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Star Wars Fans "OFFICIALLY" discredit Bioware's Star Wars: The Old Republic


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As I've stated several times in the past, I honestly don't care.


Except for the people working at Wookieepedia who - I'm pretty sure - poured their hearts, minds and souls into trying to establish a cohesive continuity from the mess that the SW universe is, no one else ever cared.


Plus... Conan Antonio Motti. Stewjon. Skywalker wine. :rolleyes:

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You mean like how SWTOR can't really affect the movies in any appreciable way so its impact on the SW universe is basically null, whether its canon or not?


Someone getting all ruffled up about how SWTOR is in canon limbo really has too much time on their hands and honestly, its probably not good to be stressed out about it.

Well obviously considering the movies have already been made. :rolleyes:


But has the Old Republic era effected past and future EU works, including The Clone Wars? Yes. And does this work vice versa? Yes. And is it totally cool that SWTOR is an event that happened in one big history? Definitely.


Though I agree with the sentiment that this is nothing to fuss about. Lucasfilm has explicitly stated that they are not discarding EU material, even if it isn't canon that doesn't mean it will be undermined. That said if it was canon it would be a wonderful thing, because it opens up oppurtunities for SWTOR to be integrated into future works more deeply.

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LOL! Best reaction by far.


It's all "fiction" folks.





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Well obviously considering the movies have already been made. :rolleyes:


But has the Old Republic era effected past and future EU works, including The Clone Wars? Yes. And does this work vice versa? Yes. And is it totally cool that SWTOR is an event that happened in one big history? Definitely.


Though I agree with the sentiment that this is nothing to fuss about. Lucasfilm has explicitly stated that they are not discarding EU material, even if it isn't canon that doesn't mean it will be undermined. That said if it was canon it would be a wonderful thing, because it opens up oppurtunities for SWTOR to be integrated into future works more deeply.


First this is wrong, EU is discarded completely as they stated "Legends".


Second SWTOR is canon because there is mention of it in the movies acknowledging the existence of Old Republic Era prior to the movies, its in Episode IV a New Hope, Episode 2 Attack of Clones and so on.


So No, SWTOR is canon because Disney acknowledge its exitence evidently in many posts recently.

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First this is wrong, EU is discarded completely as they stated "Legends".


Second SWTOR is canon because there is mention of it in the movies acknowledging the existence of Old Republic Era prior to the movies, its in Episode IV a New Hope, Episode 2 Attack of Clones and so on.


So No, SWTOR is canon because Disney acknowledge its exitence evidently in many posts recently.

That is most certainly not the case:


While the universe that readers knew is changing, it is not being discarded. Creators of new Star Wars entertainment have full access to the rich content of the Expanded Universe. For example, elements of the EU are included in Star Wars Rebels. The Inquisitor, the Imperial Security Bureau, and Sienar Fleet Systems are story elements in the new animated series, and all these ideas find their origins in roleplaying game material published in the 1980s.


If it were discarded completely it wouldn't exist, but it does as Legends, and the fact that these "Legends" may and already have been incoporated into future works totally invalidates the notion they are being discarded on both a semantic and pratical level. I'm afraid this claim just doesn't make sense in light of what is happening.


Still, if you want to believe that, fine, it isn't going to change what Disney/Lucasfilm is doing.


As far as we know, it doesn't work like that, only those specific elements exist, this doesn't necessarily mean everything attached to them exists, especially considering that apparently KOTOR and KOTOR II are non-canon. I'm going to wait for an official statement, it may be that they will consider it ongoing Legends content, supervised by them but still subject to revision if need be, I'm not sure they are prepared to say that "this happened and can never be overwritten."


However they may also never say anything, though in that case we must assume its non-canon.

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That is most certainly not the case:


While the universe that readers knew is changing, it is not being discarded. Creators of new Star Wars entertainment have full access to the rich content of the Expanded Universe. For example, elements of the EU are included in Star Wars Rebels. The Inquisitor, the Imperial Security Bureau, and Sienar Fleet Systems are story elements in the new animated series, and all these ideas find their origins in roleplaying game material published in the 1980s.


If it were discarded completely it wouldn't exist, but it does as Legends, and the fact that these "Legends" may and already have been incoporated into future works totally invalidates the notion they are being discarded on both a semantic and pratical level. I'm afraid this claim just doesn't make sense in light of what is happening.


Still, if you want to believe that, fine, it isn't going to change what Disney/Lucasfilm is doing.


As far as we know, it doesn't work like that, only those specific elements exist, this doesn't necessarily mean everything attached to them exists, especially considering that apparently KOTOR and KOTOR II are non-canon. I'm going to wait for an official statement, it may be that they will consider it ongoing Legends content, supervised by them but still subject to revision if need be, I'm not sure they are prepared to say that "this happened and can never be overwritten."


However they may also never say anything, though in that case we must assume its non-canon.


You really dont get Disney:


By saying EU is gone, we are re-writting the story based on a new trilogy.....means exactly that.


Saying Inquisitor was taken from EU, mightaswell say Thrawn will make a cameo in the films...chiss maybe but no Thrawn see the difference?

Hint: Thrawn is GONE thankfully.

Edited by ZahirS
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Wait...is this really true? Do you think they really will?


I read EU crap to my kids every night while they were little...my house could be featured on Hoarders with the collection of Star Wars books I have...it's like a hydrogen filled Hindenburg if they burn my books...

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I can understand the concerns of fans of this game and the EU in general. I for one am happy that it is no longer considered canon in any way shape or form....that tosses out some of the ridiculous EU nonsense that came out over the years...and tosses out "light side Sith" with it.


That makes me reasonably gleeful. I still like this game, regardless where it stands.

