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Ebon Hawk Progression


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Out of curiosity, are screenshots not mandatory on this thread anymore? I mean I know it is hardmode, but still...


<Postmortem> is now 5/5 HM ToS and Ravagers, as well as 5/5 NiM Tos and Ravagers, and 5/5 HM Return of Kephess.



Edited by Mquest
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The rules *had* been that screenshots were required for progression clears. I don't know if those rules still hold or if they are really necessary in this tier. Given the way the achievement system works, it is very very easy to verify someone's claim, even without them noticing (eg random encounter on fleet).
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This is not exactly a very competitive server for progression anyways (hence people transferring here from guilds on other servers that have already cleared content, just to grab server firsts here :p), but if people want screenshots etc I'm sure I could ask someone from Nemesis to provide them.


I personally trust anyone who is going to claim they killed something, I think this server has a great community, but I understand that some want to keep it official.

Edited by wadecounty
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Will Count Sword Squadron as Server First for Squadron HM. I don't count <W E D E M B O Y Z> for the fact of being Server transfers from Zorz with already having server clears on another server good job guys


So because 2/8 Players in a guild have cleared content, the entire guild is automatically disqualified from progression? The only reason we decided to play on this server was because we wanted to help create a more competitive environment for progression. Players are either good enough to clear content or they aren't, having 2 dps with kill experience doesn't change the fact that most of the mechanics are going to be done by players with no HM 3.0 experience what-so-ever. So that means people are scared they wont get servers firsts because in their mind a guild has an unfair advantage. And if you consider yourself a progression guild in the race for server firsts you probably shouldn't be worried about a guild who hasn't started HM as a group yet. Anyways Whether or not you count our kills or not doesn't change who killed what first. Good luck to everyone :D And Hopefully we can all get along and help make the server better!

Edited by ALoveShot
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Will Count Sword Squadron as Server First for Squadron HM. I don't count <W E D E M B O Y Z> for the fact of being Server transfers from Zorz with already having server clears on another server good job guys




That's like trading a player from one team to another, but saying that the new team doesn't deserve championships because said player carried them.

Edited by Luckeyduckey
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Not a huge fan of Iron Maiden personally


That's fair…


Regarding server transfer clears, I'll state up front that I basically don't care how it's counted. We cleared HM Sword Squadron; that's what matters to me. Downplaying another clear seems like a bit of a bum rap for 6 out of the 8 people in question who hadn't done the content.


By the same token, the notion of a "server first" is completely meaningless if it can be claimed by server transfers. As I said, I don't really care how it's counted, but the definition of a server first comes into question when the boundary of a "server" becomes this murky. Decide on whatever you feel is best, just note the definitional ambiguities.


Edit Also, randomly I don't think either of the two "server transfer" characters in W E D E M B O Y Z were actually transfers. I'm fairly certain Zejim's sniper has been on the server all along, and I am pretty sure Yolo's sorc was leveled here (in PV). Maybe they got shuffled around in the interim, I don't know, but Zejim is as TEH-native as they come, and the only thing the two of them brought from Zorz was experience.


If we want to do that kind of precision tuning to the leaderboard, then Aisthesis's Brontes clear should be removed (one of our healers was Kithide, who had Gate Crasher pre-nerf with Intrepid, despite himself being TEH-native), and even our recent HM clears would get dropped since Daharel raids with Death and Taxes on an irregular basis. Where is the line, exactly?

Edited by KeyboardNinja
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That's fair…


Regarding server transfer clears, I'll state up front that I basically don't care how it's counted. We cleared HM Sword Squadron; that's what matters to me. Downplaying another clear seems like a bit of a bum rap for 6 out of the 8 people in question who hadn't done the content.


By the same token, the notion of a "server first" is completely meaningless if it can be claimed by server transfers. As I said, I don't really care how it's counted, but the definition of a server first comes into question when the boundary of a "server" becomes this murky. Decide on whatever you feel is best, just note the definitional ambiguities.


Edit Also, randomly I don't think either of the two "server transfer" characters in W E D E M B O Y Z were actually transfers. I'm fairly certain Zejim's sniper has been on the server all along, and I am pretty sure Yolo's sorc was leveled here (in PV). Maybe they got shuffled around in the interim, I don't know, but Zejim is as TEH-native as they come, and the only thing the two of them brought from Zorz was experience.


