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Is quick-charge shield's regeneration rate affected by regeneration reactor, or does it only regenerate 60% of base rate?


To be completely honest we have no idea. I've tried a few times to figure it out but it just seems hopeless with the way the UI is setup. Sorry.

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How hard is it to test? I might try it myself if it's not too difficult.


There are no values on your UI, how do you know how much shield energy you are regenerating. We've guessed at how much each color is worth but there isn't any information to say what it is. I guess you could time how long it takes you to go from no shields to max and then do the same with regeneration shields.


It's just overly complicated to test imo.

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There are no values on your UI, how do you know how much shield energy you are regenerating. We've guessed at how much each color is worth but there isn't any information to say what it is. I guess you could time how long it takes you to go from no shields to max and then do the same with regeneration shields.


It's just overly complicated to test imo.


I might do that:)


Maybe if a friend will be willing to help I'll do it over the weekend (or at least try).

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How does the game calculate the Hit% on the scoreboard for Bombers? I've been in matches where I did 0 damage but and 100 hit%.


There's actually been quite a few mysteries about how the scoreboard does hit% on Bombers. For myself personally It counts every mine I lay even if it doesn't do any damage as 1 hit. Same with the Drones.


However when Gunsheep/Jennipher used to play his mines would count as an attempt to hit all 8 enemies. So if he layed 1 siesmic mine and it detonated hitting 1 target the score board would show him as 1 hit and 7 misses. It made for some pretty hilarious screenshots of 3% accuracy and 1000 shots missed.


I don't know why he and I and such different stats on the scoreboard when playing Bomber, if you can jump on a new character and grab a Razorwire and just spend an entire match only laying mines. Then come back and tell me the results I'd be interested to know what the scoreboard looks like for you.

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A mine that is detonated when the limit is reached and another mine is deployed counts as hit, even if it doesn't deal damage.

A mine that despawns when it's timer runs out doesn't count at all. (I'm not sure on that.)


I tested that some months ago on a Razorwire with Seismic and Interdiction mines. I don't know anymore what exactly I did to test it but I found this screenshot.

Edited by Danalon
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  • 2 weeks later...
Rapid Laser Cannon. I don't see this one listed on a lot of builds, probably because it's only all that effective up close, but not in a BLC kind of way, but I've been thinking of trying it out on a couple of ships. What are your thoughts on it?


That's because it's a pretty weak gun.


The strongest short-range gun, by far, is the burst laser cannon. It performs best against everything target you encounter in an actual match, except maybe a GS which sits perfectly still while you whittle away at its fortress shield.


BLC ignores armor (or has minor shield penetration). RFL (Rapid Fire Lasers) and LLC (Light Laser Cannon) do neither. This is a serious advantage.

BLC has lower tracking penalty than either LLC or RFL. This one is a little more minor.

BLC has superior accuracy at point-blank range. This one is a little more minor.

BLC doesn't have to be on target constantly for maximum effect. RFL and LLC do. This is a big advantage.

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Rapid Laser Cannon. I don't see this one listed on a lot of builds, probably because it's only all that effective up close, but not in a BLC kind of way, but I've been thinking of trying it out on a couple of ships. What are your thoughts on it?


Actually the big reason you don't see Rapid Fire Lasers often is just how awful they truly are. Most ships that want to be firing upclose have access to Burst Laser Cannon and they are just better in every category sadly. I'd love for Rapids to have a use but they currently don't in anyway shape or form.


The only real time you do see them is a on Rycer/Starguard with Ion cannon and Cluster missiles a sort of upclose Strike Fighter build. However that in itself kind of tells you how awful the Rapid Fire Lasers are, they are only seen on a very underpowered ship.



Now everything above is based on a competitive view I do however really enjoy how Rapid Fire Lasers feel. I love that feel of a minigun on the front of your ship. I use them a bunch on for fun builds. My favorite being pairing them with Blaster Overcharge and Frequency Capacitors to really give you that machine gun feel. The sound when they are firing that fast is just amazing.

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Other than gunships (because I find them dull), what is a good anti-bomber ship and build?


Thanks in advance!


In domination matches the best non-gunship anti-bomber ship is a minelayer with seismic and interdiction mines and charged plating. The classic SIM bomber build, pretty much.


