it is unreasonable to complain about a Heroic 2 quest stuck in what is supposed to be solo content. I tried running this on my Seer and the regen stations don't seem to effect Qyzen - he certainly doesn't have one of those little droids flying around him. If he goes down, it doesn't matter what kind of damage mitigation I have.


Also, interrupting is a nifty idea, but not while I'm trying to keep Qyzen healed. If I stop healing him to interrupt something, he can get killed before I get another Deliverance off or I'll be OOM before the end of the fight from using Benevolence.


I have to say I find this to be design: FAIL. I've been using CC all along - when Qyzen doesn't break it by turning back on his EMP after I turned it off for the dozenth time. I know to interrupt the nasty stuff or heals. But this makes it so I can't make more than one mistake. If I don't line up by casting just right, I'm dead or running back to the green curtain when Qyzen falls. I don't feel like a hero, I feel like I'm supposed to be a robot executing a program.

Edited by Gyrfalcon
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I don't feel it is unreasonable to complain about a Heroic 2 quest stuck in what is supposed to be solo content. I tried running this on my Seer and the regen stations don't seem to effect Qyzen - he certainly doesn't have one of those little droids flying around him. If he goes down, it doesn't matter what kind of damage mitigation I have.


Also, interrupting is a nifty idea, but not while I'm trying to keep Qyzen healed. If I stop healing him to interrupt something, he can get killed before I get another Deliverance off or I'll be OOM before the end of the fight from using Benevolence.


I have to say I find this to be design: FAIL. I've been using CC all along - when Qyzen doesn't break it by turning back on his EMP after I turned it off for the dozenth time. I know to interrupt the nasty stuff or heals. But this makes it so I can't make more than one mistake. If I don't line up by casting just right, I'm dead or running back to the green curtain when Qyzen falls. I don't feel like a hero, I feel like I'm supposed to be a robot executing a program.


I dont know what to tell you...


I did this quest 2 levels below the average lvl for it, using qyzen and being a seer... And i didnt had trouble with it.

Quzen tanked it fine, mobs didnt resist the cc.... Everything was smooth.


Yes, it was more challenging than others , but it was not by any means that monster you make it sound...



Also, on a MMO , there really isnt anything you can classify as solo content, you can do it , ofc, but like all quests ig, you can very easily bring someone else to help you.



Imho, this part of the chain was perfect as a wake up call to whats to come after it, as in, it forces you to be better, and even if you blaze through it, it makes you think about gearing up a bit your companion and yerself.



Edit : also, are you putting 2 points on telek tree for extra 100 force? That helps a bunch... I never ran into force problems before :/ , at 42+ i can tell you will stop worrying about force alltogether.

Edited by Lctl
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Cleared this in one run with Tharan healing, and using the buff stations.

No real problems till the triple pack up the stairs, but i found that if i cc'd one, then used force wave between the two, i could punt one over the balcony, and focus on the remaining mob while the other ran back up the stairs.


Rinse and repeat when force wave was ready, made the pack fairly trivial.

Even when the CC wore off on mob no.3, i could still fire one off the balcony with careful positioning.

Gotta love force wave :cool:

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Also, interrupting is a nifty idea, but not while I'm trying to keep Qyzen healed. If I stop healing him to interrupt something, he can get killed before I get another Deliverance off or I'll be OOM before the end of the fight from using Benevolence.


Just some advice on your skill choices, and that's all I'm really going to address with this post. If you are high enough level to be doing this quest, and you are seer spec, you should not be using Deliverance as your primary heal really.


Healing Trance is more cost/force effective even though it is channeled, and pretty much just as good. If you precede it with Rejuvenate (for the Conveyance buff) you have an improved critical chance with basically stacked HoT, and with the right talents increased armor on your tank. Combined with Force Armor, Qyzen should not be going down easy.


Additionally using Rejuvenate (with Conveyance) before tossing out Deliverance reduces the cast time down to 1.5 seconds. If you are quick enough with the button spam, you can actually pump out two Deliverance's on one proc at 1.5 seconds each as well. Which if you need a quick spike can be useful, but really Healing Trance is usually just so much better and saves your resources.

Edited by Damethian
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Well I and a fellow Consular took on this mission together, They are a sage, and I a Shadow. It is a tough one to do this mission. We both died at least once during this mission. Every that I read here on how to do this mission is perfectly valid. I also didn't know what those stations were for either I have to say ! :p
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This is the first quest that I found hard.


This also happens to be where I found out I need to check to make sure abilities I turned off previously were actually still turned off (ie our Lizard friend's EMP ability!)


Inturrupts, CC (and healing/shielding, if like me you are a healing sage), are the key to winning this.


I died several times, and definitely feel your rage/pain! :) Wait until you get to the boss after Belsavis....

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Edit : also, are you putting 2 points on telek tree for extra 100 force? That helps a bunch... I never ran into force problems before :/ , at 42+ i can tell you will stop worrying about force alltogether.


I do have Mental Longevity and it does help significantly.


Healing Trance is more cost/force effective even though it is channeled, and pretty much just as good. If you precede it with Rejuvenate (for the Conveyance buff) you have an improved critical chance with basically stacked HoT, and with the right talents increased armor on your tank. Combined with Force Armor, Qyzen should not be going down easy.


That is some very helpful advice, thanks!

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This thread made me go in thinking I'll die a lot, but lol it wasn't even that hard. Those who had problems, do you guys pvp at all? How can pvp'ers not be familiar with CC/interrupts/burst dps? :confused:


I just CC the caster and went all out on the melee. Then just Mind Snap/Force Stun/Force Wave to interrupt the caster. I used the Hoko pvp spec (presence of mind + instant telekinetic wave hits like a truck, and it's aoe) and Qyzen. Other than refreshing Qyzen's bubbles I only needed to heal him before breaking the caster's CC.


All you need are CC and interrupts for the caster, and a burst dps rotation to kill the others asap. I hope Bioware doesn't nerf these PVE contents.

Edited by aivedoir
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