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Wow. um. I play swtor. And so being that there is a team of people that make and plan content for a living for this game it would only make since that they would be able to see in advance any "bored" times coming for their players and um....do something about it. I am a subscriber and do not pay my hard earned cash to be bored. I never said I don't go outside or that I was depressed and was near suicide....LOL. Bored does not = depressed and dying of sunlight deprivation.

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Wow. um. I play swtor. And so being that there is a team of people that make and plan content for a living for this game it would only make since that they would be able to see in advance any "bored" times coming for their players and um....do something about it. I am a subscriber and do not pay my hard earned cash to be bored. I never said I don't go outside or that I was depressed and was near suicide....LOL. Bored does not = depressed and dying of sunlight deprivation.


so what do you like to do typically, warzones, flashpoints ,ops, class quests, what?

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so what do you like to do typically, warzones, flashpoints ,ops, class quests, what?


I like all the activities on swtor and have been playing since before prelaunch (participated in 3 beta's). I have tons of money from endless grinding and am just bored. It is the responsibility of the gaming dev's to keep the player interest by putting out new content on a regular basis. It would have taken them little to nothing to throw the gree event or something out during this dry time.

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You made a thread...cuz you are bored...waiting for...housing.


Housing? Cuz that is SO freakin exciting. WOW im gonna have another place in game thats...exactly like my ship except I can pay to decorate it. yay.





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I like all the activities on swtor and have been playing since before prelaunch (participated in 3 beta's). I have tons of money from endless grinding and am just bored. It is the responsibility of the gaming dev's to keep the player interest by putting out new content on a regular basis. It would have taken them little to nothing to throw the gree event or something out during this dry time.


the events (all of them) are actually returning this summer between 2.8 and 2.9 so thats something

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Waiting for Housing, but bored out of my mind....they should have done something in this timeframe to liven things up.


Yeah, I was thinking that last night myself. So, seeing as I've met the requirements for my house, I cancelled my sub again, and I'll be enjoying summer and working on my book while I wait for housing to actually be implemented. Seemed like the second I signed back on they pushed the release back lol.

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You missed the entire point. Sure, you are responsible for your own choices, but someone who is looking for your business better be all about keeping it to where you don't choose to take your business elsewhere.


Games are meant to cure boredom. Not cause it. If you fail at that, then well; maybe you have an issue with your product.


businesses also cannot spread themselves too thin. any business that tries to cover too many bases, covers none of them well, overextends and fails, becasue even quality of their staples starts to slip as a result.


but to continue with food analogues. some times I feel like a steak. so I go to a steak house. when I get bored with the steak, I don't demand that steak house starts making sushi for me, I go to a dedicated sushi place and get it from them instead. and sometimes I just want a nice, Brooklyn style pizza. so I go to a place that actualy makes those, instead of demanding that place that specializes in something else - makes me one.


now, to get back on topic - BIoware does have a few things planned for the next 3 months, from returning events, to double rewards, etc. whether its enough to alleviate boredom? is an individual thing. just like Mcdonalds might add a few items to the menu, those items might STILL not be the food I may be looking for at the time. so advice to do something else, some place else? still very much applies.


personally, I've been making my way through some of the single player games I had on back burner for a while, as well as attempting to conquer charcoal grill. when something in SWTOR bores me? I stop doing it. when I'm not in a mood for something? I find something else to do, that I'm in a mood for.


it is not bioware's responsibility to figure out everything for everyone. could they be doing better with their specific niche? hell's yes. but even if they do better, they still cannot be everything to everyone. so be responsible for your own fun.


P.S. incidentally, I'm taking subscription break myself until strongholds early access. what I'm still enjoying, I can do as prefered and becasue my subscription budget is limited, might as well spend it on some cartel coins for collections unlocks instead. /shrug

Edited by Jeweledleah
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personally, I've been making my way through some of the single player games I had on back burner for a while, as well as attempting to conquer charcoal grill. when something in SWTOR bores me? I stop doing it. when I'm not in a mood for something? I find something else to do, that I'm in a mood for.



I pay a subscription...so I somewhat have an issue with just going and playing something else when it gets boring.