Aside from that, scout builds can be decent anti-bomber ships if you catch the bomber out in the open, or if the bomber isn't using cover very effectively. A T2 scout with Pods, BLC and TT, or a T1 scout with Pods, LC, and TT are the usual choices. The idea is to have armor piercing burst damage, and if possible enough standoff range to have a chance to react to a new mine before it goes active. In theory EMP weapons and systems should be a great counter to bombers, but in practice for a skilled pilot just having more firepower is usually better.


Strikes are also semi-ok against bombers. Mostly they function as a set of HLCs that can move fast enough to chase down a bomber. Torpedoes are hard to land on a skilled bomber, but for the Clarion, a thermite torpedo hit followed by quad lasers is pretty devastating to a bomber. For a T1 strike Ion cannon, HLC, Concussion missile is one of the better anti-bomber load-outs, for the Pike HLC, Concussion, Cluster is the best bet. Make sure to take armor piercing as an upgrade choice on HLCs and Concussion missile, and you can consider also using Bypass as a copilot ability, as that allows you to put a lot of AP damage into a bomber's hull pretty quickly even if their shields are up. The problem with strikes as an anti-bomber ship is that except in a very low pressure game enemy scouts and gunships will kill the strike before it has a chance to kill many bombers.


In general the keys to anti-bomber flying are armor piercing damage and avoiding getting hit by mines and drones.


That's what makes gunships, the type 1 in particular, the strongest counter to bombers right now.


Bomber vs bomber is also a decent counter.


For other ship types it's really about making sure you have some AP weapons and then using pilot skill to overcome the deficiencies that other ship classes have when it comes to dealing with bombers.


The biggest problems people typically have is getting killed because they fail to respect (and avoid or destroy) mines and/or drones, and focusing on the bomber so much that they get shot down by scouts or gunships.

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Other than gunships (because I find them dull), what is a good anti-bomber ship and build?


Thanks in advance!


I've been trying to figure out all day how to answer this after I saw Ramalina's post because he pretty much covered everything.


My personal choice would always be a Razorwire/Rampart setup to absolutely massacre any other Bomber not using the same setup.


This Anti Bomber setup is:


Razorwire/Rampart mark four

Primary: Heavy Laser Cannon (Armor pen/Shield Pen)

Secondary: Seismic Mine (Radius/Dot)

System: Interdiction Mine (Extra Mine/Slow)

Shield: Charged Plating (Engine recharge)

Engine: Hyperspace Beacon (Beacon health)

Sensor: Communication Sensor

Magazine: Regeneration Extender

Reactor: Large Reactor

Armor: Deflection Armor

Copilot Ability: Blizz/B-3G9 HydroSpanner

Crew: Empire: Offensive: Jaesa Willsam 6% Accuracy/2 Degrees arc Defensive: Xalek 9% Damage Reduction/10% Shield max Tactical: Mako 5000m Communication/3000m Range Engineering: Blizz 13% Engine efficiency/ 10% Engine Pool

Republic: Offensive: B-3G9 6% Accuracy/8% Reload Cooldown Defensive: M1-4X 9% Damage Reduction/10% Shield max Tactical: Lord Scourge 5000m Communication/3000m Range Engineering: C2-N2 13% Engine efficiency/ 10% Engine Pool



With this build you can shred other Bombers that are using Charged plating with your Heavy lasers. You can slow others Bombers Speed and Turning so that you can win dog fights with them. You can absorb mines by using Charged plating since there are no mines that have armor penetration they will all do a maximum of 1% damage to your hull.


It's one of my favorite ships to play and I play it a lot. If you try it out and like it let me know and we can meet in voice chat one night and I can go over all the advanced techniques to really make this ship/build shine.


Hope that helps and if you would prefer something else please let me know. :)

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You could do something with emp missile like a bloodmark or jugorean. But the ion and charged plating builds are a lot easier and provide more team utility with ion splash and hyerspace beacons. Personally I find it eazy to kill bombers with my type 2 gunship (comet breaker, dust maker, strong arm). But beware it requires a lot more skill to pull off than the typical mangler and quarrel loadouts.


