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Star Wars Fans "OFFICIALLY" discredit Bioware's Star Wars: The Old Republic


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Nope still Canon. They have the CGI Art of him already made.


and? If it's not in, it doesn't count. As an example Grevous stabbed Shaak Ti through the chest in a deleted scene, they filmed it, they did the CGI, it was all ready to go in and they cut it so it didn't count.


Though even if Revan had been in it all that would mean since the Disney announcement is that there was a character called Revan. All his "history" still wouldn't count as canon.


Though as I said, I'm not bothered either way.

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Does Mickey Mouse have a EU? Does any Disney copyright have a EU?

Lucas let fans and other writers create there own stories, Disney only wants fans reading Disney stories.


If it isn't from a Disney controlled studio Disney won't condone it.


What action have they taken against fan fiction?


What action have they taken against SWTOR, for that matter? Oh, wait... they gave EA a 10 year deal!


Maybe I missed it, but have they said, "No new books"?


You're overreacting to a complete non-issue. Did Disney's retconning the Thrawn story into non-canon make you retroactively hate the books?

Edited by DarthTHC
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Well, now that we know SWTOR isn't cannon. There goes by sub. I won't be renewing...or playing after today. Farewell all.


not canon for now. They gave a blanket decanonization just to give minimal interference to their plans. But thats not to say it won't slowly become canon again. For example, just to illustrate for you, Darth Bane, in the lost episodes of the Clone Wars he appears and therefore he is canon. However his entire book series has been labeled legends. So just to give you an idea. And while swtor may not be canon that probably doesn't mean they will outright go and openly contradict the game and denounce it that would be a horrible business decision. Either way, point is while we are not technically canon right now, that does not mean there is no hope out there.

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Literally all that has happened since the acquisition:


G-canon & T-canon are now one cohesive Canon with all new releases being on completely the same level of relevance.


Everything else I.E C-canon is Legends, yet hasn't been discarded.... merely has no relevance on the saga and TV shows, with retconning taking place by the aforementioned Canon.


All they did was group stuff up and all Wookieepedia has tried to do is make sense of this for their internal policies.


Much ado about nothing.

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Let's stop pointlessly babbling about. Is Swtor. canon? Does anyone know? What about Kotor, TSL, Darkhorse Kotor, TotJ, and Swtor? Yes or no!!! (was TotJ Dark Horse?)


So long as we carry it in our hearts the EU shall live forever. The EU is dead, long live the



/shed a single tear


/play a tiny violin


This reminded me of Rory, lol.

(end of season 5, DW)

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Much ado about nothing.


Well, to be fair thats pretty big for some folks. Having some pseudo-reputability to alternate characters and storylines in the SW universe gave some fans enjoyment, and that is no longer the case for those folks.


I do think for most folks it is a non issue. But some folks are pretty passionate about their little corner in the SW world.

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Declaring the vast majority (if not all of it) of the Expanded Universe as non-canon is an asinine slap in the face of all the work and effort that was put into constructing it, and bringing it forth to the fans to enrich and explore the never ending story that is Star Wars. It's also very ironic and awkward that they do this when they have added so many influences and direct characters, organizations and factions from the Expanded Universe into the TV series The Clone Wars, which is still considered canon (the Death Watch and Darth Bane to name a few).


George Lucas has most definitely contradicted himself and betrayed the values he has brought forth to the public by stealing many things from the Expanded Universe into the Clone Wars, and then declaring everything around it and the six films as non-canon. "People who alter or destroy works of art and our cultural heritage for profit or as an exercise of power are barbarians," my eye.


Very well said. This proves Lucas is a selfish person and he has no care for anyone who liked anything that WASN'T his work. It's so selfish to say "That's not my work, so that's not canon." Seriously it wouldn't kill you to allow OTHERS to expand your universe! You're so selfish Lucas.

Edited by Longhate
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Well, to be fair thats pretty big for some folks. Having some pseudo-reputability to alternate characters and storylines in the SW universe gave some fans enjoyment, and that is no longer the case for those folks.


I do think for most folks it is a non issue. But some folks are pretty passionate about their little corner in the SW world.


You're saying that Disney ret-conning the Thrawn story into non-canon made fans retroactively hate the story? Come on man. That's not even close to sane.


If you're talking about their fan-fic, that was never canon anyway.

Edited by DarthTHC
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Well, to be fair thats pretty big for some folks. Having some pseudo-reputability to alternate characters and storylines in the SW universe gave some fans enjoyment, and that is no longer the case for those folks.


