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If both ships can get to the DO before the enemy team, I think it's almost always better for the gunship to get it. Even if the GS has to barrel roll/pdive back to safety and waste 10 seconds of the DO, it makes up for it by having the ability to 1-shot everything except bombers.
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If both ships can get to the DO before the enemy team, I think it's almost always better for the gunship to get it. Even if the GS has to barrel roll/pdive back to safety and waste 10 seconds of the DO, it makes up for it by having the ability to 1-shot everything except bombers.


I was trying to over simplify it but ya Siraka you're right in this case. I mean if they have to keep kiting after that wasted 10 seconds because there's too much pressure on them then no. There are a bunch of corner cases that conflict with the advice I gave I just try to paint in broad strokes with this thread. I'm figuring once they put those ideas in practice they'll figure it all out for themselves.


I hope no one is disappointed that's how I give advice/answers. If I had to type out every single for some of the questions I'd be at it all day. Just keep in mind guys if anyone ever wants to get together on voice and discuss strategy or anything I'm always available. On voice I can go into so much more detail for things you'd like to learn.

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Hi folks, another really basic question.


What are the best ways of using and disconnecting from the op-chat? In ground PvP, you just mouse over to it to type in it, leave the Inc call there, and then click your name on the op bars to prevent typing your rotation in the chat line.


How do you do pretyped calls, enter and exit the chat line in GSF?


Thank you, and, again, sorry about the basic question!


Hit enter to start typing, then type the message.

If you want to quickly recall chat history, hit enter, use up arrow.

If you want to get out of the chat box without saying anything (i.e. it's full of commands), press escape.


This also works in the ground game.

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Hit enter to start typing, then type the message.

If you want to quickly recall chat history, hit enter, use up arrow.

If you want to get out of the chat box without saying anything (i.e. it's full of commands), press escape.


This also works in the ground game.


esc will erase your chat....


Press Z, enter, write your stuff, click your UI. Press Z.

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Hi this question goes out to my main 'nugga' Drakkolich: what criteria affects the spawn time? sometimes its 2 seconds and sometimes like 15 seconds ***? I think sometimes that decides who wins the game rather than skillz


Spawns happen in cycles from when the games start. Once everyone spawns at the start a 15 second clock starts if anyone dies in the window they will see the clock counting down at whatever it's at when they appear at the respawn screen. It's how everyone respawns in waves.


So the clock starts at 15 then countsdown. If someone dies at 10, then another at 5 and lastly one more at 2. They will all be able to respawn 2 seconds after the last guy got there.


The only way to control respawns is to have a team to coordinate with. I've called out 4 seconds on respawn timer die now if you want a quick spawn. This is especially important with hyperspace beacons, as when there is 3-4 seconds left on respawn timer we call for the Bomber to drop the beacon so that we can spawn out of it as soon as it activates, since the Beacon takes 3 seconds to arm, it's very difficult for the enemy to stop us from spawning on the beacon this way.


Great question. Let me know if it wasn't clear enough. :)

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Spawns happen in cycles from when the games start. Once everyone spawns at the start a 15 second clock starts if anyone dies in the window they will see the clock counting down at whatever it's at when they appear at the respawn screen. It's how everyone respawns in waves.


So the clock starts at 15 then countsdown. If someone dies at 10, then another at 5 and lastly one more at 2. They will all be able to respawn 2 seconds after the last guy got there.


The only way to control respawns is to have a team to coordinate with. I've called out 4 seconds on respawn timer die now if you want a quick spawn. This is especially important with hyperspace beacons, as when there is 3-4 seconds left on respawn timer we call for the Bomber to drop the beacon so that we can spawn out of it as soon as it activates, since the Beacon takes 3 seconds to arm, it's very difficult for the enemy to stop us from spawning on the beacon this way.


Great question. Let me know if it wasn't clear enough. :)



you are a wise man, how did you come upon this??


who are you rooting for in the epic match vs me and tsukihomo?

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you are a wise man, how did you come upon this??


who are you rooting for in the epic match vs me and tsukihomo?


It works exactly like ground pvp does, that's why it was so easy to recognize. I some pretty hardcore ground pvping when the game first launched.


I'm not rooting for either of you to be honest, I'm not really huge on 1v1's as the game isn't ever about 1v1's. Kind of like dueling in the ground game has nothing to do with the rest of the game. However I have watched the fights so far and I find it pretty funny that none of the battles have actually come down to pilot skill so far it's all been tactical mind games and has been decided on ship/component choices.

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It works exactly like ground pvp does, that's why it was so easy to recognize. I some pretty hardcore ground pvping when the game first launched.


I'm not rooting for either of you to be honest, I'm not really huge on 1v1's as the game isn't ever about 1v1's. Kind of like dueling in the ground game has nothing to do with the rest of the game. However I have watched the fights so far and I find it pretty funny that none of the battles have actually come down to pilot skill so far it's all been tactical mind games and has been decided on ship/component choices.


WHAT I cant beleive u like tsukihomo man. Even if he gets lucky with evasion lucks I will win him TBH


I would love to take some bets on this match, whos in? its high stakes now if hes not chicken

Edited by Krixarcs
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For a Quad/Pod Sting/Flashfire, what shield should I take? Directional Shield?


Distortion field is really the only practical choice here. Evasion's most useful if you stack a lot of it, and scouts can stack more than anyone else, so it's the best choice.

