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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PvP'ers get the shaft when it come to money making options!


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If PVP is all you do, then you don't actually need credits for much other than armor work. You basically just sit on the PVP mission box and queue up.


Well, technically you PvErs don't need credits for anything other than repair bills and armor work.... yet a few days worth of dailies can buy you the rarest items in the game...

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I answered this in the post you quoted. The encouragement is the carrot. In my day, we didn't get trophies for failing to make the Little League team, and our mom's didn't run to the attorney's office to ensure it wouldn't happen again. PvP is a team based instance. It would behoove all the John Wayne players to learn to PvP as a team. So I see this as being good for PvP, instead of a detriment, because maybe, people will learn how to play.


swtor is not little league. in that situation, everyone is rewarded equally regardless of performance. everyone there gets the same exact trophy, when perhaps the losers should only get a pin. they are also not encouraged to excel because they always say "it doesn't matter if you lose!"


in PvP, losers are not rewarded as much as winners, although i agree that losers are spoiled quite a bit in the fact that they still make quite a bit. especially in ranked PvP, losing is discouraged quite a bit, but in all warzones, the "it doesn't matter if you win or lose" mentality is not present.


i like the medal system because it rewards personal performance.


medals are given for how many enemies you killed.

medals are given for how much damage you dealt.

medals are given for how long you guarded the pylon.

medals are given for how much healing you did.


many times one person will be kicking butt and being a major help to the team: coordinating, calling incs, etc. many times only a few people are actually team players, everyone else just slouches around doing nothing. i don't think everyone should be punished just because some people aren't doing anything because it is unfair to the people who are doing something. if the people who do a good job are getting punished for the team's behavior, those people will stop playing and now only the sucky players are left!

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Well, it was made into a minority by a bunch of early decisions and some subsequent events that has caused a number of players to leave. PvP in this game may not be dying but it is on life-support.


PvP only players are always a minority. Always. The majority does both in some form or another. PvP only players are some of the most fickle individuals I've met in an MMO as they always seem to feel the entire game should revolve around their play style and to hell with any other style.


Since I've never waited longer than a few minutes in a PvP queue on a PvE server no less, I can say that PvP is doing just fine...at least it is on Shadowlands. I don't play much on Pot5 anymore as the guild I was with was vacant within two months as the PvP only leadership disappeared back to their WoW twinks and console FPS's quickly.


People like myself, who do both PvE and PvP have no issues earning credits because we take full advantage of the entire game. Even the full time PvPer's in our guild join in on Ops and do crafting. One player even spends his time farming mats between PvP matches to earn credits and has never seen the inside of an Op or FP.


The OP is completely unwilling to take advantage of the number of credit earning possibilities that exist within the game for no other reason than "it's not PvP". That is no ones fault but his own. As has been stated repeatedly, he has no need for credits if he only PvP's since there isn't anything he needs to buy. There is an effort to reward ratio used in MMO's and PvP's rewards are well within their ratio of effort. That they aren't credits doesn't matter, they are in a currency that you use for PvP and that should be good enough for anyone who "just PvP's".

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I think the contention that "if you join a PVE game that has a PVP element, expect good PVP and are not satisfied it is your fault, not the devs" is pretty silly.


It is, in fact the devs fault. They designed the game. If the PVP is not up to snuff, thats hardly the fault of the folks who participate in it.


I also think the contention that PVP players make up the majority in this game is also pretty unlikely, though I will not say it's impossible since I am not privy to the metrics.


It's a pretty safe bet, I would expect, to assume this game falls in line with most other MMOs that have both PVE and PVP, and figure the PVP playerbase is pretty small.


That does not mean, IMO, they are any more or less important than any other type of player.


I am of the opinion that....


If folks want to craft and concentrate on that they should be able to make a decent living.


If folks want to PVE exclusively they should do well financially (and I think they do)


If folks want to PVP they should also do rather well financially, and I think they do not.


