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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

2.8+ DPS Leaderboard

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Did a Marksman parse because I was bored. Inb4 Baird beats me cuz he's bored too.


Hashtäg <Zorz> (Harbinger) - Marksman Sniper - 36/3/7 - 3837.25 4m 21.43s

Log: http://www.torparse.com/a/714281/time/1404366658/1404366919/0/Damage+Dealt

Same AMR as Lethality


He called it and yes I was very bored also, so I decided to dust the parsing shoulders off, this is what I came up with.


Baird <Severity Gaming> (PoT5) - Sharpshooter Gunslinger - 36/3/7 - 3852.31 (4.20.633s)


Log: http://www.torparse.com/a/714369/time/1404392358/1404392618/0/Damage+Dealt

AMR - when I wake up lol, (basically still have Kell dragon relic SA and Dread forged relic FR , 1 armoring 2 mods and ear missing for BiS )

Edited by M_o_s_e_s
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Congrats, Vesev! Say Hi to Hex, if you will! :-)


Yeah, it's not a ton better than my previous parse, but finally getting past 3860-3870 was nice. Cant even tell you how many times I've seen my parse end within that range lol. And will do man!

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Updating again, same gear/spec, but better on the RNG:



TTK 4m 7.167 seconds, 4050.22dps


Once again updating. Same AMR/Guild/Server, new log:



TTK 4m 1.52 seconds, 4158.16 dps.


WTB Dread Masters mainhand/offhand/relics

Edited by TACeMossie
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Gafnal <Deus Ex Machina> (Jung Ma) - Balance Sage (3/7/36) 3940, 4'13.655s


Parse: http://www.torparse.com/a/714765/41/0/Damage+Dealt

AMR Profile for this parse


1. This parse was on Gafnal but I have a Sorc with legacy gear as well named Javrin in guild <Umbra> Jung Ma.

2. My set armorings are pretty bad for dps (3 Arkanian, 1 Underworld) because I have been a healer until now primarily.

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Thought Tactics needed some love, so got a good one for that too:



Kwerty - Vanguard - 8/36/2

TTK 4:44.24, DPS 3526.02

AMR in Sig, Excession Guild on The Harbinger


Could have done better cause I was swimming in ammo way too much, I have too much crit in my gear, no dread masters gear except implants (though the earpiece is dread touched as is the enhancement in the offhand and mod in the belt), my APM was a bit low, and im using reusable stuff.

Im expecting a 3600 dps Tactics/AP parse out of you guys with DM Offhands by the end of the week

Edited by TACeMossie
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He called it and yes I was very bored also, so I decided to dust the parsing shoulders off, this is what I came up with.


Baird <Severity Gaming> (PoT5) - Sharpshooter Gunslinger - 36/3/7 - 3852.31 (4.20.633s)


Log: http://www.torparse.com/a/714369/time/1404392358/1404392618/0/Damage+Dealt

AMR - when I wake up lol, (basically still have Kell dragon relic SA and Dread forged relic FR , 1 armoring 2 mods and ear missing for BiS )


AMR - I actually forgot about this, sorry about that - http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/c67877c9-a699-4fe9-8a48-764c88cf3eb0

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good job, but the torparse time on my parse is just wrong. There is a reason I posted the right time.

In the log I hit the dummy with saber strike 0.549 seconds AFTER I've killed it, and torparse cuts the parse to that moment so it's not showing time to kill, it's showing time from start of combat to that saber strike hit.

It's not a big deal but it's just not right :p


16:43:31.274 Adixia kills Operations Training Dummy.

16:43:31.823 Adixia's Saber Strike critically hits Operations Training Dummy for 911* energy damage, causing 911 threat!


Here is my post


I'm confused because when I went to correct this ... it was the same? ...

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Sorry Mazanator, I clicked the wrong post reply. That comment was intended for TACeMossie.


Haha no worries. And that looks much better. I was like


"hes doing about as well as me, whats his gear lik...


oh lawd"


(trying to compare assault/pyro vs balance/madness, we dont have any real situations of equal gear yet)


Though you still forgot to hit save! The gear shown is level 50 gear, and it says you're still using a level 50 spec!

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