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10 Good
  1. Congratulations Kwerty! Couldn't think of a better candidate to write the new guides. Both of your current guides are top notch. Really looking forward to trying out the new specs in both pve and pvp. I have a feeling we may be the fotm class in pvp. I take a different approach to this. Once you've learned the rotation it just becomes about awareness in fights. Dummy parses will just end up being lucky. Hunting for luck on HIB procs and Crits. As long as you know how to adapt to failed procs then rotations will remain the same. If you want kwerty to take a quick look at your parse just take a screenshot like mine. He'll be able to spot any simple errors on your parse since the number of stockstrikes and Incendiary round is pretty static. Stat wise you appear to have the companion double buff on your crit as well. I'm at 29.22% ranged with 352 crit. Kwerty worked out that the double companion buffs will roughly gain you 50 extra dps. Stat wise I doubt your parse beats all my stats considering mine uses stockstrike and ir on cool down. The difference between full 180 -186 is about 300dps on max potential. Also take note that because my parse is only 3.39 the number of uses on abilities will be lower.
  2. There we go, finally broke 4.5k. Here's the screenshot. http://i.imgur.com/0wVIs3f.png No double companion buffs. I will provide a torparse log if they ever fix it before 3.0 ^^ http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/a1ad5d55-1afe-4a25-82aa-c21c871bb39a Is my gear. We finally join the shadow and assassin club \o/
  3. http://i.imgur.com/bH7lZY6.png Two times I've got this! Feel my pain
  4. Hey kwerty. I was really bored before work so I thought I'd do a tactics parse. Here's a screenshot of what I got. The parse was by no means perfect, neither is the gear. http://i.imgur.com/lmG6bSY.png
  5. Getting close to a vanguard 4.5k parse. Will try again when fully geared(Missing relic, enhance and 1 more power mod for parsing). Here's a screenshot of a 4461. No Double companion buff, extra shoulder cannons or buffed pulse http://imgur.com/R1ASiLJ
  6. Got myself a couple new pieces for the vanguard so will do some new parses later. A quick question about the rules. The current top vanguard parse http://www.torparse.com/a/729694/1/0/Overview builds three stacks of pulse generator which lasts for 30 seconds in the middle tree so they can have a buffed pulse cannon. Then he respecs and swaps to assault. I'll probably need to use a macro to change skill trees that quickly. If it's allowed i'll do it as well.
  7. Leevcleef - gunslinger - 5/5/36 - 3949.62 http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/2e8eb7e9-c777-4063-ab88-34d2bdddd3a9 http://www.torparse.com/a/715754/time/1404600864/1404601117/0/Overview Had one spot of energy problems near the start so I used a flurry of bolts instead of charged burst
  8. I inserted my numbers into your parse and came up with a different dps Ability___________________ hits____________ average damage/hit______________ damage incendiary round___________13_____________1556.08________________________20229.04 hammer shot_____________133_____________ 240.86________________________32034.38 shoulder cannon__________12 _____________ 2457.25_______________________29487 assault plastique_________16_____________ 5129.33_________________________82069.28 burning tech____________ 60______________1386.76________________________83205.6 shockstrike_____________ 26______________4254.87________________________110626.62 burningtech____________ 76______________1413.97_________________________107461.72 burning tech____________151______________971.27_________________________146661.77 iron pulse______________49_______________3577.37________________________175291.13 high impact bolt_________40_______________6622.51________________________264900.4 _____________________________________________________total_____________1051966.94 So we take this total and divide it by your time of 4m 13.767s ie 253.767 1051966 divided by 253.767 = 4145.4048004666dps
  9. Ijustwantahug - Vanguard - Assault specialist - 4/6/36 http://www.torparse.com/a/701990/time/1403047716/1403047952/0/Damage+Dealt - 4231 http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/a1ad5d55-1afe-4a25-82aa-c21c871bb39a Guild - Titans Server Red eclipse Ok now I think this is the limit for dread forged gear
  10. Ijustwantahug - Vanguard - Assault specialist - 4/6/36 http://www.torparse.com/a/700946/time/1402951845/1402952084/0/Overview - 4178.46dps http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/a1ad5d55-1afe-4a25-82aa-c21c871bb39a Looking forward to seeing the potential dps when I get some dread master gear. Just need to convince my group leader to let me come vanguard instead of gunslinger.
  11. Ijustwantahug - Vanguard - Assault specialist - 4/6/36 http://www.torparse.com/a/700315/time/1402883404/1402883648/0/Overview - 4124 http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/a1ad5d55-1afe-4a25-82aa-c21c871bb39a
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