A person should be able to enjoy their playstyle and still do well financially IMO.

Edited by LordArtemis
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I think the contention that "if you join a PVE game that has a PVP element, expect good PVP and are not satisfied it is your fault, not the devs" is pretty silly.


It is, in fact the devs fault. They designed the game. If the PVP is not up to snuff, thats hardly the fault of the folks who participate in it.


Is it really? What is "good PvP"? Apparently it is something that can only happen if the Dev's pay attention solely to PvP according to the PvP only crowd.


They put out new WZ's, add Arena's, instituted ranked play...what else is required? Are they supposed to hand-hold people through PvP as well?


I'm not exactly sure what is required. You don't need credits because the PvP currency gives you whatever you need. What exactly is needed for "good PvP"?


Really, the only way it could be "not up to snuff" is if it were ignored entirely and the changes being made to classes based on PvP shows this isn't the case, as do the recently added additions to PvP. If you expect PvP to receive as much attention as PvE you are sadly mistaken. It is, regardless of what people think, a PvE-centric game as most MMO's are.


The Dev's can not give PvP more attention than it deserves without alienating a larger group of players. Not one single MMO I've ever played over the last two decades has made PvPer's happy which points to a problem with PvPer's and not with the Dev's.

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The money is in the dailies on oricon and Czerka place


Now I realize that is not PvP, but daily areas are not fun for the PvE crowd either.


The are are repetitious rinse and repeat to earn some credits, so if you need money just do dailies and stop complaining about it because nobody looks forward to oricon for the 86th day but we do it so we can buy stuff we like

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swtor is not little league. in that situation, everyone is rewarded equally regardless of performance. everyone there gets the same exact trophy, when perhaps the losers should only get a pin. they are also not encouraged to excel because they always say "it doesn't matter if you lose!"


in PvP, losers are not rewarded as much as winners, although i agree that losers are spoiled quite a bit in the fact that they still make quite a bit. especially in ranked PvP, losing is discouraged quite a bit, but in all warzones, the "it doesn't matter if you win or lose" mentality is not present.


i like the medal system because it rewards personal performance.


medals are given for how many enemies you killed.

medals are given for how much damage you dealt.

medals are given for how long you guarded the pylon.

medals are given for how much healing you did.


many times one person will be kicking butt and being a major help to the team: coordinating, calling incs, etc. many times only a few people are actually team players, everyone else just slouches around doing nothing. i don't think everyone should be punished just because some people aren't doing anything because it is unfair to the people who are doing something. if the people who do a good job are getting punished for the team's behavior, those people will stop playing and now only the sucky players are left!


The bolded and underlined part is part of what's wrong with PvP. The rest comes down to players playing like they're by themselves. But the "it doesn't matter if we lose" mentality is prevalent here, since no matter what happens, you'll get your dailies done once you've been in enough content to qualify. If you don't think it is, look at how much people buck at the idea of not being rewarded for losing. Our exchange here is based around that premise. Nobody may bring it up, or it may not come up at all, but everyone knows, you don't have to win to finish the dailies, you just have to try out. Thus the premise of rewarding failure, and my Little League analogy. You see, in my day, competitive meant somebody wins, and somebody loses, and the winners get a trophy. These days, everyone gets a trophy, so they get the "why try to improve" mentality.


Your premise here, as I understand it, is that if people aren't getting rewarded for failure, they won't play. In all fairness, you are probably right with x percentage of players. I mean, the premise behind the thread is similar, since it's "I want rewarded for failure, and I want that reward increased too". My premise is, if you're truly looking for competitive play, wouldn't separating the wheat from the chaff be better for the overall PvP experience?

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Is it really? What is "good PvP"? Apparently it is something that can only happen if the Dev's pay attention solely to PvP according to the PvP only crowd.


They put out new WZ's, add Arena's, instituted ranked play...what else is required? Are they supposed to hand-hold people through PvP as well?


I'm not exactly sure what is required. You don't need credits because the PvP currency gives you whatever you need. What exactly is needed for "good PvP"?


