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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

gtn high prices


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I would like to know why armor sets are being sold on the GTN for 20,000,000 credits! I could never save that money up, even if I was crafting. The prices for which any and all items are being sold is ludicrous. Prices need to be lowered. A balance must be reached between making a profit and making the customer happy. Please consider lowering your selling prices, or set a price cap on all items.


Why should people lower their prices, if their goods are still selling?


Whilst I say it tongue in cheek, given the way the Western Economies have collapsed over the last few years, but, a free market is not a charity.

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It would really suck if there were people who could buy dozens and dozens of rare items already worth a million or two and corner the market. They could literally suck the blood out of people and sell those items with 4-6 million credits later on. Stop doing it folks. It's rude. Edited by Ruskaeth
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It would really suck if there were people who could buy dozens and dozens of rare items already worth a million or two and corner the market. They could literally suck the blood out of people and sell those items with 4-6 million credits later on. Stop doing it folks. It's rude.


It's not rude. It's capitalism. You are not entitled to anything.

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Why should people lower their prices, if their goods are still selling?


Whilst I say it tongue in cheek, given the way the Western Economies have collapsed over the last few years, but, a free market is not a charity.


I'm not asking for a free market or a charity. I simply want reasonable prices. 2 million instead of 20 million.

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I'm not asking for a free market or a charity. I simply want reasonable prices. 2 million instead of 20 million.


I cannot afford everything I want. Indeed I am procrastinating now whether to buy a second backup DSLR which I want but do not need.


Hard to justify £600 for a second hand extra backup body, I wish the price was more reasonable.


I know, I will wait until after payday and see then.

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I'm not asking for a free market or a charity. I simply want reasonable prices. 2 million instead of 20 million.


well feel free to buy a few dozen hypercrates collect the highly rare pieces (or buy off the gtn) sit on them for 6 months or a year until supply dries up. Then post them for 20 million for another 2 or 3 months until someone with enough credits and willingness to purchase said items rambles along.


totally upto you.

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Mats have increased over the past few weeks down to lack of players and those who actually did sell mats. For the first time in over 2 years, I have resorted to getting my pets to run crew skill missions because I wont pay 300 credits a unit for rubat crystal!


When mats increase, so do prices and if there's no many players crafting, the prices tend to stay high

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I'm not asking for a free market or a charity. I simply want reasonable prices. 2 million instead of 20 million.


Define reasonable price - for me it's the one that someone will pay for an item, it doesn't have to be you.

Also if you think that 2M for rare set is enough - get one from packs and sell on GTN for that amount.

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The GTN will bear what a buyer is willing to pay.


I doubt so. To me, it's exactly the other way round.


Some people are just sitting there like spiders, waiting for THe Big One. They won't NEVER EVER lower the price even if actually 0 people would buy their stuff.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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