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I pay a subscription...so I somewhat have an issue with just going and playing something else when it gets boring.


if coming events are not enough to stave off boredom for you... cancel your subscription temporarily until strongholds come out? the game will still be accessible even if the access is a bit more limited, heck you can even stock up on some warzone etc passes if you so wish, just use them when you are in a mood.


also... does subscribing to the game means you don't play anything else, ever? its... strange to me :/

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if coming events are not enough to stave off boredom for you... cancel your subscription temporarily until strongholds come out? the game will still be accessible even if the access is a bit more limited, heck you can even stock up on some warzone etc passes if you so wish, just use them when you are in a mood.


also... does subscribing to the game means you don't play anything else, ever? its... strange to me :/


Those things that are coming do nothing to help me now or for quite some time now where there has been nothing new.....and I repeat.....


It is the responsibility of the gaming dev's to keep the player interest by putting out new content on a regular basis. It would have taken them little to nothing to throw the gree event or something out during this dry time.

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Those things that are coming do nothing to help me now or for quite some time now where there has been nothing new.....and I repeat.....


It is the responsibility of the gaming dev's to keep the player interest by putting out new content on a regular basis. It would have taken them little to nothing to throw the gree event or something out during this dry time.


So, despite being bored you are going to pay for a subscription instead of cancelling until the game becomes not boring?



Edited by Reno_Tarshil
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Waiting for Housing, but bored out of my mind....they should have done something in this timeframe to liven things up.






It's summer... go outside... live life.

its too hot out there and the sun is trying to kill me!!!


Did you see the announcements http://www.swtor.com/gameupdates about the double pvp rewards event and the casino event? I think those were meant to liven things up. It's still a bit before they happen, but you could check out the casino on the test server if it's still up.


pvp sucks donkey goobers!!! and the casino event is just a waist of credits!!! nearly all the threads ive read about it didn't have much good things to say about it.



You made a thread...cuz you are bored...waiting for...housing.


Housing? Cuz that is SO freakin exciting. WOW im gonna have another place in game thats...exactly like my ship except I can pay to decorate it. yay.


So the rest of the game bores you. Decorating a new room is the height of excitement. I see. This makes lots of sense.

Im getting the free nar shadda palace or whatever from being a sub and its likely that I will look at it once and never go to it again unless there is some major gameplay benefit to it. To me its a total waste of programming time and if it were up to me I would not allow it in the game. But its not so, enjoy your fake room that you can pay money to make look a certain way...like in real life.


no reason to be a complete D bag geesh some people are very excited about the housing. some people find doing the same quests over and over and over boring as heck, some people also find doing the same pvp junk over and over boring as well. not everyone is like you!!!

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Those things that are coming do nothing to help me now or for quite some time now where there has been nothing new.....and I repeat.....


It is the responsibility of the gaming dev's to keep the player interest by putting out new content on a regular basis. It would have taken them little to nothing to throw the gree event or something out during this dry time.


you didn't read the plans, did you. they ARE adding gree event. and a few others. including Rakghoul. if it still doesn't warrant subscription for the summer... cancel it until content you want comes out? you are neither obligated to pay subscription, you know. this is not your electric bill or rent or whatever. its optional activity you, hopefully do for fun.


it is NOT developer's responsibility to be everything to everyone. either way, GW2 is having a short event right now, might as well take advantage of it. I find that my heart invariably grows fonder during my times of player other MMO's besides SWTOR. might even work for you, who knows.

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Those things that are coming do nothing to help me now or for quite some time now where there has been nothing new.....and I repeat.....


It is the responsibility of the gaming dev's to keep the player interest by putting out new content on a regular basis. It would have taken them little to nothing to throw the gree event or something out during this dry time.


i read this as " you there, entertain me"


I bet you blame teachers when students don't learn. As if it is THEIR responsibility to put knowledge into students heads and make it stick. "This teacher doesn't know squat i didn't learn anything.." did you read? No. Did you study? No, Do the homework? No. At least go to class? No. Yup teachers fault.


I would put it to watching a TV series, that you don't enjoy. "why do you keep watching?" "well I'm hoping they change something so I'll start enjoying it".

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i read this as " you there, entertain me"


I bet you blame teachers when students don't learn. As if it is THEIR responsibility to put knowledge into students heads and make it stick. "This teacher doesn't know squat i didn't learn anything.." did you read? No. Did you study? No, Do the homework? No. At least go to class? No. Yup teachers fault.


I would put it to watching a TV series, that you don't enjoy. "why do you keep watching?" "well I'm hoping they change something so I'll start enjoying it".


Um...I am paying a subscription to an mmo...ya I expect them to entertain me!