Really, the only way it could be "not up to snuff" is if it were ignored entirely and the changes being made to classes based on PvP shows this isn't the case, as do the recently added additions to PvP. If you expect PvP to receive as much attention as PvE you are sadly mistaken. It is, regardless of what people think, a PvE-centric game as most MMO's are.


The Dev's can not give PvP more attention than it deserves without alienating a larger group of players. Not one single MMO I've ever played over the last two decades has made PvPer's happy which points to a problem with PvPer's and not with the Dev's.


Before I respond, I would like to point out that I do not speak for the "PVP Crowd", nor do I even speak as one who participates in PVP....I speak for a single audience...myself.


I think your being a bit overly dramatic to try and sell your point, and I though I could get into a back and forth over semantics, I will simply speak in broad terms subject to interpretation....but I would imagine they would be accepted as general rules of thumb.


1) Majority rules.


If the majority states your product does not meet expectations, it does not meet expectations. There are NO OTHER CONSIDERATIONS. Commercial products must meet the expectations of the consumers they are attempting to gain as customers.


2) Companies generally can foresee, with some trial and error, what consumers desire.


This is the case for most products...sometimes a gamble is had, but in a general sense a company knows what consumers want and they either provide it or fail to do so. Simple truth.


3) The market does not exist in a vacuum.


Research provides answers when a company wishes to cater to it's customers. A lack of research can still result in a product that customers desire, but that is generally considered a risky proposition.



Now, considering that, one can assume with a reasonable certainty that Bioware was aware of what they wanted to do with PVP, who they wanted to appeal to with the product, and what those particular customers desired. Knowing that, it is generally accepted by, I would expect Bioware, as well as most folks in the know that the PVP in this game was poorly received and rated poorly among general PVP players in the market.


So, one can assume either:


1) They added PVP as an alternative playstyle with no intent on making it desirable enough to draw in or keep players for any number of reasons.

2) The research they did was somehow flawed (though one could argue beta clearly demonstrated something was wrong)

3) Though feedback was negative they believed that eventually it would turn around with design changes on the fly, which one could argue did not materialize until long after the original dev team was gone.


There is no doubt in my mind that there are folks that love PVP in this game, and rightly so. But it is also silly, IMO, to ignore the general feedback market wide that the PVP in this game is a poor design, though most certainly not the worst.


I expect developers to do what it takes to design a game that will gain and hold players. This design overall, in many ways, failed to do that in spectacular fashion IMO.


The fault in that sits squarely with the devs, fair or not. Not the consumers they were trying to entice to play. To me, that is a truth that is incontrovertible.


Now, with all of that said, does that mean this game failed to meet expectations due entirely to poor PVP? Unlikely. Should PVP receive more attention than PVE? I would say no.


But...I would say if you wanted to get more folks to try out PVP, wanted to increase your PVP population as PART of an overall plan of game improvement you really could not go wrong with fixing bad design points and giving the platform more desirable carrots to draw in players.


Thats just my slant.

Edited by LordArtemis
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I don't buy it.


What market research? A few vocal minority players on the forums saying the same things over and over again? Face it, if you see a post critical of PvP in this game you can guarantee it is from one of a few people that constantly post on the subject. I don't see a lot of these any more thanks to the ignore feature.


PvP isn't a life style, no matter what the vocal minority says. It is a single aspect of the game as a whole. It doesn't make sense for people to be "Heroic players" only but when people say they are PvP only we accept that and begin making excuses for their stance that their chosen style of play isn't "represented" enough.


It's BS plain and simple. PvP is an aspect not a play style. It is a small part that a vocal minority tries to blow out of proportion as if it were a completely separate part of the game.


Funny, but I have no problems whatsoever jumping in to PvP just as I have no problems jumping in to an OP or running dailies or playing the GTN. It isn't a separate game, it is a part of the whole...and a minor part at that.


