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A Link To A GSF Suggestion Thread


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Well, I supported it. Now you owe me a huge favor at a time and place of my choosing.


For what it's worth, we're less than a month away from the release of another popular Sci-Fi/Fantasy MMO -- Wildstar.


ESO was a joke, I think we all knew that before it launched. But this new game looks amazing.


Personally, the only reason I play swtor is for GSF. When you combine the fact that the devs have stated they're not going to invest time in GSF anymore, with the fact that a better game is coming out....well you do the math.


I mean sure, I'll hop in here every now and then as F2P to log in some flight hours, but meh :cool:

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When you combine the fact that the devs have stated they're not going to invest time in GSF anymore, with the fact that a better game is coming out....well you do the math.

They never never stated anything like that. They have just skipped over the one ship role. In fact, their final sentence reads:

I know it isn't as exciting as a whole new role but we want you to know we are still dedicated to expanding GSF, like all of our game systems.


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For what it's worth, we're less than a month away from the release of another popular Sci-Fi/Fantasy MMO -- Wildstar.


Kinda in the same boat. Almost mastered all ships, and while the game is still fun (ish) there are some elements to it that i am getting seriously tired about.


Eg. The fact that I pretty much HAVE to fly my Minelayer in 90% of Dom matches if i want to win. I dont like Bomber play, its boring, but I am forced into doing so in the majority of matches because we will likely lose if the other side has more Minelayers.


There are other niggles, but regardless, I will be trying out Wildstar and if it grabs me in the first day or so I will be leaving Swtor behind as the only other goal i want to achieve is to get my full legacy of 16 toons to 55 and I am getting mighty close to that.


My intended MMO progression looks like Wildstar (maybe), Eternal Crusade, Star Citizen.


Been in since pre launch but now that GSF is starting to lose its shine there is little to hold me here. Shame, but there it is.

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