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You know him personally? You know he doesn't do these things already? Or are you assuming that because he's bored he must also be some fat slob who doesn't move from his computer?


Even casual players are feeling the boredom.


Wow. Defensive much? I was simply offering solutions to the boredom... not the game. The game is NOT changing... for awhile yet, and won't change again after that til August. And then Again in Jan/Feb 2015. Sitting here staring at the game is not going to magically make new content popup from nowhere. What was in your fridge 5 minutes ago is likely still ALL that is in the fridge. Elves did not sneak in while the door was closed and add beer and pizza, or left overs from Red Robin. Staring at SWTOR would be just as silly as standing with the fridge door opening and staring. But, by all means, tell him all the other great, and new things to do in game.


Also, I never called the OP a fat slob, nor did I assume to know him personally. Also, I did not tell him to unsub. Not sure why you've changed, but you need to check that attitude. The few people who do still like you are actually worried about you, and the new way you are acting and responding to others.

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Wow. um. I play swtor. And so being that there is a team of people that make and plan content for a living for this game it would only make since that they would be able to see in advance any "bored" times coming for their players and um....do something about it. I am a subscriber and do not pay my hard earned cash to be bored. I never said I don't go outside or that I was depressed and was near suicide....LOL. Bored does not = depressed and dying of sunlight deprivation.


We regret to inform you that content is put out at scheduled times and is done for the benefit of all players, not just the whiners. Please go take a stroll and come back in a few weeks when 2.8 goes live. Thanks.

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Waiting for Housing, but bored out of my mind....they should have done something in this timeframe to liven things up.
One thing nobody should be able to say is that they are bored. There are too many options in life. If anything, you should be saying there isn't enough time in the day to do all the things you could be doing.
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Was in the same situation as you, so I went a little crazy. Maybe its a little extreme but I deleted all my characters bar 1 that held all my stuff I had collected from all and started a new Smuggler that had enough credits (9 million) to start from scratch.


I have literally bought every available boost ( xp, fp, mail droid etc), finally spent the 600CC to unlock Rascals toothpick on all my characters and having a hell of a time. Seems a bit excessive to delete all my chars but the majority were not played endgame to various changes to cater for PVP balance that affected my primarily focused PVE characters.


But like others have said there are many other games to spend some time on in addition to playing SWToR. I for example have still been playing for 4-8 hours a day (Currently off till August) yet have still been playing games like The Wolf among us, Batman: Arkham Origins and Tesla Effect. Like the poster above suggested I will also be trying Watch Dogs when it comes out.

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Those things that are coming do nothing to help me now or for quite some time now where there has been nothing new.....and I repeat.....


It is the responsibility of the gaming dev's to keep the player interest by putting out new content on a regular basis. It would have taken them little to nothing to throw the gree event or something out during this dry time.


So what you are saying is that the devs are indeed putting out content, but it's not the kind of content you like.

And that it's their responsibility to cater to your whims and tastes.


That's like me saying that Call of Duty needs more Tennis because I like tennis games and it's the devs responsibility to give me what I want.


Pure and utter nonsense.


If this game isn't giving you what you want, then go play another game. One game cannot cater to every single persons whims and needs.


Ps. Gree event isn't new... so you are contradicting yourself.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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I'm bored.


I'll go on the forums and talk about it.


I could just take a break from swtor, play another video game, watch a movie or read something



But instead, I'm going to the forums and talk about it. Hopefully, other people will talk about how bored they are and we'll all have a blast talking about our collective boredom. If that fails, I can always be entertained with backlash and trolling.



Either way, its a win-win for me.

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I like all the activities on swtor and have been playing since before prelaunch (participated in 3 beta's). I have tons of money from endless grinding and am just bored. It is the responsibility of the gaming dev's to keep the player interest by putting out new content on a regular basis. It would have taken them little to nothing to throw the gree event or something out during this dry time.


Some games just run their course and people move on when they no longer find the product fun. You can look to see if anything appeals to you, if it does not, go, get out of here.


Unsub, pop back in a few months if you fancy checking out how things are going then.


Frankly, anyone bored of any game, who continues to play it, really needs help.


Why waste your leisure time doing anything you do not enjoy?


And remember, this is a game, it is not a sentient being and does not give a rat's arse about you. You owe it nothing whatsoever, you get no prizes for being the clown wasting their spare time doing something they don't enjoy.

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