The PvP centered portion of the community is small even if they are vocal and they will never be pleased until and unless the entire game is focused on them to the exclusion of everything else. This game didn't lose anything if, indeed, the "PvP crowd" left because...I don't know, Bengahzi?...in fact, the game is better off without them in my opinion. Those of us who enjoy PvP as a part of the game and not the end all, be all of the game are happy.


All of the "market noise" is nothing more than the same vocal minority decrying the game in other forums, not any real research into the subject. The fact that I can get into a PvP match within minutes of queuing on a PvE server tells me that PvP is alive and well.

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The bolded and underlined part is part of what's wrong with PvP. The rest comes down to players playing like they're by themselves. But the "it doesn't matter if we lose" mentality is prevalent here, since no matter what happens, you'll get your dailies done once you've been in enough content to qualify. If you don't think it is, look at how much people buck at the idea of not being rewarded for losing. Our exchange here is based around that premise. Nobody may bring it up, or it may not come up at all, but everyone knows, you don't have to win to finish the dailies, you just have to try out. Thus the premise of rewarding failure, and my Little League analogy. You see, in my day, competitive meant somebody wins, and somebody loses, and the winners get a trophy. These days, everyone gets a trophy, so they get the "why try to improve" mentality.


Your premise here, as I understand it, is that if people aren't getting rewarded for failure, they won't play. In all fairness, you are probably right with x percentage of players. I mean, the premise behind the thread is similar, since it's "I want rewarded for failure, and I want that reward increased too". My premise is, if you're truly looking for competitive play, wouldn't separating the wheat from the chaff be better for the overall PvP experience?


the winners blow through the dailies at twice the speed, i think that is pretty great. if anything, i want the reward for losing decreased slightly for extra encouragement.


i understand why you disagree with me, but i personally don't like having to rely on other players to do good in order to pull through just to get rewarded.


some people just like ruining it for others, and other people just suck. sure, people should work together as a team, but you simply can't rely on other people trying.

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do you have any proof of that statement or did you pull that from your nether regions? only the devs know the numbers as to what game styles people prefer. I dont recall you being a Dev.


Some people just like to pretend that PvP is not a mini-game bolt on for a PvE MMO-RPG. There may be a war between the Republic and the Imperials, but as a game that focuses on the Class, and class missions, raids, and more, some PvPers just hate hearing how PvE is the dominant source of content. Plus, there are non-PvE and non-PvP methods to make a TON of creds in this game. Everyone has the same opportunities. We just need the vocal minority to get with the program and stop asking for special snowflake status.

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The Title says it all. But see why below... (edited for clarity)


Here are a few key points to consider:


1. This is a game. A game should be fun for the player and each person should be able to play the way they like without having to feel gimped because they pvp.... I understand that there are many different ways in the game to make money and I do indeed utilize all of them, but I shouldn't be gimped in the pocketbook when I decide to play pvp.


2. The difference in money making opportunities- I have decided to limit my example to pve dailies for simplicity:

If I spend the whole day pvp'ing and I put all my comms toward buying pvp credit boxes....I would be lucky to walk away with a total earning potential of 200k for the whole day. If I spend that same day doing pve dailies (and yes I can spend the whole day doing dailies....I have more than one character.) I can make easy 1 million credits and that is pure profit (I have already subtracted repair costs)....but wait... I also get to turn in my basic comms for isotope 5 and sell them at 100k each! In a week it works out to around this:

pvp: Max: 1.4 million for the week.

pve dailies: 8.5 million between daily payout and selling isotope 5's.


With less time... I can go to cz-198 and in 15 minutes earn 65-75k easy. In pvp to make that it takes over 2 hours. If I need or want money (which everyone does) why should I make that much less when I am pvp'ing. This only hurts an already hurting pvp queue.