I do think for most folks it is a non issue. But some folks are pretty passionate about their little corner in the SW world.

You're saying that Disney ret-conning the Thrawn story into non-canon made fans retroactively hate the story? Come on man. That's not even close to sane.


If you're talking about their fan-fic, that was never canon anyway.

Having one aspect of what they enjoyed about it taken away doesn't mean they "hate" it. But by the same token just because they don't hate it doesn't mean they can't speak up about liking the old system better.


Thrawn Trilogy by itself = good.

Thrawn Trilogy still having direct impact on novels, comics, and games being published 25 years later = great.

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I never considered anything Post ROTJ Canon other then the Thrawn Trilogy and a few games.


The Yuuzhan Vong make me want to puke. Also the entire story line revolving around them.

Whos dumb arse idea was that?


Also, guys, the "LucasFilm Story Group" the new entity within LucasFilm regulating the new Canon, was mentioned in the credits for Galactic Starfighter.


Not that it means anything. Maybe it was required on Biowares part or something.

Edited by Tuskin
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Having one aspect of what they enjoyed about it taken away doesn't mean they "hate" it. But by the same token just because they don't hate it doesn't mean they can't speak up about liking the old system better.


Thrawn Trilogy by itself = good.

Thrawn Trilogy still having direct impact on novels, comics, and games being published 25 years later = who cares if the story is still good?


Fixed that for ya... turned it into something a rational person might write.

Edited by DarthTHC
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Fixed that for ya... turned it into something a rational person might write.

We're talking about entertainment - who cares how "rational" someone's personal preferences are? As long as they're grounded enough as people that they're not sending death threats over this stuff, then whether they prefer a strict Canon system or a complete "whatever" attitude towards continuity (like in Simpsons or South Park) matters about as much as whether they prefer High Fantasy or Detective Noir stories.


If they find some added value in a setup that has their favorite stories or characters continue on in future works, good for them. Not sure why you'd need to belittle them for it.


And clearly it's not that unusual of a preference to care about continuity, otherwise why would the whole concept of Canon or Reboots even exist at all in fiction?

Edited by DarthDymond
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Has the game aged so much, that no one cares?


i'm still patiently waiting for it to mature. the lazy wow-in-sw's-clothing aspect i can forgive if the PTB plug some hours into fixing years-old textual errors, loosening up on railroady mission sequences, padding out the more glaringly oversimplified choices, and completely replacing Jaesa's atrocious VA. (or until i hit the private server jackpot.)

but i certainly don't care how wookieepedia styles itself or "ranks" lore from different sources as long as they aren't outright removing or significantly altering the OldRepub stuff they've managed to pile up.

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Very well said. This proves Lucas is a selfish person and he has no care for anyone who liked anything that WASN'T his work. It's so selfish to say "That's not my work, so that's not canon." Seriously it wouldn't kill you to allow OTHERS to expand your universe! You're so selfish Lucas.


Except you get *garbage* (as gentle a term as I can come up with right now) like the Star Wars Holiday Special. Thank the maker that that (and Life Day along with it) are no longer canon. Garbage is garbage, no matter who makes it and it has no business being in the Star Wars universe. It's about time someone cleaned house.

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You're saying that Disney ret-conning the Thrawn story into non-canon made fans retroactively hate the story? Come on man. That's not even close to sane.


If you're talking about their fan-fic, that was never canon anyway.


No, I think what I am saying is pretty clear....fans enjoyed the fact that what they liked in the EU was considered pseudo-canon, and now they are unhappy it is not.


That was my point. It doesn't make them dislike the source material, it makes them sad the source material is not longer considered pseudo-canon.


On a side note in general, if I am not mistaken Lucas did not make this decision.....Disney did.

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Except you get *garbage* (as gentle a term as I can come up with right now) like the Star Wars Holiday Special. Thank the maker that that (and Life Day along with it) are no longer canon. Garbage is garbage, no matter who makes it and it has no business being in the Star Wars universe. It's about time someone cleaned house.


But the EU wasn't full of garbage. There was a shedload of amazing stuff that was GOOD for Star Wars. The Star Wars Holiday Special was an abomination and boring as hell, but rather than taking the time to declare stuff like that non-canon, they just said "Screw it, it's too hard! Let's just declare the whole EU non-canon, and make ONLY the movies and tv series canon. I don't care if you loved the EU, we don't care about what you feel because SCREW YOU, GIVE ME MONEY!"

Edited by Longhate
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