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Bug ... After Bug ... After Bug. It's annoying.


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You know that phasing was introduced into WoW when they had a long running bug from release that they could not fix? True story. So some poindexter thought if they can't fix it, just work around it. Next thing you know phasing was part of their some of design for WOLTK.
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I like the part where the helpful, non-elitist 'casual' crowd mercilessly ridicules the OP for posting bugs that will soon impact everyone as more and more hit max level, at which point the aforementioned helpful casual community will post dozens of threads DEMANDING this be fixed IMMEDIATELY because they are an adult with kids and they only have three minutes a day to play.
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I'm going to say it every time, if you're in a min-maxing progression going for firsts guild just go back to wow. Seriously just leave now. Nobody here cares at all. The operations here aren't that advanced, there isn't that many and honestly nobody really cared about it but you guys.



Wow is almost exclusively designed for you elitists. It's all about epeen matches. This is about enjoying a game.


If I sold you a car without airbags and your family was ejected out the front windshield would you be okay if I just said you needed to calm down because the car wasn't designed with safety elitists in mind?

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As a programmer, if I was a developer working on this project and I saw this thread, I would say "screw you guys, do it yourselves if you wanna ***** about it"



No really, let me explain something to you Cranberries. We don't care that you're 50. That just tells me your life revolves around something that doesn't exist, meaning you live for nothing. Secondly, telling us the exact amount of hours and how you coulda went faster tells us that you're an elitist jerk. No really, none of us like elitists. Yes, these bugs are problems, and Cutie is right in the sense that they will only become more prevalent as the average population of TOR's levels get higher. At the same time though, you're being a selfish *****. The game does not revolve around Cranberries. This isn't Star Wars: The Old Republic of Cranberries (sounds yummy >.>). These are issues but these aren't MAJOR, GAME-BREAKING issues, and when I say "Game-breaking", I mean the game doesn't work.... which happens to be another issue at the current time. As you can see, the forums are riddled with more malicious bugs and exploits that people are complaining about.


Again, I'd like to remind everyone that this game came out 3 days ago RIGHT OUT OF BETA. Beta doesn't fix all, it fixes most. But like in medicine and every other puzzle/problem-solving career field, fixing issues causes more issues.


TL;DR -- Cranberries, calm yo ****.



Oh and you linking the automotive industry to computing and programming is laughable at best.

Edited by Tsuaxesis
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As a programmer, if I was a developer working on this project and I saw this thread, I would say "screw you guys, do it yourselves if you wanna ***** about it"



No really, let me explain something to you Cranberries. We don't care that you're 50. That just tells me your life revolves around something that doesn't exist, meaning you live for nothing. Secondly, telling us the exact amount of hours and how you coulda went faster tells us that you're an elitist jerk. No really, none of us like elitists. Yes, these bugs are problems, and Cutie is right in the sense that they will only become more prevalent as the average population of TOR's levels get higher. At the same time though, you're being a selfish *****. The game does not revolved around Cranberries. This isn't Star Wars: The Old Republic of Cranberries (sounds yummy >.>). These are issues but these aren't MAJOR, GAME-BREAKING issues. As you can see, the forums are riddled with more malicious bugs and exploits that people are complaining about.


Again, I'd like to remind everyone that this game came out 3 days ago RIGHT OUT OF BETA. Beta doesn't fix all, it fixes most. But like in medicine and every other puzzle/problem-solving career field, it causes more issues.


TL;DR -- Cranberries, calm yo ****.



Oh and you linking the automotive industry to computing and programming is laughable at best.


The irony of a wall of rage ending with "TLDR CALM DOWN" is pretty funny.

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The irony of a wall of rage ending with "TLDR CALM DOWN" is pretty funny.


> Irony

> Irony everywhere



Oh and the TL;DR portion is actually a summarization for those that do not care to read the paragraph of text. It does not conclude the paragraph in any way.

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"The more they overthink the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain." -Montgomery Scott


You do realize OP that the more complex we make systems the easier it is for them to screw up and ironically the harder it is to fix them?