3. Sure pvp can make money, but as you can see from above there is a huge difference!


4. Why do I a pvp'er want to make money? Um it should be obvious, but I want things. I want to be able to get the new mounts and adaptable gear that comes out. I want to have a guild and be able to afford a few guild bank tabs and maybe a guild ship. I need to have money to switch mods so I can wear adaptable gear. PvP'ers should be able to make a comparable amount when pvp'ing as they do when they are participating in the pve counterpart...... it makes no sense right now considering that on many servers the pvp queue's are very slow- perhaps because we have to leave pvp to go make money doing something else!


I am not suggesting anything negative toward the pve'ers. All I am asking is that Bioware would add a PERMANENT way for pvp'ers to have the OPORTUNITY to make near equal to what our pve counterparts can make (minus repair costs).


Here is my suggestion on how to add this money making opportunity for pvp'ers...


Add a material that is say equivalent to isotope 5 to pvp....purchaseable via ranked comms.

1. Since it is only purchaseable through ranked comms.... all pvp'ers could get them since reg warzone comms can be traded for them, however because of the exchange rate it would take a lot of work to get them.

2. Because pvp ALREADY pays those who do not do so well in the match a lot less.... those who would want to "push a button" for easy money would find it would take them far too long to earn comms.

3. Because ranked pvp comms are only available at lvl 55.....the increase would not affect those in lower levels.

This would not only increase the amount of money available to pvp'ers who are willing to put forth the effort, but it would increase queue pop.....since those who would normally leave to go make money could do so where they are.


Money is a PVE thing not a PVP thing.

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Money is a PVE thing not a PVP thing.


10/10 for the biggest display of entitlement I have seen on this forum.


That by the way, is a huge achievement considering how many entitled whiners this forum is filled with.

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the winners blow through the dailies at twice the speed, i think that is pretty great. if anything, i want the reward for losing decreased slightly for extra encouragement.


i understand why you disagree with me, but i personally don't like having to rely on other players to do good in order to pull through just to get rewarded.


some people just like ruining it for others, and other people just suck. sure, people should work together as a team, but you simply can't rely on other people trying.


I don't PuG on my tanks for that very reason. Even if they're not doing anything but constantly complaining about how I choose to tank; too fast or too slow, not pulling the way they'd do it, etc etc. This is why I only tank for my guild. For PvP, if it held any interest for me here, I'd run a pre-made. This helps get around that John Wayne mentality that is encouraged by the PvP system here, and puts the focus back on team play. It may reward individual play, but until it stops putting everyone in a team, team play is what's intended to happen. If I were in your shoes, I wouldn't do a solo queue, I'd get 3 friends and get 'em on a voice chat for PvP. If everyone interested in actual competitive play did the same thing, the John Waynes would indeed be weeded out, but it wouldn't much hurt queue times, since people would be hitting the button with a team already made.

Edited by robertthebard
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I don't PuG on my tanks for that very reason. Even if they're not doing anything but constantly complaining about how I choose to tank; too fast or too slow, not pulling the way they'd do it, etc etc. This is why I only tank for my guild. For PvP, if it held any interest for me here, I'd run a pre-made. This helps get around that John Wayne mentality that is encouraged by the PvP system here, and puts the focus back on team play. It may reward individual play, but until it stops putting everyone in a team, team play is what's intended to happen. If I were in your shoes, I wouldn't do a solo queue, I'd get 3 friends and get 'em on a voice chat for PvP. If everyone interested in actual competitive play did the same thing, the John Waynes would indeed be weeded out, but it wouldn't much hurt queue times, since people would be hitting the button with a team already made.


this is a trade-off between individuals and the team. maybe if they had some reward system for players that work together, but doing so would be insanely difficult.


perhaps there would be an extra commendation for every player involved in focus-firing a target. so, if three people helped to take down a single target, then each of them would get an extra warzone commendation at the end of the match, but it would have to be significant damage to avoid someone shooting once, then ignoring it.


maybe in huttball, if someone pulled a friendly ball carrier towards the enemy goal line or an enemy ball carrier away from yours, not into a trap, and a significant distance (10 meters or more), then they would get an extra commendation.


pulling an ally out of the acid pit gives a commendation.


that could also happen if you pulled an energy orb carrier towards/away from thy pylon depending on if its a good or bad, you would get an extra commendation. or if you pull an ally into the safe zone during a detonation you get a commendation.


knocking down an enemy capper/ball carrier will give a commendation.


if you want to encourage teamwork, do so with positive reinforcement, not negative. all of these single warzone comms will add up. do enough 'good deeds' that help the group, but not necessarily you as an individual, and you can get an extra 10 to 20 comms at the end of a match.

