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Everything posted by wedgeyulwei

  1. it's astonishingly insulting that this problem bears no mentioning in the "known issues" sticky. i was sure i couldn't be the only account experiencing it - the odds would be ridiculous. however, it's even worse for me. so far only two of my (>30 across 3 servers) characters will finish loading; the rest time out after the load progress sits at ~92% for however long it takes to time out. five days of this now. and you say you can jump and use quick travel? lucky bastard all i can do (with either mouse or keyboard) is turn back and forth, adjust the camera, and call up the map and menus. can't jump; ALL quickbar buttons are shadowed and any attempt to use abilities gets a "Not ready yet". tried resetting keybindings, doesn't make any difference. the UI is behaving perfectly normally, the pointer icon changes when it hovers over objects, other characters etc. but my characters cannot do anything (outside of the chatbox). and of course 'stuck' solves absolutely none of this, though i'm sure it's the first thing a csr checks if someone with this issue waits long enough to get a response ... so i think "okay, maybe they still have bugs to iron out with all of the conversion of equipment, crafting mats, companions, blah blah blah ... i'll just make a brand new character." and 24 hours after attempting this for the first time since patch 4, Character Creation continues to be NON-FUNCTIONAL. can't even pick a freaking faction. i wish this were a joke. how the hell does something this gamebreaking slip past alpha testing?
  2. i haven't even finished half of the class stories and there are still tons of sloppy errors like that, not just based on the development being too lazy to iron out smallish differences in one class's endings, but also [e.g.] in addressing you as though you completed the class story just because you got past level 50. this limpness is excusable in games where immersion was weak from the start, but not with BioWare's track record of actually giving a damn about story.
  3. it's only now* that it appears actually dead, as in one can't even go there to contribute anything; the bookmarks i had (mostly for companion convo/mission chains) are either 404 or redirect to the homepage here. I'd been using it to speed up my personal catalogue of missions and class/companion dialogue trees. there had been a lot of companion reaction data accumulated there, rather sloppily in some respects (misleading people as to how much affection or how many dark/light points could be obtained from a particular tree) but still an impressive amount of info. also got nothing useful from the darthhater link above (yes, i know this is thread-necro, but it's high on the hitlist of any reference to torhead). has there been some kind of crack-down? is a particular group (or their parent company) trying to protect their mystique? *"now" as in, i had taken a couple of months off until yesterday, but before that period began, torhead was still functional, such as it was.
  4. i'm still patiently waiting for it to mature. the lazy wow-in-sw's-clothing aspect i can forgive if the PTB plug some hours into fixing years-old textual errors, loosening up on railroady mission sequences, padding out the more glaringly oversimplified choices, and completely replacing Jaesa's atrocious VA. (or until i hit the private server jackpot.) but i certainly don't care how wookieepedia styles itself or "ranks" lore from different sources as long as they aren't outright removing or significantly altering the OldRepub stuff they've managed to pile up.
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