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Gunships, and how they ruined my life


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So I came back yesterday after a long while since the release of starfighter. It is my favourite feature, so I returned specifically for it. Then I encountered a bomber and died instantly just trying to get near a point about 5-10 times. Naturally I thought that was pretty upsetting, spending the whole game dead unable to overcome a single bomber without the help of at least 3 teammates.


Then today I ended up in a death-match versus a team of half gunships, half bombers, by now I had upgraded a strike fighter with all the components I wanted, and hadn't gone negative (k/d < 1) in at least 10 matches. Over the course of the next 10 minutes I spawned and was one-shotted, probably 10 times before I just walked away and waited for the match to end.


What I think (despite my clear inexperience) needs changing in order to make this entertaining for anyone who isn't in a gunship or bomber:

-Removal of damage power-ups in deathmatch (that are being camped relentlessly, and ruining the experience)

-Lower toughness of bombers (who are usually unapproachable anyways, as far as I can tell)

-Lower damage of gunships (who are oneshotting people from the other end of the galaxy)


Maybe you had a different experience. Maybe you use a gunship and would like to take this opportunity to insult me, maybe this is the only sentence you've read! Feel free to describe to me just how inept I am.

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So I came back yesterday after a long while since the release of starfighter. It is my favourite feature, so I returned specifically for it. Then I encountered a bomber and died instantly just trying to get near a point about 5-10 times. Naturally I thought that was pretty upsetting, spending the whole game dead unable to overcome a single bomber without the help of at least 3 teammates.


Then today I ended up in a death-match versus a team of half gunships, half bombers, by now I had upgraded a strike fighter with all the components I wanted, and hadn't gone negative (k/d < 1) in at least 10 matches. Over the course of the next 10 minutes I spawned and was one-shotted, probably 10 times before I just walked away and waited for the match to end.


What I think (despite my clear inexperience) needs changing in order to make this entertaining for anyone who isn't in a gunship or bomber:

-Removal of damage power-ups in deathmatch (that are being camped relentlessly, and ruining the experience)

-Lower toughness of bombers (who are usually unapproachable anyways, as far as I can tell)

-Lower damage of gunships (who are oneshotting people from the other end of the galaxy)


Maybe you had a different experience. Maybe you use a gunship and would like to take this opportunity to insult me, maybe this is the only sentence you've read! Feel free to describe to me just how inept I am.


No, you just need more experience is all. I know you don't THINK you do because you have the upgrades you want and such, but... yeah, you need more experience.


For example: If your T1 SF has no ion cannon mounted, you've no business being around a bomber unless you're a fully upgraded and experienced T2 Battle Scout pilot.

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-Removal of damage power-ups in deathmatch (that are being camped relentlessly, and ruining the experience)


That's about all I would give you on this. Even then I would have it as a variation not a removal the rest just isn't so. I really hate learn to play comments as a catch all, but if you are being killed by one bomber on a node you are doing it wrong.


The team death match you describe sounds like you are up against a premade, that put their team together as bombers and gunships, and that isn't a gunship problem it's a premade vs pugs problem.

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GSF is very much like a real life fight. Any good pilot needs a wingman and communication. iIf you are against a pre-made with voice chat and if they are fully upgraded (also indicates their experience), you will get slaughtered.


The GS+Bomber wall in a deathmatch is very powerful. The only counter I have found so far is to have your own GS snipe the bombers with ionx2 then slugx4. The Strike fighters/scouts then srat working from once corner and picking GS. It needs a lot of coordination and preferably voice chat. That is all I can say at this time. I need to play more and find some good strategy.

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Another fyi, one-shotting is really, really rare in GSF. It's much more likely (particularly if there is more than one gunship around) that you took multiple hits in a small timeframe.


One shots can happen if you are a scout and a proton torpedo crits when it hits you (that's really rare, to get a lock on a scout, have it land, and have it crit), or a slug crit on a scout from a gunship, or a slug damage overcharge.


Damage overcharge is insane and I wish it was toned down a bit, but even quads and heavy lasers take multiple hits on any target to kill with damage overcharge going. Best thing to be aware of is if you see someone has picked up a damage overcharge, go for them with a vengeance--do not let them get clean or easy shots on your team. If they turn to you, don't joust and don't let them get clean shots at you. I have made a lot of people wast overcharges by doing the above (and I kick myself when I joust someone that picked it up but I didn't notice that they did).