Edited by CyberneticDucks
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I don't buy it.


What market research? A few vocal minority players on the forums saying the same things over and over again? Face it, if you see a post critical of PvP in this game you can guarantee it is from one of a few people that constantly post on the subject. I don't see a lot of these any more thanks to the ignore feature.


PvP isn't a life style, no matter what the vocal minority says. It is a single aspect of the game as a whole. It doesn't make sense for people to be "Heroic players" only but when people say they are PvP only we accept that and begin making excuses for their stance that their chosen style of play isn't "represented" enough.


It's BS plain and simple. PvP is an aspect not a play style. It is a small part that a vocal minority tries to blow out of proportion as if it were a completely separate part of the game.


Funny, but I have no problems whatsoever jumping in to PvP just as I have no problems jumping in to an OP or running dailies or playing the GTN. It isn't a separate game, it is a part of the whole...and a minor part at that.


The PvP centered portion of the community is small even if they are vocal and they will never be pleased until and unless the entire game is focused on them to the exclusion of everything else. This game didn't lose anything if, indeed, the "PvP crowd" left because...I don't know, Bengahzi?...in fact, the game is better off without them in my opinion. Those of us who enjoy PvP as a part of the game and not the end all, be all of the game are happy.


All of the "market noise" is nothing more than the same vocal minority decrying the game in other forums, not any real research into the subject. The fact that I can get into a PvP match within minutes of queuing on a PvE server tells me that PvP is alive and well.


Fair enough. I can see we will not meet minds on this issue, and that is fine. I am assuming this means you do not support the idea of higher credit rewards for PVP players.


Just to be clear, I would ok with increased rewards if it could help entice players to give PVP a shot.

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the winners blow through the dailies at twice the speed, i think that is pretty great. if anything, i want the reward for losing decreased slightly for extra encouragement.


i understand why you disagree with me, but i personally don't like having to rely on other players to do good in order to pull through just to get rewarded.


some people just like ruining it for others, and other people just suck. sure, people should work together as a team, but you simply can't rely on other people trying.


In an OP, you have to rely on the other 7, or 15, players in your group to " do good in order to pull through just to get rewarded." There is no reward for failure. In fact, failure leaves a player worse off then when they started.


Can you say the same for PVP?


Why should PVP be any different?

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this is a trade-off between individuals and the team. maybe if they had some reward system for players that work together, but doing so would be insanely difficult.


perhaps there would be an extra commendation for every player involved in focus-firing a target. so, if three people helped to take down a single target, then each of them would get an extra warzone commendation at the end of the match, but it would have to be significant damage to avoid someone shooting once, then ignoring it.


maybe in huttball, if someone pulled a friendly ball carrier towards the enemy goal line or an enemy ball carrier away from yours, not into a trap, and a significant distance (10 meters or more), then they would get an extra commendation.


pulling an ally out of the acid pit gives a commendation.


that could also happen if you pulled an energy orb carrier towards/away from thy pylon depending on if its a good or bad, you would get an extra commendation. or if you pull an ally into the safe zone during a detonation you get a commendation.


knocking down an enemy capper/ball carrier will give a commendation.


if you want to encourage teamwork, do so with positive reinforcement, not negative. all of these single warzone comms will add up. do enough 'good deeds' that help the group, but not necessarily you as an individual, and you can get an extra 10 to 20 comms at the end of a match.


