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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Is SWTOR a 'big-boy' MMO now?


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I have, and what I see is an MMO that went f2p in less than a year. Unless EAware makes a 180 and decides to start listening to the little hardcore communities that are left, for this year I have my eyes set on Wildstar and Destiny.


Just out of curiosity, do you have an argument that supports your opinion that is not more than a year old?


TOR today is not what it was when it launched. It will never be a WoW killer, and it will never meet the expectations that people set for it at launch. No one is debating that. That said, it can be, and is, a success under the new model. If you don't like the model, the game, or any other aspect of it, that's your right. However, to continue to drone on about it this long shows an unhealthy obsession.


I play TOR because it's fun and I enjoy playing with my friends. Some day that will change, and I'll stop. When that happens I won't feel the need to come on the forums and predict doom and disparage people who do enjoy it. I will move on. I would respectfully suggest you do the same. You'll be a much happier person for it.

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Yeah that was way before my time.


Wasn't that the Legacy system?


What made it infamous?


A lack of more Force Lightning maybe?



On a serious note, I would like to chime in that I, as well, enjoy this game currently. Unlike many of you here I don't have any 50s yet, I'm not a fast leveler. Part of this is because I suffer from a bad case of alt-itis, but even with that I have enjoyed what I played. I also still play other games, do other things, and if it gets to the point where I have had my fill of SWTOR, I'll leave for a bit. If something interesting comes up, I'll be back. I believe its been stated a few times here already that people do things like this as well. Shiny attracts after all~.


I will now leave before I start ranting about wanting Wildstar to fail hard. It isn't the game, I have not tried it, its the company. :mad:

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Yeah that was way before my time.


Wasn't that the Legacy system?


What made it infamous?


1.2 was the Legacy patch and with it was spose to be the coming of Ranked PvP but the night before the patch went live the plans to add Ranked PvP was removed.

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I remember when you could go to the store to buy cartel coins and subscription cards for this game. Now you can't. I even asked the guy at Gamestop he said they don't even carry a hard copy of this game anymore. >.>


Here we go, conclusive proof. Of what, I'm not sure, but it's conclusive.


I'll note here that none of the local gamestops here stock any box copies of PC games. If they carry it at all, it's Digital Download. They are heavily invested in consoles though.

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When does Wildstar launch?!

Cause I can not wait for catracho to be gone for good. Him and AshenK

But, of course, we all know they aren't going anywhere even after Wildstar's launch because they are paid to bash this game. I'm not going anywhere, this is my game and there isn't anything they can do about it.

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just an awesome post man it shows how the drones are losing in there defense of this game as wildstar and other mmos just mop the floor with tor.


i liked the beta for wildstar but how is it mopping the floor when it hasnt even been released yet. Also leveling in that game is painful.

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People have been moaning about how TOR was dying since two weeks after release. Still here, making more money than ever, and more fun to play than ever... well, assuming you have a life and don't play 40 hours a week.


It blows my mind that people don't appreciate Makeb more... I recently stopped levelling alts to visit and it's huge! The conversations are custom for each class and the quests are densely packed, AND the NPCs actually behave more like Operations NPCs in that they'll interrupt your channeled abilities, stun you, etc. It's the most interesting open-planet combat yet.


I think they're wasting their time with all this PvP starfighter nonsense, but hey - as long as they keep dishing out story every once in a while and giving us events like Bounty Week, I'll be happy.

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I can't in good conscience say SWTOR is a big boy MMO yet - not when it is treated like a small market MMO by EA and not when you have "MAJOR UPDATES!" centered around getting a NIGHTMARE mode for an already-existing operation.


If SWTOR wants to be a big boy MMO, then to me, it needs to release more story more frequently, and by story, I mean faction questing stories, instead of leaning on operations and flashpoints and daily areas as their mechanisms for story-telling. They also need to release ALL modes when they release an operation / flashpoint, and stop with this nonsense of "spreading a (again in quotes) "MAJOR RELEASE" over a series of 3-4 months, as they did with Galactic Star Fighter, and as they are doing with Galactic Strongholds. They need to crap or get off the pot, and if its really about a subscriber benefit of getting early access, then make it so that they get stuff a week or 2 early; this nonsense of one month being Subs, one month preferred, then one month everyone else feels like a cheap indie-game ploy to make it look like they are releasing more content than they are, because they are really just releasing the same content 3 times, with slight additions to each iteration.


They need to be better managed from the top, and structure their releases better. They need to alternate between big and small releases every 8-9 weeks, and when they do release, they need to deliver the goods right then and there, instead of spreading it out.


If they can ever get their act together and do that, and as well keep at least a questing storyline going in between major releases, no matter how small, ONLY then will I feel like they are a "big boy MMO".


But for now, they are an MMO with a Big Boy capacity but a fringe indie mentality.

Edited by ZionHalcyon
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