This impression that somehow since its '2011' we ought to have nigh on perfect game design is absurd. That we expect absolute perfection in a game launching to over a million subs is also ludicrous. This MMO has more content by far than any other at launch. There's more polish here than I've seen in many games a fraction of the size.


You people expect the world. And of course the predictions of lvl 50 people within the first week complaining like crazy came true.


Anybody with any understanding of MMOs knows that the first few months after launch are still a bug clean up. There are things that just cannot be ironed out until you get the game launched.


You say its nearly 2012 and we expect this and that YET you complain that you get no direct customer support like its nostalgia for 2004. Our culture has progressed to the point that they try their best to give us automated replies to everything now. Talking to a human being has never been so hard!


It being 2012 means nothing. They make the game more complicated the more bugs it shows. Its incredible how few they show now.

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I've been level 50 for a week now and I am going to list every bug I've come across that has made me alt+f4 in anger because, quite simply, if these bugs were in WoW the game would be utterly crucified.


Every single HM Level 50 Flashpoint is bugged in some way, whether this is boss abilities not working, the ability to bug certain bosses to remove their abilities permenantly, bosses who seem to have sporadic enrages (a certain boss can enrage anywhere between 120 seconds and 480 seconds...), where loot chests don't work...


Being unable to access Ilum because my class quest decided to bug out and not progress me. (Issue for other BH Mercs too, mind you.)


Multiple bugs with the world - operations ...


There are just so many bugs. I'm sorry, this is a launch build. Bugs which are gamebreaking should be fixed by launch. If you take a look at Blizzard, they patch their bugs within 12-24 hours of it being notified - especially if it concerns a dungeon/raid, simply because they understand that dungeon/raids are where bugs can hit their wallets.


This game is an utter joke. :/


1st of all you have not been 50 for a week u may have turned 50 within the past 4 days at the earliest learn to troll


how do i know this you ask. the early access started the 15th 1 week = 22nd today is 23rd. so how is it you are 50 for a week

Edited by jinxsters
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If I sold you a car without airbags and your family was ejected out the front windshield would you be okay if I just said you needed to calm down because the car wasn't designed with safety elitists in mind?


the analogy you just gave is called "out of scope", video game bugs have in no way any similarity to missing safety features that result in lose of lives...and the fact that you trivialize a serious problem is childish.

Edited by Teilo
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the analogy you just gave is called "out of scope", video game bugs have in no way any similarity to missing safety features that result in lose of lives...and the fact that you trivialize a serious problem is childish.


Quick, make more excuses for BioWare and refuse to acknowledge legitimate concerns!

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There are just so many bugs. I'm sorry, this is a launch build. Bugs which are gamebreaking should be fixed by launch. If you take a look at Blizzard, they patch their bugs within 12-24 hours of it being notified - especially if it concerns a dungeon/raid, simply because they understand that dungeon/raids are where bugs can hit their wallets.

This game is an utter joke. :/


Did you play WoW at launch? I'm guessing no. Either way, bugs around bound to appear, no matter how long the game is in beta. And there's a difference between fixing bugs generated from a patch 6 years into a game rather than fixing every bug appearing after a brand new launch. Have some patience.

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Blizzard's tickets get answered by real people, you aren't given some random silly 'WE HAVE READ YOUR TICKET BLAH BLAH' message. Besides, I'd kill for my ticket to be answered (closed) by Bioware in 6 hours... The one regarding my BH class quest at level 50 took over 40 hours for them to answer, just to get a meaningless message.


SWTOR has been in development for 6 years (and still is, tbh), and has had a lot of money thrown at it. Bug fixes shouldn't be tolerated because "it's a newly launched game." The fact it's "a newly launched game" should mean there are NO bug fixes because beta is used, primarily, for testing out bugs and reporting them.


Blizzard tickets get answered a week later wtih a real person saying "I'm sorry you had a bad game experience" and pretty much nothing more. If that makes you happier than a canned message, well, o.k, but to me, they are the same thing.

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This entire thread is absurd. OP do you honestly think that level 50 content in LAUNCH WEEK will be prioritized for bug fixes? You're probably in the .001% of the player base. They are going to prioritize other bugs that affect more members of the community. Not to mention it's Christmas time, so service will not be at full-throttle.