I see this as positive reinforcement. The winners get paid, this will encourage everyone to play to win, instead of playing to be #1 damage dealer. While I don't think the system working as it is right now is all that bad, if you're going to increase the rewards for completion of the dailies, there needs to be some kind of balance put in place to keep inordinate amounts of credits being injected into the game. For PvE there are repair costs, and failure to complete isn't rewarded. Of the two, the most feasible to implement, since repair costs could get astronomically high, would be to only award completion to the winners.


Really, they could leave the comms per match based on win/lose alone, but if they increase the daily rewards, there needs to be some risk involved, and not getting paid to fail is sufficient risk. This will encourage team play, and may even encourage premade teams. At least, that's the easiest one, as it doesn't require a total revamp of the system. I am limited on the comms I can earn per day by the fact that I can only run dailies once a day. I know that sounds redundant, but I can't go, for example, to Sec X and run the daily/weekly, turn them in and then run the missions again. Really, the way PvP is set up now, they can't change the WZs to only pop once and be done for the day, especially on PvE and RP servers.


How else are we going to increase rewards and still treat everyone fairly? Cut repair costs for PvE? That's not going to happen, as it's a fairly significant sink, when we look at PvE as a whole. Just running story missions/planet story, with no deaths, I wracked up around 6k in repair costs on my Sorc yesterday while grinding my way to 50. If I'd spent all day hitting WZs, on a heal spec'd sorc, I wouldn't have had that overhead. As it stands right now, I feel it's better to just leave the rewards alone, and not make any changes to how it works. There is no risk for the reward, and no matter what happens, you get the reward. Is it minimal? I don't know, from some of the posts, it seems like players can do ok with it, they're definitely not losing money doing it. If I were a hardcore raider, there is potential to lose money doing it, which would put me into a position where I'd need to run a few dailies to recoup my losses. I'd say, as it stands, if PvPcentric players want to make extra money, they can do the same, or craft/gather to bolster their income. Just like everyone else.

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There should be as many PvP dailies as there are PvE dailies. PvPers are at most lower class when it comes to making money in this game.


if there was open world pvp stuff maybe. Which leads me an idea. I was thinking ,how far off or far fetched could it be to add a pvp open world daily and weekly where you have to find and kill x number of players in open world. they would have to be within 5 levels of you and such to prevent abuse but other than that it is possible. I will bring it up to the community guys during the next twitch livestream. But anyway, you do know that with pve dailies added up that adds up to about 80 daily quests (about 10 per daily area and including gsi daily planets of course), do you know how horrible it would be to sift through all that in a mission terminal alone!

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I see this as positive reinforcement. The winners get paid, this will encourage everyone to play to win, instead of playing to be #1 damage dealer. While I don't think the system working as it is right now is all that bad, if you're going to increase the rewards for completion of the dailies, there needs to be some kind of balance put in place to keep inordinate amounts of credits being injected into the game. For PvE there are repair costs, and failure to complete isn't rewarded. Of the two, the most feasible to implement, since repair costs could get astronomically high, would be to only award completion to the winners.


Really, they could leave the comms per match based on win/lose alone, but if they increase the daily rewards, there needs to be some risk involved, and not getting paid to fail is sufficient risk. This will encourage team play, and may even encourage premade teams. At least, that's the easiest one, as it doesn't require a total revamp of the system. I am limited on the comms I can earn per day by the fact that I can only run dailies once a day. I know that sounds redundant, but I can't go, for example, to Sec X and run the daily/weekly, turn them in and then run the missions again. Really, the way PvP is set up now, they can't change the WZs to only pop once and be done for the day, especially on PvE and RP servers.


