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Guild summit : PVE & PVP guilds


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Dear All,



For those who do not know who I am, I will open with an introduction and move on from there as to what I have in mind. I am Rebel Dream's GM, a semi-hardcore PVE guild with members from all over,and have been on TOFN for 2.5 years. My guild is actively doing PVE, however, we are no strangers to PVP, and took part in competitive 8 v 8 when they were around. With arenas, we stopped as it was not our cup of tea, however, we do the occasional ranked to change the scenery.


As many of you know, TOFN is the lowest population server in Europe with 'Light Status'' and things will not get better anytime soon. I am not here to debate why this happens, please keep it for another thread, but I am here with the following proposal, where we, the ones who are still playing the game, can help one another out. Please find below :



Guild summit : PVE & PVP guilds


If you are interested in spicing up PVP, PVE, GSF, RP (yes I know :p), sign up in this thread or contact me privately. The more GMs / officers the better because we can sit down and present our case regarding :


1. What problems do we, as a community, have with PVP, and how can we fix them? Class changes are out of our reach so we will not get into that.

2. What problems do we, as a community, have with owPVP, and how can we fix them? Game engine discussions should be reserved for open mic night with the developers.

3. What problems do we, as a community, have with PVE, and how can we fix them? If a guild lacks some tanks, healers, who knows, we may have that. I can tank pretty much all content. Do not ask me to bring my Gunsliger because you will pee your pants. There is no worse gunslinger on the server.



To better understand what I have in mind, I will tackle point 3 as I am more versed in that at the moment. I know for a fact that many pvp-ers on the server would like to get their hands on some exclusive PVE mounts. My guild is pretty decent in PVE and we could make this happen. From the Denova tank,the kinky Brontes Wings and to some 16M NiM achievements. As a PVP guild, you could give us a hand in some competitive arenas. Organize some days where you will queue and provide some friendly feedback / constructive criticism on where we can improve. PVP republic quality is as bad as the population if not worse. For us the rating does not matter much but to have some fun and improve our game. I recall a while back Nutpen organized a Ranked Warzone competition. I could talk to him about an ARENA competition with prizes. I am sure a couple million credits won't harm the winners ;).



The Why



Let us be honest, in these dire times, the community has never been more divided. We have a few guilds still collaborating (Rebel Dream & Outbreak) but outside of that many do not realize how pooling our resources can spice up game play. Some of you cannot queue for ranked because there aren't enough people on the republic side. Why not change that? Collaborate, say when you queue, and let us go in there, kick some *** or get our *** handed to us. I understand the hardcore out there may be bored to butcher the ones who are at a lower level but bear in mind that not getting involved at all will harm the community more. You keep your streak we learn to improve. Done deal :cool:.



Plan of Action


To meet up on Rebel Dream's TS3 server and discuss the situation. We can sit down and hear one another out for 10 minutes. What is wrong, how can we fix it, and how can liaising be done to achieve our goal. You do not have to be a GM to show up, however, you need to be an officer with responsibility who wants to get his guild involved in this project. We could then move on to the next phase and :


1. Create a channel for people to join and share information

2. Register on each other's websites to raise awareness of possible events

3. Make a meeting each fortnight where we can give updates on what is going well and what is going wrong.



Thanks for taking the time to read this and if you are interested, I will be at your disposal for any other information or query you may have. You can contact me in game, on the site here, or even on my guild's website.






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Regardless of what the narrow minded majority may believe about this, Irisa makes some valid points and - regardless of the current state of the server - they should be heeded by all as potential benefit to our community on a whole.


So should this summit idea actually come to fruition I would gladly throw my weight behind it - and that of the entire www.theorderofmidnight.com community, since we are also amongst the few larger guilds who already work actively in supporting & assisting others within the community.


So Irisa, if you would like my assistance in bringing this together from an impside stronghold do let me know and I'll see about gaining momentum on this. I will PM you with contact details :)

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Personally i do love the idea of the whole community getting closer and people and guilds collaborating with various stuff, but I fear my guildmates won't share my enthusiatism about the possibilities this event presents

As being a GM of our Republic side guild (well in name only) I would love to get a chance to listen or even take part to this Guild summit with the hopes of atleast finding some friendly people to maybe play PvP on Republic side.

Tatuoitu, Guildmaster of Liekkipipo ja Pirikiikarit (Rep)


Voimatekniikka of Nahkurin Orsi (Imp)

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Rep side is fine, we need more imp side DF NiM clears.


I've never really thought these "big extreme super awesome fixes and collaborations" are worth it.


Server merge ToFN and TRE and make it PvE-PvP to confuse everyone? ;)

Edited by TheRandomno
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Hey everyone. Good to see some positive replies to this initiative. Given I have something to take care off now, I may need to talk to Baradur tomorrow. We are already working on the platform to help us communicate.



1. Channel created : Alliance (rep side) will make one IMPSIDE as well.

2. Forum section created here. Enjin limitations require us to use this app. This will give you guys the DFA tag which allows you to post in the new section on our site.