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You really dont get Disney:


By saying EU is gone, we are re-writting the story based on a new trilogy.....means exactly that.


Saying Inquisitor was taken from EU, mightaswell say Thrawn will make a cameo in the films...chiss maybe but no Thrawn see the difference?

Hint: Thrawn is GONE thankfully.

Well I must have missed that announcement, perhaps you'd care to quote it?


Thrawn has or at least will (maybe) be overridden by future continuity, so there is no potential for him to be used as a resource. In that sense you might say he has been "discarded" for being incorporated into the new continuity.


But that doesn't apply for everything else, you can't discard something you might implement in the future.

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Well I must have missed that announcement, perhaps you'd care to quote it?


Thrawn has or at least will (maybe) be overridden by future continuity, so there is no potential for him to be used as a resource. In that sense you might say he has been "discarded" for being incorporated into the new continuity.


But that doesn't apply for everything else, you can't discard something you might implement in the future.





You are in wrong track.

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LOL, another biased article written by someone misinterpreting the facts either because they are ignorant or just want to maximize views. I want a statement from Lucasfilm, not the media. I do love how folks drink that stuff in as fact.


Fact of the matter is, Lucasfilm have said they are not discarding the EU, so they are not discarding the EU.

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Thrawn was a bad addition to the EU, because Chiss Neutrality became a faint pact with the Empire, While Chiss could mightaswell help the New Republic.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Zahn introduce the Chiss as a species?


In other words, wasn't Thrawn the very first Chiss ever written about in the EU by anybody?


Which would tend to mean that any idea of Chiss neutrality came afterwards?

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LOL, another biased article written by someone misinterpreting the facts either because they are ignorant or just want to maximize views. I want a statement from Lucasfilm, not the media. I do love how folks drink that stuff in as fact.


Fact of the matter is, Lucasfilm have said they are not discarding the EU, so they are not discarding the EU.



While Lucasfilm always strived to keep the stories created for the EU consistent with our film and television content as well as internally consistent, Lucas always made it clear that he was not beholden to the EU. He set the films he created as the canon. This includes the six “Star Wars” episodes, and the many hours of content he developed and produced in “Star Wars: The Clone Wars”. These stories are the immovable objects of Star Wars history, the characters and events to which all other tales must align.


In order to give maximum creative freedom to the filmmakers and also preserve an element of surprise and discovery for the audience, Star Wars Episodes VII-IX will not tell the same story told in the post-Return of the Jedi Expanded Universe. While the universe that readers knew is changing, it is not being discarded. Creators of new “Star Wars” entertainment have full access to the rich content of the Expanded Universe. For example, elements of the EU are included in “Star Wars Rebels”. The Inquisitor, the Imperial Security Bureau, and Sienar Fleet Systems are story elements in the new animated series, and all these ideas find their origins in roleplaying game material published in the 1980s.


You were right that some elements will be taken but mostly we dont know how much.


I like my first quote because, it tells us the new trilogy will be something new, fresh not bound to EU so we will see new characters, some old elements like Chiss maybe but hopefully not like Thrawn I want something better.

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Whether they try to remove the Old republic from star wars universe or not, it doesnt mean anything to me, i found/find most of the stories here closer to me than the movies them selves, Darth revan's story would make far better story than the maniac/half robot darth vader...


The Old Republic for ever and always!

Edited by saremun
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The only things considered canon to the best of my knowledge, moving forward, are the released movies and the Clone Wars TV show. All other prior SW content, including all games, fan content, EU content and the like are now considered "legend" and no longer fall under the former "degrees of canon".


In other words, there is what is considered canon, and what is not. The movies and clone wars are canon, everything else is not, unless it is used in future products considered canon by Disney.


Like it or not, that is exactly how it is moving forward.

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Uh oh, did I push the wrong button?


Good thing it wasn't racist or sexist in any way or I might actually be worried.

Humor really doesn't convey well on the internet does it? :rolleyes:


But you did just insult me for like, no reason lol. Perhaps I pushed the wrong button...

Edited by Beniboybling
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Hi there!


We are happy to report that we have read several of the reports about posts regarding the reporting of other posts. With that in mind, we would like to report we have removed a significant number of posts, that were reporting other posts, and would like to take a moment to remind you that creating posts to simply inform others that you have reported their post is neither constructive, or on-topic, and is therefore considered inappropriate.




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I for one hate this. Lucasfilm, you are horrible. Make this game canon now because its brilliant, as well as the books written around this game. Seriously, I don't care if Episode VII needs more "freedom", only someone who deliberately wanted to make us angry and upset by declaring years of expanded universe content to have never happened would have agreed to this.


I really don't get it. Why would you look at all of these stories and say "No. I don't want those to be canon. I don't CARE if hundreds of fans liked it, I don't want that linked to the movies. That did NOT happen." Something has to be done to make this "non-canon" universe canon. It's just cruel to say Revan, and all these Old Republic events are not true.

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Hi there!


We are happy to report that we have read several of the reports about posts regarding the reporting of other posts. With that in mind, we would like to report we have removed a significant number of posts, that were reporting other posts, and would like to take a moment to remind you that creating posts to simply inform others that you have reported their post is neither constructive, or on-topic, and is therefore considered inappropriate.





Well done lol!!! :D

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We are happy to report that we have read several of the reports about posts regarding the reporting of other posts. With that in mind, we would like to report we have removed a significant number of posts, that were reporting other posts, and would like to take a moment to remind you that creating posts to simply inform others that you have reported their post is neither constructive, or on-topic, and is therefore considered inappropriate.




Now that this is working again, I have to say this made be laugh. :D *applaud* Edited by Beniboybling
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