Your self-aggrandizing ego really shines through in your post.

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If I sold you a car without airbags and your family was ejected out the front windshield would you be okay if I just said you needed to calm down because the car wasn't designed with safety elitists in mind?


Yes, because that's the exact same thing. Do you own a car. Have you never gotten a letter to take your vehicle to the dealership for a recall fix. That happens all the time.


Windows still has bugs in it for crying out loud. I can't think of a major game that doesn't have a bug or two in it. I'm glad to be playing the game. I would rather play now as is than have waited two more months for the game to release "bug free" which is impossible. There will always be bugs. WoW still has some, and when they fix one, sometimes it breaks something else. Vote with your currency and please... begone!

Edited by Rikalonius
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You burn through the content in days that will take most weeks if not months.... and then complain?


Sorry, you are the 1% (it is the exact opposite in games then real life) and I bluntly I think you are doing more of a self high five.


Self high five= hey look at me! WOOT!!! Im level 50

Self high five= Im not a looser, look I found bugs!

Self high five= Im from WOW and therefore am an expert on all things gaming!


Darn whipper snappers probably have no clue what UO is....



*FIRST POST*!!! Self high five!


I like this guy's post.^^


And the fact that you have been lv 50 a week from Dec 23rd... So Dec 16th was your big day being 50. So assuming you got in on the first day of early access it took you a maximum of 3 days to get to 50. Nice job. I'm just wondering why your self-high-five post didn't come 4 days prior to launch instead of just yesterday when you probably actually hit 50. Grats either way...

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I've been level 50 for a week now and I am going to list every bug I've come across that has made me alt+f4 in anger because, quite simply, if these bugs were in WoW the game would be utterly crucified.


Every single HM Level 50 Flashpoint is bugged in some way, whether this is boss abilities not working, the ability to bug certain bosses to remove their abilities permenantly, bosses who seem to have sporadic enrages (a certain boss can enrage anywhere between 120 seconds and 480 seconds...), where loot chests don't work...


Being unable to access Ilum because my class quest decided to bug out and not progress me. (Issue for other BH Mercs too, mind you.)


Multiple bugs with the world - operations ...


There are just so many bugs. I'm sorry, this is a launch build. Bugs which are gamebreaking should be fixed by launch. If you take a look at Blizzard, they patch their bugs within 12-24 hours of it being notified - especially if it concerns a dungeon/raid, simply because they understand that dungeon/raids are where bugs can hit their wallets.


This game is an utter joke. :/


umadbro? But really, go outside and play. Every game has bugs when it first comes out.

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this is getting pretty funny tbh, how can u fk up so badly? endless bugs everywhere, i get this nice bug daily which randomly disables my mouse clicking totally, cannot click anything at all just have to close the game rofl, think thats the best one. another is when i cant actually sell my items in trade because the links dont show all stats -.- this game is complete failure


I have yet to find a bug that makes this game a failure. Im even in the crowd where my average fps drops to 0.3 in certain zones because of a client issue.


Stop demanding specific responses to your bug problems. Do you want them to respond to you while already working on them or just fix them faster?


Anyone else lul @OP saying he was going to list every bug he ran into and instead just said stuff was bugged? He is too lazy to even write down 1 specific bug and he expects us to care?


Launches are always buggy always will be. Give it a few weeks then complain. If you really expected otherwise this is probably your first mmo and I'd like to formally welcome you to the internetz.

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Welcome to the SWTOR beta, while you are testing please remember to /bug anything you find.


Oh wait, that was last month.


This game reminds me of ffxiv.... we should not be charged until the game is running properly and there is judicial precedence.....


like ffxiv.... bioware cannot charge us money until the major bugs are fixed.

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This game reminds me of ffxiv.... we should not be charged until the game is running properly and there is judicial precedence.....


like ffxiv.... bioware cannot charge us money until the major bugs are fixed.


This game is no where near as bad as FFXIV was bug wise. That game had fundamental bugs in nearly every aspect of it.

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