How else are we going to increase rewards and still treat everyone fairly? Cut repair costs for PvE? That's not going to happen, as it's a fairly significant sink, when we look at PvE as a whole. Just running story missions/planet story, with no deaths, I wracked up around 6k in repair costs on my Sorc yesterday while grinding my way to 50. If I'd spent all day hitting WZs, on a heal spec'd sorc, I wouldn't have had that overhead. As it stands right now, I feel it's better to just leave the rewards alone, and not make any changes to how it works. There is no risk for the reward, and no matter what happens, you get the reward. Is it minimal? I don't know, from some of the posts, it seems like players can do ok with it, they're definitely not losing money doing it. If I were a hardcore raider, there is potential to lose money doing it, which would put me into a position where I'd need to run a few dailies to recoup my losses. I'd say, as it stands, if PvPcentric players want to make extra money, they can do the same, or craft/gather to bolster their income. Just like everyone else.


get this through your head, i am not saying to increase rewards for dailies

sorry to be a bit blunt on that, but i felt it was necessary to point that out.


PvE players make a lot more with the risks involved. if they are able to pull through in a FP, then they get lavish rewards:


take the weekly mission for doing a FP: XP, credits, and 10 planetary comms.


take the group finder daily reward: 10 planetary comms


take the flashpoint reward: XP, credits, 5 planetary comms, an extra 5 for subs.


take all the gear loot, credits, and XP from enemies in FPs, bonus missions, and bosses.


completing a flashpoint or other group content is significantly harder than PvP, so it deserves better rewards. comparing PvE to PvP is a really confusing subject. generally, in PvE, the group is better coordinated, and they fight NPCs that sit around until you attack them or get too close. other players coordinate and reason, that's what makes them such lovely 'sport'.


the 'winner get's all' idea is both negative and positive in my mind. what i think you're saying is that the winner would get paid significantly more, but the loser would either get very little or absolutely nothing. i think some negative reinforcement could certainly work, but not if the loser gets nothing or, at best, the dirt off the floor. i don't think that is fair, even if the winner earned it.


if simplicity is what you are going for, then maybe some minor restrictions could be put in place to encourage players to excel, but i do not want the losers getting 40 or 50 comms and 750 credits at level 55 just because they lost.


i think that losers should get a commendation cap at the end of a match, maybe 100. i have gotten 160 comms on a wonderful day, and my team had still lost. winners do not get any cap for their comms, and in addition, if a winner earns 16 medals in a match, then they get the full comm and valor rewards of the 16 medals, not just the 8. in other words, the "highly decorated" thing does not count once they get 8 medals if they win at the end.


i also think that the loser would get a 1/4 or 1/5 credit reduction, and the winner gets an extra 1/4 or 1/5 credit bonus.


i think XP should stay the same, however. leveling is already as long and grueling enough. i think the winner should get an extra 20% experience at the end, which adds with the 30% WZ XP boost from legacy perks to give the winner an extra 50% XP bonus. the warzone XP bonus for the winner increases by 5% for every win in a row. if you win 3 in a row, the winner gets a 35% XP (25% + 5% + 5% = 35%) bonus at the end of the third win. losing resets this bonus back to 20%.

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There should be as many PvP dailies as there are PvE dailies. PvPers are at most lower class when it comes to making money in this game.


That is a conscious choice, made by people to only play a segment of the game. If, as the argument says, that's what they enjoy, then they've been enjoying it, and isn't that the point of "competitive play". You're doing PvP for the sake of PvP, and it has tons less overhead to run than PvE. Added to this, you can run the same instances 24/7. You're not locked out of anything once you complete it.

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That is a conscious choice, made by people to only play a segment of the game. If, as the argument says, that's what they enjoy, then they've been enjoying it, and isn't that the point of "competitive play". You're doing PvP for the sake of PvP, and it has tons less overhead to run than PvE. Added to this, you can run the same instances 24/7. You're not locked out of anything once you complete it.


yeah what he asked for was impractical. from daily areas alone (including gsi dailies for good measure, ) I count about 80 pve dailies ( not even including makeb which I think would bring us up at or close to 100) that NO ONE could all do in one day. His suggestion only would be semi-viable if there was open world pvp daily areas.

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