I will wait for a bit more feedback and start contacting people individually to kick start the project.

Edited by Leafy_Bug
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i think my guild would support this. (E V O) sadly i cant be part of any summit 'till monday (9th of june) cause i'm on honeymoon trip (dont tell the wife i'm writing here :p ) i will let fatsheep know and see if he can talk to you guys. beside, most of our old members are already part of enrage channel, but i dont mind joining to another channel too.


webpage: http://swtorevo.enjin.com/home


Lucius (E V O)

Edited by MasterKast
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The problem with this server will never be and can never be fixed. Peoples attitude towards other players of a lesser skill to them will continue to drive people away from this server and the game in general, just look at the rubbish that goes on in our forum for the server, there is nothing there that would attract any new players to our server. Peoples b******g towards each other will not go away and will always remain here. You are too late in trying to change anything.


I am looking forward to the new patch coming but will not stay on this server to play it due to the attitude of some of the people on this server. Also the standard of PVP is actually higher on TRE now than it is on TOFN and i actually enjoy doing some of the PVE stuff but my level 180 gear is just not good enough to do with guilds on this server.


Good luck with what ever happens, may the elite players remain on TOFN forever and not move to other servers to spread their elite sickness.

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PvP is dead, when reps players tells that 1000 hps is damn good healer and tank who didnt' know what is guard distance - damn good tank, 200-400 dps, 300 hps... Idk. Only for drunk fun - last what swotor means to me. Edited by helpmewin
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This thread needs a bit of positive attitude and not have people throw in the towel. Already 4 guilds involved in this, with EVO five, and we are still talking on the imperial side. We are already one step in the right direction to set the foundation. This project has a lot of potential but people need to get involved and forget about the petty rivalry. Our community needs a bit of polishing, attitude change, player quality increase and if we do not look at ourselves first how can we even fathom asking other guys to join this server?


Some of you mention transfers. Have you noticed how other people think of us? Nobody wants TOFN people on their servers so I say let us show our true side and not what a few have done to 'promote us'. We go back to basics, we are a PVP server, so all bets are off in owPVP ;). No care bears allowed :D.


For those who recently joined TOFN, we had a very nice Ranked WZ competition for guilds on both factions. We are brainstorming now ideas for regular PVP duels with prizes. People complain PVP doesn't pay well, I beg to differ. Sign up for these competitions, show us you are the best, and fill you pockets. You will get the chance to keep your title.


PVE competitions are also in the works, with a possibility of making a 16M Dream team to cover certain events like hateful and other secret cake ingredients available.



STOP BEING IGNORANT! GET INVOLVED, CARE, IF WE DO NOT HELP OURSELVES, NOBODY WILL! TOFN has light population most of the time, lets raise the quality as quantity is not what we need.



Disclaimer: this summit is to keep the current guilds alive and kicking by sharing resources. Just today I have had people contacting me for spots in Rebel Dream. We do not want to become the only guild on the republic fleet but to see other tags as well.

Edited by Leafy_Bug
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Wildstar did hit the game hard... me myself bought it but havent actually got into it to play yet and not sure its worth trying cause i'm on a laptop and can't really play anything cause i managed to spill pepsi in my gaming rig which was not too healthy.. and i will be getting a new one but might take a while since i chose to break my computer right in the middle of a intel new cpu release... ;_; so i guess couple of weeks xD


I doubt PVP skillcap is higher on tre people like to kid themselves that, it was a nice community before paid transfers and stuff it was quite fun and had alot of good players but most of those quit the game when 8v8 ranked was taken out and they where also on tofn at that point :p Alot of good players in general have quit the game.. Though regs probably aren't all that different and if you want more pve choice i guess its an option if you cant find the people here..


tbh anyone left with interest in ranked arenas should just go here and increase the player pool for group ranked.. so there is some teams playing again when my comp is fixed xD but i'm starting to doubt it.. xD


Also if people dont like hodor or haddaway they should get out anyway.

Edited by AngusFTW
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Wildstar did hit the game hard... me myself bought it but havent actually got into it to play yet and not sure its worth trying cause i'm on a laptop and can't really play anything cause i managed to spill pepsi in my gaming rig which was not too healthy.. and i will be getting a new one but might take a while since i chose to break my computer right in the middle of a intel new cpu release... ;_; so i guess couple of weeks xD


I doubt PVP skillcap is higher on tre people like to kid themselves that, it was a nice community before paid transfers and stuff it was quite fun and had alot of good players but most of those quit the game when 8v8 ranked was taken out and they where also on tofn at that point :p Alot of good players in general have quit the game.. Though regs probably aren't all that different and if you want more pve choice i guess its an option if you cant find the people here..


tbh anyone left with interest in ranked arenas should just go here and increase the player pool for group ranked.. so there is some teams playing again when my comp is fixed xD but i'm starting to doubt it.. xD


Also if people dont like hodor or haddaway they should get out anyway.


Tre has the better regs/average, TOFN's "better" pvpers, and ranked pvpers, are far superior though. Its a case of the they have a higher average, we have better ranked.