Edited by DakhathKilrathi
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Well, since I was referred here I'll state my question. I was kind of looking for a personal opinion. I'm mostly a scout pilot, and maybe because of that I do not really feel comfy playing with rampart/razorwire. Should I give a try to warcarrier and become a support? I do not see the point of playing the sledge if I can play my strikefighters. thank you for your knowledge ;)
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Well, since I was referred here I'll state my question. I was kind of looking for a personal opinion. I'm mostly a scout pilot, and maybe because of that I do not really feel comfy playing with rampart/razorwire. Should I give a try to warcarrier and become a support? I do not see the point of playing the sledge if I can play my strikefighters. thank you for your knowledge ;)


I'm not Drakolich, but maybe I can offer a little advice here anyway. I started as primarily a scout player. I wasn't bad at it, but I also didn't really get good at the game until I branched out. So yes! Play a little of everything, including the Rampart and the Warcarrier. You should know how to play the Quarrel as well, even if it's not something you want to play regularly. GSF is a game where switching roles can be very, very important. By learning to play the meta ships, you bring a lot of utility to any group you find yourself in.


You also learn how to beat the ships you're playing, since you know their weaknesses first hand. Give Warcarrier a try, but don't discount the Rampart either.


You're right about the Sledgehammer, though; it's really not any better than a strike.

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Well, since I was referred here I'll state my question. I was kind of looking for a personal opinion. I'm mostly a scout pilot, and maybe because of that I do not really feel comfy playing with rampart/razorwire. Should I give a try to warcarrier and become a support? I do not see the point of playing the sledge if I can play my strikefighters. thank you for your knowledge ;)


Personally I think you should give everything atleast a try. Even if you're a Scout player you'll learn how to defeat other ship type more by playing them.


This really feels like a player preference question though, I'm not sure how much I can say about this. If you're looking to be a top player in the game, that is to win the most games possible then yes you're going to need to learn to use all the tools available to you in game. However if all you want to do is fly around on a Scout shoot stuff and have fun doing it, then don't worry too much about what others think and have fun with it.



Just in case you were looking for a super competitive opinion though let me know and I can go really in depth on what might help you win more games.


I hope that was what you were looking for. :)

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@Jazyra played some Double Missile Condor on stream for you tonight got quite a few games in on it too. I for some reason upgraded Power Dive instead of Retro thrusters by accident so I just played with that all night instead. The first game I play with it I had completely forgot to change the crew members so they were completely stock.


You'll have to scroll a bit through the video to find the right games. Hope you enjoy them. :)



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Does the slow effect from concussions stack with ion interdicion? If it does, does it stack with ion missiles too?


As far as I know, all of those effects just slow but don't reduce turning rate.


Pure slows just stack with "true interdiction effects" (effects which reduce speed and turning rate).

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Alright lets do this again!


There are two kinds of slowing abilities in GSF, slows that reduce speed and slows that reduce speed and turning.


These two types are put into different categories and can stack with each other however you can't have 2 effects from the same category on you at the same time.


Slows that slow speed:


Engine Targeting upgrade on Concussion Missile

Engine Ionization upgrade on Ion Missile

Engine Disruption upgrade on Ion Railgun

Seismic Wave upgrade on Seismic Mine


Slows that slow speed and turning:


Interdiction Missile

Interdiction Sentry Drone

Interdiction Mine

Interdiction Drive


You can have one of these debuffs from each list active on you at the same time, but not 2 from the same list.

For example you can be Slowed by Ion Railgun and Slowed by Interdiction Mine and they will stack, however you can't be affected by both Interdiction Missile and Interdiction Mine.


I'm doing this quickly from memory and I'm sure I forgot one or two again like last time I did this, but I'm sure you get the idea now.

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Alright lets do this again!


There are two kinds of slowing abilities in GSF, slows that reduce speed and slows that reduce speed and turning.


These two types are put into different categories and can stack with each other however you can't have 2 effects from the same category on you at the same time.


Slows that slow speed:


Engine Targeting upgrade on Concussion Missile

Engine Ionization upgrade on Ion Missile

Engine Disruption upgrade on Ion Railgun

Seismic Wave upgrade on Seismic Mine


Slows that slow speed and turning:


Interdiction Missile

Interdiction Sentry Drone

Interdiction Mine

Interdiction Drive


You can have one of these debuffs from each list active on you at the same time, but not 2 from the same list.

For example you can be Slowed by Ion Railgun and Slowed by Interdiction Mine and they will stack, however you can't be affected by both Interdiction Missile and Interdiction Mine.


I'm doing this quickly from memory and I'm sure I forgot one or two again like last time I did this, but I'm sure you get the idea now.


I see. So you can't stack slows... Thanks for the explanation.

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I play T1 Bomber with Interdiction Mines and slowing Seismic Mines. It's hilarious to see an attacker coming to a full stop, trying to boost away but realizing he can't, then panicking and using the engine ability only to crash into an obstacle. Edited by Danalon
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I play T1 Bomber with Interdiction Mines and slowing Seismic Mines. It's hilarious to see an attacker coming to a full stop, trying to boost away but realizing he can't, then panicking and using the engine ability only to crash into an obstacle.


I wanted to fly a pike with double slow. That's not gonna happen...


I might try the warcarrier with interdiction drive + concussion missiles, though.

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