If we want to do that kind of precision tuning to the leaderboard, then Aisthesis's Brontes clear should be removed (one of our healers was Kithide, who had Gate Crasher pre-nerf with Intrepid, despite himself being TEH-native), and even our recent HM clears would get dropped since Daharel raids with Death and Taxes on an irregular basis. Where is the line, exactly?

God Bless KBN

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You're all frauds, Coronet United News Team was server first to clear Ravagers HM.


Actually, <Club Imperial> got server first Coratanni and Revan respectfully in one amazing ERP Orgy.


I dont wanna alarm anyone. But Zejim has returned.


Zejim-kun! You so kawaii :jawa_redface:

Edited by Luckygunslinger
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With the logic used to not count Wedemboys kills that would mean.....


Aisthesis's Brontes and Current HM Kills Don't count. (Jaberse Being In Intrepid, Daha in DNT)


PV's Council Doesn't Count. (Maybe Brontes as Well, don't remember though) (Few people being in UWA, and off server)


UWA Brontes and Council Don't Count. (Loggus was in Severity Gaming)


And of course seeing as how Postmortem were from another server and just got to Ebon Hawk right before 3.0. They are still "server transfers" so when they get new ops clears they wont count.


Do you see how ridiculous this is? With that logic you just removed almost all of the Past Tier Kills the Ebon Hawk had and killed off most of the current tier as well. Great Job There.

Edited by MarionHill
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PV's Council Doesn't Count. (Maybe Brontes as Well, don't remember though) (Few people being in UWA, and off server)


Only their Council kill, to my knowledge, used players from off server. Their Hateful kill did as well (we used Kithide in our Hateful kill as well; in addition to Yovodka, who is a BC-native though hadn't cleared Hateful prior to doing it with us).


UWA Brontes and Council Don't Count. (Loggus was in Severity Gaming)


Actually, Loggus was involved in all of UWA's kills in the dread nightmare tier, and he had cleared every boss with Severity prior to clearing with UWA. So, by the logic that rejects WEDEMBOYZ, we would have to completely wipe out all of UWA's progression, including the world tenth Nightmare Dread Masters kill. Whoops…


And of course seeing as how Postmortem were from another server and just got to Ebon Hawk right before 3.0. They are still "server transfers" so when they get new ops clears they wont count.


Oh and…gasp…two of their members are also in Zorz!


Do you see how ridiculous this is? With that logic you just removed almost all of the Past Tier Kills the Ebon Hawk had and killed off most of the current tier as well.


Well said. I mean, I think there is probably a line in here somewhere. Imagine if an entire raid group transferred over from another server just to snag server first on every server that they could, before transferring back en masse. Daharel suggests that the bar should be when the raid group is comprised of five or more players who had previously killed the boss in question.


Whatever the cutoff though, it seems clear that two derpy-geared alts that have always been on this server are not over the line.


Oh, and I think it's also worth pointing out that WEDEMBOYZ hasn't really killed anything yet! To my knowledge, they've done Malaphar HM, all of the SMs, and (maybe?) Sparky HM. This is some sort of crazy preemptive debate based on the fear that two "ringers" from Zorz will be too much of an unfair advantage.

Edited by KeyboardNinja
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Only their Council kill, to my knowledge, used players from off server. Their Hateful kill did as well (we used Kithide in our Hateful kill as well; in addition to Yovodka, who is a BC-native though hadn't cleared Hateful prior to doing it with us).




Actually, Loggus was involved in all of UWA's kills in the dread nightmare tier, and he had cleared every boss with Severity prior to clearing with UWA. So, by the logic that rejects WEDEMBOYZ, we would have to completely wipe out all of UWA's progression, including the world tenth Nightmare Dread Masters kill. Whoops…




Oh and…gasp…two of their members are also in Zorz!




Well said. I mean, I think there is probably a line in here somewhere. Imagine if an entire raid group transferred over from another server just to snag server first on every server that they could, before transferring back en masse. Daharel suggests that the bar should be when the raid group is comprised of five or more players who had previously killed the boss in question.


Whatever the cutoff though, it seems clear that two derpy-geared alts that have always been on this server are not over the line.


Oh, and I think it's also worth pointing out that WEDEMBOYZ hasn't really killed anything yet! To my knowledge, they've done Malaphar HM, all of the SMs, and (maybe?) Sparky HM. This is some sort of crazy preemptive debate based on the fear that two "ringers" from Zorz will be too much of an unfair advantage.


KBN coming in stronk on teh haters. God bless and welcome to the BDC, KBN.

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