Or we did, problem I can see this game having is that wildstar doesn't have a company like EA driving it to make money, they seem to be hitting all the boxes for hardcore mmo/pvpers atm.


Can't say I know anything about the pve, but apparantly the PVE in that game also is on another level.

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The problem with this server will never be and can never be fixed. Peoples attitude towards other players of a lesser skill to them will continue to drive people away from this server and the game in general, just look at the rubbish that goes on in our forum for the server, there is nothing there that would attract any new players to our server. Peoples b******g towards each other will not go away and will always remain here. You are too late in trying to change anything.


I have a char on TRE and all day I can see rainbows and Hello Kittens in the general chat :rak_grin:


Seriously mate, take off those pink glasses of yours.

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Speaking about WS and TRE in this thread is a bit out of place.

I did a random check last time and in other server forums they hardly mention that game (actually there was no mention about it in any first page). Our forum has been doing it since 2.0. (1 year plus) Is som1 being paid by that game to promote it here.

Honestly if I am bored of a game I just leave, and I dont say where I am going in a server of another forum.

If you are fed up on TOFN there is other servers waiting for you as well.


Our server whether we like it or not is in a weak spot at the moment (PvP been declining this way since 2,3 and BW famed Arena announcement) and now it hit the bottom. What can I say sometimes the only way is up.

But the game (this server) was in a similar spot when GW2 launched and in the end it came back stronger, ask to the guilds queing Ranked WZ in September of 2012.


The problems of PVE are in my opinion very different to those of PVP, and that this server has ended up with (I speak mostly for Republic side) with a couple of very big guilds and very little or nothing starter or social raiding guilds. In todays world this is what makes a game sell the social aspect of the game, and from these a couple of more core players are usually born. I remember when I came on this server in June 2012 and there was all sort of raiding guilds from those more social, to the night workers etc etc It was an interesting different perspective.

Anyways if you come from a real job and you have 10000 meetings a day about performance the last thing you want is drama in your raiding team being PvP or PvE. The core community is important but is not as important as you may think, that is all. A game is most of all about having fun, sometimes me included tend to forget this.


Anyway this is a good initiative, if people work out more together something good can come of it on both sides of the fence (PvP or PvE). Good luck to all.

Edited by limenutpen
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Well due to wildstar there are only 3 now online in my guild, none of us are officers, but will like to attend this meeting, I have serveral ideas that could help the server move forward in the open world pvp senario. These are effective ideas which no one has thought off....
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I will leave this thread open till Monday and get in touch with those who have shown interest. As per my guild's website :


Dear All,




Please find below our partner guilds so far :


1. Order of Midnight

2. The Black Forge.

3. Hope and Glory.

4. EVO



Confirmed and interested in making things happen. On monday, I will contact individually in game everyone who gives me their main and aim at a quick meeting that week. No point in gilding the lilly so to say. If your guild is trully suffering and none of the management is online, we will of course give you a chance to share your ideas.

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Speaking about WS and TRE in this thread is a bit out of place.

I did a random check last time and in other server forums they hardly mention that game (actually there was no mention about it in any first page). Our forum has been doing it since 2.0. (1 year plus) Is som1 being paid by that game to promote it here.



tbf TRE has an unofficial forum, where most of the action takes place and heck "that" game has been hyped there to the max as well. All in all they have quite entertaining pit as well, so yeah, no moral superiority there.


Actually people were not really unhappy when some people from TOFN came over, just to get ranked going a bit more (it died quickly again), but despite the seemingly bad reputation, it is not like you guys would not be welcome.


Appart from that this initiative is a good idea, make the most of it while it lasts. Although I think a server merge might be probably the best solution, I don't really see it happening soon.


About WS, well time will tell, somehow it is fun atm because it is good in all what star wars is lacking, but that might just be the aspect of novelty. I guess in months time we will find out whether it kills star wars pvp or not. For now most competitive pvper and some nubs like me are playing it.

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Server merges want happen especially PvP with PvE, what BW discussed hinted a couple of times (months back) is to create mega server for each continent (2 for USA E and W) with style of play PVE/PVP/RP and language instances which cannot be switched. If they do this x-server would be solved and pops would be more then enough for PVP and group finder ques. Similar to what they have in ESO.


PvP wise what WS has more to this game is X-server and the mega 40 men WZ a sort of open world PvP. PvE there is the novelty of a totally new game. I do not like its seven buttons only abilities, but its AOE function hit all aspect (even allies) is interesting....

Considering who is involved with WS that game is all about challenging WoW and the features some people shout so much in WS have been in WoW for quite some time (since 2009).

Some numbers to ponders.

Sales wise the people in the industry are saying WS has sold about 500k so far only 1/3 of SWTOR on release with 1.7 million and 2.3 total after the first month. SWTOR had a short of 1 million subs a month into F2P, 11 months after its release. Its smallest amount number of subs is about 300k.




Anyways Irisa contacted me so may be we would create a PVP league again, I have been pondering my thoughts again about this so if there is support I am up for creating this again.

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