Heavies with armor piercing and shield piercing

slug railgun with accuracy and crits

Thermite torp with extra arc and longer dot

Barrel roll with 10 percent turning

Large shields

Directional shields

Dampening sensors

Regen extender

Range capacitor


What do you not like about gunship? It is the most fun class for a majority of top pilots

Edited by Krixarcs
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Strike fighters are pretty much just food. They start as easy kills and end up as slightly less easy kills. Scouts have a lot of components start out competent and stack like mad which make them hard-to-kill nightmares if you like dogfighting.


Anything a strike can do to the other three ships is easy to counter by learning to fly (the "don't give them a clean shot" skill works wonders against pretty much any weapon you can put on a strike, and all the lock breaks clean up the rest nicely). Even gunships are better dogfighters than strike fighters, thanks to the combination of burst lasers and either feedback or distortion field. You can be kind of lethal with them if the other team doesn't know how to counter strikes and underestimates what you can do with them.


tl'dr: Strikes take too long to kill anything are too easy to shut down or kill.

Edited by ALaggyGrunt
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So scouts are the best option for the dogfighting style of play?


The T2 Scout (Flashfire/Sting/Ocula) is the best ship for dogfighting. Burst Lasers, Cluster Missiles, Retro Thrusters and Distortion Field are the best components for dogfighting and the T2 has all of them and on top of that Scouts have the highest passive evasion, best turning and fastest speed.

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Thanks for picking up the starter Strike Fighter question guys. Like they said sadly the Strike fighter is currently underpowered even Bioware has said so. Competitively speaking you'd be better off learning in a Scout. Now Scouts are also paper thin so your first bunch of games will be rougher then normal just keep that in mind as you practice, however once the game finally clicks for you, you will be in a much better position.


I don't know if you caught it but Laggygrunts first answer to you had a link to the Stasiepedia a huge guide to most things GSF that I helped write. You can find tons of useful information in there. If you look in my signature you'll find a link to my Twitch channel and Youtube channel which have many videos both tutorials and just plain flying if you prefer to watch stuff then read.



Welcome to GSF and as you'll probably have many more questions feel free to drop by here and ask as many as you want. :) (Often I can't even get to the question before others answer for me)

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I've been trying to figure out all day how to answer this after I saw Ramalina's post because he pretty much covered everything.


My personal choice would always be a Razorwire/Rampart setup to absolutely massacre any other Bomber not using the same setup.


This Anti Bomber setup is:


Razorwire/Rampart mark four

Primary: Heavy Laser Cannon (Armor pen/Shield Pen)

Secondary: Seismic Mine (Radius/Dot)

System: Interdiction Mine (Extra Mine/Slow)

Shield: Charged Plating (Engine recharge)

Engine: Hyperspace Beacon (Beacon health)

Sensor: Communication Sensor

Magazine: Regeneration Extender

Reactor: Large Reactor

Armor: Deflection Armor

Copilot Ability: Blizz/B-3G9 HydroSpanner

Crew: Empire: Offensive: Jaesa Willsam 6% Accuracy/2 Degrees arc Defensive: Xalek 9% Damage Reduction/10% Shield max Tactical: Mako 5000m Communication/3000m Range Engineering: Blizz 13% Engine efficiency/ 10% Engine Pool

Republic: Offensive: B-3G9 6% Accuracy/8% Reload Cooldown Defensive: M1-4X 9% Damage Reduction/10% Shield max Tactical: Lord Scourge 5000m Communication/3000m Range Engineering: C2-N2 13% Engine efficiency/ 10% Engine Pool



With this build you can shred other Bombers that are using Charged plating with your Heavy lasers. You can slow others Bombers Speed and Turning so that you can win dog fights with them. You can absorb mines by using Charged plating since there are no mines that have armor penetration they will all do a maximum of 1% damage to your hull.


It's one of my favorite ships to play and I play it a lot. If you try it out and like it let me know and we can meet in voice chat one night and I can go over all the advanced techniques to really make this ship/build shine.


Hope that helps and if you would prefer something else please let me know. :)


Thanks for all the responses! I'll definitely give this build a shot.


Krax, I think I dislike gunships mostly because I enjoy dogfighting and being in the middle of it all. Granted, scouts have paper for armor so dogfighting should be minimal, but the thought of sniping from a distance seems so dull to me. Haven't played on in a bit (as in, over a year) so maybe I'll give it another go.

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