Case in point, I had a hard time using two damage overcharges in a match tonight because the Imp team we were fighting was aware that I had picked them up and targeted me like crazy. I still got some damage and some kills, but I paid for it by dying as well, usually.

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So I came back yesterday after a long while since the release of starfighter. It is my favourite feature, so I returned specifically for it. Then I encountered a bomber and died instantly just trying to get near a point about 5-10 times. Naturally I thought that was pretty upsetting, spending the whole game dead unable to overcome a single bomber without the help of at least 3 teammates.


What ship were you piloting in this case? Also what was your component load out?


-Lower toughness of bombers (who are usually unapproachable anyways, as far as I can tell)


Bombers are quite killable in a striker if you're careful. The main thing is not getting too close if they're a minelayer and dealing with any drones they deploy if they're a drone carrier. The one exception to this is if you're using a Type 1 striker with clusters, in that case you're probably better off avoiding them as you lack the heavy ordinance to kill them but that's a trade off with your build choice rather than bombers being too tough. If you're using more heavy ordinance (concussion missiles, proton/thermite torpedoes) bombers can be dealt with although you'll probably need multiple passes to kill them.


I've had especially great success with the Type 3 striker. While it's billed as support you can build it to be a heavy fighter-bomber (thermites/quads, damage capacitor offensively; directional shields, large reactor, light armor defensively). I use repair probes to fix any damage I take and overall that makes me really hard to kill when going against a bomber (obviously if they have escort fighters you're not going to succeed soloing but it's a team game so you shouldn't expect to be the Rambo of the skies).


There's also a nerf coming up to the mine layer's offense so I think we should wait and see how that impacts bombers locking down sats before nerfing their toughness.


-Lower damage of gunships (who are oneshotting people from the other end of the galaxy)


Unless you're flying a scout this will never happen unless they're using the damage overcharge power-up in TDM. Against a strike the damage is dangerous but not crippling. As a devoted striker pilot I fear the Ion railgun far more than the slug railgun (at least when I have shields, I'm very wary of slug railguns when my shield are low/gone).


The main thing they need to balance is slug vs plasma railguns so that plasma railguns are worth taking.

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What ship were you piloting in this case? Also what was your component load out?




Bombers are quite killable in a striker if you're careful. The main thing is not getting too close if they're a minelayer and dealing with any drones they deploy if they're a drone carrier. The one exception to this is if you're using a Type 1 striker with clusters, in that case you're probably better off avoiding them as you lack the heavy ordinance to kill them but that's a trade off with your build choice rather than bombers being too tough. If you're using more heavy ordinance (concussion missiles, proton/thermite torpedoes) bombers can be dealt with although you'll probably need multiple passes to kill them.


I've had especially great success with the Type 3 striker. While it's billed as support you can build it to be a heavy fighter-bomber (thermites/quads, damage capacitor offensively; directional shields, large reactor, light armor defensively). I use repair probes to fix any damage I take and overall that makes me really hard to kill when going against a bomber (obviously if they have escort fighters you're not going to succeed soloing but it's a team game so you shouldn't expect to be the Rambo of the skies).


There's also a nerf coming up to the mine layer's offense so I think we should wait and see how that impacts bombers locking down sats before nerfing their toughness.




Unless you're flying a scout this will never happen unless they're using the damage overcharge power-up in TDM. Against a strike the damage is dangerous but not crippling. As a devoted striker pilot I fear the Ion railgun far more than the slug railgun (at least when I have shields, I'm very wary of slug railguns when my shield are low/gone).


The main thing they need to balance is slug vs plasma railguns so that plasma railguns are worth taking.


^THIS.. So much THIS...


Just a little addition.. against any bomber without CHarged Plating. T1 with Ion/Quad/Cluster/Charged Plating is really dangerous.

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Can we please make a documentary on the horrible drug Gunsheep?


It's like Krokodil but makes you eat faces 99% more.


Great, and now I'm going to have a mental image for a few hours of the video I saw of a man whose face had been half eaten off by Krokodil.

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